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A Study on Aesthetic Characteristics and social communication of Korean Independent Animation  

Seo, Soo-jung (단국대학교)
Publication Information
Cartoon and Animation Studies / v., no., 2017 , pp. 125-148 More about this Journal
This paper analyzes Korean aesthetic characteristics of Korean independent animation, which is closely related to artistic and social characteristics, by searching Korean independent animation image for the winner of "Indie AniFest", the only independent animation film festival in Korea. And social communication methods. There are three ways in which Korean Independence Animation shows the way of speaking through award-winning works. The first is a method of expressing feelings, impulses, and desires in a formative way, and a direct and sensuous image as in sign language or sound. In the second method of speaking differently with images, in the third method, It makes the voice of the fringe through the real world of the story sound as a story of reality. Animation is a medium that 'originalizes and communicates meaning' as an image, and has implemented and constructed a new way of speaking, which is different from existing social voices. Nevertheless, it is not easy to find a research that approaches animation from the viewpoint of social and political speech through images. Therefore, this paper is necessary for the balanced development of animation. In addition, this study can contribute to re - examining Korean independent animation from an academic point of view and to discover and evaluate fair value from a wider perspective.
animation; image; independent animation; aesthetics; social communication; indianifest;
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  • Reference
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