• Title/Summary/Keyword: 웨이블릿 변환 분석

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Ultrasonic Rangefinder Spike Rejection Method Using Wavelet Packet Transform (웨이블릿 패킷 변환을 이용한 초음파 거리계 스파이크 제거 기법)

  • Kim, Sung-Hoon;Hong, Gyo-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.298-304
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, a wavelet packet transform method is proposed for improving the altitude control performance of quadrotor UAV using an ultrasonic rangefinder. A ground tests are conducted using an ultrasonic rangefinder that is much used for vertical takeoff and landing. An ultrasonic rangefinder suffers from signal's spike due to specular reflectance and acoustic noise. The occurred spikes in short time span need to be analyzed at both sides time and frequency domain. The analyzed spikes of the ultrasonic rangefinder using a wavelet packet transform. Compared with the discrete wavelet transform, the wavelet packet decomposition can obtain more abundant time-frequency localization information, so it is more suitable for analyzing and processing ultrasonic signals spike. Experimental results show that it can effectively remove the spikes of the ultrasonic rangefinder.

IKONOS Image fusion Using Wavelet Transform (웨이블릿 변환 기법을 이용한 IKONOS 영상 융합)

  • 손홍규;윤공현;김기홍
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2002
  • 원격탐측의 다양한 응용분야 중 저해상도의 다중분광(multispectral) 영상으로부터 고해상도의 영상을 생성하기 위한 영상융합의 연구가 진행되어 오고 있다. 지금까지 융합 결과에 있어서 공간해상력은 향상되었지만 영상의 질에 있어서는 그다지 만족스럽지 못한 결과를 보여주고 있다. 본 연구에서는 최근 여러 분야에서 응용되고 있는 웨이블릿 변환을 이용하여 영상융합을 시도 하고자 한다. 실험영상으로 2001년 11월에 촬영된 대전지역의 IKONOS 공간 해상력 1m 전정색(panchromatic)영상과 4m의 다중분광영상(Blue, Green, Red, NIR)을 이용하여 Daubechies 웨이블릿기반 영상 융합방법을 통해 1m의 칼라영상을 생성하였으며 기존에 일반적으로 사용되고 있는 방법과 그 결과를 비교 분석하였다.

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Iris Feature Selection Using Genetic Algorithm (웨이블릿과 주성분분석을 이용한 홍채 특징 추출)

  • 김귀주;이일병
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.550-552
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    • 2003
  • 패턴인식에서 사용되는 모든 영상을 해석할 수 있는 시스템은 현재 어려운 문제이므로 먼저문제 영역을 해석하는 방법이 일반적이다. 이는 영상의 이해 및 특정 정보값을 사용하여 특징으로 사용하기 위하여 특징을 추출한다. 특징 추출시 정보의 손실 없이 데이터를 줄이는 작업이 연구되어오고 있지만 이는 사람의 주관적인 경험으로 알고리즘의 내부 파라미터를 결정하고 바꾸어야 하는 문제점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 웨이블릿 변환으로 얻어진 sub-band들을 특징으로 추출하고 결과를 통계적인 방법인 주성분분석을 이용하여 특징 차원을 감소시켜 인식의 정확도를 향상시키는 방법을 제안한다.

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Improvement of Strain Detection Accuracy of Aircraft FBG Sensors Using Stationary Wavelet Transform (정상 웨이블릿 변환을 이용한 항공기 FBG 센서의 변형률 탐지 정확도 향상)

  • Son, Yeong-Jun;Shin, Hyun-Sung;Hong, Gyo-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2019
  • There are many studies that use structure health monitoring to reduce maintenance costs for aircraft and to increase aircraft utilization. Many studies on FBG sensors are also being conducted. However, if the FBG sensor is installed inside the composite, voids will occur between the layers of the composite, resulting in signal split problem. In addition, the FBG sensor is not affected by electromagnetic waves, but will produce electromagnetic noise caused by electronic equipment during post-processing. In this paper, to reduce the error caused by these noises, the stationary wavelet transform, which has the characteristics of movement immutability and is efficient in nonlinear signal analysis, is presented. And in the above situation, we found that noise rejection performance of stationary wavelet transform was better compared with the wavelet packet transform.

Application of Discrete Wavelet Transforms to Identify Unknown Attacks in Anomaly Detection Analysis (이상 탐지 분석에서 알려지지 않는 공격을 식별하기 위한 이산 웨이블릿 변환 적용 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Wook;Shin, Gun-Yoon;Yun, Ji-Young;Kim, Sang-Soo;Han, Myung-Mook
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2021
  • Although many studies have been conducted to identify unknown attacks in cyber security intrusion detection systems, studies based on outliers are attracting attention. Accordingly, we identify outliers by defining categories for unknown attacks. The unknown attacks were investigated in two categories: first, there are factors that generate variant attacks, and second, studies that classify them into new types. We have conducted outlier studies that can identify similar data, such as variants, in the category of studies that generate variant attacks. The big problem of identifying anomalies in the intrusion detection system is that normal and aggressive behavior share the same space. For this, we applied a technique that can be divided into clear types for normal and attack by discrete wavelet transformation and detected anomalies. As a result, we confirmed that the outliers can be identified through One-Class SVM in the data reconstructed by discrete wavelet transform.

A Study on the Wavelet Transform of Acoustic Emission Signals Generated from Fusion-Welded Butt Joints in Steel during Tensile Test and its Applications (맞대기 용접 이음재 인장시험에서 발생한 음향방출 신호의 웨이블릿 변환과 응용)

  • Rhee, Zhang-Kyu
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out fusion-welded butt joints in SWS 490A high strength steel subjected to tensile test that load-deflection curve. The windowed or short-time Fourier transform(WFT or STFT) makes possible for the analysis of non-stationary or transient signals into a joint time-frequency domain and the wavelet transform(WT) is used to decompose the acoustic emission(AE) signal into various discrete series of sequences over different frequency bands. In this paper, for acoustic emission signal analysis to use a continuous wavelet transform, in which the Gabor wavelet base on a Gaussian window function is applied to the time-frequency domain. A wavelet transform is demonstrated and the plots are very powerful in the recognition of the acoustic emission features. As a result, the technique of acoustic emission is ideally suited to study variables which control time and stress dependent fracture or damage process in metallic materials.

A Study on the Wavelet Transform of Acoustic Emission Signals Generated from Fusion-Welded Butt Joints in Steel during Tensile Test and its Applications (맞대기 용접 이음재 인장시험에서 발생한 음향방출 신호의 웨이블릿 변환과 응용)

  • Rhee Zhang-Kyu;Yoon Joung-Hwi;Woo Chang-Ki;Park Sung-Oan;Kim Bong-Gag;Jo Dae-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.342-348
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out fusion-welded butt joints in SWS 490A high strength steel subjected to tensile test that load-deflection curve. The windowed or short-time Fourier transform (WFT or SIFT) makes possible for the analysis of non-stationary or transient signals into a joint time-frequency domain and the wavelet transform (WT) is used to decompose the acoustic emission (AE) signal into various discrete series of sequences over different frequency bands. In this paper, for acoustic emission signal analysis to use a continuous wavelet transform, in which the Gabor wavelet base on a Gaussian window function is applied to the time-frequency domain. A wavelet transform is demonstrated and the plots are very powerful in the recognition of the acoustic emission features. As a result, the technique of acoustic emission is ideally suited to study variables which control time and stress dependent fracture or damage process in metallic materials.

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Image Compression using Modified Zerotree of the Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EZW의 수정된 제로트리를 이용한 영상 압축)

  • Eom, Je-Duk;Lee, Ji-Bum;Goo, Ha-Sung;Kim, Jin-Tae
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.442-449
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    • 2002
  • EZW (Embedded Zerotree Wavelet) is an efficient algorithm to encode wavelet-transformed image. In this algorithm, each coefficient of wavelet transformed image is given one of the specific symbols and encoded according to its significant priority. In this paper, we analysis the occurrence conditions of symbols in EZW and propose a modified EZW algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, the significance of an IZ (Isolated Zero) symbol is determined by the additional conditions as well as its absolute value. The occurrence of IZ symbols is decreased and the required bits for insignificant IZ symbols is saved, so we obtained good quality of the reconstructed image.

Time series representation for clustering using unbalanced Haar wavelet transformation (불균형 Haar 웨이블릿 변환을 이용한 군집화를 위한 시계열 표현)

  • Lee, Sehun;Baek, Changryong
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.707-719
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    • 2018
  • Various time series representation methods have been proposed for efficient time series clustering and classification. Lin et al. (DMKD, 15, 107-144, 2007) proposed a symbolic aggregate approximation (SAX) method based on symbolic representations after approximating the original time series using piecewise local mean. The performance of SAX therefore depends heavily on how well the piecewise local averages approximate original time series features. SAX equally divides the entire series into an arbitrary number of segments; however, it is not sufficient to capture key features from complex, large-scale time series data. Therefore, this paper considers data-adaptive local constant approximation of the time series using the unbalanced Haar wavelet transformation. The proposed method is shown to outperforms SAX in many real-world data applications.

A Study on the Separation of Tidal Level Data in Coastal Area using Discrete Wavelet Transform (이산형 웨이블릿 변환을 이용한 연안지역 해수위 자료의 성분 분리에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Younghoon;Lee, Myungjin;Lee, ChoongKe;Kim, Hung Soo;Kim, Soojum
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.278-278
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    • 2020
  • 감조하천이 위치한 연안 지역의 경우, 강우 및 태풍과 발생과 동시에 만조위가 겹치게 되면 큰 홍수 피해를 입는 지역이다. 감조하천은 조석의 영향으로 인해 물의 흐름 및 수위가 주기적으로 진동하는 특성을 보이고 있다. 조석 현상은 주로 기조력에 의한 주기적인 운동이 발생하지만, 풍속, 저기압 등의 영향도 함께 포함되어 있다. 연안 지역에 대한 홍수 위험 관리를 위해, 본 연구에서는 연안 지역 내 위치한 조위 관측소의 조위 자료를 주기적인 운동을 보이는 조석 성분과 확률론적인 운동을 보이는 파고 성분으로 분리하고자 하였다. 자료 내 각각 세부적인 특성을 확인하기 위해 주파수 대역별 필터링이 가능한 이산형 웨이블릿 변환을 통해 자료를 6단계로 분해하였다. 분해된 각 성분 별 주기성 및 주파수 분석을 실시하여 조석 성분 및 파고 성분으로 분리하였으며, 최종적으로 자료 내 각각 66% 및 34%의 비중을 차지하고 있음을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 활용한다면, 파고의 영향을 고려한 연안 지역의 홍수 관리의 기초자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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