• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유동한계

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A Particle Tracking Method for the Lagrangian-Eulerian Finite Element Method in 3-D Subsurface System (3차원 지표하 시스템에서 Lagrangian-Eulerian 유한요소법에 대한 입자추적 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Jae-Young;Kang, Mee-A
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2009
  • The conventional numerical models to analyze flow in subsurface porous media under the transient state usually generate numerical oscillation and unstability due to local flux domain for critical cases such as infiltration into initially dry soil during rainfall period. In this case, it is required refined mesh and small time step, but it decrease efficiency of computation. In this study, numerical unstability in discontinuity domain is removed by applying particle tracking algorithm to simulate unsteady subsurface flow with inflow boundary condition. Finally the hybrid LE FEM improving numerical stability is proposed. The hypothetical domains with unsteady uniform and nonuniform flow field were used to demonstrated algorithm verification. In comparison with analytic solution, we obtained reasonable results and conducted simulation of hypothetical 3-D recharge/pumping area. The proposed algorithm can simulate saturated/unsaturated porous media with more practical problems and will greatly contribute to accuracy and stability of numerical computation.

Particle Transport of Residual Soils (풍화잔적토의 유동특성에 대한 연구)

  • 이인모;박광준
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.155-168
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    • 1997
  • The phenomena of detachment and movement of One particles are one of the important mechanisms both in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. In geoenvironmental engineering, in particular, movement of fine particles may facilitate the transport of contaminants since the particle surfaces absorb contaminants before movement. Weathered granitic residual soils, which are the most abundant in Korea. contain large quantities of fine particles up to 50%. The characteristics of fine particle movement of weathered granitic residual soils are investigated in this paper. Samples are obtained from Poiiong, Shinnaedong in Seoul and Andong in Kyungpook : each of the samples represents typical residual soil types in Korea. Laboratory experiments for the three adopted soil types are performed. It is found that effluent concentration of the samples is influenced by porosity, fine particle percentage and particle size distribution. The critical velocity decreases as the fine particle percentage increases and the rate of change of erosion rate increases as the porosity increases. And well-graded samples showed less effluent concentrations compared to poorly-graded samples. The governing equation on the physical mechanism of fine particle movement and its nomerical solution scheme are suggested on the basis of the test results.

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Evaluation of Economic Feasibility of Power Generation System using Waste Woody Biomass in a CFBC Plant (순환유동층연소로에서 폐목질계 바이오매스를 이용한 발전 시스템의 경제성 평가)

  • Kim, Sung-June;Nam, Kyung-Soo;Lee, Jae-Sup;Seo, Seong-Seok;Lee, Kyeong-Ho;Yoo, Kyung-Seun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2010
  • Economic feasibility of power generation system using waste woody biomass in a circulating fluidized bed combustor has been investigated. Effects of important variables such as capital investment, cost of waste wood, certified emission reduction(CER), system marginal price(SMP) on the benefit of business have been analyzed. Internal rate of return(IRR) was predicted as 16.67%, which implicates the business is promising based on the assumptions such as SMP of 99 Won/kWh, capital cost of 10.65 billion won, and complimentary providing of waste wood. Major factors affecting the benefit of business were as follows; system marginal price, operational rate, capital investment, expenditure of waste wood, certified emission reduction. In addition, it must be necessary to consider CHP power plant providing steam as one of the means to diversify sales network, for the management of the business risk.

Numerical Analysis of Grout Flow and Injection Pressure Affected by Joint Roughness and Aperture (절리 거칠기와 간극 변화에 따른 그라우트 유동과 주입압에 관한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Jeon, Ki-Hwan;Ryu, Dong-Woo;Kim, Hyung-Mok;Park, Eui-Seob;Song, Jae-Jun
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2010
  • Grouting technology is one of the ground improvement methods used in water controlling and reinforcement of rock mass in underground structure construction. It is necessarily required to find out the characteristics of grout flow through discontinuities in a rock mass for an adequate grout design and performance assessment. Laminar flow is not always applicable in simulating a grout flow in a rock mass, since the rock joints usually have apertures at a micro-scale and the flow through these joints is affected by the joint roughness and the velocity profile of the flow changes partially near the roughness. Thus, the influence of joint roughness and aperture on the grout flow in rough rock joint was numerically investigated in this study. The commercial computational fluid dynamics code, FLUENT, was applied for this purpose. The computed results by embedded Herschel-Bulkley model and VOF (volume of fluid) model, which are applicable to simulate grout flow in a narrow rock joint that is filled with air and water, were well compared with that of analytical results and previously published laboratory test for the verification. The injection pressure required to keep constant injection rate of grout was calculated in a variety of Joint Roughness Coefficient (JRC) and aperture conditions, and the effect of joint roughness and aperture on grout flow were quantified.

Numerical Study on the Reacting Flow Field abound Rectangular Cross Section Bluff Body (사각 둔각물체 주위의 반응유동장에 대한 수치적 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Ran;Lee, Eui-Ju
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2013
  • The Numerical simulation was performed on the flow field around the two-dimensional rectangular bluff body in order to simulate an engine nacelle fire and to complement the previous experimental results of the bluff body stabilized flames. Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS) based on the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) was employed to clarify the characteristics of reacting flow around bluff body. The overall reaction was considered and the constant for reaction was determined from flame extinction limits of experimental results. The air used atmosphere and the fuel used methane. For both fuel ejection configurations against an oxidizer stream, the flame stability and flame mode were affected mainly by vortex structure near bluff body. In the coflow configuration, air velocity at the flame extinction limit are increased with fuel velocity, which is comparable to the experiment results. Comparing with the isothermal flow field, the reacting flow produces a weak and small recirculation zone, which is result in the reductions of density and momentum due to temperature increase by reaction in the wake zone.

DNS of Drag-Reduced Turbulent Channel Flow due to Polymer Additives (폴리머 첨가제에 의한 항력감소 난류 채널 유동장의 직접수치모사)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Youn
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.799-807
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    • 2010
  • Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulent channel flow for which the drag is reduced by using polymer additives have been performed by a pseudo-spectral method. The Reynolds number based on the friction velocity and half-channel height is 395, and the polymeric stresses due to the polymer additives are evaluated using the FENE-P (finitely extensible nonlinear elastic-Peterlin) model. The numerical results show that the drag reduction rate is significantly affected by the parameters used in the FENE-P model, such as the maximum extensibility and relaxation time of the polymer molecules. The turbulence data for both low- and high-drag reduction regimes are analyzed. In addition, the effects of FENE-P model parameters on the flow characteristics have been investigated for the same drag reduction rate due to the polymer additives. Finally, the present DNS results have been used to verify the correlation between rheological parameters and the extent of drag reduction, which was suggested by Li et al. (2006).

Verification of the Open Source Code, OpenFOAM to the External Flows (외부 유동 해석에 대한 오픈 소스 코드, OpenFOAM의 검증)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo;Oh, Se-Jong;Yee, Kwan-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.39 no.8
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    • pp.702-710
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    • 2011
  • This paper aims to verify the applicability of OpenFOAM, the widely recognized open source CFD code, to external flows commonly found in aeronautical problems. To this end, several representative flow cases are selected first from subsonic to supersonic flow fields. Then, the computational results obtained from OpenFOAM are systematically compared against available data from experiments and other numerical codes. It was found that the strength and location of shock are well predicted and the effects of boundary conditions on the computed results are reviewed. Subsonic flow with massive separation is selected to validate the prediction capability of OpenFOAM. Based on the current results, the limitation and possibility of OpenFOAM was confirmed and for future study using OpenFOAM was suggested.

A Proposal of Flow Limit for Soils at Zero Undrained Shear Strength (흙의 비배수전단강도가 0이 되는 함수비인 흐름한계의 제안)

  • Park, Sung-Sik;Nong, Zhenzhen
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2013
  • When a slope failure or a debris flow occurs, a shear strength on failure plane becomes nearly zero and soil begins to flow like a non-cohesive liquid. A consistency of cohesive soils changes as a water content increases. Even a cohesive soil existing at liquid limit state has a small amount of shear strength. In this study, a water content, at which a shear strength of cohesive soils is zero and then cohesive soils will start to flow, was proposed. Three types of clays (kaolinite, bentonite and kaolinite (50%)+bentonite (50%)) were mixed with three different solutions (distilled water, sea water and microbial solution) at liquid limit state and then their water contents were increased step by step. Then, their undrained shear strength was measured using a portable vane shear device called Torvane. The ranges of undrained shear strength at liquid and plastic limits are 3.6-9.2 kPa and 24-45 kPa, respectively. On the other hand, the water content that corresponds to the value of the undrained shear strength changing most rapidly is called flow water content. The flow limit refers to the water content when undrained shear strength of cohesive soils is zero. In order to investigate the relationship between liquid limit and flow limit, the cohesive index was defined as a value of the difference between flow limit and liquid limit. The new plasticity index was defined as the value of difference between flow limit and plastic limit. The new liquidity index was also defined using flow limit. The values of flow limit are 1.5-2 times higher than those of liquid limit. At the same time, the values of new plasticity index are 2-5.5 times higher than those of original plasticity index.

Determination of Liquid Paraffins in Foods by Using GC-FID (GC-FID를 이용한 식품 중 유동파라핀 함량 분석)

  • Park, Se-Jong;Choi, Jae-Chun;Lim, Ho-Soo;Jang, Su-Jin;Kim, So-Hee;Kim, Meehye
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.545-549
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    • 2013
  • Liquid paraffin is a mixture of heavier alkanes derived from petroleum. It can be used as a lubricant in processing machinery, as a coating agent, or as a releasing agent. The purpose of this study was to analyze liquid paraffins in foods by using a gas chromatography-flame ionized detector (GC-FID). Liquid paraffin was extracted from the food samples using n-hexane. Non-polar aromatic or olefinic co-extractives were removed by alkaline permanganate oxidation followed by clean up on an aluminium oxide SPE cartridge before the GC-FID analysis. The results of recovery tests were 91.5-103.2%. Based on this optimized method, we investigated the amount of liquid paraffin in various food samples purchased from domestic markets. The levels of liquid paraffin in bread were $95.5{\pm}156.0$ mg/kg (0.008%), those in capsules were $40.2{\pm}54.5$ mg/kg (0.001%), and those in dried fruits and vegetables were $3.0{\pm}18.1$ mg/kg (0.0001%). No liquid paraffin was detected in fresh fruits and vegetables. We propose that our method can be used to monitor and detect liquid paraffin in foods for food safety management.

산화 그래핀 나노유체의 파울링 현상에 따른 시스템의 안전성에 대한 연구

  • Gang, Hye-Won;Kim, Hyo-Seok;Kim, Nam-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2016.02a
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    • pp.382.1-382.1
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    • 2016
  • 비등 열전달 시스템은 각종 발전 시스템, 열교환기, 냉방 및 냉동 시스템과 같이 다양한 산업에서 이용되며 매우 중요시 되고 있다. 또한 비등 열전달 시스템에서의 임계 열유속은 열전달 시스템의 한계 및 안정성을 나타내는 중요한 인자이다. 따라서 비등 열전달 시스템의 성능을 높이기 위해 임계 열유속을 향상시키려는 연구 및 개발이 지속적으로 이루어지고 있다. 최근에는 작동유체를 나노유체로 사용할 경우 임계 열유속을 크게 향상 시킬 수 있다고 보고되었다. 하지만 작동유체를 나노유체로 사용할 경우 나노입자가 열전달 표면에 침착되는 현상을 유발하며 열전달 시스템의 성능을 감소시킬 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 산화 처리된 그래핀 나노유체의 파울링 현상에 따른 열적 특성을 분석해 보았다. 그 결과 산화 처리된 그래핀 나노 파울링은 유속과 파울링을 위한 코팅시간이 증가할수록 산화 처리된 그래핀 나노유체의 임계 열유속이 크게 증가하고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 하지만 임계 열유속은 증가하나 비등 열전달 표면의 온도가 크게 증가하고 있음을 확인하였다. 그리고 열전달 계수는 유동이 없는 순수 물 비등 열전달 계수와 비교하여 감소하는 것으로 나타났다.

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