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A Study on Configuration of the Road Guide Data Model for Visually Impaired Pedestrian (시각적 교통약자를 위한 길안내 데이터 모델 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sung Ho;Kwon, Jay Hyoun;Lee, Jisun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 2022
  • Due to the improvement of surveying, mapping and communication techniques, various apps for road direction guides and vehicle navigations have been developed. Although such a development has impacted on walking and driving, there is a limit to improving the daily convenience of the socially impaired people. This is mainly due to the fact that the software have been developed for normal pedestrians and drivers. Therefore, visually impaired people still have problems with the confusion of direction and/or non-provision of risk factors in walking. This study aimed to propose a scheme which constructs data for mobility-impaired or traffic-impaired people based on various geospatial information. The factors and components related to walking for the visually impaired are selected by geospatial data and a walking route guidance network that can be applied to a commercial software. As a result, it was confirmed that road direction guidance would be possible if additional contents, such as braille blocks (dotted/linear), sound signals, bus stops, and bollards are secured. In addition, an initial version of the application software was implemented based on the suggested data model and its usefulness was evaluated to a visually impaired person. To advance the stability of the service in walking for the visually impaired people, various geospatial data obtained by multiple institutes are necessary to be combined, and various sensors and voice technologies are required to be connected and utilized through ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) technology in near future.

Design of a multimedia interface for the description of human error caused nuclear power plant trips (인적오류로 인한 원자력발전소 고장정지 사건묘사를 위한 멀티미디어 인터페이스 설계)

  • 박근옥
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 1993
  • 원자력발전소에서 발생하는 고장정지 사건에 내포된 인적오류의 발생내용을 흥미있고 현장감 있게 묘사시킴과 동시에 종사원들의 인적오류를 저감시키기 위한 새로운 교육훈련방 법으로써 멀티미디어 기술의 사용을 고려하였다. 즉, 컴퓨터 환경하에서 숫자와 텍스트, 음 향 및 음성, 그래픽, 애니메이션, 화상 등의 미디어를 사용하여 인적오류로 인한 고장정지 사건발생의 내용을 전달하는 새로운 교육훈련 방법을 사용하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 고장정 지 사건과 관련한 원자력발전소 구성정보와 종사원의 활동정보를 입출력하기 위한 멀티미디어 인터페이스를 설계하였다. 설계는 멀티미디어 제공환경 구축과 인터페이스 운영논리 설정의 두단계로 구성한 절차에 따라 수행하였다. 멀티미디어 인터페이스는 원자력발전소 구성정보를 설계하여 저장시켜둔 퍼스널 컴퓨터 환경하에서 운영되며, 입력 및 출력의 두가지 인터페이스 를 갖는다. 입력 인터페이스는 인적 오류를 포함한 고장정지 사건의 발생내용을 숫자, 텍스트, 음성 미디어로 받아들여 출력 인터페이스에서 사용될 수 있도록 미디어 결합을 수행하고, 컴퓨터 저장장치에 저장하는 기능을 수행한다. 출력 인터페이스는 저장장치에 기록된 내용을 판독하여 고장정지의 진행경위와 인적오류의 발생내용을 숫자, 문자, 텍스트, 음성, 음향, 그래픽 애니메 이션, 정지화상으로 원자력발전소 종사원들에게 출력시켜 주는 기능을 수행한다. 멀티미디어 출력정보는 사용자가 CRT 화면에 제공되는 버튼 또는 Click Touch 메뉴를 사용함에 따라 이전, 이후의 출력정보로 전이할 수 있도록 하였다.상대적으로 중요한 검사 항목으로 나타났다. 또한 상대적 중요도 결과를 적용한 적성검사 성적이 적용하지 않은 적성검사 성적에 비해 비행성적에 대한 예측 능력이 좋은 것으로 평가되었다.al age)가 있다는 것을 의미하는 것이다. 한편, 생산현장에서는 자동화, 기계화가 진보되어 육체적인 노동이 경감된 결과, 중고령자라도 할 수 있는 작업이 많아지고 있다. 또, VDT (Visual Dislay Terminal) 작업과 같은 정보처리 작업의 수요가 증가하여 그 인재의 부족이 지적되고 있다. 따라서 중고령자의 기능을 조사하여 어떠한 작업에 적합한가를 판단하는 것이 중요한 과제로 되었다. 그러나 노동에는 많은 기능이 관여 하고, 그 내용에 따라서 요구되는 기능이 서로 다르기 때문에 노동적응능력의 기본적인 기능으로 보여지는 것에 좁혀서 작업능력의 연령증가 변화에 대하여다원적 평가를 하는 것이 실제적이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 인간이 가지고 있는 다수의 기능중에서 수지교 치성과 연령증가와의 관계를 조사한다. 만약 연령증가 만으로 수지교치성을 평가 할 수 없는 경우에는 어떠한 요인이 수지기민성의 변화에 영향을 미치는가를 검토한다.t list)에서 자동적으로 사건들의 순서가 결정되도록 확장하였으며, 설비 제어방식에 있어서도 FIFO, LIFO, 우선 순위 방식등을 선택할 수 있도록 확장하였다. SIMPLE는 자료구조 및 프로그램이 공개되어 있으므로 프로그래머가 원하는 기능을 쉽게 추가할 수 있는 장점도 있다. 아울러 SMPLE에서 새로이 추가된 자료구조와 함수 및 설비제어 방식등

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Implementation of Multichannel Digital Hearing Aid Algorithm Development Platform using Simulink (Simulink 기반 다채널 디지털 보청기 알고리즘 개발 플랫폼 구현)

  • Byun, Jun;Min, Ji-hwan;Cha, Tae-hwan;Ji, You-na;Park, Young-cheol
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we implement the development platform of multichannel digital hearing aid algorithm using Simulink provided by Matlab. The digital hearing aids are considered medical devices designed to compensate for hearing loss, they need to be correctly selected, to help a person who has difficulty in hearing. The development platform that implemented in this paper, includes WOLA filterbank for analysis/synthesis of input signal, Wide dynamic range compression for hearing loss compensation and adaptive filter for feedback cancellation. Using the development platform, algorithm parameters for each block can be set depending on the hearing aid user. Thus it is possible to test the algorithm before the machine language. As a result, the time for algorithm development can be saved and performance and computational complexity can be optimized.

DNN based Speech Detection for the Media Audio (미디어 오디오에서의 DNN 기반 음성 검출)

  • Jang, Inseon;Ahn, ChungHyun;Seo, Jeongil;Jang, Younseon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.632-642
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose a DNN based speech detection system using acoustic characteristics and context information of media audio. The speech detection for discriminating between speech and non-speech included in the media audio is a necessary preprocessing technique for effective speech processing. However, since the media audio signal includes various types of sound sources, it has been difficult to achieve high performance with the conventional signal processing techniques. The proposed method improves the speech detection performance by separating the harmonic and percussive components of the media audio and constructing the DNN input vector reflecting the acoustic characteristics and context information of the media audio. In order to verify the performance of the proposed system, a data set for speech detection was made using more than 20 hours of drama, and an 8-hour Hollywood movie data set, which was publicly available, was further acquired and used for experiments. In the experiment, it is shown that the proposed system provides better performance than the conventional method through the cross validation for two data sets.

An Indoor Localization and Guidance System for the Visually Impaired Person Based on Bluetooth 4.0 (시각 장애인을 위한 Bluetooth 4.0 기반의 실내 위치 추정 및 안내 시스템)

  • Bae, Sun-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.202-208
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    • 2016
  • The scope of activities of the visually impaired is increasing. But they are not easy to visit the destination safely because the building was complicated and larger than ever. There is a guide system for visually impaired such as GPS and Audio alerts, Braille guide block, Acoustic signaller, etc. But they are not suitable for indoor because most of them are the outdoor guide system. Therefore, in this paper, I propose a system that provides guidance information to the visually impaired using Voice Technology, TTS (Text to Speech) and Haptic Technology, Beacon based on the wireless sensor networks. It informed the visually impaired of guidance information about destination such as distance, height, and obstacle to the destination using the generalized smart phone. The user could be received guide info about searches for the optimal route to the destination using the TTS technology and Haptic technology in test result of the proposed system.

Low-Power Implementation of A Multichannel Hearing Aid Using A General-purpose DSP Chip (범용 DSP 칩을 이용한 다중 채널 보청기의 저전력 구현)

  • Kim, Bum-Jun;Byun, Joon;Park, Young-Cheol
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we present a low-power implementation of the multi-channel hearing aid system using a general-purpose DSP chip. The system includes an acoustic amplification algorithm based on Wide Dynamic Range Compression (WDRC), an adaptive howling canceller, and a single-channel noise reduction algorithm. To achieve a low-power implementation, each algorithm is re-constructed in forms of integer program, and the integer program is converted to the assembly program using BelaSigna(R) 250 instructions. Through experiments using the implementation system, the performance of each processing algorithm was confirmed in real-time. Also, the clock of the implementation system was measured, and it was confirmed that the entire signal processing blocks can be performed in real time at about 7.02MHz system clock.

A Study on Implementation of Line Array Sensor Data Processing Platform Using PowerPC and Vxworks (PowerPC 및 VxWorks를 이용한 예인선배열센서 데이터처리 플랫폼 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Byeong-Seon;Kim, Young-Kil
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.1603-1609
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    • 2010
  • This Paper deals with a design, making a prtotype and test methods of Real-time towed Line Array Sensor Data processing board for fast data communication and long range data transmission with SFM(Serial FPDP Module) through Optic-fiber channel. Towed line array sensors are installed in Frigate and the each LAS A, B, C group data from LAS is packed a previously agreed protocol and transmitted to the signal processing unit. Considering the limited space of VME 6U size, LAS Data processing board is designed with MPC8265 PowerPC Controller of Freescale for main system control and Altera's CycloneIII FPGA for sensor data packing, self-test simulation data generation, S/W FIFO et cetera. LAS Data processing board have VxWorks, the RTOS(Real Time Operating System) that present many device drivers, peripheral control libraries on board for real-time data processing.

Active Sonar Target Detection Using Fractional Fourier Transform (Fractional 푸리에 변환을 이용한 능동소나 표적탐지)

  • Baek, Jongdae;Seok, Jongwon;Bae, Keunsung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2016
  • Many studies in detection and classification of the targets in the underwater environments have been conducted for military purposes, as well as for non-military purpose. Due to the complicated characteristics of underwater acoustic signal reflecting multipath environments and spatio-temporal varying characteristics, active sonar target detection technique has been considered as a difficult technique. In this paper, we describe the basic concept of Fractional Fourier transform and optimal transform order. Then we analyze the relationship between time-frequency characteristics of an LFM signal and its spectrum using Fractional Fourier transform. Based on the analysis results, we present active sonar target detection method. To verify the performance of proposed methods, we compared the results with conventional FFT-based matched filter. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method compared to the conventional method in the aspect of AUC(Area Under the ROC Curve).

FTFM: An Object Linkage Model for Virtual Reality (가상현실을 위한 객체 연결 모델)

  • Ju, U-Seok;Choe, Seong-Un;Park, Gyeong-Hui;Lee, Hui-Seung
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 1996
  • The most fundamental difference between general three dimensional computer graphics technology and virtual reality technology lies in the degree of realism as we feel, and thus the virtual reality method heavily relies on such tolls as data gloves, 3D auditory system to enhance human perception and recognition. Although these tolls are valid for such purpose, more essential ingredient. This paper provides further realism by modeling active interactions between the objects inside scenes. For this purpose, this paper proposes and implements a field model where the virtual reality space is treated as a physical field defined on the characteristic radius of stimulus and sense corresponding to the individual object. In the field model, the rule of cause and effect as an essential feature of the realism can be interpreted simply as an energy exchange between objects and consequently, variation on the radius information together with behavioral logic alone can build the virtual environment where each object can react to other objects actively and controllably.

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Impact and Damage Detection Method Utilizing L-Shaped Piezoelectric Sensor Array (L-형상 압전체 센서 배열을 이용한 충격 및 손상 탐지 기법 개발)

  • Jung, Hwee-Kwon;Lee, Myung-Jun;Park, Gyuhae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a method that integrates passive and active-sensing techniques for the structural health monitoring of plate-like structures. Three piezoelectric transducers are deployed in a L-shape to detect and locate an impact event by measuring and processing the acoustic emission data. The same sensor arrays are used to estimate the subsequent structural damage using guided waves. Because this method does not require a prior knowledge of the structural parameters, such as the wave velocity profile in various directions, accurate results could be achieved even on anisotropic or curved plates. A series of experiments was performed on plates, including a spar-wing structure, to demonstrate the capability of the proposed method. The performance was also compared to that of traditional approaches and the superior capability of the proposed method was experimentally demonstrated.