• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이식 전이

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Root Uptake of $^{54}Mn,\;^{60}Co,\;^{85}Sr\;and\;^{137}Cs$ Deposited at Different Times during the Growing Season of Rice (벼 재배 기간중 침적시기에 따른 Root Uptake of $^{54}Mn,\;^{60}Co,\;^{85}Sr,\;^{137}Cs$의 뿌리흡수)

  • Choi, Yong-Ho;Jo, Jae-Seong;Lee, Chang-Woo;Hong, Kwang-Hee;Lee, Jeong-Ho
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 1995
  • Root uptakes of $^{54}Mn,\;^{60}Co,\;^{85}Sr\;and\;^{137}Cs$ by rice were studied through a greenhouse experiment in which the upper 20 cm of the culture box was filled with an acidic loamy-sandy soil and a mixed solution of the radionuclides was applied to the surface water on the soil 2 days before, and 5 different times after, transplanting. Percent uptakes of the radionuclides to rice tops varied $3.4{\sim}13.7%,\;0.03{\sim}0.1%,\;0.6{\sim}1.5%,\;0.02{\sim}0.15%$, respectively, with application time. Among radionuclides, soil-to-plant transfer factors decreased, on the whole, in the order of $^{54}Mn>^{85}Sr>^{60}Co{\geq}^{137}Cs$, and among plant parts, in the order of straw > chaff > hulled seed. Transfer factors $(m^2/kg-dry)$ in hulled seed were, depending on application time, $1.2{\times}10^3{\sim}5.0{{\times}10^3\;for\;^{54}Mn,\;1.6{\times}10^5{\sim}2.6{\times}10^4\;for\;^{60}Co,\;1.1{\times}10^4{\sim}7.6{\times}10^4\;for\;^{85}Sr\;and\;5.2{\times}10^5{\sim}7.0{\times}10^4\;for\;^{137}Cs$. The highest factors of all the radionuclides in straw came from the application at 67 days after transplanting while those of $^{54}Mn,\;^{60}Co\;and\;^{85}Sr$ in hulled seed appeared at later applications. The data from this studv can be referred to in assessing the radiological impact of an accidental contamination during the rice growth.

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형질전환 닭 생산을 위한 닭 수정란의 체외 배양법

  • 전익수;이지현;김선화;박진기;이연근;최철환;정일정;장원경;서준교
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Embryo Transfer Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.72-72
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    • 2002
  • 조류는 발생학적 특성상 수정과 초기 배발생을 제외한 거의 대부분의 개체발생 과정이 난각 속에서 진행된다. 그러므로 수정란에 생명 공학적 기법을 적용하는데 있어서, 포유류의 경우 여러 생명공학 기법이 적용된 수정란은 초기발생을 위한 체외배양 이후 반드시 모체에 이식되어야 하지만, 조류의 경우 인공적인 체외배양 체계가 확립되어 있어야 생명공학 기법이 적용된 수정란을 개체까지 발생시킬 수 있게 된다. 닭의 난자는 난관 누두부에 배란 후 약 15분내에 정자의 침입을 받아 수정되어 난관 팽대부에 도달하면 1세포기 수정란이 된다. 그 후 수정란이 협부에 도달하면 최초로 분할이 일어나기 시작하여, 방란시에는 그 세포수가 60,000개에 이르게 된다. 한편, 계란의 형성 과정에서는 다량의 난황을 포함한 난자가 난관 누두부로 배란되어 정자와 만나게 되면 수정란으로서 계란 형성이 계속되고 정자와 만나지 못하게 되면 무정란으로서 계란 형성을 계속하게된다. 배란된 난자가 난관누두부를 거쳐 난관팽대부에 도달되면 난자는 농후난백에 의해 둘러싸이게 되고 난관혈부에 도달되면 난각막이 형성되고 수양성 난백이 침적하게 된다. 그 후, 난관협부를 지난 난자는 난관자궁부에 도달되면 20시간이상 그곳에 머물면서 난각형성이 진행된 다음 방란된다. 따라서 수정란에 외래유전자를 미세주입하여 형질전환 닭을 생산하기 위해서는 수정란을 암탉의 난관 내에서 최초 분할되기 전에 외부로 끄집어내어야 하며, 수정란에 외래 유전자를 미세주입한 다음에는 다시 암탉의 난관내로 이식해야 하지만 현재까지 그러한 기술은 확립되어 있지 못하다. 그렇기 때문에 모체의 난관 속에서 일어나는 배 발생과 그 이후 개체까지의 발생을 위하여 인공적인 체외배양 체계가 확립되어 있어야 한다. 따라서 본 발표에서는 형질전환 닭을 생산하기 위한 양질의 1세포기 수정란 획득 방법과 획득된 수정란의 체외 배양방법에 관하여 기술적인 측면에서 고찰 해보고자 하며, 그와 같은 배양 기술을 이용하여 외래유전자를 도입한 일련의 결과에 관하여 보고 하고자한다.

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Studies on the Improvement of Embryo Transfer Efficiency in Korean Cattle II. Effect of Recipient Conditions on Pregnancy Rate after Embryo Transfer (한우에서 수정란 이식의 효율 증진에 관한 연구 II. 수란우의 조건이 이식 후 수태율에 미치는 영향)

  • 김흥률;김덕임;박노형;김창근;정영채;윤종택;전광주
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out to establish an effective system for embryo transfer techniques by analyzing several factors affecting in-vivo embryo transfer in Korean cattle. Embryos produced in-vivo were transferred into a total of 301 recipients The results obtained in studies on the factors affacting pregnancy rate after embryo transfer by condition of recipients were as follows ; 1. The pregnancy rate by age and parity of recipients showed high in 5~8 and over 12 years old(72.7~73.9%), and 3rd~4th parity(82.1%) for fresh embryos(P<0.05). The pregnancy rate did not differ by age and parity of recipients in frozen embryos. The pregnancy rate of frozen embryos tended to be similar to that of fresh embryos(38.5% and 25.0~36.7%). 2. The number of observation for normal estrus cycles of recipients did not differ In pregnancy rate between one and 2 times in fresh embryos(64.9%, 69.8%). The pregnancy rate by transferred frozen embryos showed significantly higher after 2 times of observation(P<0.05, 16.3%, 37.5%). The pregnancy rate by days open did not differ between fresh and frozen embryos. But the pregnancy rate was slightly higher in 12 months and 6 months of days open for fresh and frozen embryos, respectively(70.1~71.1% and 24.5%, respectively). 3. The pregnancy rate of transferred fresh and frozen embryos into right and left side of uterine horn did not differ(62.1% : 65.9% 25.0% : 24.3%, respectively). The pregnancy rate by the grade of CL was not different in fresh embryos, but the pregnancy rate was significantly higher in the grade A than B for frozen embryos(P<0.01, 43.2%, 16.2%).

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Laterally positioned flap using subepithelial connective tissue graft for iatrogenic gingival recession treatment (상피하결합조직 이식을 동반한 측방변위 판막술을 통한 의원성 치은퇴축 치료 증례보고)

  • Lee, Sung-Jo
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.330-337
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    • 2016
  • Gingival recession could occur after orthodontic or endodontic treatment. This could influence not only functional and aesthetic problem, but also patient's treatment satisfaction. There are a lot of techniques for preventing gingival recession, but laterally positioned flap with subepithelial connective tissue graft could get definite advantages such as increase of keratinized gingival width and harmonious color match between graft tissue and surrounding tissue. Clinician should select a right patient case and diagnosis with clinical and radiography exam. In a surgical procedure, getting enough amounts of subepithelial connective tissue and flap coverage should be taken into consideration. The clinical outcomes in this case report shows laterally positioned flap with subepithelial connective tissue graft could be a treatment with predictive outcome.

Improvement of Functional Recovery by Cell Transplantation after Spinal Cord Injury (척수손상 후 세포이식에 의한 운동기능의 회복증진)

  • 이배환;이경희;성제경;황세진;김계성
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2004
  • Acute spinal cord injury can produce neurologic injury with many physical, psychological and social ramifications. It has been shown that two separate components combine to produce neurologic damage in acute spinal cord injury : the primary and secondary injuries. The primary mediators of spinal cord injury include the actual mechanical tissue disruption which is a passive process that occurs immediately following the trauma. A secondary injury cascade follows which appears mediated by cellular and molecular processes working through complex mechanisms. Both the primary and secondary injury cascades produce cell death both in neuronal and supporting cell tissues. Recovery from central nervous system(CNS) disorders is hindered by the limited ability of the vertebrate CNS to regenerate injured cells, replace damaged myelin sheath, and re-establish functional neuronal connections. Of many CNS disorders including multiple sclerosis, stroke, and other trauma, spinal cord injury is one of the important diseases because of the direct association with the functional loss of the body. Previous studies suggest that substantial recovery of function might be achieved through regeneration of lost neuronal cells and remyelination of intact axon in spinal cord injury which is occurred frequently. As a therapeutic approach in spinal cord injury, recently, cell transplantation provides a potential solution for the treatment of spinal cord injury. This review describes the characteristics of spinal cord injury and presents some evidence supporting functional recovery after cell transplantation following spinal cord injury.

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Chronic Renal Failure in Children: A Nationwide Survey in Korea (소아 만성 신부전증의 전국적인 조사연구)

  • Kim, KyoSun;Jeon, Jeong-Sik;Lee, Ik-Jun;Go, Dae-Gyun;Lee, Gyeong-Il;Yun, Hui-Sang;Gu, Ja-Hun;Go, Cheol-U;Jo, Byeong-Su;Kim, Jun-Sik;Son, Chang-Seong;Yu, Gi-Hwan;An, Yeong-Ho
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : We analyzed the demogaphic data md clinical course of Korean children with chronic renal failure (CRF) observed between 1990 and 1999. Patients and Methods : Questionnaires were mailed to all children's hospitals ail through the country. We asked for primary renal disease age and serum creatinine levels at first presentation with CRF and end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and modes of renal replacement therapy (RRT). Results : 401 children (254 boys, 147 girls) with CRF, defined as a permanent increase of serum creatinine above 1.2 mg/dl for at least 3 months or until death, were identified. This represents an incidence of 3.68 per million child population per year. Of these patients, 22$\%$ on younger than 5 years, 28$\%$ 5 to 10 years and 50$\%$ 10 to 15 year. Eight five $\%$ of the patients could be classified with a primary renal disease. The most frequent cause is glomerulonephritis (36$\%$), followed by chronic pyelonephritis (21$\%$), renal hrpo/dylplasia (9$\%$), and hereditary nephropathies (7$\%$). Reflux nephropathy (16$\%$) was the most common single cause of CRF. ESRD was reached in 70$\%$ of all patient. 99.3$\%$ of these started RRT. Hemodialysis (HD, 42$\%$), peritoneal dialysis (PD, 35$\%$) and transplantation (TP, 23$\%$) were performed as the initial mode of RRT. A total of 161 TPs were performed (159 first grafts, 2 second grafts). A total of 32 patients died. The main causes of death were dialysis related complication in HD patients and infections in PD patients. Survival rate on any form of RRT was 88.7$\%$ during the mean follow-up period of 37 months. Conclusion Major efforts should be directed toward earlier diagnosis and treatment of reflux nephropathy to prevent occurrence of Of. Dialysis and TP have now become well accepted forms of treatment in Korean children with ESRD.

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Sleep Quality and Sleep Patterns of Patients Treated by the Hemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (조혈모세포 이식환자의 입원 후 수면의 질과 수면양상의 변화)

  • Choi, So-Eun;Park, Hae-Ryung;Park, Ho-Ran
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: To provide the basic data in developing the nursing intervention for patients who have symptoms of insomnia after undergoing hemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). This was achieved through investigating sleep quality and sleep patterns according to admission time, and discharge time. Methods: Data was put together by studying 52 HSCT patients who have been admitted to the department of HSCT from August 2002 to August 2003, in a university hospital. Research instruments used were, PSQI for sleep quality and a specified questionnaire for sleep patterns. Results: The PSQI regarding the past mono which was measured at the last day of hospitalization, was 11.8. This was significantly higher than 5.3, which was a measurement for the past month before the hospitalization (t=11.41, P=0.000). Looking at it with 7 categories-quality of sleep, consistency of sleep, sleep period, effectiveness of sleep, sleeping disorder, usage of sleeping pills, impediment of daily life- the PSQI for a month after admission increased significantly compared to the rate measured for a month before admission. Comparing the subjects sleep pattern before and after admission, it showed a significant difference regarding time attending sleep, time it takes to sleep, wake-up time, total time of sleep, day time sleep, number of times waking up during sleep, number of usage of sleeping pills, actions that are taken during sleep disorder, reasons for insomnia. Conclusion: The PSQI score of patients who undergo hemopoietic stem cell transplantation have increased significantly after hospitalization. Compared to the change of sleep patterns when hospitalized, significant changes were observed. Therefore nursing interventions addressing sleep are needed.

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Recycling Total Joint Autotransplantation in Osteosarcoma around the Knee Joint (슬관절 주위 골육종에서 체외 방사선 조사를 이용한 재활용 전 자가 관절 이식술)

  • Chung, So-Hak;Cho, Yool;Kim, Jae-Do
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Recycling extracorporeal irradiated autograft is used as one of the reconstruction methods after limb salvage with malignant bone tumor. However, there were some problems such as joint instability, progressive arthritis, insufficient joint resection margin were found after intraarticular recycling autograft. Thus, we carried out a research in order to investigate the results of recycling total joint autotransplantation after extracorporeal irradiation that could resolve the problems. Materials and Methods: There were five cases of patients who were diagnosed as osteosarcom around the knee joint and underwent same operation from June 1997 to Feb 2006. All patients had been evaluated from 93 to 105 months (mean 100 months) and their mean age was 21.6. Results: The roentgenographic union of junctional sites began at 15.6 months (9~40 months) postoperatively. As regards to the orthopaedic functional results, we used the criteria of Ennecking et al. Overall mean functional result was 71.6%. Complication such as epiphyseal collapse (three cases) and joint instability (five cases) were noted respectively. In all the cases, tumor prosthesis was used to replace the knee joint. Conclusion: Because recycling total joint autotransplantation after extracorporeal irradiation does not prevent joint instability and progressive arthritis, tumor prosthesis is recommended in young adult.

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Rabbit Platelet Activating Factor and Its Relationship with Embryo Development (토끼 혈소판촉진인자와 배발달과의 관계)

  • Zheng, X.;Ma, C.R.;Man, G.M.;Ye, J.X.;Wang, L.X.
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 1995
  • 가토 20마리의 혈액중 혈소판의 수를 수정 전후로 조사한 결과, 수정전과 비교하여 수정후 1일부터 유의하게 감소하였으며 (26.84%, P<0.01), 이러한 감소는 수정후 5일까지 계속되었다. 수정후 5일동안 혈소판의 감소율과 혈소판의 최저치를 수정란의 수와 비교한 바, 이들간의 유의한 상관관계(r=0.5032)가 있었다. 가토수정란 (2세포기) 각각 30∼40개를 5마리의 비장적출수란가토의 난관에 이식한 다음, 혈소판수의 변화를 조사한 결과, 이식전에 비해 이식후 90분 (P<0.025)과 135∼270분 (P<0.025)에 유의한 감소를 확인하였따. 특히 수정란 이식후 180분경에 가장 크게 감소하였다 (P<0.001). 60∼70개의 2세포기 가토수정란을 24시간 배양한 다음, 배양액을 3마리의 비장적출가토에 주사한 후 혈소판의 변화를 조사하였을 때, 주사후 120분경부터 혈소판의 수가 유의하게 감소하기 시작하였다. 이들 배양액을 동결, 해동한 다음 주사한 실험에서도 유사한 결가를 얻었다. 또한 이 배양액을 비장적출생쥐에 주사한 경우에도 가토에서와 마찬가지의 혈소판 촉진현상이 나타났다. 혈소판 촉진인자(PAF)의 길항제인 kadsurenone이 첨가된 배양액에서 24시간동안 가토수정란을 배양한 다음, 이 배양액을 4마리의 비장적출생쥐에 주사한 결과, 혈소판수의 변화가 일어나지 않았다. 또한 kadsurenone이 첨가된 배양액에서는 2세포기 가토수정란의 상실기와 배반포기까지 발달율은 각각 4와 7%로 대조구의 7과 49%보다 유의하게 낮았다. 따라서 본 연구에서 가토의 초기배는 가토나 생쥐의 혈소판수를 감소시키고, 특히 길항제 처리는 이러한 혈소판 감소현상을 억제시킬 뿐만 아니라 가토 초기배발달을 억제한다는 것을 확인하였다. 결론적으로 가토초기배에서는 PAF 또는 수정란 유래의 PAF가 분비된다는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 이러한 인자는 동결처리에서도 그 기능은 전혀 변하지 않는다고 본다. 이후에 있어서 mouse LIF의 첨가는 돼지의 수정란을 배반포 이후의 단계에까지 발달시킬 수 있었다. 있어서 더 적합한 것으로 판단되었다. 5. 개발된 모형은 논 관개의 물리적 측면과 관리목표 모두를 고려한 것으로 계산된 효율은 벼, 생육 각 단계에서의 효율 비교에 양호한 방법임을 알 수 있다.은 Sharpsburg 점질양토에 대한 S.C.S 한계허용치 10ton/ha/year 이내로 나타났다. 비처리구에서의 토양유실량은 평균 2.56ton/ha/year로 높게 나타난 반면 3개의 서로 다른 추리구인 비수구, 초생수로구 및 Bromegrass구에서는 각각 0.152, 0.192 및 0.290ton/ha/year로 낮은 결과를 가져왔다. 6. 평균 침전량에 대한 L.S.D. 검정 걸과 전시험구중 비처리구가 고도의 유의차를 나타낸 반면 비수구, 초생수로구 및 Bromegrass 목초구 간에는 아무런 유의차가 인정되지 않았다. 7. 농지보전 처리구인 배수구와 초생수로구는 비처리구에 비해 낮은 침두 유출량과 낮은 토양유실량을 나타내었다.구보다 14% 절감되는 것으로 나타났다.작용하는 것으로 사료된다.된다.정량 분석한 결과이다. 시편의 조성은 33.6 at% U, 66.4 at% O의 결과를 얻었다. 산화물 핵연료의 표면 관찰 및 정량 분석 시험시 시편 표면을 전도성 물질로 증착시키지 않고, Silver Paint 에 시편을 접착하는 방법으로도 만족한 시험 결과를 얻을 수 있었다.째, 회복기 중에 일어나는 입자들의 유입은 자기폭풍의 지속시간을 연장시키는 경향을 보이며 큰 자기폭풍일수록 현저했다. 주상에서 관측된 이러한 특성은 서브스톰 확장기 활동이 자기폭풍의 발달과 밀접한 관계가 있음을 시사한다.se that were all low in two aspects, named "the Nonsignificant group". And the issues were high risk perception in general

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The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Allograft Transplantation after Curettage in Benign Bone Tumor (양성 골 종양의 소파술 후 실시한 동종골 이식에서 혈소판 풍부 혈장 투여의 효과)

  • Kim, Jae-Do;Kim, Ji-Youn;Jang, Su-Jin;Chung, So-Hak;Jung, Gu-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was performed to evaluate the effi ciency of Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for acceleration of bone healing process on allograft transplantation after curettage in benign bone tumor. Materials and Methods: From December 2007 to February 2009, twenty-one patients who had benign bone tumor and underwent allograft transplantation after curettage were evaluated. Mean follow-up period was 14.6 months (range, 12-26 months). We compared with 13 cases of PRP group and 8 cases of non-PRP group in terms of size of lesion, bone resorption, amount of applied PRP and complications. The mean age at surgery was 23.6 years (range, 4-73 years). The most common diagnosis was simple bone cyst (7) followed by enchondroma (4), giant cell tumor (3), undifferentiated benign bone tumor (3) and so on. Results: The mean size of lesion was 33.5 $cm^3$ (range, 2.3-181.9 $cm^3$) (29.4 $cm^3$ in PRP group and 40.2 $cm^3$ in non-PRP group). The mean volume of injected PRP was 7.4 cc (range, 3-12 cc). Bone union started at 3.0 months (range, 1.5-5.8 months) in PRP group and 5.3 months (range, 4-8 months) in non-PRP group. Three cases for each group were excluded due to recurrence and pathologic fracture. One patient had febrile episode 3 weeks later after surgery which subsided with antibiotics. Conclusion: The PRP could accelerate bone union in allograft transplantation after curettage of benign bone tumor. Furthermore, we expect that PRP can accelerate bone union in fracture or non-union.