• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유기 황 화합물

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Characteristics of Malodorous VOCs Concentrations at the Yosu Industrial Complex during the Summer (여름철 여수산업단지에서 발생하는 악취성 VOCs의 농도특성)

  • 임득용;황인조;김동술
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.358-359
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    • 2003
  • 산업화가 급속히 진행됨에 따라 삶의 질은 향상된 반면, 대기오염으로 인한 피해는 증가하고 있다. 대기 중 존재하는 휘발성 유기화합물 (VOCs)은 인체에 독성을 가지며 암을 유발하고, 오존의 전구물질(precursor), 광화학 스모그의 원인물질, 성층권의 오존층 파괴 및 지구온난화에도 영향을 미칠 뿐 아니라 (Derwent et al., 1996) 악취를 유발하기도 한다. 악취는 황화수소(hydrogen sulfide), 메르캅탄류(mercaptans), 아민류(amines) 등 기타 자극성 있는 기체상 물질이 사람의 후각을 자극하여 불쾌감과 혐오감을 주는 냄새로 정의되며, 주로 인체의 위해성보다는 정신적ㆍ심리적인 피해를 일으키는 감각공해라고 할 수 있다 (환경부, 2002). (중략)

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Effect of Organic Sulfur-Containing Compounds on Hepatotoxicity in Rats Induced by N, N-Dimethylnitrosamine (디메틸니트로자민에 의한 흰쥐의 간독성에 미치는 유기황화합물의 효과)

  • Shin Hea Soon;Kang Joo Yeon
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.20 no.3 s.50
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    • pp.237-242
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    • 2005
  • This study il focused on the hepatopreventive effect in cirrhotic rats induced by N, N -dimethylnitrosamine treatment when organir Lulfur -containing compoundE were orally injected. Biochemical parameters (aspatate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT) alkaline phosphatase (ALP), 1-protein and t-bilirubin) were measured in serum injured liver tissue. The increased AST and ALT values were significantly reduced by organic sulfur-containing compounds at the oral dotes of 50 mg/kg. The result of morphological changes have illustrated the accumulation of liver damages, Each as inflammatory cell accumulation and cirrhosis, caused by N, N-dimethylnitrosamine. Also, it was found that liver damages were prevented by the treatment of organic sulfur- containing compounds.

Quantification of sulfur from organic and inorganic materials for determination of 35C (35C 측정을 위한 유기물과 무기물에서 황의 정량)

  • Lee, H.N.;Kang, S.H.;Song, B.C.;Sohn, S.C.;Jee, K.Y.
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.186-190
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    • 2009
  • The oxidation studies of a sulfur to a sulfate ion by various oxyhalide oxidants in organic (thiourea, methionine) and inorganic (sulfate, thiophosphate) compounds were carried out in an acidic solution. The optimized result of the oxidation reaction was obtained when a bromate compound (${BrO_3}^-$) as an oxidant and a 3 M $HNO_3$ solvent were used. The chemical yield for the oxidation of the organic and inorganic sulfur compounds to a sulfate ion was monitored as 80% for thiophosphate, 87% for methionine, and 100% for thiourea and sulfate within 5% RSD. The oxidations of thiourea required at least 1.6 equivalents of the bromate in an acidic solution. In the case of the oxidation of methionine and thiophosphate, the oxidation yields were above 80% if the bromate was used at 20 times higher than that of the substrates. The sulfate ion was quantitatively measured by using a GPC counting of $^{35}S$ followed by precipitates of $BaSO_4$. A quenching correction curve for the $^{35}S$ counting was obtained to use the difference via the precipitate weight result.

Development of analytical method for cyantraniliprole residues in welsh onion (Allium species) (대파(Allium속)에서 살충제 Cyantraniliprole 잔류분석을 위한 시험법 개발)

  • Do, Jung-Ah;Lee, Mi-Young;Chang, Moon-Ik;Hong, Jin-Hwan;Oh, Jae-Ho
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2015
  • Cyantraniliprole, which is an ananthranilic diamide insecticide that was developed by the DuPont Corporation, was registered in the Republic of Korea in 2012. It offers exceptional insecticidal activity on a broad range of Lepidopera, Coleoptera, Diptera, and Isoptera. The maximum residue limits are set to pepper, peach, apple, sweet pepper, welsh onion, and so on (0.2~2.0 mg/kg). Therefore, an analytical method for determining cyantraniliprole residue in agricultural products was developed to ensure food safety. In previous studies, welsh onions were among vegetables included in the allium species, which is a representative plant with sulfur organic compounds. In this study, the analytical method was developed and evaluated for the elimination of sulfur compounds from the test solution of allium species during pesticide residue analysis. In order to inactivate the enzyme allinase and produce sulfur compounds, sample extraction was made in the base state pH 10 by reducing the activity of the enzyme. The recoveries of the developed method ranged from 81.9% to 83.2%, and the relative standard deviations were less than 10%. Therefore, based on the results, the method developed in this study is accurate and appropriate for use in cyantraniliprole determination. It will be used as the official method for managing the safety of cyantraniliprole residues in agricultural products.

Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds using Candida tropicalis Immobilized on Polymer Gel Media in an Airlift Loop Bioreactor (Candida tropicalis 포괄고정 담체를 적용한 Airlift Loop Bioreactor에서의 복합 휘발성유기화합물 제거)

  • NamGung, Hyeong-Kyu;Ha, Jeong-Hyub;Hwang, Sun-Jin;Song, Ji-Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.603-610
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    • 2009
  • This research was performed to improve removal efficiency of toluene and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) using Candida tropicalis, one of the yeast species. An airlift loop bioreactor (ALB) was employed to enhance the capability of mass transfer for toluene and MEK from the gas phase to the liquid, microbial phase. Polymer gel media made from PAC, alginate and PEG was applied for the effective immobilization of the yeast strain on the polymer gel media. The experimental results indicated that the mass transfer coefficient of toluene without polymer gel media was 1.29 $min^{-1}$ at a gas retention time of 15 sec, whereas the KLa value for toluene was increased to 4.07 $min^{-1}$ by adding the media, confirming the enhanced mass transfer of volatile organic compounds between the gas and liquid phases. The removal efficiency of toluene and MEK by using yeast-immobilized polymer gel media in the ALB was greater than 80% at different pollutant loading rates (5, 10, 19 and 37 g/$m^3$/hr for toluene, 4.5, 8.9, 17.8 and 35.1 g/$m^3$/hr for MEK). In addition, an elimination capacity test conducted by changing inlet loading rates stepwise demonstrated that maximum elimination capacities for toluene and MEK were 70.4 and 56.4 g/$m^3$/hr, respectively.

Effect of Ozone Application on Sulfur Compounds and Ammonia Exhausted from Aerobic Fertilization System of Livestock Manure (가축분뇨 호기적 퇴.액비화시 발생하는 기체 중의 황 화합물과 암모니아에 대한 오존처리 효과)

  • Jeong, Kwang Hwa;Whang, Ok Hwa;Khan, Modabber Ahmed;Lee, Dong Hyun;Choi, Dong Yoon;Yu, Yong Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 2012
  • In this study, two types of ozone generating experimental instrument were installed in commercial livestock manure fertilization facility, which can treat hundred tons of pig manure in a day. Gas samples to be treated were collected from the upper part of the liquid fertilization system and composting system of the commercial livestock manure fertilization facility. The gas sample was flowed to oxidation reactor through pipe line by suction blower, therefore, contacted with ozone. Ammonia and sulfur compounds of gas samples collected from the inlet and outlet point of the experimental instrument were analyzed. The oxidation effect by the contact with ozone was higher in sulfur compounds than ammonia. Ammonia content was reduced about 10% by ozone contact. Sulfur compounds, on the other hand, reduced significantly while treated with ozone. In case of gas sample collected from liquid fertilization system, the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide ($H_2S$), methyl mercaptan (MM), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), and dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) of inlet gas were 50.091, 4.9089, 27.8109 and 0.4683 ppvs, respectively. After oxidized by ozone, the concentrations of sulfur compounds were 1.2317, 0.3839, 14.7279 and 0.3145 ppvs, respectively. Another sample collected from aerobic composting system was oxidized in the same conditions. The concentrations of $H_2S$, MM, DMS and DMDS of the sample collected from inlet point of the reactor were 40.6682, 1.3675, 24.2458 and 0.8289 ppvs, respectively. After oxidized, the concentrations of $H_2S$, MM, DMS, and DMDS were reduced to 3.013, ND, 8.8998 and 0.3651 ppvs, respectively. By application of another type of ozone, the concentrations of $H_2S$, MM, DMS and DMDS of inlet gas were reduced from 43.397, 1.4559, 3.6021 and 0.4061 to ND, ND, ND, and 0.21ppvs, respectively.

A Study on the Thermal Characteristics in the GPV with Heat Release by Wet Oxidation (습식산화반응열을 고려한 GPV 내 열적 특성 해석)

  • Seo, Hyeon-Seok;Lee, Hong-Cheol;Yang, Jun-Seung;Ahn, Jae-Hwan;Hwang, In-Ju
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.392-397
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    • 2009
  • Gravity pressure vessels find their use in the wet oxidation of sewage sludge, which can be defined as the oxidation of organic and inorganic substances in an aqueous solution or suspension by means of oxygen or air at elevated pressures and temperatures. Numerical analyses were carried out for investigating the flow characteristics and wet air oxidation in the reaction vessel with various conditions such as supply oxidation and the supply positions of oxidation, etc. Wet air oxidation is promoted in the vicinity of bottom in the reactor with increase of oxygen supply. Also, it is the best condition to the oxidation supply position of 150 m and oxidation flow of 0.06 kg/s in the GPV reactor as the remnant of sludge and creation of organic acids.

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On-line GC Analysis of Odorous VOC and S Gas Pollutant Levels in Ambient Air of a Residential Area at Ansan City, Korea (안산시 주거지역을 중심으로 한 환경대기 중 휘발성 유기화합물과 황계열 성분의 온라인 연속측정 연구)

  • Kim K.-H;Ju DW;Choi YJ;Hong YJ;Sa JH;Park JH;Jeon EC;Choi CR;Koo YS
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the concentrations of major odorous compounds including reduced sulfur compounds (OMS, CS$_2$, and DMDS) and aromatic VOC (benzene, toluene, xylene, etc.) were measured continuously using an on-line GC analytical system. Our measurements were made from a residential area of Ansan sity during about two week period of October, 2004. The highest mean concentrations of Sand VOC were found as 56.9 pbb of DMS and 21.7 ppb of toluene, respectively. The results of this study generally show that the pollution levels for both types of chemicals are significant relative to previous measurement results reported from comparable sites, if the results are compared simply in terms of the magnitude of the measured concentration data. Moreover, when the relative importance of different compounds is compared in terms of the odor strength, it indicated that the contribution of reduced S compounds may be much more important than that of VOC in the study area.

A Study of Sulfur Nutrition on the Flavour Components of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) (유황성분(硫黃成分)이 마늘의 향기성분(香氣成分)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Chang, Ki Woon;Hwang, Joon Young;Woo, In Shik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.183-193
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    • 1988
  • The relationship between the sulfur fertilization, and the quality and yield of garlic was investigated. The garlic was grown in pot and field at the five fertilization levels of sulfur. The growth characteristics, yield and flavour components of the garlic were studied. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The sulfur applications contributed to a weight and yield of the bulb in SP-10 (10kg/10a) and SF-20 (20kg/10a) significantly, respectively. 2. From the volatile oil obtained by steam distillation of garlic, fourteen organie sulfur components were separated, identified and quantified by GC and GC/MASS and the SP-10 and SF-20 were higher in the concentration of the flavour components in the volatile oil than other treatments. 3. It is considered that the organic sulfur components were synthesized in the top and transported to the bulb of the garlic. 4. In conclusion, SF-20, 20kg/sulfur per 10a, could be recommended to get maximum yield and a good quality of garlic in view of evaluation through the contents of organic sulfur components in the volatile oil and the yield of the bulb.

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Antifungal Activity of Agro-Materials against Pear Scab (Venturia nashicola) and Pear Rust (Gymnosporangium asiaticum) Fungi (배검은별무늬병균과 배붉은별무늬병균에 대한 유기농자재들의 항균활성)

  • Song, Janghoon;Seo, Ho-Jin
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the antifungal activity of 19 agro-materials that have been registered for organic cultivation in Korea, after inoculation of pear leaves with Venturia nashicola and Gymnosporangium asiaticum. In V. nashicola, most of the nine agro- materials containing sulfur and copper completely inhibited spore germination, and some of the spores that germinated did not form appressoria. However, in only lime sulfur, Neobordeaux (cupric sulfate), and Wheengaris (sulfur)showed antifungal activity against G. asiaticum. Among the agro-materials containing plant extracts, Wheengarujaba (wood vinegar+spirits+rhubarb) inhibited conidial germination in V. nashicola and G. asiaticum by 100% and 71.6%, respectively. Among the agro-materials containing antifungal microorganisms, Cheongotan (Streptomyces griseus) reduced spore germination rate of V. nashicola to 88.8%; moreover, formation of appressoria or intracellular accumulation was not observed. Application of Topsid (Paenibacillus polymyxa) reduced spore germination rates in V. nashicola and G. asiaticum to 71.0% and 90.6%, respectively, and the formation of appressoria was not observed. Studying the antifungal activity of agro-materials because of cumulative applications under the field conditions is necessary, owing to their contact fungicidal effect and the induced-resistance by microbial metabolites and natural compounds.