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A Study of 'Families' as presented during the Technology-Home Economics Subject in Middle School: Focusing on the 'The Changing Family' of the 2007 Revised Curriculum (중학교 기술.가정 교과서에 나타난 '가족'에 관한 연구 - 2007 개정 교육과정의 '변화하는 가족' 단원을 중심으로 -)

  • Jun, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.29-49
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to look at families as presented on the technology-home economics subject of middle school. To do this, I analyzed the 2007 revised curriculum of the technology-home economics subject, 'Changing Families,' in 11 technology-home economics textbooks (8th grade). The findings are as follows. First, family-related chapters are expanded compared with the previous curriculum in the 2007 revised curriculum. In addition, the new version emphasizes understanding and acceptance of change in families to improve the family life of adolescents. Second, in the 11 types of technology-home economics textbooks, the focusing was on the meaning of the family, the family structure, the function of the family, family roles and family values. There were also no major differences in the aspect of development. Third, in the technology-home economics textbooks, the family was defined as the 'basic group of society', 'a group composed by blood relationships, marriage and adoption', 'an affective group' and 'cohabiting group'. At the same time, there were many cases in which the description of the family was overly romanticized. Such a description of the family does not match the individual family experience of an adolescent. Fourth, all of textbooks dealt with the diversity of the family structure, such as single-parent families, remarriages families, and multi-cultural families. However, the structural characteristics and problems with these types of families are excessively emphasized, which can result in students having stereotypical images of specific family types. Fifth, the explanation of the function of the family was similar among textbooks. The importance of intergenerational cooperation and gender equality was also emphasized. However, such a concept is not considered as proper in a modern society. Thus, the description of a family based on the nuclear family should be sublated. In addition, the explanation of families overall should be developed in such a way that adolescents can interpret their own family experience rather than as an enlightening declaration of the family which disregards the dynamic relationships individual families actually experience.

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A Study on Experimental Construction of Community Garden - A Case Study on Rooftop of SAHA Disabled Welfare House - (커뮤니티 가든 조성을 위한 실험 연구 - 사하 장애인복지관 옥상을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Seung-Hwan;Yoon, Sung-Yung;Cha, Min-Jun;Yoo, yeon-seo;Cho, Ji-Young;Kim, Yoon-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.24-37
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    • 2012
  • In this study, Community Garden of various national and international practices trends to an advanced research, the concept of community garden participated with a group operation out of initiative to produce safety food while securing space for the community, ensuring the area that has gone through a new form of active secure urban green space plan, urban renewal movement was defined as the mean. Furthermore, for the purpose of improving the poor welfare environment by attempting to experimentally make a community garden of a disabled welfare house rooftop and how to target its planning and construction process, partnership involvement, business processes have been investigated, such as cost sharing. The whole process including a budget for development of this case was conducted by the Busan Green Trust. Standard Chartered (SC) First Bank's 50% fund share by community chest, participation of volunteers, support of Busan City and Saba-gu, outside of that, sharing parts or trial to participate by diverse partnership of enterprise, public corporation and laboratory, these are the key in developing community garden's model. Established community garden places resulted food production to users of welfare center for the disabled, participating urban agricultural experience program, horticultural therapy, complex community chapter and cultural center. Furthermore, we could find the meaning of rooftop community garden in the point that it is a low cost garden by applying movable and unmovable planters. This study is profitable for improving urban environment, ensuring community chapter and urban green areas, regenerating a city to develop experimental community garden model by using a welfare house rooftop.

불공정거래행위 규제에 대한 발전적 입법론에 대하여

  • An, Byeong-Han
    • Journal of Korea Fair Competition Federation
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    • no.150
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    • pp.14-29
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    • 2010
  • 비록 부정경쟁방지법의 제정 목적이 부정경쟁행위 등의 방지를 통하여 건전한 거래질서를 유지한다는 의미의 경쟁체제 확립에 있기는 하지만, 우리나라의 경우는 법 제정 당시와는 달리 사실상 산업스파이에 대한 영업비밀의 보호나 주지의 상표 영업표지의 보호와 같은 지적재산권의 보호 법률로서의 역할로 점차 변화하고 있고, 특히 부정경쟁방지법이 주지의 상표에 대한 출처의 혼동에 대한 규제뿐만이 아니라 별도로 저명상표의 희석화(稀釋化) 방지라는 법익, 이에 더 나아가 도메인 네임(Domain Name)의 선점과 원산지 및 품질의 오인(誤認) 야기행위, 주지 저명한 타인의 디자인(Design), 캐릭터(Character)와 같은 상품의 표지에 이르기까지 지적재산권과 관련된 보다 넓은 법익의 보호까지 수행하게 되면서 그 기능은 날로 강화되고 있는 상태이다. 이에 반하여 부정경쟁방지법상의 부정경쟁행위 자체에 대한 규제는 사실상 주지 저명한 타인의 상표나 상품표지의 식별력이나 출처표시기능 등의 보호라는 의미의 분쟁수준을 넘지 못하고 있어, '경쟁법'으로서의 역할은 상대적으로 미약해지고 있는 것 또한 현실이다. 또한, 공정거래법 제23조 제1항 제8호를 비롯하여 현행 공정거래법상의 불공정거래행위에 대한 규정체제를 살펴보면, 해석 여하에 따라서는 부정경쟁방지법상의 부정경쟁행위가 대부분 공정거래법상의 불공정거래행위의 범위 내로 포섭될 수도 있는 상황이기도 하다. 이에 양 법률의 성격과 역할, 앞으로 나아가야 할 방향을 고민하지 않을 수 없고, 이와 같은 논의는 발전적 입법론으로서의 가치를 갖는다. 물론 불공정거래행위(부정경쟁행위)에 대한 규제에 있어서 반드시 독일법체계에 따를 것인지 아니면 미국의 경우를 따를 것인지에 대한 선택 자체가 논리적으로 양립 불가능한 것은 아닐 것이지만 우리나라의 경우는 1980년 "독점규제 및 공정거래에 관한 법률"이 제정되는 과정에서 당시 부정경쟁방지법에 담겨 있던 기존의 부정경쟁행위에 대한 규정과 공정거래법상의 불공정거래행위와의 경합이나 중복문제는 마땅히 검토되었어야 했음에도 불구하고 공정 거래법의 제정과정에서 사실상 부정경쟁방지법의 존재 자체가 간과되어 오늘에 이르고 있다. 그동안 양 법률상의 규정 중복이나 충돌을 정식으로 문제 삼았던 바는 없었지만 '발전적 입법론' 이라는 차원에서 살펴 보면 부정경쟁방지법상의 부정경쟁행위에 대한 규제는 앞으로 공정거래법체계 내의 불공정거래행위로 포섭할 필요가 있고 이를 통하여 경쟁정책의 전문 전담기구로서 불공정거래행위에 대한 규제의 중심에 서 있는 공정거래위원회를 중심으로 효율적이고 통일적인 경쟁정책을 확립을 기대하여 볼 수 있을 것이다. 이 과정에서 공정거래법의 변화 또한 뒤따라야 하는데, 부정경쟁방지법상의 부정경쟁행위의 편입에 따라 불공정거래행위에 대한 규정 일부를 알맞게 다시 수정하는 것에 그치지 않고, 기존 부정경쟁방지법이 인정하고 있었던 사인간(私人間) 금지 또는 예방청구권 또한 공정거래법으로 그대로 편입되는 방향으로의 입법 개선이 이루어질 필요가 있으며, 그동안 '부정경쟁방지법의 공정거래법으로의 편입문제'와는 전혀 무관하게 공정거래법의 사적 구제 및 사소(私訴)의 활성화 차원의 논의로서 공정거래법상 사인간 금지청구권의 도입 여부가 검토되어 왔지만, 앞으로 이 문제는 부정경쟁방지법상 부정경쟁행위의 공정거래법체계 내로의 편입문제와 함께 이를 포함한 더욱 큰 논의로서 다시 적극적으로 검토될 필요가 있다고 본다. 이를 통하여 앞으로 부정경쟁방지법은 특허청을 중심으로 산업스파이에 대한 규제나 영업비밀의 보호와 기타 지적재산권의 보호에 온 힘을 다하고, 공정거래법은 공정거래위원회를 중심으로 불공정거래행위 (부정경쟁행위에 대한 보다 포괄적이고 통일적인 규제를 담당하여 '선택과 집중' 이라는 차원의 각 법률체계의 한 차원 높은 발전 또한 기대해 볼 수 있을 것으로 확신한다. 이러한 합의점을 시작으로 미시적인 다음 단계의 논의에 해당하는 사인간 금지청구권의 허용범위나 허용요건, 남용을 방지하기 위한 제도적 장치, 단체소송 등의 허용 여부 등의 논의도 함께 하여야 할 것이고, 이 과정에서 미국의 클레이튼법(Clayton Act)이나 가까운 일본의 입법례를 참고하여 우리의 실정에 맞는 규제의 틀을 마련함이 타당할 것이고, 이를 통하여 궁극적으로 그동안 공정거래법의 사적 집행의 활성화를 통한 경쟁질서의 확립의 강화라는 이상에 더욱 가까워질 수 있는 좋은 입법적 변화의 모습을 볼 수 있을 것이라 생각한다.

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A Spatial Statistical Approach to Migration Studies: Exploring the Spatial Heterogeneity in Place-Specific Distance Parameters (인구이동 연구에 대한 공간통계학적 접근: 장소특수적 거리 패러미터의 추출과 공간적 패턴 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 2001
  • This study is concerned with providing a reliable procedure of calibrating a set of places specific distance parameters and with applying it to U.S. inter-State migration flows between 1985 and 1900. It attempts to conform to recent advances in quantitative geography that are characterized by an integration of ESDA(exploratory spatial data analysis) and local statistics. ESDA aims to detect the spatial clustering and heterogeneity by visualizing and exploring spatial patterns. A local statistic is defined as a statistically processed value given to each location as opposed to a global statistic that only captures an average trend across a whole study region. Whereas a global distance parameter estimates an averaged level of the friction of distance, place-specific distance parameters calibrate spatially varying effects of distance. It is presented that a poisson regression with an adequately specified design matrix yields a set of either origin-or destination-specific distance parameters. A case study demonstrates that the proposed model is a reliable device of measuring a spatial dimension of migration, and that place-specific distance parameters are spatially heterogeneous as well as spatially clustered.

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Innovation Technology Development & Commercialization Promotion of R&D Performance to Domestic Renewable Energy (신재생에너지 기술혁신 개발과 R&D성과 사업화 촉진 방안)

  • Lee, Yong-Seok;Rho, Do-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.788-818
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    • 2009
  • Renewable energy refers to solar energy, biomass energy, hydrogen energy, wind power, fuel cell, coal liquefaction and vaporization, marine energy, waste energy, and liquidity fuel made out of byproduct of geothermal heat, hydrogen and coal; it excludes energy based on coal, oil, nuclear energy and natural gas. Developed countries have recognized the importance of these energies and thus have set the mid to long term plans to develop and commercialize the technology and supported them with drastic political and financial measures. Considering the growing recognition to the field, it is necessary to analysis up-to-now achievement of the government's related projects, in the standards of type of renewable energy, management of sectional goals, and its commercialization. Korean government is chiefly following suit the USA and British policies of developing and distributing renewable energy. However, unlike Japan which is in the lead role in solar rays industry, it still lacks in state-directed support, participation of enterprises and social recognition. The research regarding renewable energy has mainly examinedthe state of supply of each technology and suitability of specific region for applying the technology. The evaluation shows that the research has been focused on supply and demand of renewable as well as general energy and solution for the enhancement of supply capacity in certain area. However, in-depth study for commercialization and the increase of capacity in industry followed by development of the technology is still inadequate. 'Cost-benefit model for each energy source' is used in analysis of technology development of renewable energy and quantitative and macro economical effects of its commercialization in order to foresee following expand in related industries and increase in added value. First, Investment on the renewable energy technology development is in direct proportion both to the product and growth, but product shows slightly higher index under the same amount of R&D investment than growth. It indicates that advance in technology greatly influences the final product, the energy growth. Moreover, while R&D investment on renewable energy product as well as the government funds included in the investment have proportionate influence on the renewable energy growth, private investment in the total amount invested has reciprocal influence. This statistic shows that research and development is mainly driven by government funds rather than private investment. Finally, while R&D investment on renewable energy growth affects proportionately, government funds and private investment shows no direct relations, which indicates that the effects of research and development on renewable energy do not affect government funds or private investment. All of the results signify that although it is important to have government policy in technology development and commercialization, private investment and active participation of enterprises are the key to the success in the industry.

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A Study on Operation Systems of Preservation & Repair Expenses for Architectural Heritage in Japanese Colonial Era - Focused on Classification of Preservation Cost Construction & Preservation Cost-Aided Construction - (일제강점기 「고건축물」 보존수리 공사비용 운용시스템에 관한 연구 - 「보존비공사」와 「보존비보조공사」 분류체계에 대하여 -)

  • Seo, Dong-Chun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.82-103
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    • 2017
  • Systems operating construction expenses for preservation and repair of the architectural heritage may be divided into two in the Japanese colonial era. They are preservation cost nd preservation cost-aided constructions, according to the ownership of a building. Preservation cost construction refers to preservation and repair of government-owned buildings that Japanese Government General of Korea had the ownership and the right of management, and preservation cost-aided construction means preservation and repair of private buildings such as Buddhist temples. In the case of preservation and repair of buildings owned by the government, it was done by the Japanese Government General of Korea, so the same agent executed the budget and managed the properties. They included royal tombs and relics, old government offices, Hyanggyo and some Seowon. On the other hand, in the case of preservation and repair of private buildings, they were private properties, so Japanese Government General of Korea had rights only for permission of preservation and repair. If there was a request for .preservation and repair by an owner, the Japanese Government General of Korea decided on whether it would support its expenses or not and played a role of management and supervision. It applied to Buddhist shrines and pagodas owned by Buddhist temples and shrines and temples owned by individuals and families. Hence, in the case of government-owned buildings, because the preservation cost was spent from the Japanese Government General of Korea's budget for investigation expenses of historical remains or repair expenses of Jeolleung and ruins, they were classified into preservation cost constructions. As for private buildings, the cost was spent from their budget for aiding preservation expenses, so they were classified into preservation cost-aided constructions. Because preservation cost construction and preservation cost-aided construction were conducted by two different agents, there were a little difference in procedures for executing a construction. There was no big difference in the general progress of constructions but was an administrative difference in the kinds of documents submitted and the roles of field supervisors. Such dual systems remained unimproved throughout the Japanese colonial era. The Japanese Government General of Korea was the colonial government so much influenced by the Japanese Government. Most Japanese architectural heritage was owned by Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines and there was almost no building owned by the government, resulting in a unitary system unlike Korea. Heritage system by the Japanese Government General of Korea was established under the influence of Japan regardless of the situation in Korea. Accordingly, Japanese Government General of Korea could not present a definite solution in the bisected system of preservation and repair expenses for the heritage. It shows the limits of the Japanese Government General of Korea in the colonial era.

Study on the Multilevel Effects of Integrated Crisis Intervention Model for the Prevention of Elderly Suicide: Focusing on Suicidal Ideation and Depression (노인자살예방을 위한 통합적 위기개입모델 다층효과 연구: 자살생각·우울을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Eun Joo;Yook, Sung Pil
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.173-200
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    • 2017
  • This study is designed to verify the actual effect on the prevention of the elderly suicide of the integrated crisis intervention service which has been widely provided across all local communities in Gyeonggi-province focusing on the integrated crisis intervention model developed for the prevention of elderly suicide. The integrated crisis intervention model for the local communities and its manual were developed for the prevention of elderly suicide by integrating the crisis intervention theory which contains local community's integrated system approach and the stress vulnerability theory. For the analysis of the effect, the geriatric depression and suicidal ideation scale was adopted and the data was collected as follows; The data was collected from 258 people in the first preliminary test. Then, it was collected from the secondary test of 184 people after the integrated crisis intervention service was performed for 6 months. The third collection of data was made from 124 people after 2 or 3 years later using the backward tracing method. As for the analysis, the researcher used the R Statistics computing to conduct the test equating, and the vertical scaling between measuring points. Then, the researcher conducted descriptive statistics analysis and univariate analysis of variance, and performed multi-level modeling analysis using Bayesian estimation. As a result of the study, it was found out that the integrated crisis intervention model which has been developed for the elderly suicide prevention has a statistically significant effect on the reduction of elderly suicide in terms of elderly depression and suicide ideation in the follow-up measurement after the implementation of crisis intervention rather than in the first preliminary scores. The integrated crisis intervention model for the prevention of elderly suicide was found to be effective to the extent of 0.56 for the reduction of depression and 0.39 for the reduction of suicidal ideation. However, it was found out in the backward tracing test conducted 2-3 years after the first crisis intervention that the improved values returned to its original state, thus showing that the effect of the intervention is not maintained for long. Multilevel analysis was conducted to find out the factors such as the service type(professional counseling, medication, peer counseling), characteristics of the client (sex, age), the characteristics of the counselor(age, career, major) and the interaction between the characteristics of the counselor and intervention which affect depression and suicidal ideation. It was found that only medication can significantly reduce suicidal ideation and that if the counselor's major is counseling, it significantly further reduces suicidal ideation by interacting with professional counseling. Furthermore, as the characteristics of the suicide prevention experts are found to regulate the intervention effect on elderly suicide prevention in applying integrated crisis intervention model, the primary consideration should be given to the counseling ability of these experts.

A Study on the Nature observation and Scientific methodology in Zhōuyì周易 - Focusing on its association with Contemporary Science (『주역(周易)』의 자연관찰과 과학적 방법론에 관한 연구 - 『주역(周易)』에 나타난 현대자연과학적 의미를 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Jungwon
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.71
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    • pp.99-128
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    • 2018
  • Zhōuyì周易 is intended to explain the affairs of human beings by observing the images and works of all things in the universe, abstracting them into the $b{\bar{a}}gu{\grave{a}}$八卦, calculating the process and inducing the outcome by the method of stalk divination, in which this paper finds the origin of natural scientific thought of Zhōuyì. The way of Zhōuyì's thought on the natural science is distinguished from that of the Western's. In the West, people dismantled the objects into the parts until they reached the atom and analyzed them by the principle of causality to draw an axiomatic truth. In the meantime Zhōuyì observed and studied the dynamic functions and changes of all things for the convergence of the whole. While the way of Zhōuyì's thinking could have not contributed to the development of modern scientific development, that of the West overwhelmed Asian development passing through the period of enlightenment during 16-17 century. This paper tries to articulate the points where Zhōuyì can share its theory with the contemporary science by finding the traces of scientific thoughts in Zhōuyì. It encounters its ground from the methodology of natural science and scientific statements proposed by Zhōuyì. The essential concepts of Zhōuyì are induced from all things in nature. This can be considered as the idea of '法自然'(emulating the patterns and examples from nature). Also they observed the images and changes seen by the habits of animals, plants and human beings to sense and perceive their laws. These are regarded as the methodology of natural science in Zhōuyì. As a book of divination, the way of stalk divination is designed to calculate the future by using the system of 'numbers'. 'tàijí太極', ' yīnyáng陰陽', 'four symbols四象', '$b{\bar{a}}gu{\grave{a}}$八卦' and 'wǔxíng五行' are the essential concepts of Zhōuyì to represents the dynamic phenomena and changes of the natural order. Among them '$b{\bar{a}}gu{\grave{a}}$八卦' is a presentment to explain the structure of the world not by the individual analysis of things but by the unification of the whole through the contradictions and interchanges among them to reach the new orders. As of now, the studies of Zhōuyì in Korea have focused on the traditional perspectives, such as political and ethical philosophy. Some of recent studies, having interpreted Zhōuyì with scientific inclination have generated controversy 'Can Zhōuyì be a science?', for which scholars have hard time to reach the agreement. This paper tries to find the headwaters of the contemporary natural science by elaborating the methodology of natural science stated in Zhōuyì.

Cytotoxic Effect and Protein Expression by Korean Regional Propolis on HeLa Ovarian Cancer Cell Line (HeLa 암세포주에 대한 국산 프로폴리스의 독성 효과 및 단백질 발현 변화)

  • Kim, Sung-Kuk;Woo, Soon Ok;Han, Sang Mi;Kim, Se Gun;Bang, Kyung Won;Kim, Hyo Young;Choi, Hong Min;Moon, Hyo Jung
    • Journal of Apiculture
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.245-254
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    • 2019
  • We investigated the anti-tumor effects and molecular mechanism of Brazil, China and Korean regional propolis on HeLa ovarian cancer cell line. Each propolis extracts was prepared by ethanol extraction method. Cytotoxicity of propolis extracts was determinated by EZ-cytox cell viability assay. To necessity of anti-tumor effect and molecular mechanism of propolis, we must be adjusting propolis concentration. Due to 100 ㎍/mL of propolis extract were reduced cell viability to less than 50%, we adjusted all of propolis concentration to 100 ㎍/mL. By Western blotting analysis, we confirmed that anti-tumor mechanism of Brazil, China and Korea regional propolis has significantly difference. All of propolis was activated apoptosis related molecules such as PARP, caspase-3. However, cell proliferation signaling molecules including Akt1, ERK and Bcl-2 were reduced the protein expression level. Especially, the expression of tumor suppressor protein p53 was significantly increased in propolis-treated group such as Gyeonggi, Chungbuk, Chungnam, Jeonbuk, Gyeongnam and China. The phosphorylation of Bax which as apoptosis indicator was appeared in propolis-treated group such as Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Chungnam, Gyeongbuk, China. In this results showed that the regional propolis has completely different mechanism in anti-tumor. Thus, propolis extracts may be useful source of functional materials on anti-cancer and it will be able to choose the suitable propolis for cancer therapy by analyzing individual characteristics.

Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries in Naver News by Web Crolling : Based on Keyword Analysis and Semantic Network Analysis (웹 크롤링에 의한 네이버 뉴스에서의 한국농수산대학 - 키워드 분석과 의미연결망분석 -)

  • Joo, J.S.;Lee, S.Y.;Kim, S.H.;Park, N.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to find information on the university's image from words related to 'Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries (KNCAF)' in Naver News. For this purpose, word frequency analysis, TF-IDF evaluation and semantic network analysis were performed using web crawling technology. In word frequency analysis, 'agriculture', 'education', 'support', 'farmer', 'youth', 'university', 'business', 'rural', 'CEO' were important words. In the TF-IDF evaluation, the key words were 'farmer', 'dron', 'agricultural and livestock food department', 'Jeonbuk', 'young farmer', 'agriculture', 'Chonju', 'university', 'device', 'spreading'. In the semantic network analysis, the Bigrams showed high correlations in the order of 'youth' - 'farmer', 'digital' - 'agriculture', 'farming' - 'settlement', 'agriculture' - 'rural', 'digital' - 'turnover'. As a result of evaluating the importance of keywords as five central index, 'agriculture' ranked first. And the keywords in the second place of the centrality index were 'farmers' (Cc, Cb), 'education' (Cd, Cp) and 'future' (Ce). The sperman's rank correlation coefficient by centrality index showed the most similar rank between Degree centrality and Pagerank centrality. The KNCAF articles of Naver News were used as important words such as 'agriculture', 'education', 'support', 'farmer', 'youth' in terms of word frequency. However, in the evaluation including document frequency, the words such as 'farmer', 'dron', 'Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs', 'Jeonbuk', and 'young farmers' were found to be key words. The centrality analysis considering the network connectivity between words was suitable for evaluation by Cd and Cp. And the words with strong centrality were 'agriculture', 'education', 'future', 'farmer', 'digital', 'support', 'utilization'.