• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이야기 방식

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The way of enjoyment and educational significance of narrative folk songs (서사민요의 향유방식과 교육적 의의)

  • Suh, Young-sook
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.39
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    • pp.41-66
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    • 2018
  • This paper investigates how narrative folk songs have been transmitted and enjoyed through literature data and field research, and discusses their educational significance. Narrative folk songs have changed from songs that were enjoyed by common women to songs enjoyed by upper class men according to the times. They have ranged from tragic songs lamenting hardships to comic songs that relieve oppression, depending on the performance situation. Moreover, narrative folk songs have been enjoyed through media transmission beyond traditional custom. Narrative folk songs have not been enjoyed in one fixed way, but rather in various ways depending on the situation, so they have functioned to enable common women, who are their main singers, to share emotions, communicate, and maintain their community. Therefore, in literature education, narrative folk songs can be used as very appropriate materials for learners to reflect on themselves, communicate with others and contribute to desirable community life. By experiencing the various ways of enjoying narrative folk songs, learners will be able to grow into subjects who actively solve their own problems and those of their communities.

Koreans' Folk Religions Concealed in a Oral Literary Tradition of "The story of ruining one's family by Daughter-in-law's Cutting-Condemnation(斷血)" ('며느리-단혈형 부자 패가敗家 설화'에 나타난 한국인의 민간신앙의 한 단면)

  • Seo, Shinhye
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.71
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    • pp.205-229
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    • 2018
  • This article proceeds to scrutinizing a oral tradition called the story of ruining one's family by daughter-in-law's cutting-condemnation conducive to any estimation of Koreans' religious mentality. This oral tradition begins with mischievous behaviors of daughter-in-law. She cut away any materials, which a vagabond monk of Buddhism identified as a source of solacing numberless visitors to her house. Tired of serving all the visitors, she cut away the material. It caused her parents-in-law's house to be collapsed. At a first glance, the daughter-in-law appears to be blamed for the collapse. Interestingly, no one cannot be blamed for the misfortune. A face value of the text does not show that the fate of misfortune comes from any ethical misconduct and its posterior mishandling. Behind this oral tradition, by the way, lies the consciousness that relates misfortune with a ceremony of cutting away any unique material; cutting away any material, cutting away the trend of coming visitors, and cutting away the mood of prosperity becomes identical. The thematic mentality of the text reveals a religious consciousness of seeing human beings' life to be identical with nature. This oral tradition must have focused on the importance of a harmonious relationship between human beings and nature.

An Animated Study Based on Games - based on the 12 Stages of Christopher Vogler's heroic journey

  • Kim, Tak Hoon;Jeon, Cheon Hoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Computer Game
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2018
  • The commercial success of the game has also led to animation of the original game, especially the live version of The Street Fighter II in 1994 and a variety of videos of the game-based version, 2D Animation and 3D Animaion until now. But animations are not always successful because they are based on popular and commercially successful games. That's because when the original game was remade into an animation, the difference between the narrative structure of the original game story and the setting of the game and animation is striking. Nevertheless, a feature-length animation based on the Angry Birds game, which was released on May 19, 2016, has also been a huge commercial success, with this paper analyzing the case applied to the 12th stage of Christopher Vogler's hero's journey, Aengibird the Movie, and discussing the way in which the animation developed based on the game compared with other animations. Christopher Vogler, a Hollywood playwright, analyzed the structure of popular-loved movies based on the common narrative of the myth as the main motif of the mythologist Joseph Campbell. His narrative style is a hero's journey, using a total of 12 stages of epic narrative structure to help the protagonist find himself and achieve what he wants. Foreign heroes, adventure films as well as animations from big studios like Disney, Pixar, and Ghibli are using the story-development method of this Christopher Vogler.

Reconstruction of and Classical literature contents (<심청전>의 재구와 고전 콘텐츠 - <심청전을 짓다: 심청이 제삿날 밤에>를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Sun-hyun
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.36
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    • pp.45-73
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, I examine how the voice of Simcheong is reproduced and the meaning of it by examining the reconstruction method and characteristics of . And I tried to explore the possibilities and directions of contents based on classical literature by exploring the way in which this text reintermediation, and recreates the narrative of . This work deals with the story of ShimChung, and sees the problematic aspects of ShimChung's sacrifice and death through the gaze of the surrounding people such as the Namkyeong merchant and Guideok's mother while excluding the central characters Shimcheong and Shimbongsa. In the process, the voice of Simcheong was discovered as a victim and social hit. And It connects this with the discourse of filial duty and virtuous woman which regulates the life of women in the patriarchal society and establishes the place of social public opinion about the life of the women of the Joseon era. In this way, is presented the possibility of a new interpretation of . Also readers and audiences of present-day have an opportunity to reconsider the 'sacrifice' of social subordinate based on deep understanding of .

A Study on Aesthetic Characteristics and social communication of Korean Independent Animation (한국 독립애니메이션의 미학적 특성과 사회적 소통방식 연구 - '인디애니페스트' 수상작 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Soo-jung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.47
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    • pp.125-148
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    • 2017
  • This paper analyzes Korean aesthetic characteristics of Korean independent animation, which is closely related to artistic and social characteristics, by searching Korean independent animation image for the winner of "Indie AniFest", the only independent animation film festival in Korea. And social communication methods. There are three ways in which Korean Independence Animation shows the way of speaking through award-winning works. The first is a method of expressing feelings, impulses, and desires in a formative way, and a direct and sensuous image as in sign language or sound. In the second method of speaking differently with images, in the third method, It makes the voice of the fringe through the real world of the story sound as a story of reality. Animation is a medium that 'originalizes and communicates meaning' as an image, and has implemented and constructed a new way of speaking, which is different from existing social voices. Nevertheless, it is not easy to find a research that approaches animation from the viewpoint of social and political speech through images. Therefore, this paper is necessary for the balanced development of animation. In addition, this study can contribute to re - examining Korean independent animation from an academic point of view and to discover and evaluate fair value from a wider perspective.

기업가형 리더로 거듭나라

  • Jeong, Yeong-Cheol
    • 정보화사회
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    • s.173
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    • pp.8-10
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    • 2005
  • 변화의 속도가 빠르고 불확실성이 높은 경영 환경 하에서, 기업가정신이 발휘되지 않는 기업은 혁신 마인드가 소멸하게 되고 결국 늙어 사라질 위기에 처할 가능성이 높다. 끊임없이 새로운 기회를 찾아 신 성장 엔진을 발굴하고, 사업 방식이나 업의 개념을 근본적으로 다시 생각하는 기업가정신의 중요성은 새삼 강조할 필요가 없을 것이다. 그렇다면, 과연 우리 기업들의 현 주소는 어떠한가? 안타깝게도 최근에 기업가 정신의 쇠퇴를 우려하는 목소리가 부적 늘고 있다. 기업들의 위험 기피 성향이 점점 확산되고 있어 심지어 ‘무기력 증후군’ 에 빠질 위험이 있다고 경고하는 이들도 있다. 원화 절상, 유가 급등, 내수 침체 등 제반 경제 여건이 어려워지면서 단기 실적만을 중시하는 경영 형태, 위험을 기피하려는 보수적 경영 분위기가 확산되는 조짐이 일고 있는 것이다. 기업가의 책무를 '창조적 파괴' 라고 이야기했던 슘페터는 어려운 시기일수록 이를 극복할 수 있는 가장 현실적인 방법은 기업가정신의 발현이라고 강조하였다. 오늘날의 경영 여건을 볼 때 기업가정신의 발목을 잡는 요소들이 많은 것도 사실이지만, 지금이야말로 그런 외부 여건 탓만을 하기 보다는 기업가 본연의 의무인 도전과 혁신에 매진해야 할 때인 것 같다. 이에 기업가정신의 발현을 가로막는 잘못된 통념들에서 벗어나 기업가정신이 충만한 리더로 거듭나는 사고의 일대 전환을 모색해 본다.

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  • Kim, Seong-Nam
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.5
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    • pp.447-451
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    • 2001
  • 실험 애니메이션의 성격을 지닌 스톱모션 애니메이션의 장르로서 상업성 애니메이션과 기존의 영화 애니메이션에서 탈피하여 작품성과 앞으로 개척해야 할 우리 애니메이션 학계의 당면 상황을 인식하고 작품제작에 중점을 두고 있다. 이 작품은 나의 길이라는 주제로 개인의 인생을 축으로 내가 살아온 과거와 현재 다가올 미래의 불확실성을 컨셉으로 하여 애니메이션을 전공하는 학생과 대중에게 쉽게 다가설 수 있는 있도록 하였다. 표현기법은 앞서 말한 바와 같이 스톱모션 방식으로 재즈와 모던 클래식을 바탕으로 큐시트 하였으며, 창의적인 상황에 부합되는 소싱(Sourcing)과 싱크(Sync)로 믹싱(Mixing) 작업을 하여 현대적이면서 감각적인 면을 강조하는 등 표현재료는 콘테와 색연필을 사용하여 애니메이션이 한 컷 한 컷의 작품이라는 예술의 개념적 문제에 접근 일러스트로 작품화하였다. 작품 내용으로는 객관적 세계에 대한 인식의 문제를 이야기하고 다양한 입장과 생각을 표현하였으며 또는 주체가 바라보는 대상을 통해 그 주체를 묘사하기도 한다. 따라서 대상에 비중을 두는가 하면 보는 주체에 비중을 두기도 하였다. 인간 개인이 걸어온 발자취를 형상화시켜 재해석하였으며, 이 작품을 통해 자신의 삶을 직${\cdot}$간접적으로 재해석하며, 관객이 자신을 되돌아볼 수 있고 미래를 직시하도록 꾸몄다.

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A Qualitative Study on the Meaning of Economic Life of Immigrant Women (결혼이주여성이 경험한 경제생활의 의미에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyoung-Ha
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2013.07a
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    • pp.165-168
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구에서는 질적 연구방법 중 현상학적 연구방법으로 결혼이주여성들의 경제생활에 대한 생생한 이야기에 귀울이고, 경제생활 경험의 역동성을 심층적인 면담을 통해 그 의미를 분석하고자 한다. 연구질문은 "결혼이주여성이 경험하는 경제생활의 의미는 무엇인가"이다. 연구결과, 의미 있는 진술 67개를 추출하였고, 15개의 중심 의미를 조직하였다. 15개의 중심 의미는 '팍팍한 삶', '자녀교육비, 보험료가 걱정', '적응을 위한 생활방식의 변화 도모', '일자리를 통한 경제안정 추구', '친정가족에 대한 지원과 회귀 기대'라는 5개의 주제 묶음으로 범주화하였다.

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Performance Improvement of ASIP Simulator Using Compiled Simulation Technique (컴파일 된 시뮬레이션 기법을 이용한 ASIP 시뮬레이터의 성능향상)

  • 김호영;김탁곤
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Simulation Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.73-77
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    • 2002
  • 이 논문은 빠른 ASIP(application specific instruction processor) 시뮬레이션을 위한 재적응성을 가진 컴파일드 시뮬레이션 기법에 대해 이야기 한다. 다양한 응용분야에서의 설계 요구사항을 충족시키는 ASIP의 빠른 개발을 위해서, 건전한 설계 방법론 및 고성능의 시뮬레이터가 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 HiX$R^2$라는 ADL(architecture description language)을 이용하여 인스트럭션 수준에서 컴파일드 시뮬레이터를 자동 생성하였다. 컴파일드 시뮬레이션은 시뮬레이션 수행 시 반복되는 인스트럭션 페칭 및 디코딩 부분을 시뮬레이션 런-타임 이전에 미리 수행함으로서 일반적으로 사용되는 인터프리티브 시뮬레이션에 비하여 큰 성능향상을 얻을 수 있다. HiX$R^2$에 기반 한 컴파일드 시뮬레이션은 ARM9 프로세서와 CalmRISC32 프로세서 예제들로 수행하였고, 결과로서 인터프리티브 방식에 비해 150배 이상의 성능향상이 있었다.

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Characteristics of Sitcom in TV Series Animation (TV시리즈 애니메이션 <심슨가족>에 나타난 시트콤의 특성)

  • Park, Youn-O;Kim, Jae-Woong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2011
  • TV sitcom animation is a immensely popular to any religion and age, sex. The five yellow main characters and a great amount of sub characters appear to tell their broad stories every sequence. It makes people laugh using parody and pastiche with the American social subjects and political issues. This paper examines the study of story structures for sitcom animation and main factors of the Simpsons' popularity. The case works are focused on 'The future of korean TV sitcom animation'.