• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유역저류비

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Sensitivity Analysis of the MUSIC Model Parameters (MUSIC모형의 매개변수에 관한 민감도 분석)

  • Im, Jang-Hyuk;Yeoun, Ji-Woong;Park, Sung-Sik;Song, Jai-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.236-240
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    • 2007
  • 최근 집중호우에 의한 피해가 증가함에 따라 도시화에 따른 불투수 면적이 유출량 증가의 주요한 원인으로 지목되고 있으며 도시의 인구집중으로 인한 지하수의 난개발로 지하수 오염 및 고갈이 빠르게 진행되고 있다. 이에 도시의 지속적이고 건전한 물 관리를 위하여 우수유출저감시설이 고려되고 있으며, 정량적인 저감효과의 분석방법이 요구되고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 호주에서 물관리 및 우수유출저감을 고려한 도시유역계획을 위해 이용되고 있는 모형에 대한 민감도 분석을 실시하였으며, 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 MUSIC 향후 국내 우수유출저감시설에 관한 수문 해석시 MUSIC의 적용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. MUSIC의 매개변수 중 불투수율과 토양특성이 매우 중요한 매개변수로 고려되고 있으므로, 본 연구에서는 투수지역의 최대저류깊이, Soil storage(mm), 강우초기 최대저류깊이의 포화정도 Initial storage(%), 지하수위에 도달할 수 있는 Field capacity(mm), 최대 침투율에 영향을 미치는 건조토양상태의 침투율을 정의하는 계수 a와 함수비 증가에 따른 최대 침투율 감소를 정의하는 지수 b 등의 매개변수에 대해 초기값을 중심으로 일정비율로 각 매개변수를 10단계로 구분하여 민감도 분석을 실시하였다. 주요 매개변수의 민감도 분석 결과로부터 MUSIC의 모의를 위해서는 불투수율의 민감도 변화 범위가 가장 넓고 첨두유출량과 총유출량 변화가 함께 일어나므로, 이를 가장 우선적으로 조정하고 이와 함께 토양특성을 반영하는 Soil storage와 Initial storage를 고려한다면 MUSIC을 이용하여 개발에 의한 유출변화와 다양한 우수침투시설 설치에 따른 저감효과를 합리적으로 예측할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 물 관리를 요구하게 되었다. 우리나라는 현실적으로 매년 홍수 피해가 발생하고 있지만, 다른 한편 인구밀도가 높고 1인당 가용 수자원이 상대적으로 적기 때문에 국지적 물 부족 문제를 경험하고 있다. 최근 국제적으로도 농업용수의 물 낭비 최소화와 절약 노력 및 타 분야 물 수요 증대에 대한 대응 능력 제고가 매우 중요한 과제로 부각되고 있다. 2006년 3월 멕시코에서 개최된 제4차 세계 물 포럼에서 국제 강 네트워크는 "세계 물 위기의 주범은 농경지", "농민들은 모든 물 위기 논의에서 핵심"이라고 주장하고, 전 프랑스 총리 미셀 로카르는 "...관개시설에 큰 문제점이 있고 덜 조방적 농업을 하도록 농민들을 설득해야 한다. 이는 전체 농경법을 바꾸는 문제..."(segye.com, 2006. 3. 19)라고 주장하는 등 세계 물 문제 해결을 위해서는 농업용수의 효율적 이용 관리가 중요함을 강조하였다. 본 연구는 이러한 국내외 여건 및 정책 환경 변화에 적극적으로 대처하고 물 분쟁에 따른 갈등해소 전략 수립과 효율적인 물 배분 및 이용을 위한 기초연구로서 농업용수 수리권과 관련된 법 및 제도를 분석하였다.. 삼요소의 시용 시험결과 그 적량은 10a당 질소 10kg, 인산 5kg, 및 가리 6kg 정도였으며 질소는 8kg 이상의 경우에는 분시할수록 비효가 높았으며 특히 벼의 후기 중점시비에 의하여 1수영화수와 결실율의 증대가 크게 이루어졌다. 3. 파종기와 파종량에 관한 시험결과는 공시품종선단의 파종적기는 4월 25일부터 5월 10일경까지 인데 이 기간중 일찍 파종하는 경우에 파종적량은 10a당 약 8${\ell}$이고 늦은 경우에는 12${\ell}$ 정도였다. 여기서 늦게 파종한 경우 감수의 가장

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A Study on Drainage Facilities in Mountainous Urban Neighborhood Parks - The Cases of Baebongsan Park and Ogeum Park in Seoul - (산지형 도시근린공원의 배수시설 특성 - 서울시 배봉산공원과 오금공원을 사례로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.80-92
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze drainage facilities in mountainous urban neigbborhood parks--Baebongsan Park and Ogeum Park--in Seoul. Based on an analysis of existing drainage facilities, the volume of storm water runoff (VSW), the runoff rate of open channels(ROC), and the detention capacity of open charmels(DCOC) by each drainage watershed, the coefficient of runoff rate(CROC) as evaluated to be relevant between VSW and ROC and the coefficient of the detention capacity of open channe1s(CDCOC) as evaluated with DCOC compared to VSW were estimated and analyzed by parks and by watersheds. The results are as follows: 1. The total drainage area of Baebongsan Park was 34.13ha including surface runoff area(15.05ha; 44.09%), open channel area(l4.60ha; 42.78%), and natural waterway area(4.48ha; 13.13%). The total drainage area of Ogeum Park was 20.39ha including open channel area (10.14ha; 49.73%), ridge-side gutter area(7.17ha; 35.16%), surface runoff area (2.52ha; 12.36%), and natural waterway area (0.56ha; 2.75%). In Baebongsan Park, the portion of surface runoff was comparatively higher while the portion of artificial drainage area was higber in Ogeum Park. 2. In Baebongsan Park drainage districts were largely divided: VSW was $7.28m^3/s$ in total(average $0.23m^3/s$). Comparatively, tbe VSW in Ogeum Park, including smaller drainage districts, was $4.37m^3/s$ in total(average $0.12m^3/s$). 3. The ROC of Baebmgsan Park was $11.58m^3/s$ in total(average $0.77m^3/s$) and the CROC was 5.26, while in Ogeum Park, the ROC was $15.40m^3/s$(average $0.34m^3/s$) and tbe CROC was 8.87 higher than that of Baebongsan Because the size and slope of the open channel in Baebongsan Park was higher, the average ROC was larger, while tbe CROC of Ogeum Park was higher than that of Baebongsan Park, for the VSW in Ogeum Park was comparatively lower. 4. The DCOC in Baebongsan Park was $554.54m^3$ and the average of CDCOC was 179.83. That of Ogeum Park was $717.74m^3$ and the average of the CDCOC was 339.69, meaning that the DCOC of Ogeum Park was so much higber that drainage facilities in Ogeum Park were built intensively. This study was focused m the capacity of the drainage facilities in mountainous urban neighborhood parks by using the CROC to evaluate relevance between VSW and ROC and the CDCOC to evaluate the DCOC as compared with VSW. The devised methodology and coefficient for evaluating drainage facilities in mountainous urban neighborhood parks may he universally applicable through additional study. Further study m sustainable urban drainage systems for retaining rainwater in a reservoir and for enhancing ecological value is required in the near future.

Throughfall, Stemflow and Interception Loss of the Natural Old-growth Deciduous and Planted Young Coniferous in Gwangneung and the Rehabilitated Young Mixed Forest in Yangju, Gyeonggido(I) - with a Special Reference on the Results of Measurement - (광릉(光陵) 활엽수(闊葉樹) 천연노령림(天然老齡林)과 침엽수(針葉樹) 인공유령림(人工幼齡林) 그리고 양주(楊洲) 사방지(砂防地) 혼효유령림(混淆幼齡林)의 수관통과우량(樹冠通過雨量), 수간유하량(樹幹流下量) 그리고 차단손실량(遮斷損失量)에 관하여(I) - 실험적(實驗的) 측정결과(測定結果)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyongha;Jun, Jaehong;Yoo, Jaeyun;Jeong, Yongho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.94 no.6
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    • pp.488-495
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to understand the influences of forest structure on throughfall, stemflow and interception loss. The study plots included the natural old-growth deciduous, Pinus koraiensis and Abies holophylla forests in Gwangneung and the rehabilitated young mixed forest in Yangju, Gyeonggido. The Pinus koraiensis and Abies hotophylla had been planted in 1976. The rehabilitated young mixed forest had been established to control erosion in 1974. Total and net rainfall were monitored from March, 2003 to October, 2004. Tipping bucket rain gauge recorded total rainfall. Throughfall and stemflow were measured by custom-made tipping bucket and CR10X data logger at each $10m{\times}10m$ plots at intervals of 30 minutes. Interception loss in the Pinus koraiensis plot were most as 37.2% of total rainfall and least as 22.6% in the rehabilitated young mixed forest. Stemflow in the rehabilitated young mixed forest was 10.7% of total rainfall and stemflow in the Pinus koraiensis plot was 2.4%. The average throughfall ratio ranged from 66% to 77% depending on the canopy coverage. The relationship of stemflow and total rainfall represented in a linear regression equation though the variation of data was large. The ratio of stemflow-conversion was 2% of total rainfall in the Pinus koraiensis plot and 12% in the rehabilitated young mixed forest, respectively. The stem storage of the natural old-growth deciduous was the largest of 0.21 mm whereas that of the Pinus koraiensis plot was the least of 0.003 mm. A deciduous forest produced stemflow more than a coniferous forest due to a smooth bark and steeply angled branches. Interception loss of all study plots increased linearly as total rainfall increased. The distribution of interception loss data related in total rainfall became wider in a deciduous forest than a coniferous. It resulted from seasonality of leaf area index in a deciduous forest. As considered above results, it was confirmed that there were great differences of throughfall, stemflow and interception loss depending on forest stand structures. The simulation model for predicting interception loss must have parameters such as forest stand characteristics and LAI in order to describe the influence of forest structure on interception loss.