• 제목/요약/키워드: 음악교육실제

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The Higher Education Possibility of Sound Art in Korea - Focusing on the Proposal of Creative Fusion Liberal Arts Learning (사운드아트의 국내 고등교육 가능성 - 창의적 융복합 교양교과 제안을 중심으로)

  • Irene Eunyoung Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.443-451
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    • 2023
  • Sound Art (Sonic Art) is a branch of contemporary art that has been practiced dominantly in Europe and the Americas since the mid-20th century; and in Korea, it tends to be regarded as a multiple art field or as a subgenre of contemporary music or media art. Since the 2000s, some leading universities in North America and Europe have been opened sound art majors, producing talented people who specialize in this field or work as practical artists, yet it is still considered a non-mainstream art field. It is difficult to find schools that have opened sound arts as their major program in domestic universities. Along with the introduction of a liberal arts curriculum model and teaching methods used in the <Sound Art of Modern Society> course operated in a four-year university in South Korea, this paper discusses the possibility of using sound art as a main subject in liberal arts learning in higher education as a creative fusion liberal arts subject.

Increase of Spoken Number of Syllables Using MIT(Melody Intonation Therapy) : Case Studies on older adult with stroke and aphasia (MIT(Melodic Intonation Therapy) 중심의 음악활동을 이용한 실어증을 가진 뇌졸중 노인의 음절 수 증가에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Hong, Do Kyoung
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2005
  • Most of stroke patients have not only physical difficulty but speech and neurological disorder because of hemiplegia and such unexpected changes cause psychologic disadaptability and absent-mindedness. Particularly, lowering of physical ability can lead to serious emotional problem from failure or frustration in daily life. Generally, treatment of patient with stroke put emphasis on physical rehabilitation but actually this patient had considerable speech disorder such as aphasia or articulation disorder. Moreover, failing of recognition function, mental disorder as hypochondria, and even visual and auditory disorder are represented. So it is effective to integrate verbal remediation and other treatments in medical care environment. In particular, patients with language disorder very often wither psychologically therefore it is efficient to use of music therapy that gives opulent emotion to aphasia patients. And primarily to investigate the effects of 10 sessions treatments; change in spoken total number of syllables, to confirm their own value by success of given task and reassure about themselves ability. All of 10 sessions stages were scored by MIT manual and its improvement were measured, that is, accomplishment was analyzed within each level in order to prove detail change of spoken total number of syllables. The result of this program organized from 2 syllables to 4 syllables is summarized as follows. Subject A completed in preliminary stage Level I, in 2 syllables case advanced to Level III in fifth session and to Level IV in seventh session, in 3 syllables case advanced to Level III in seventh session and to Level IV in ninth session, and in 4 syllables case showed 8% low success rate in first session but after repeated practice increased considerably in sixth session and in advanced to Level III in eighth session to Level IV in tenth session. Subject B also completed in preliminary stage Level I, in 2 syllables case advanced to Level III in forth session and to Level IV in sixth session, in 3 syllables case advanced to Level III in fifth session and to Level IV in seventh session, and in 4 syllables case showed 10% low success rate in first session and increased considerably in fifth session and in advanced to Level III in seventh session but could not reach to Level IV until tenth session. As a result, it was shown that music therapy using MIT was not statistically meaningful but improved spoken total number of syllables and success rate of task had improved as a whole. Therefore, music intervention using MIT it has positive affect on verbal ability of patients with Broca's Aphasia and their language rehabilitation.

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The completion of the "Gagogwonryu" was edited by Ha Soon-il (하순일 편집 "가곡원류"의 성립)

  • Shin, Kyung-Sook
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.26
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    • pp.125-149
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    • 2007
  • Until the late 19th century, $\ulcorner$Gagogwonryu(歌曲源流)$\lrcorner$ was a collection of songs which had powerful influence on Gagog tradition. However, its role on Gagog(歌曲) tradition since then is less well known. Generally, it is presumed that Gagog tradition might disappeared by giving way to modern song genre. So this article question that $\ulcorner$Gagogwonryu$\lrcorner$ became extinct rapidly between the late 19th century and early 20th century, and follow $\ulcorner$Gagogwonryu$\lrcorner$ tradition of early 20th century. Gagog instruction for beginner had a clue to answer this question. This instruction was written by Ha Son-il(河順一) who was a teacher and singer in a private music institute. named 'ChoyangGurakbu(調陽俱樂部). Accordingly, this article has processed two phases in order to find out this question. First of all, this article analyzed Gagog instruction that Ha soon-il edited. As a result, it found out that Gagog instruction included the whole $\ulcorner$Gagogwonryu$\lrcorner$'s contents in the 19th century and was transmitted actively until the early 20th century. Second, this article found out $\ulcorner$Gagogwonryu$\lrcorner$ tradition of the early 20th century by analyzing character of ChoyangGurakbu. And also this article discovered ChoyangGurakbu had been managed by an vigorous aid association. Gagog instruction for beginner written by Ha Son-il had spreaded from strength to strength in the early 20th century.

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3D Mobile Management Simulation Game (모바일 환경 기반의 3D 경영 시뮬레이션 게임의 제작)

  • Kim, Jin-Young;Kim, Yun-Jun;Kim, Ji-Youn;Song, Ji-Hyun;Oh, Kyoung-Su
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02a
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    • pp.1341-1347
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    • 2006
  • 기존의 모바일 게임의 경우에는 간단한 스토리를 갖는 2D 게임이 주종을 이루었다. 그러나 이 논문에서는 PC 에서만 가능하다고 여겨지던 3D 경영 시뮬레이션 게임을 모바일에 접목해 보고자 하였다. 시공간의 제약이 없으며 간편성과 이동성을 가진 모바일 게임의 장점을 살리며 3D 게임의 현실감, 시뮬레이션 게임의 재미를 모두 가질 수 있는 게임을 제작하고자 하였다. 게임의 기본적인 줄거리에는 고구려의 역사적 사건을 넣어서 게임을 하면서 고구려의 역사를 직접 느껴보도록 하였다. 세금의 단위나 정책에 관한 내용은 고구려의 실제 역사적 내용을 따랐으며 게임의 중간 중간에 시행되는 고구려의 정책 결정 과정을 통하여 고구려 왕의 생각과 흐름을 느끼도록 하였다. 게이머는 왕을 보조하는 입장에서 고구려의 정책을 간언할 수 있으며 왕의 정책을 지지할 수도, 반대할 수도 있다. 시간의 변화에 따라 왕도 변화하며 왕족의 계도도 고구려의 수순을 따르며, 왕의 역사적인 주요 정책도 게임을 통하여 자연스럽게 적용된다. 이로써 단순한 도시 경영이 주 테마가 아닌 고구려의 역사적 배경을 자연스럽게 삽입한 게임을 제작함으로써 게임의 사실성을 높였으며 한국적인 그래픽과 음악을 삽입하여 통적인 감각을 살렸다. 전본 논문에서는 3D 경영 시뮬레이션 게임 [한고을]의 전체적인 구성과 본 게임의 알고리즘을 소개하고 있다. 본 게임 개발의 가장 큰 목적은 모바일 기반의 3D게임 개발을 통한 사실적인 게임을 제작하고 탄탄한 스토리를 가진 게임 제작이다. 그러나 역사적인 내용을 사용함으로써 부가적으로 교육적인 효과도 있었다. 이 게임개발을 계기로 하여 급속하게 성장하고 있는 모바일 컨텐츠 시장에서도 컨텐츠의 수가 아닌 질적인 증가가 이루어 졌으면 하는 바램을 가진다.

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A study on the weight control behavior according to cluster types of the motivation to use social media among university students in the Jeonbuk area (전북지역 대학생의 소셜미디어 이용동기 유형에 따른 체중조절 행태 연구)

  • Jiyoon Lee;Sung Suk Chung;Jeong Ok Rho
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.203-216
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study examines the weight control behavior depending on university students' motives of using social media. Methods: The participants were 447 university students in the Jeonbuk area. Collected data were analyzed using factor analysis, cluster analysis, analysis of variance, and χ2 tests with SPSS v. 26.0. Considering the motives of using social media, we investigated the usage of social media, dietary behavior related to social media, and weight control behavior. Results: Using the K-clustering method, the motives to use social media were categorized into three clusters: cluster 1 was the interest-centered group, cluster 2 was the multipurpose information-seeking group, and cluster 3 was the relationship-centered group. Among the various social media sites, YouTube (86.8%), Instagram (76.1%), and Facebook (61.1%) were the most visited by the subjects. The dietary behavior related to social media in cluster 2 was significantly higher than clusters 1 and 3 (p < 0.001). Clusters 1 and 2 showed a significantly higher dissatisfaction with one's weight (p < 0.05) and consequent interest in weight control than cluster 3 (p < 0.001). Cluster 2 used weight control-related information from social media significantly more than other clusters (p < 0.05). Weight control experiences in cluster 1 and 2 were significantly higher than in cluster 3 (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Differences in dietary behavior related to social media and weight control behavior were observed between cluster types of motivation to use social media. Based on the usage motives of university students and their behaviors, we propose that educational programs should be conducted for weight control using social media.

Demand for Classical Music Concerts from Transaction Cost Perspectives (거래비용 관점으로 본 클래식 음악공연 관람수요)

  • Lee, Chang Jin;Kim, Jaibeom
    • Review of Culture and Economy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.3-28
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    • 2014
  • The characteristics of performing arts differ from those of utilitarian goods in terms of economics. Factors other than price need to be considered to understand the demand for performing arts. Audience surveys as well as econometric demand studies have confirmed that socio-economic factors such as age, income, employment, and education are major determinants of the demand for performing arts. This study focused on the attributes of concerts rather than consumer characteristics to determine the concerts audiences select in terms of transaction cost. Genre, price, internet search trends, and the purpose of performance as well as price are tested as determinants of demand by using the data set for a major concert hall in Seoul. Genre and the specific purpose of concerts influence the demand for concerts. Internet search trends of the performer are used as indicators of popularity and information exposure, which are positively correlated with demand. This result supports the hypothesis that larger audiences would attend concerts that require lower information search costs. To note, price has a positive effect on demand in the higher price range, which means that concerts at higher prices attract larger audiences, whereas normal goods have a negative slope in the demand curve. This result can be explained by the hypothesis that consumers use price as an indicator of the quality expected of a concert. Transaction cost for selecting classical concerts thus forms an inverse-U shape curve against ticket price. These results provide some explanation of why audiences of classical music choose to attend concerts at high ticket prices while offering evidence in favor of the hypothesis that performing arts are selected in a social context.

Analysis of a Degree of Difficulty in Kim Kukjin's "25 Pieces of Korean Melody for Piano" and Suggestion of Effective Pedagogic Guidelines (김국진 <한국선율에 의한 피아노소품집>에 수록된 25개 악곡의 난이도 분석과 효과적인 지도방안 제시)

  • Kim, Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.600-610
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    • 2022
  • While Korean piano pedagogy has seen a remarkable growth, the relatively weak attention to intermediate level has emerged as a pending problem. The limited literature review, specifically the lack of playing Korean original works, has been considered as a serious issue. To emphasize the usefulness of Kim Kukjin's "Pieces of Korean Melody for Piano" as an intermediate work, this study presents practical teaching guidelines by classifying of difficulty in his 25 pieces and providing step by step learning goals and teaching plan. The difficulty stage was based on Jane Magret's 10-step classification table for comparison with other intermediate piano literature, and this study more specifically classified Kim's pieces according to Korean melody, rhythm, and texture. As a result of the difficulty classification, it was found that the pieces from stages 4 to 10 was organized to systematically and comprehensively learn step by step from the most basic progression to Korean 'Jangdan' rhythm patterns, various articulations and decorations that express 'Sigimsae' of Korean Traditional Music, and heterophony texture. In addition, this study proposed the order of pieces for the effective teaching according to the characteristics and difficulty of the pieces. This study suggests that the findings lead to the expansion of Korean intermediate literature study and the revitalization of Korean original works teaching method.

A Study on the Subject Selection of Adjunct-Structure in 『Zi-Ping-Zhen-Quan』 (『자평진전』 겸격(兼格)의 주체 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Won-Ho Choi;Ki-Seung Kim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2023
  • Shen-Xiao-Zhan's 『Zi-Ping-Zhen-Quan』, which is called a commentary on Chart-Structure in MyungLiollgy, After selecting the Chart-Structure and classifying the good luck and bad luck of the case, the Phase-usage is set up according to the principle of Shun reverse. At this time, if two or more the sky symbol hidden in the ground of Monthly intertwine to form several Structure and become Adjunct-Structure, the subject of Structure must be finally known to set up Phase-usage and succeed Structure and failure can be judged. However, in 『Zi-Ping-Zhen-Quan』, only the structure and meaning of Adjunct-Structure were explained, and the method of determining the final subject of Adjunct-Structure was not described. This researcher reviewed various literatures for a study on selecting the subject of Adjunct-Structure, and compared and analyzed various actual cases of Adjunct-Structure by dividing them into Monthly and Chart-Structure. Common results related to the type of sign of the land that met with Monthly, the energy force of the sky sign projected from the sky symbol hidden underground in Monthly and the strength and weakness of the body were drawn. and the law was organized subjectively. It is believed that the results of this study will serve as an opportunity to reduce the confusion of Adjunct-Structure.

A development and evaluation of practical problem-based Home Economics lesson plans applying to multiple intelligence teaching.learning strategy - Focused on the unit 'Nutrition & Meals' of middle school Home Economics subject matter - (다중지능 교수.학습 방법을 적용한 실천적 문제 중심 가정과 교수.학습 과정안의 개발과 평가 - 중학교 가정과 '청소년의 영양과 식사' 단원을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Seong-Youn;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.87-111
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate practical problem-based Home Economics lesson plans applying to the multiple intelligence teaching learning strategy, focused on the unit 'Nutrition & Meals' of middle school Home Economics subject matter. To achieve this purpose, the lesson plans were developed and evaluated from the 72 middle school students in Chongju after implementing the instruction. The data from the questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS/WIN 12.0 and content analysis. The results were as follows: First, the objectives of practical problem-based 'Nutrition & Meals' Instruction using multiple intelligence teaching strategy were to understand the importance of nutrition and health in an adolescent period and to develop good eating habits. The Practical Problem was 'What should I do for good eating habits?' and the learning contents were healthy life, the kinds and functions of nutriments, food pyramid and a food guide. The learning activities were progressed by various types of teaching and learning methods including 8 types of multiple intelligence teaching strategy. The lesson plans were developed according to the process of practical problem solving model. 6 periods of lesson plans and worksheets were developed. Second, the practical problem-based instruction using multiple intelligence teaching-learning strategy were evaluated to increase students' positive learning attitudes, motivation, and good eating habits.

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Children′s Attitudes Toward Food Advertisement on Children′s Television Program (어린이 시간대 식품광고에 대한 어린이들의 수용 태도)

  • 김경희;강금지
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.648-660
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    • 1997
  • The study was conducted to investigate children's attitudes toward food advertisement on children's television programs. A total of 868 subjects were selected from two KangNam and KangBook elementary schools (4, 5, 6th graders). First, it was reviewed food ads. On children's television program on 3 channels between 5∼7 pm from April to July in 1997. Among the total television commercials, 58% were food product ads.. Among the advertised food, the largest number of ads. was for beverages (21.6%) and the next was for cookies (19.7%), followes by sharbet and ice cream (19.5%), fast food (12.4%), cereal (5.5%) and milk and milk products (2.9%). This review revealed that the mostly advertised food are high in calorie, fat and sugar. Secondly, it was conducted a survey. The results of the survey were as follows: weekly average TV watching hours per child: 13.5. 50.8% of the children watched children's program on TV. 83.9% of the subjcts answered that they get their information about new food through TV ads.. 59.2% of children tried to buy the food advertised on TV program. The relationship between TV food ads. and health, 49.4% of the children answered that advertised food were not good for one's health. When we asked them to choose between advertised and non-advertised food, they preferred the advertised ones, such as cookies, beverages, fast food restaurants and cereals (p<0.001). The results of this study suggest that children's purchasing and selecting of food were influenced by TV food advertisement. Therefore, education is needed which will help children's make responsible, informed consumers choices.

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