• Title/Summary/Keyword: 월성3호기

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Fuel Cost Analysis of CANDU-PHWR Wolsung Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1

  • Lee, Ik-Hwan;Lee, Chang-Kun;Yang, Chang-Guk;Yook, Chong-Chul
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.151-163
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    • 1977
  • Being based on the Segal method, calculation was carried out for the natural uranium nuclear fuel cost with Zircaloy-4 cladding having design Parameters of Wolsung Nuclear Power Plant, CANDU-PHWR (Unit 1) , currently under construction in Korea aiming at its completion in 1982. An attempt was also made for tile sensitivity analysis of each fuel component; j. e., depreciation of fuel manufacturing plant caused by its life time, its load factor, production scale expansion of plant facilities, variations of construction and operating costs of fuel manufacturing plant, fluctuation of interest rates, extent of uranium ore price increases and effect of learning factor.

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Temperature Coefficient in D$_2$O Moderated Reactor(Wolsung Unit 1)

  • Suh, Soo-Hyun;Chang, Yo-Han;Kim, Seong yun;Kim, Dong-Hoon
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 1977
  • The temperature coefficient has been investigated on the Wolsung nuclear power reactor, in which fuel is natural uranium dioxide and moderator heavy water. The numerical computations are carried out in terms of changes of the effective neutron multiplication factor with respect to fuel, moderator, and coolant temperatures. Those results are compared with the computed values of temperature coefficient based on the LATREP computer code.

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중수감속 가압경수로의 개념설계

  • 김명현;윤진규
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1996.05a
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    • pp.112-116
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    • 1996
  • 신형경수로의 대안으로서 가압경수로의 단점을 보완하고, 가압중수로의 장점을 채택한 중수감속 경수로의 핵적 개념설계를 제안하였다. 냉각재와 감속재가 서로 다른 채넬을 통해 흐르는 기존 가압중수로의 Pressure-Tube 설계의 장점을 채택하여, 냉각재는 경수를 감속재는 중수를 사용하는 중수감속 가압경수로(DPWR, Deuterium-moderated PWR)의 설계 타당성을 검토하였다. 기본적으로 CANDU의 system설계를 Proven Technology로서 가능한 많이 채택하고, CANFLEX 핵연료 설계도 기존 연구 결과로서 최대한 활용하였다. 월성 2,3,4호기 FSAR의 사양을 그대로 사용하여 기존 중수로의 37봉 핵연료 다발을 6$\times$6 직각 배열 등가 핵연료집합체로 재구성한 후, SEU $UO_2$ 핵연료에 대해 HELIOS코드를 사용하여 핵적 특성을 검토하였다. 냉각재 온도계수가 음의 안전성을 갖고 있으며, 기존 중수로보다 연소도가 훨씬 큰 원자로가 설계될 수 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 발전소 이용률의 증대, 사용후 핵연료 발생량의 감소를 기대할 수 있었다.

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Evaluation of Time Dependent Tritium Concentration for Safety Analysis in Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility (월성 삼중수소 저장 시설 안전성 평가를 위한 시간에 따른 삼중수소 농도 평가)

  • 육대식;이건재;정흥석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.539-543
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this to improve the reliability of the safety evaluation code for Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility(WTRF) which is on the development for environmental assessment. To achieve this, tritium concentrations calculated in the Wolsong Units of this study are compared with that of the existing reference. As the result, the tritium concentration in each Wolsong nuclear power plant unit just before operating WTRF is 60.9Ci/kg, 36.3Ci/kg, 30.0Ci/kg, 26.5Ci/kg under the assumption that the WTRF begins operation in 2005, respectively. This result is almost same with that of the existing reference. But the reducing rate of tritium concentration in the moderator is faster than that of the reference result Finally it is expected to drop below 10Ci/kg after WTRF operation. And this result is also similar with that of the existing reference.

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Development of the draft guidelines of the decommissioning plan for a nuclear power plant in Korea (국내 원자로시설 해체계획서 세부 작성지침(안) 개발)

  • Lee, Jungmin;Moon, Joohyun
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.213-227
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    • 2013
  • It is essential to prepare the decommissioning plan for a nuclear power plant (NPP) for the safe decommissioning of the NPP, minimization of the generation of decommissioning wastes, and protection of human beings and environment. Although Kori unit 1 and Wolsong unit 1 will be destined to their decommissioning in Korea in the near future. there is no provisons about preparing the decommissioning plan. In this paper, therefore, the draft guidelines of the decommissioning plan for a NPP were developed by considering the domestic situation, based on the comparative analyses of the regulatory guidelines of the decommissioning plan in U.S., U.K. and France. The draft guidelines are expected to play an important role to modify the domestic laws and regulations on the decommissioning of the NPP, and to give a license holder in charge of decommissioning the detailed instructions for preparing it in advance.

Wolsong 3&4 Steam Generator Tube Inspection (월성 3,4호기 증기발생기 전열관 검사)

  • Jang, Kyoung-Sik;Kwon, Dong-Ki;Choi, Jin-Hyuk;Son, Tai-Bong
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.859-866
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    • 2001
  • During the Pre-service Inspection for Wolsong Unit 3&4 in 1997/1998 respectively, 17 Distorted Roll Transition indications(over expanded beyond tubesheet secondary face) were identified at the Unit 4 (S/G B, D). Six(6) tubes out of these tubes were plugged in 1998. However the first Periodic Inspection identified additional 110 indications in 1999 and 2000. The additionally identified 110 indication call, not reported at the Pre-service Inspection, are; 2 Not-Finally-Expanded-Tubes and 108 Distorted Roll Transition tubes. Design limit of each Steam Generator tube Plugging is 6.4%. Plugging was performed by the Steam Generator manufacturer under the warranty. When Distorted Roll Transition indications were first identified on the Unit 4 in 1998 the degree of Over-expansion was measured using an inner dial-gage to make the disposition of Nonconformance report. 2 Not-Finally-Expanded-Tubes were plugged and 10 tubes out of 108 Distorted Roll Transition Tubes were also plugged as a preventive measure.

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Development of the Regulatory Guidelines for Continued Operation of CANDU Reactor in Korea (CANDU형 원전 계속운전 평가지침서 개발)

  • Choi, Young-Hwan;Kim, Hong-Key
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.495-499
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, the regulatory guidelines for the continued operation of the CANDU reactor in Korea were introduced. Wolsong Unit 1, which is a CANDU 600 reactor in Korea, will reach its design life of 30 years in 2012. A licensee who wants to operate a nuclear power plant beyond its design life should submit reports of periodic safety reviews (PSRs) conducted on the basis of 11 safety factors. In addition, the licensee should provide the following: (1) scoping and screening results for aging management, (2) aging management program, (3) TLAA, including the continued operation term, (4) operation-experience feedback, and (5) important safety-research results. In this study, 54 regulatory guidelines for the five above-mentioned items for the CANDU reactor in Korea were developed.

Radiation Shielding Calculation on Shield System of CANDU 6 Plant Using the Coupled DOT4.2 and QAD-CG Codes (DOT4.2-QAD-CG 접속법을 이용한 CANDU 6 발전소 차폐 계통에 대한 방사선 차폐 계산)

  • Kim, Kyo-Youn;Kim, Jong-Kyung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.561-569
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    • 1993
  • DOT4.2-QAD-CG coupling method was used to analyze the dose rates outside the side and the bottom shield system of CANDU 6 plant. The average dose rates at the main airlock and the new fuel loading area are approximately 6 $\mu$Sv/h as it is required. The calculated dose rates have a good agreement with the measurements at the operating CANDU 6 plant. The method used in this paper can be applied to the radiation shielding analysis of Wolsong 2, 3, and 4 CANDU 6 type plants which will be constructed in the near future.

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Validation Testing of Safety-critical Software (Safety-critical 소프트웨어의 검증시험)

  • Kim, Hang-Bae;Han, Jai-Bok
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 1995
  • A software engineering process has been developed for the design of safety critical software for Wolsong 2/3/4 project to satisfy the requirement of the regulatory body. Among the process, this paper described the detail process of validation testing peformed to ensure that the software with its hardware, developed by the design group, satisfies the requirements of the functional specification prepared by the independent functional group. To perform the test, test facility and test software ore developed and actual safety system computer was connected. Three kinds of test cases, i.e., functional test performance test and self-check test were programmed and run to verify each functional specifications. Test failures ore fedback to the design group to revise the software and test result were analyzed and documented in the report to submit to the regulatory body. The test methodology and procedure were very efficient and satisfactory to perform the systematic and automatic test. The test results were also acceptable and successful to verify the software acts as specified in the program functional specification. This methodology can be applied to the validation of other safety-critical software.

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Analysis of Cooldown Capability for the HWR Shutdown Cooling System (중수로 정지냉각계통의 냉각능력 분석)

  • Sin, Jeong-Cheol
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2011
  • Following the reactor shutdown, the reactor shutdown cooling system must be designed to supply the coolant sufficiently not only to remove the decay heat but to maintain the adequate cooling rate to protect the reactor equipments. In this study, KDESCENT code for the light water reactor and SOPHT, SDCS codes for the heavy water reactor were compared and analyzed to investigate the cooling capability during the shutdown cooling process. The shutdown cooling system design requirements were satisfied during cooling process for both the SDCP and the HTP modes and the design cooling rate of $2.8^{\circ}C/min$ or below was maintained using the SDC heat exchangers. This study shows that the shutdown cooling system in the Wolsong 2, 3, 4 reactors provides sufficient cooling to maintain the nuclear fuel integrity by removing the decay heat of the nuclear fission product.