• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이미지 추적

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A Study on rendering image denoising using Harris corner detection and median filtering (Harris corner 검출법과 median filtering을 이용한 렌더링 이미지 노이즈 제거에 관한 연구)

  • You, Hojoon;Oh, Jaemu;Hwang, Hyeonsang;Lee, Eui Chul
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2021.11a
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    • pp.960-962
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    • 2021
  • Monte Carlo 렌더링은 모든 빛을 광원에서부터 추적하는 것 대신, 몇 개의 빛의 경로만을 추적해서 이들의 평균으로 화소값을 정해 이미지를 만드는 방법이다. 여기서 추적하는 빛이 많다면 이미지가 사실적으로 만들어질 수 있지만 연산량이 증가한다. 따라서 적은 빛의 경로를 추적하여 렌더링을 수행하여 이미지를 만들고, 노이즈를 제거해서 많은 양의 빛을 추적하여 렌더링을 한 이미지와 유사하게 만들려는 연구가 많이 진행되고 있다. 그러나 이러한 연구들은 많은 연산량을 요구하기 때문에 고성능의 기기 사양을 요구한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 저사양의 기기에서 활용할 수 있도록 Harris corner 검출법과 median filtering을 활용한 렌더링 이미지 노이즈 제거 연구를 수행했다.

Object Tracking And Elimination Using Lod Edge Maps Generated from Modified Canny Edge Maps (수정된 캐니 에지 맵으로부터 만들어진 LOD 에지 맵을 이용한 물체 추적 및 소거)

  • Park, Ji-Hun;Jang, Yung-Dae;Lee, Dong-Hun;Lee, Jong-Kwan;Ham, Mi-Ok
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.14B no.3 s.113
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2007
  • We propose a simple method for tracking a nonparameterized subject contour in a single video stream with a moving camera and changing background. Then we present a method to eliminate the tracked contour object by replacing with the background scene we get from other frame. First we track the object using LOD (Level-of-Detail) canny edge maps, then we generate background of each image frame and replace the tracked object in a scene by a background image from other frame that is not occluded by the tracked object. Our tracking method is based on level-of-detail (LOD) modified Canny edge maps and graph-based routing operations on the LOD maps. We get more edge pixels along LOD hierarchy. Our accurate tracking is based on reducing effects from irrelevant edges by selecting the stronger edge pixels, thereby relying on the current frame edge pixel as much as possible. The first frame background scene is determined by camera motion, camera movement between two image frames, and other background scenes are computed from the previous background scenes. The computed background scenes are used to eliminate the tracked object from the scene. In order to remove the tracked object, we generate approximated background for the first frame. Background images for subsequent frames are based on the first frame background or previous frame images. This approach is based on computing camera motion. Our experimental results show that our method works nice for moderate camera movement with small object shape changes.

Multi-Object Tracking using Real-Time Background Image and Ranking Distance Algorithm (실시간 배경영상과 거리 Ranking을 통한 다개체 추적)

  • 서영욱;차의영
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2003.05b
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    • pp.575-578
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    • 2003
  • 본 논문은 제한된 영역 안의 다수 물고기를 추적하는 방법을 제안한다. 고정된 카메라로 물고기가 있는 수조의 영상을 얻은 다음 실시간으로 얻는 매경영상을 통해 물고기의 이미지만을 얻는다. 이렇게 얻어진 이미지를 ART2 알고리즘을 통해 clustering을 하고 각각의 물고기라 추정되는 cluster와 이전까지 측정되어진 물고기 좌표와의 거리 계산을 통해 각각의 물고기의 개체 인식을 하게 된다. 본 논문에서는 기존의 물고기 이미지를 얻는 방법을 개선하여 다 개체 추적을 위한 깨끗한 개체 이미지를 얻는 방법과, 각 cluster들과 이진 물고기 위치와의 거리계산을 통한 개체 인식 방법에 대해 초점을 맞추었다.

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Using play-back image sequence to detect a vehicle cutting in a line automatically (역방향 영상재생을 이용한 끼어들기 차량 자동추적)

  • Rheu, Jee-Hyung;Kim, Young-Mo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2014
  • This paper explains effective tracking method for a vehicle cutting in a line on the road automatically. The method employs KLT based on optical flow using play-back image sequence. Main contribution of this paper is play-back image sequence that is in order image frames for rewind direction from a reference point in time. The moment when recognizing camera can read a license plate very well can usually be the reference point in time. The biggest images of object traced can usually be obtained at this moment also. When optic flow is applied, the bigger image of the object traced can be obtained, the more feature points can be obtained. More many feature points bring good result of tracking object. After the recognizing cameras read a license plate on the vehicle suspected of cut-in-line violation, and then the system extracts the play-back image sequence from the tracking cameras for watching wide range. This paper compares using play-back image sequence as normal method for tracking to using play-forward image sequence as suggested method on the results of the experiment and also shows the suggested algorithm has a good performance that can be applied to the unmanned system for watching cut-in-line violation.

Target Image Exchange Model for Object Tracking Based on Siamese Network (샴 네트워크 기반 객체 추적을 위한 표적 이미지 교환 모델)

  • Park, Sung-Jun;Kim, Gyu-Min;Hwang, Seung-Jun;Baek, Joong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.389-395
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose a target image exchange model to improve performance of the object tracking algorithm based on a Siamese network. The object tracking algorithm based on the Siamese network tracks the object by finding the most similar part in the search image using only the target image specified in the first frame of the sequence. Since only the object of the first frame and the search image compare similarity, if tracking fails once, errors accumulate and drift in a part other than the tracked object occurs. Therefore, by designing a CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) based model, we check whether the tracking is progressing well, and the target image exchange timing is defined by using the score output from the Siamese network-based object tracking algorithm. The proposed model is evaluated the performance using the VOT-2018 dataset, and finally achieved an accuracy of 0.611 and a robustness of 22.816.

A Study on Multiple Target Tracking Using Adaptive Neural Network and Mosaic Background Extraction (모자이크 배경이미지 추출과 적응적 신경망을 이용한 다중 보행자 추적 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 서창진;양황규
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.1802-1808
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose a method about the extraction of the pedestrian tracking trajectory in the road and we used the method of mosaic background extraction and adaptive neural network for automatic pedestrian tracking system. We used mosaic background extraction to overcome ghost phenomenon. And we detected pedestrian using differential image analysis. We used adaptive neural network for multiple pedestrian tracking that non­rigid form moving. The ART2 network is capable of detecting the mass­centers of moving objects within one frame. The history of neurons positions in the sequential frames approximates the traces of the targets. The experiments done with the network in simulated environment show promising results.

Design of AI-Based VTS Radar Image for Object Detection-Recognition-Tracking Algorithm (인공지능 기반 VTS 레이더 이미지 객체 탐지-인식-추적 알고리즘 설계)

  • Yu-kyung Lee;Young Jun Yang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.40-41
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    • 2023
  • This paper introduces the design of detection, recognition, and tracking algorithms for VTS radar image-based objects. The detection of objects in radar images utilizes artificial intelligence technology to determine the presence or absence of objects, and can classify the type of object using AI technology. Tracking involves the continuous tracking of detected objects over time, including technology to prevent confusion in the movement path. In particular, for land-based radar, there are unnecessary areas for detection depending on the terrain, so the function of detecting and recognizing vessels within the region of interest (ROI) set in the radar image is included. In addition, the extracted coordinate information is designed to enable various applications and interpretations by calculating speed, direction, etc.

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A Development of Video Tracking System on Real Time Using MBR (MBR을 이용한 실시간 영상추적 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1243-1248
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    • 2006
  • Object tracking in a real time image is one of interesting subjects in computer vision and many practical application fields past couple of years. But sometimes existing systems cannot find object by recognize background noise as object. This paper proposes a method of object detection and tracking using adaptive background image in real time. To detect object which does not influenced by illumination and remove noise in background image, this system generates adaptive background image by real time background image updating. This system detects object using the difference between background image and input image from camera. After setting up MBR(minimum bounding rectangle) using the internal point of detected object, the system tracks object through this MBR. In addition, this paper evaluates the test result about performance of proposed method as compared with existing tracking algorithm.

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Implementation of Ray-Tracer on a Java Parallel Environment (자바 병렬 환경에서 동작하는 광선 추적기 구현)

  • 황정현;김정훈;안진호;황종선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.771-773
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    • 1998
  • 광선 추적법(Ray-Tracer)은 물체에 직.간접적으로 영향을 미치는 빛의 반사 및 굴절 경로를 역추적함으로써 실제감있는 이미지를 생성하는 렌더링(rendering)기법이다. 이러한 광성 추적법을 장시간의 계산을 필요로 하는 단점이 있으나. 각각의 광선을 병렬적으로 추적함으로써 속도의 향상을 피할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 자바를 사용하는 메시지 기반 병렬 프로그래밍 시스템인 JPVM 상에서 동작하는 병렬 광선 추적기를 구현하였다. 병렬 광성 추적기를 사용자에 의해 지정된 장면 정의 파일(Scene Defintion File)을 읽어 들여 피싱(parsing)한후, 생성된 장면 객체를 각 worker프로그램에게 전송한다. 병렬 광선 추적기는 전체 화면 영역을 분활하여 각 worker 프로그램에 할당하며, worker프로그램들은 자신에게 할당된 영역의 이미지를 병렬적으로 생성한다. 실험 결과, 병렬 광선 추적기는 단일 광선 추적기에 비해 빠르게 렌더링을 수행하였으며, worker프로그램의 수가 증가함에 따라 수행 속도가 향상되었다.

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Lane detection and tracking algorithm for PCR gel electrophoresis image analysis (PCR Gel 전기영동 이미지 분석을 위한 레인검출 및 추적 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Bok-ju;Moon, Hyuck;Park, Jong-Hoon;Choi, Young-Kyu
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.577-580
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    • 2017
  • 중합 효소 연쇄 반응 (PCR) 젤 전기영동 이미지에서 DNA 지문을 분석하기 위한 새로운 레인 검출 및 추적 알고리즘이 제안하였다. 이전에 여러 연구 결과가 보고되었지만 갑작스런 배경 밝기 차이와 구부러진 레인이 있는 이미지에서 레인을 정확하게 추출하는 것은 여전히 어려움이 있다. 우리는 평균 레인 폭과 레인 주기를 계산하기 위한 에지 기반 알고리즘을 제안한다. 본 논문에서 제안한 방법은 k-means 클러스터링 알고리즘을 이용하여 상승 에지와 하강 에지를 정확하게 추출하는 부화소(sub-pixel) 알고리즘을 적용하여 레인 폭과 주기를 추정한다. 구부러진 레인을 처리하기 위해 젤 이미지를 정상영역과 비정상영역으로 분할하고, 각 분할 된 이미지의 레인 중심을 추적한다. 우리가 제안한 방법의 성능을 평가하기 위해 534 레인을 포함한 32 개의 젤 이미지가 사용되었다. 실험 결과는 우리의 방법이 전처리 과정 없이 배경 차이와 구부러진 레인을 갖는 이미지에 강인함을 보여 주었다.