• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이송계

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Estimation of Distributed Groundwater Recharge in Mihocheon Watershed (미호천 유역의 분포형 지하수 함양량 산정)

  • Chung, Il-Moon;Kim, Nam-Won;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Won, Yoo-Seung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.698-701
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    • 2007
  • 지하수 개발가능량 산정을 위한 함양량의 평가는 수문계의 물리적인 형태나 함수층의 수리성 분석 및 수직인 지질분포를 파악하여 어떤 조건하에서 물이 유입 유출되는가를 파악한 후에만 가능하다. 또한 지하수계의 물리적인 형태를 이해함으로써 조사지역의 지표수계나 지하수계의 양계를 통해서 흐르는 물의 양을 결정짓는 물수지 분석이 수행되어야 한다. 이에 따라 강수량, 증발산량, 지하수 유출량, 지표유출량 그리고 하천유출량 등을 수문학적으로 고려해야만 한다. 본 연구는 지표수-지하수 결합모형을 도입하여 분포형 지하수 함양량의 시공간적인 변동성을 파악하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 지표수-지하수 결합모형인 SWAT-K모형을 미호천 유역에 적용하였으며, 지표수의 총유출량과 지하수위의 공간분포자료를 이용하여 검정과 검증을 수행하였다. 전체유역에 대한 연평균 함양량은 수문총량의 약 19%인 것으로 나타났다. 1999년${\sim}$2004년까지의 소유역별 연간 함양량 결과를 월별로 나타냈으며, HRU(Hydrologic Response Unit)별 함양량의 공간분포를 통해 월별, 계절별 특성을 살펴볼 수 있었다. 소유역 모두 강수가 집중하는 7-9월에 걸쳐 많은 함양이 이루어지며 $1{\sim}3$월에는 상대적으로 함양이 적은 것을 볼 수 있다. 월함양량의 경우 최대 약200mm범위내에서 유역의 토지이용 및 토양특성, 경사등에 따라 매우 비균질하게 분포하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이와같은 함양량의 시공간적 불균일성으로 인해 지하수 관리방안은 소유역별 함양특성을 반영해야 할 것으로 판단된다.의 종분산지수가 일반적인 자연대수층에 비해 9.1배 정도 높다는 것을 의미한다. 이는 시험대수층의 투수성이 매우 높아 염소이온의 용질이송이 매우 빠르게 발생되었기 때문이다. 본 연구에서 추정된 종분산지수를 Gelhar et al.(1992)의 연구 결과와 비교 분석한 결과에서도 시험규모에 비해 매우 높은 수리분산이 발생된 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 염소이온의 확산면적을 추정하기 위해, 수렴흐름 추적자시험에 의한 종분산지수와 시험대수층의 평균선형유속을 이용하여 종분산계수를 구하였다. 현장에서 수행된 양수시험에 의한 평균선형유속 22.44 m/day와 평균 종분산지수 0.4155 m를 적용하여 산정된 종분산계수는 $9.32\;m^2/day$이었다. 따라서, 시험부지 내 충적층에서 일정한 양수율$(2,500\;m^3/day)$로 지하수를 개발할 시에 양수정 주변지역으로 유입되는 염소이온의 확산면적은 1일 $9.32\;m^2$ 정도일 것으로 나타났다.적인 $OH{\cdot}$ 의 생성은 ascorbate가 조직손상에 관여할 가능성을 시사하였다.었다. 정확한 예측치를 얻기 위하여 불균질 조직이 조사야에 포함되는 경우 보정이 요구되며, 골반의 경우 골 조직의 보정이 중요한 요인임을 알 수 있었다. 이를 위하여 불균질 조직에 대한 정확한 정보가 요구되며, 이는 CT 영상을 이용하는 것이 크게 도움이 되리라 생각된다.전시 슬러지층과 상등액의 온도차를 측정하여 대사열량의 발생량을 측정하고 슬러지의 활성을 측정할 수 있는 방법을 개발하였다.enin과 Rhaponticin

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Spatial Distribution of Macropore Flow Percentage and Macroporosities in the Gwangneung Forest Catchment (광릉 산림 소유역에서의 대공극흐름율과 유효대공극부피분율의 공간 분포)

  • Gwak, Yong-Seok;Kim, Su-Jin;Kim, Joon;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Kim, Sang-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.234-246
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    • 2007
  • The role of macropore in the hydrological processes is important at the hillslope scale. Developments and distribution of macropores have not been investigated in conjunction with the characteristics of the hillslope such as topography, soil property, and soil moisture. In this study, macropore properties, such as macropore flow and saturation hydraulic conductivity were measured at a hillslope located in Gwangneung Research Forest, Pochun-gun, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. An intensive field survey provided a refined Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for surface and subsurface topography. Spatial distributions of upslope area and topographic index were obtained through the digital terrain analysis. The total number of monitoring points was 22, and the selected points were distributed along the transect of the digital contour map. Vertical fluxes through macropores were measured using a tension infiltrometer at the depth of 0.1 m from the surface. Spatial and temporal distributions of soil moisture were obtained using an on-line measurement system, TRASE, installed in the study area. Soil moisture for the aforementioned points was measured at 0.1 and 0.3m depths below the surface. The results from tension infiltrometer experiments present that the macropore flows ranged between 21 and 94%, and the measured macroporosities varied from 1.4 to 47%. Macropore flows and macroporosities tended to increase as the measurement location moved to downslope. The ability for water conduction through macropores becomes increasingly developed as the location approaches the outlet of the hillslope.


  • Cho Young Dong;Koo Bon Sook;Lee Song Jae
    • Proceedings of the Ginseng society Conference
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    • 1984.09a
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 1984
  • 노화는 모든 다세포 유기물의 특징이다. 노화가 됨에 따라서 효소활성 및 면역반응의 감소와 과산화지질과 지방갈색물질의 축적, 효소와 염색질을 포함하는 단백질 구조의 변화, 호르몬계의 불균형 등이 일어난다. 그렇지만, 노화가 어떻게 일어나는지에 관하여는 현재까지 확실하지 않다. 본 연구진은 노화와 관련된 효소들에 관하여 연구를 하여 왔으며, 노화가 진행되는 동안의 효소의 활성을 유지시켜주거나, 또는 효소의 활성이 감소되는 것을 지연시켜 주는 물질을 찾고자 노력하였다. 그 가운데 하나로서, 고려인삼 추출물을 흰쥐에 기간별로 투여하여 효소활성의 차이, 열에 대한 안정성, 기질에 대한 친화력, 전기 영동 상의 이동성과 면역적인 반응을 대조군과 비교하였다. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphog-luconate dehydrogenase, glutathione redutease, glutathion peroxidase와 같은 노화와 관련된 효소들의 활성을 고려인삼 추출물을 1개월간 흰쥐에 ($60{\~}80$g)투여하여 대조군과 비교 조사하였으나, 별 차이가 없었다. 그러나 고려인삼 추출물을 15개월간 투여하였을 때에는 이러한 노화관련 효소들의 활성이 급격히 증가함이 ($70{\~}200\%$) 관찰되었다. 예견된 바와 같이, 효소의 열에 대한 안정성과 기질에 대한 친화력도 증가함이 관찰되었다. 그러나 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase의 경우에서 전기영동상의 차이 및 면역적인 반응은 대조군과 유사하였다. 이상의 결과는 고려인삼 추출물이 노화와 관련된 효소들의 활성이 감소되는 것을 지연시켜줄 수 있으며, 노화를 어느정도 지연시켜 줄 수 있음을 의미한다. 이와 같은 결과를 포함한 실험자료를 국제 인삼심포지움에서 발표할 것이다.$-tocopherol의 항 산화작용을 더욱 효과적으로 촉진 시킬 것으로 생각된다.-L(독성 호르몬-L)의 작용을 억제함으로서 암환자의 체중 감소를 방지하고, 식욕감퇴를 개선할것으로 생각된다.해되었으며, $Rb_{1}$은 장내의 효소와 tetracycline-resistantant bacteria에 의해 Rd와 2 종류의 미확인 물질로 분해되었다.xA_{2}$ synthetase 억제제인 imidazole의 효과와 유사하였다. 4. G-Re는 $1{\times}10^{-5}g/ml$ 이하의 농도에서는 효과가 없으나 $1{\times}10^{-4}g/ml$ 이상의 농도에서 농도의존적으로 유의성 있는 $PGE_{2},\;PGF_{2}{\alpha},\;TXB_{2}$의 생성억제와 함께 6-keto-$PGF_{1}{\alpha}$ 증가를 보였다. 이는 prostacyclin synthetase를 자극하는 serotonin의 효과와 같은 작용으로서 prostacyclin synthetase 억제제인 tranylcypromine에 대하여 길항효과를 보였다. 5. $TxB_{2}$생성억제 작용을 나타내는 ginsenoside들의 효과를 뒷받침하기 위하여 인삼 saponin 성분을 전처치한 patelet rich plasma에서 혈소판 응집시험 결과, ADP로 유도된 혈소판 응집반응에는 모든 인삼 saponin 성분들이 효과가 없었으나 arachidonic acid로 유도된 혈소판 응집반응에는 $G-Rb_{2}$, G-Rc, G-Re의 순으로 농도 의존적인 억제현상을 보였다. 이상의 결과와 같이 인삼 saponin 성분들은 arachidonic acid로부터 cyclooxygenase를

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A Study of the Overseas-Constructed Korean Garden using Native Plants from the Korean Peninsula - The Case Study of 'Das Dritte Land (The Third Nature)' - (한반도 자생식물로 조성한 해외 한국정원 연구 - Das Dritte Land(제3의 자연)를 사례로 -)

  • Seo, Jayoo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2021
  • This study examined the techniques of creating gardens overseas using native plants from the Korean peninsula, focusing on the case of 'Das Dritte Land', an art garden created in Berlin, Germany. While Korean garden artists are recognized worldwide and are planning to globalize Korean gardens, the purpose of this study is to share information so that Korean gardeners can expand their activities and rediscover the utilization and value of plants native to the Korean peninsula. The work began as part of a project to mark the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Berlin Wall. To realize the landscape of Korea with the motif of Inwang Jesaekdo, the geographical shape of the Baekdu-Daegan trail was reproduced with black stone, and the naturalization of Korean peninsula species was utilized in the creation of a garden Berlin. It is a surreal bio-top utopia that blooms with the bio-groups of the Korean peninsula. This study examined the process of plant survey analysis, transportation and stabilization, planting planning, composition and monitoring, and targeting the self-growth of the Korean peninsula, which is a symbol of harmony between the South and the North. The planting of Korea's native plants in overseas gardens symbolizes the uniting of the ecosystems on the Korean peninsula. The process of the Korean peninsula's young plants taking root, flowering, and spreading along Germany's previously divided border metaphorically conveys the desire for the unification of the Korean peninsula. In addition, various art programs in the garden space suggest a foundation for cultural dialogue and communication between the two Koreas. Moreover, creating gardens overseas implies that the cooperation of plant research institutes plays an important role in the transfer of plants and the maintenance of life, while the advancement of Korean gardens overseas plays an essential role in the spread of garden culture in our country.

Study on the characteristics of Dormestic Illegal Whaling and Measures for Crackdown (국내 고래류 불법포획의 특징 및 단속방안 연구)

  • Yoon, Hyun-Kyoung;Kim, Jin-Sun;Kim, Sea-In;Kim, Jun-Soo;Choo, Min-Kyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.554-562
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    • 2022
  • Humans technological advancements have resulted in the depletion of whale resources. Accordingly, the International Whaling Commission was established to preserve whale resources and ensure the orderly development of the whaling industry. After a commercial whaling moratorium came into effect, the international trade of whale meat and related products was banned. However, There is a systematic activity through illegal remodeling ships because whales incidentally caught may be distributed in Korea and have a significant economic benefit. Although suspected illegal whaling is actively cracked down, but it is still insufficient to prevent illegal whaling and distribution. To prevent this, stereoscopic crackdowns utilizing air forces and patrol ships are effective, and it is necessary to quickly separate the captured ship and crew to prevent the destruction of evidence. For the transparent distribution of whale meat, it is necessary to advance related technologies such as whale species identification and individual identification of forensic science institutions based on whale DNA database of the National Institute of Fisheries Science. Accordingly, the Korea Coast Guard Research Center is directly conducting research on related national R&D project. To increase the efficiency of identifying whale-related evidence at crime scene, a rapid test kit that responds specifically to whale bloodstrains is developing and evidence transport packs are manufacturing and distributing, while identification technologies are also being advanced.

A Study on the Management of Exposure of Workers and Assistants Related to Diagnostic Radiation (진단용 방사선 관련 업무 종사자의 피폭관리에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Chang-Seon
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.97-124
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    • 2021
  • In medical institutions, there are radiation-related workers such as radiological technologists, physicians, dentists, and dental hygienists who handle diagnostic radiation generators. Also, there are work assistants, such as nurses and assistant nurses, who assist in radiation treatment or transfer patients to the radiation examination room. Radiation exposure management for radiation-related workers is carried out under the 「Medical Service Act」, but there is no legal basis for work assistants, etc. And the management of radiation exposure for diagnosis is regulated by the 「Medical Service Act」, and the management of radiation exposure by therapeutic radiation and nuclear medical examination is governed by the 「Nuclear Safety Act」. Thus, to improve the management of radiation exposure for diagnosis, the regulations on radiation exposure management for diagnosis under the 「Medical Service Act」 were compared and reviewed with those of the 「Nuclear Safety Act」. As a result, the main contents are as follows. First, it is necessary to legislate to include nurses, assistant nurses, and clinical practice students who are likely to be exposed to radiation besides radiationrelated workers as subjects of radiation exposure management for diagnosis. Second, when a radiation-related worker for diagnosis is confirmed to be pregnant, the exposure dose limit should be defined. Third, it is necessary to revise the regulations on the types of personal exposure dosimeters in the 「Rules on the Safety Management of Radiation Generators for Diagnostics」. Fourth, it seems that health examination items for radiation-related workers, radiation workers, and frequent visitors should be the same. Fifth, It is necessary to unify and regulate diagnostic radiation and all medical radiation, including therapeutic radiation and nuclear medicine, in one legal system.

Evaluation of Fluidity Over Time and Mechanical Properties of Cement-based Composite Materials for 3D Printing (3D 프린팅용 시멘트계 복합재료의 경시변화 및 역학적 특성평가)

  • Seo, Eun-A;Lee, Ho-Jae;Yang, Keun-Hyeok
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2022
  • This study evaluated changes in fluidity and rheological properties over time for 3D printed composite materials, and evaluated compressive strength and splitting tensile strength properties for laminated and molded specimens. The composite material for 3D printing starts to change rapidly after 30 minutes of extrusion, and the viscosity of the material tends to be maintained up to 90 minutes, but it was confirmed that construction within 60 minutes after mixing is effective. The compressive strength of the laminated test specimen showed equivalent or better performance at all ages compared to the molded test specimen. In the stress-strain curve of the laminated specimen, the initial slope was similar to that of the molded specimen, but the descending slope was on average 1.9 times higher than that of the molded specimen, indicating relatively brittle behavior. The splitting tensile strength of the P-V laminated specimen was about 6% lower than that of the molded specimen. It is judged that this is because the interfacial adhesion force against the vertical load is affected by the pattern direction of the laminated test specimen.

Experimental Analysis of Effect of Unsteadiness of Horseshoe Vortex on Local Pier Scour (국부교각세굴에서 마제형와의 부정류적 특성에 관한 실험적 해석)

  • Lee, Seung Oh;Kim, Hyung-Jun;Cho, Yong-Sik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.2B
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2008
  • The clear-water scour experiments were conducted to shed light on the unsteadiness of the horseshoe vortex around a bridge pier since the fluctuations of velocity components and unsteadiness of the horseshoe vortex can be considered as one of the main factors on local scour. The characteristics of the flow speed and turbulence around a bridge pier was examined using an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) and the flow visualization with kaolin clay particles upstream of a bridge pier. The outcomes of this study on the turbulence characteristics related with scour mechanism were presented with the quadrant analysis, the integral time scales, and the bed shear stresses before and after scouring, respectively. The bed shear stress before scouring was approximately quadruple times higher than that of the equilibriums state. It implies that the unsteadiness of the horseshoe vortex would play a significant role in the initial development of scour depth. Therefore, the bimodal distribution of flow velocity was identified as one of the mechanical properties of the horseshoe vortex and the unsteadiness of horseshoe vortex can be one of the major characteristics to understand the flow sturucture and local pier scour.

Philological Approach on Chungnyeollok for Kim Eung-ha (김응하 『충렬록(忠烈錄)』 판본 변개 과정과 그 의미)

  • 이송희
    • 유학연구
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    • v.46
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    • pp.129-159
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    • 2019
  • Kim Eung-ha, who died in the Battle of Sarhū, was a symbolic figure of loyalty to Ming Dynasty in late Chosŏn Korea. Chungneyllok which was a memorial for Kim had published four times from from 1621-1796. This study reviews existing copies of Chungyellok, categorizes them in four groups, and speculates its publishing date and analyzes the differences of each edition. As a result, Chungnyellok seems published several times based on its first edition till late 17th Century, regardless of the fact that the book contains writings and poems of "traitors" of King Injo's Restoration (仁祖反正). Compared to the former editions, the last edition published in 1796 is much more sophisticated and completed one and removed the works of the politically problematic figures from its main text. By reviewing those copies, we can find out that the first edition had to published in the diplomatic situation after the Battle of Sarhū to enhance its relationship with Ming Dynasty because two other Chosŏn generals chose to surrender to Manchurians. But the 18th Century edition shows the tendency of changing identity of Chosŏn as "little China (小中華)" after the fall of Ming Dynasty. Kim Eung-ha was also repainted as a loyal subject of Ming, rather than a guardian of Chosŏn.

Development of an anisotropic spatial interpolation method for velocity in meandering river channel (비등방성을 고려한 사행하천의 유속 공간보간기법 개발)

  • You, Hojun;Kim, Dongsu
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.50 no.7
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    • pp.455-465
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    • 2017
  • Understanding of the two-dimensional velocity field is crucial in terms of analyzing various hydrodynamic and fluvial processes in the riverine environments. Until recently, many numerical models have played major roles of providing such velocity field instead of in-situ flow measurements, because there were limitations in instruments and methodologies suitable for efficiently measuring in the broad range of river reaches. In the last decades, however, the advent of modernized instrumentations started to revolutionize the flow measurements. Among others, acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) became very promising especially for accurately assessing streamflow discharge, and they are also able to provide the detailed velocity field very efficiently. Thus it became possible to capture the velocity field only with field observations. Since most of ADCPs measurements have been mostly conducted in the cross-sectional lines despite their capabilities, it is still required to apply appropriate interpolation methods to obtain dense velocity field as likely as results from numerical simulations. However, anisotropic nature of the meandering river channel could have brought in the difficulties for applying simple spatial interpolation methods for handling dynamic flow velocity vector, since the flow direction continuously changes over the curvature of the channel shape. Without considering anisotropic characteristics in terms of the meandering, therefore, conventional interpolation methods such as IDW and Kriging possibly lead to erroneous results, when they dealt with velocity vectors in the meandering channel. Based on the consecutive ADCP cross-sectional measurements in the meandering river channel. For this purpose, the geographic coordinate with the measured ADCP velocity was converted from the conventional Cartesian coordinate (x, y) to a curvilinear coordinate (s, n). The results from application of A-VIM showed significant improvement in accuracy as much as 41.5% in RMSE.