• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유지보전

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Effects of Pre-heat Treatments on Milk Protein and Microorganism Aspects in Raw Milk (예열처리(豫熱處理)가 원유(原乳)의 단백질(蛋白質) 및 미생물(微生物)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Seung Sub;Kim, Jong Woo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.153-166
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    • 1993
  • The experiments were conducted to improve raw milk quality during storage, the chemical composition and microbiological aspect of raw milk, milk thermized at 65C for 30 second, and 75C for 2 second stored at 5C for 4 days were investigated. The result obtained were summarized as follows : 1. During storage of raw and thermized milk, in the composition of milk fat, milk protein, lactose and total solid did not change significantly. 2. The range of pH and acidity for the raw milk were 6.73~5.94 and 0.16~0.27% respectively and those of the thermized milk were 6.79~6.62 and 0.16~0.17% respectively. The phosphatase test were negative in heated milk. 3. The composition of total nitrogen, NCN and whey protein were decreased, wherease those of NPN and casein were increased in heat treated milk. 4. The compositions of total nitrogen and casein were decreased as the storage period advanced, wherese those of NCN and NPN were increased. However, the composition of whey protein did not significantly change. 5. The number of coliform bacteria was not found in thermized milk. but were gradually increased in raw milk during storage period. 6. Raw milk had total bacteria count as 5.6×106/ml, psychrotrophic bacteria 1.8×106/ml and thermoduric bacteria 1.6×105/ml, as the heat treatment increased microorganism counts decreased to milk thermized at 75C, for 2 sec. 3.0×103/ml, 1.5×10/ml and 2.7×103/ml respectively. 7. The count of thermoduric bacteria, psychrotrophic bacteria and total bacteria were increased during storage period, and more rapidly increased in raw milk than in heat treated milk.

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Studies on Restoration of Forest-Floor Vegetation Devastated by Recreational Trampling (I) -Seeding, Fertilizing and Soil Surface Treatment Effect on Restoration of Forest-Floor Vegetation- (답압(踏壓)으로 훼손(毁損)된 임간나지(林間裸地)의 임상식생복원(林床植生復元)에 관한 연구(硏究)(I) -임상식생복원(林床植生復元)에 미치는 파종(播種), 시비(施肥) 및 표토처리효과 (表土處理效果)-)

  • Oh, Koo Kyoon;Woo, Bo Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.1
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 1992
  • For elucidating effective methods of restoration of forest recreational sites where management goals are maintaining naturalness and conserving natural ecosystem, seeding, fertilization and soil surface treatment were used for four years at the devastated forest-floor. For restoration of forest-floor vegetation, factorial experiment was used with a split plot design(main plot : fertilization, subplot : soil surface×seeding) and a randomized complete block design (fertilization×seeding) at the Kwanaksan Aboretum, Anyang, Kyonggido. Results were summarized as follows : Soil surface softening with tipping and ripping and straw-mat mulching (70% coverage) treatment was effective on germination, survival and growth of seeded vegetation at devastated forest-floor. Especially, straw-mat mulching treatment was effective on soil surface stabilization and seedling's survival at eroded soil surface, while complete soil surface softening treatment was effective on germination, survival and early growth of tree species of late-successional series. Introducing seeds of native species of pioneer or early-successional series, with good growth capability in barren soil was effective on rapid restoration in devastated forest-floor with its soil surface previously compacted and its surviving seeds washed away. When the seeding and straw-mat mulching after partial soil surface softening with tipping and ripping treatment were employed, it took about three years to restore the devastated forest-floor where surface erosion had been undertaken for an extended period of time and where naturally surviving seeds of native species had been washed away. Softening treatment of soil surface was effective for about two years, and seeding and soil surface treatment increased number of seedlings and improved soil surface environment through fixing of movement of the fallen leaves. Fertilizing effect was not oberserved, mainly due to seeding exposure and poor physical condition including soil surface erosion, low soil water potential and drought, etc, at the field experimental site. However, application of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers was effective on seedling survival of the species in late-successional series, while lime application adversely affected the seedling survival.

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Introduction of a System for a Sustainable Ecotourism and International Cooperation - Focusing on the Korea-China-Japan Ecotourism Certification/Designation System - (생태관광의 지속가능성 확보를 위한 제도 도입 및 국제협력방안 - 한·중·일 생태관광 인증/지정제도를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Hee-Sun;Kim, Hyun-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to establish ecotourism as an introduction to sustainability and international cooperation. As a plan to retain the original meaning of ecotourism, the introduction of a program to certify/designateecotourism is being vitalized in many countries around the world. In Korea as well, an agenda to the introduction of an "Ecotourism Designation System,"which aims to ensure the quality of ecotourism at a certain level, was submitted by the Ministry of Environment to the National Assembly in June 2011, and the promotion for a demonstration program is planned this year to introduce the system. Japan has been carrying out the certification systems Good Eco-tour, which certifies the sustainability of ecotourism providers and accommodations since 2006, respectively, and has been securing the sustainability of ecotourism by enactment in 2008, as the world's first law to promote ecotourism. And the second general conference of the first Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism(GPST) was held in Korea in March 2012, particularly, there was an agreement that the promotion of Asia and the Pacific Area Network for sustainable tourism would center around Korea, and accordingly, it is expected that Korea's status as a core country for ecotourism in the Asia-Pacific Area will increase. While the demand for an approach to natural resources is rapidly increasing, we should be active in providing an institutional strategy such as a designation system to secure the sustainability of ecotourism and seeking a plan for cooperation and network vitalization in the Asia-Pacific Area where similar natural resources and cultures are shared.

Reducing Dose in SPECT/CT Using Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction Technique (Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction 기법을 이용한 Bone SPECT/CT 검사에서 피폭량 감소 방안)

  • Choi, Jin-Wook;Choi, Hyeon-Jun;Park, Chan-Rok;Cho, Sung-Wook;Kim, Jin-Eui;Lee, Jae-Sung;Lee, Dong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.134-139
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) technique is a reconstruction method of CT image using statistical noise modeling which is known to reduce image noise and to preserve image quality despite reducing radiation dose. The aim of this study is to evaluate images using ASIR on bone SPECT/CT which is primarily performed in our hospital. Materials and Methods: We compared the images of applied ASIR (ASIR level: 20-80%) and none ASIR by changing the mA based on 120 kVp, 100 mA using Discovery NM/CT 670 (GE, U.S.A). First, we evaluated attenuation correction in SPECT image by changing the ASIR level using Anthropomorphic phantom. Second, we compared the contrast to noise ratio (CNR), image noise and spatial resolution in CT image using ACR phantom. Third, after selecting the ASIR level applicable patient using lower torso phantom, we examined 2 patients who followed up bone SPECT/CT and we performed blind test. Results: The degree of attenuation correction in SPECT image showed no significant difference between applied ASIR and none ASIR (P>0.05). When applied ASIR, the noise of CT image were reduced at least 17 up to 52% by changing the mA. The CNR of image with ASIR was maintained more than 0.8 at 40 mA (ASIR 60%) while those without ASIR showed 0.42 at standard 40 mA. In comparison of the high contrast object, we distinguished 12 line pairs/cm at 40 mA regardless of appling ASIR. Comparison of the patients image applied ASIR level 60% (40 mA) which found out by spine image of lower torso phantom showed no signigicant difference between applied ASIR and none ASIR in blind test. The CTDIvol and DLP for applied ASIR 60% showed decreased by 60%, 60% on average than using standard mA. Conclusion: The study show that the radiation dose in SPECT/CT using ASIR can be reduced despite degradation of SPECT and CT images. In addition, higher ASIR level could be possibly applied characteristics of SPECT/CT that region of interest is limited to bone.

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Study on Reduction Effect of the Non-Point Pollutants through Riparian Buffer Zones (비점오염부하 저감을 위한 수변완충지대의 효율적 조성 연구)

  • Choi, I-Song;Kim, Sung-Won;Jung, Sang-Jun;Woo, Hyo-Seop;Oh, Jong-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1793-1797
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    • 2007
  • 한강 "수변구역"에서 비점오염물질의 공공수역 유입을 억제하기 위한 다양한 방법들 중에서 보편적이고 자연친화적인 방법은 다양한 생물의 서식공간이며, 동시에 본류로 유입되는 과정에서 수질을 정화시키는 수질개선 공간인 수변완충구역, 또는 지대를 설정하여 관리하는 것이다. 그러나 이러한 수변완충지대 효과 분석 및 설정에 관한 연구는 국내에서 아직 수행되지 않았다. 본 연구의 목적은 수변구역의 자정능력을 높이는 것은 물론 그 밖의 하천 연안에서 비점오염물질의 차단과 처리능력을 증진시키고 수변 생태계의 서식처 보전 및 복원을 위해서 수변완충지대의 수질정화 기술개발과 생물다양성을 창출하는 수변완충지대 조성 기법을 개발하는데 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존 수변완충지의 추가적인 조성과 보완, 시험완충지 생태구조 및 기능 기초조사, 시험완충지 오염부하 저감효과의 실험 및 분석, 수변완충지대 설치 구상 등의 연구를 수행하였다. 수행 지역은 한강수계 지역으로 남한강 수변인 경기도 양평군 병산리에서 실시하였으며, 잔디와 갈대, 갯버들, 혼합지역, 자연그대로의 상태(대조지역)의 5 구역으로 구분하였고, 깊이별로 샘플을 채취하여 유입수와 표면유출, 하부유출을 비교해 보았다. 연구 결과, 5 가지 구역 중 잔디 구역의 SS, T-N, T-P, TOC의 제거 효율이 각각 76.7%, 85.2%, 97.6%, 83.3%로 가장 좋은 오염물질 제거 효율을 보였으며, 깊이 별 분석에서는 표면유출에서 하부유출로 갈수록 월등한 효율을 보였다. 따라서 본 연구를 통하여 비점오염원에 대한 한강수계의 수자원 보호 효과를 기대할 수 있고, 수변완충지대의 조성, 유지관리기술의 개발을 통한 수변완충지대의 계획과 설계에 직접적인 기여를 할 수 있으며, 수변구역에 설치 가능한 Riparian Buffer Zone의 중요성과 효율성을 알려 현재 하상 저니 준설 및 폭기 위주의 사업에서 생태 공학적 복원을 적극 고려한 정화사업으로 확대 추진하고자 한다.해결책을 얻어내는 상호보완적인 결과를 추구한다. 그가 디자인하는 작품은 전형적인 이미지를 내포하지 않는다. 즉 그의 작품은 기존의 가치와 이념적인 것은 배제하고, 창의적인 개념을 도출하였다.형모서리는 건물 특화 성격이 강하므로 불가피할 경우 소형 액센트 광고 위치를 미리 벽면으로 할애하는 것이 경관 및 입면계획에 유리한 것으로 분석되었다. 불확실도 해석모형 등의 새로운 기능을 추가하여 제시하였다. 모든 입출력자료는 프로젝트 단위별로 운영되어 data의 관리가 손쉽도록 하였으며 결과를 DB에 저장하여 다른 모형에서도 적용할 수 있도록 하였다. 그리고 HyGIS-HMS 및 HyGIS-RAS 모형에서 강우-유출-하도 수리해석-범람해석 등이 일괄되게 하나의 시스템 내에서 구현될 수 있도록 하였다. 따라서 HyGIS와 통합된 수리, 수문모형은 국내 하천 및 유역에 적합한 시스템으로서 향후 HydroInformatics 구현을 염두에 둔 특화된 국내 수자원 분야 소프트웨어의 개발에 기본 토대를 제공할 것으로 판단된다.았다. 또한 저자들의 임상병리학적 연구결과가 다른 문헌에서 보고된 소아 신증후군의 연구결과와 큰 차이를 보이지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 자극에 차이가 있지 않나 추측되며 이에 관한 추후 연구가 요망된다. 총대장통과시간의 단축은 결장 분절 모두에서 줄어들어 나타났으나 좌측결장 통과시간의 감소 및 이로 인한 이 부위의 통과시간 비율의 저하가 가장 주요하였다. 이러한 결과는 차가운 생수 섭취가 주로 결장 근위부를 자극하는 효과를 발휘하는 것이 아닌가 해석된다. 이와 같은 연구결과를 통해 생다시마를 주원료로 개발된 생다시마차와 생다시마 음료가 만성 기능성 변비 증세를 개선하는 효능이 잠재적으로 있음을 확인하였다. 그러나 생약제재의 변비약 수준으로 변비 개선 효능을 증대하기 위해서는 재료 배합비의 개선이나 대장 운동기능을 향상시키는 유효성분의 보강 등이 필요하다는 점도 알 수 있었다.더불어 산화물질 해독에 관여하는

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Influence of Water Foxtail on Growth of Rice and Weed in No-Tillage Transplanted Rice (벼 무경운재배시 둑새풀 우점 정도가 벼 생육 및 잡초 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • 강양순;곽태순;송문태
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.619-624
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    • 1996
  • An experiment was carried out to find out the effects of water foxtail on weed control and rice yield as well as on the reduction of nitrogen application in no tillage transplanted paddy field. Paddy field was dominated by water foxtail whose soil covering degree was adjusted from 8 to 6 by treatment of paraquat (70 l /10a of solution diluted by 1, 000 times). Thirty five-day old seedling was mechanically transplanted and reduced nitrogen, 80% of conventional application was applied at the paddy field. The higher failure in seedling stand was observed at higher degree of soil covering by water foxtail. The failure of seedling stand with covering degree of 8(no paraquat) was 37.4%, while that of covering degree of 6(paraquat-treated) was 12.3%. However, the seedling stand failure was completely recovered at covering degree of six at two weeks after transplanting. The mechanical transplanting made water foxtail in the paddy field fall on the ground whose panicle part was recovered from falling sometimes after transplanting and whole plant died with slow scenesence untill the late of June. But the water foxtail affected by paraquat produced the new panicle from uppernode of stem with dead leaves at early of June and it become die slowly untill the early of July. Though several rice field weeds were observed in the order of Echinochloa crusgallis, Cyperus serotinus, Lemma paucicostata during the active tillering stage of rice, the value of weed control due to the dominance of water foxtail was 77~78%. The death and subsequent decay of water foxtail during the active tillering stage of rice induced the soil reduction which again defect the growth of rice root. The more vigerous rice growth was observed in the plot dominated with water foxtails, than control plot. The yields of rice in the water foxtail (degree 6) plot was 629kg per l0a as brown rice, the same as that of control plot. In conclusion, the no-tillage transplanting with control of covering degree of water foxtail (to degree 6) was effective in reduction of input cost such as herbicide and nitrogen fertilizer, as well as weed control without reduction of rice yield.

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The Physico-chemical Characteristics in the Garorim Bay, Korea (가로림만의 이화학적 수질의 시.공간적 특성)

  • Nam, Hyun-Jun;Heo, Seung;Park, Seung-Yun;Hwang, Un-Ki;Park, Jong-Soo;Lee, Hae-Kwang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2012
  • The physico-chemical characteristics including water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen(DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), chlorophyll-a(Chl. a), suspended particulate matter(SPM) and dissolved inorganic nutrients were investigated in the Garolim Bay, Yellow Sea, Korea in 2010 carried out six times per year at 11 fixed stations by Korea Fisheries Research & Development Institute. The water temperature, salinity, COD, dissolved inorganic nutrients, Chl. a and SPM showed significant difference between surface and bottom water but the other parameters didn't. There were not significant difference between stations. The water temperature showed typical change patterns of the temperate seawater. The annual average of salinity showed more than 31 so that there could not have occurred low saline water. The average of DO from June to August showed over than 3mg/L which showed higher than the below standard value of the hypoxic (oxygen-deficient) water. The average of Chl. a varied 1.68μg/L at surface, 2.38μg/L at bottom layer in June and 1.68μg/L at surface, 1.57μg/L at bottom layer at August. The dissolved inorganic nutrients showed high concentration in February and low concentration in August due to the limitation of the freshwater input in summer and phytoplankton used to the dissolved inorganic nutrients. The ratio of DIN/DIP showed 30.52 at surface and 37.89 at bottom layer in June which was higher than other month. The SPM was 44.15mg/L at bottom layer in February which was the highest value in this study due to the northwest monsoon. Because of the actively water change in the open sea without inflow of freshwater from land in Garolom Bay, there were not occurred low saline water and hypoxic water. thus, this Bay showed good water quality and required to be conserved continuously as important costal area for fisheries.

Insects Diversity in Urban Green Space (도시 녹지공간의 곤충다양성)

  • Park, Seong-Joon;Lee, Min-Ho;Kim, Jae-Won;Hong, Yong-Sik;Kim, Do-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.374-390
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to identify the insect diversity and forest in urban green space, which can determine the current status of the ecosystem and provide basic data and information required for conservation planning and sustainable use of the environment. For this study, we have surveyed insect diversity by habitat types in the botanic garden of Wonkwang University, Iksan, from September, 2010 to September, 2011. During the research period, a total of 209 species, 78 families and 10 orders were observed, including 10 exportable species, 1 species of Korean Red List, 2 climate-sensitive indicator species and 70 designated species. Among these taxonomic groups, Coleoptera (36.36 %) showed the highest diversity with 76 species, followed by Hemiptera (25.36 %) with 46 species, Diptera (11.48 %) with 24 species and Hymenoptera (7.66 %) with 16 species. As for the diversity by survey time, the largest number of species were observed in September 2010 (52 families, 105 species), followed by May 2011 (37 families, 87 species), July 2011 (50 families, 86 species), June 2011 (40 families, 80 species) and August 2011 (43 families, 73 species). Relatively low diversity was observed in September 2011 (38 families, 60 species), October 2010 (36 families, 52 species) and April 2011 (19 families, 29 species). As for the diversity by survey point, the highest diversity was observed in S4 (75 families, 186 species, 88.99 %), followed by S1 (41 families, 70 species, 33.49 %), S2 (41 families, 63 species, 30.14 %), and S3 (36 families, 59 species, 28.22 %). According to the community analysis, the survey area S4 (H'=3.344, RI=9.257) showed the highest numbers in diversity index (H') and richness index (RI) of insects and S1 (0.985) showed the highest species evenness index (EI). On the other hand, S3 showed the lowest numbers (H'=2.428, RI=4.307, EI=0.832) in every index. The insect fauna is closely associated with the plants and vegetation structure in the green space. Therefore, it is necessary to manage and maintain the urban green space to make it similar to the natural environment.

A Study on the Bird Communities and Similarity of Three Streams in Daejeon Metropolitan City (대전 3대 하천의 조류군집과 유사성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, In-Kyu;Lee, Han-Soo;Paek, Woon-Kee;Lee, Joon-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted from April, 2002 to March 2006, using three urban streams(Gap Stream, Yudeung Stream and Daejeon Stream) in Daejeon Metropolitan City. 12,027 individual birds summed by the peak count in 126 species, 34 families, and 13 orders were observed from three stream sites. Dominant species were of Anas poecilorhyncha, Anas crecca, Columba livia, Passer montanus, and Egretta garzetta(in that order). The groups of birds were classified into six types. The most frequent group were the arbor birds(54 species), while the smallest group was the diving ducks(7 species). As for the number of individuals, the shrub bird group had 721 individuals while the dabbling ducks observed had 4,974 individuals. Regarding the distribution of birds appeareing in each stream, 14,885 individual numbers in 114 species were observed at Gap Stream, 6,642 individuals in 90 species at Yudeung Stream and 4,202 individuals in 69 species at Daejeon Stream. Various indices of the birds were analyzed with respects to the similarities between streams. Gap Stream had similar characteristics to Yudeung Stream, and the latter was similar to Daejeon Stream. However, Gap Stream and Daejeon Stream showed different characteristics. The dominance index of each section was calculated using ten dominant bird species top-down. Subsequently, the birds and their preferred environment were analyzed. The results showed that shrub birds and arbor birds preferred the upper stream of every stream, while herons and dabbling ducks inhabited the midstream. Dabbling ducks and some diving ducks appeared downstream.

A Development of Concept Map as an Advance Organizer Based on Analysis of the Overlapped and Connected Contents between Home Economics Textbooks and those of Other Subject Matters in the Middle School - Focused on 'Resource Management and Environment' - (타 교과와의 중복성 분석에 기초한 중학교 가정교과의 선행조직자로서의 개념도 개발 - '자원의 관리와 환경'영역을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Su-Kyung;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.131-152
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    • 2007
  • The purpose in this study was to develope the concept maps of sub-units included in 'resource management and environment' area of Home Economics(HE) as an advance organizer after analyzing the overlapped and connected contents between HE textbooks and those of other subject matters(Ethics, Social Studies, Sciences, and Physical Education) taught in the middle schools. The results of this study were as follows. First, the unit of 'resource facilitation and environment' of HE is dealt in Ethics. Specifically the overlapped content in this unit between HE and Ethics is the content of the savings of resources, recycling, and environment conservation. The unit of 'work and time of youth' is dealt in Ethics and Science. The overlapped content of this unit is that of the concept of 'work'. While Ethics focuses on the general concept of work, Science focuses on the scientific concept of work. Home Economics doesn't focus on the concept of work but on how to manage the work. In the unit of the 'adolescents and their consumption', there are many overlapped contents among three subject matters, HE, Ethics and Social Studies. Second, the 7 concept maps were developed by following the steps: (1) confirming the learning objectives presented in the 'resource management and environment' area of HE; (2) identifying the overlapped and connected contents between HE and other subject matters(Eethics, Social Studies, Sciences, and Physical Education); (3) organizing the overlapped and connected contents between HE textbooks and those of other subject matters.

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