• Title/Summary/Keyword: 원자로건물

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Nonlinear Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures Considering Slip Behavior of Tendons (긴장재의 슬립거동을 고려한 원자로 격납건물의 비선형 해석)

  • Kwak Hyo-Gyoung;Kim Jae-Hong;Kim Sun-Hoon;Chung Yun-Suk
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4 s.70
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    • pp.335-345
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    • 2005
  • This paper concentrates on the nonlinear analysis of prestressed concrete (PSC) containment structures. Unlike a commercialized program which adopts the perfect bond assumption between concrete and tendon in the analysis of PSC structures, a numerical algorithm to consider the slip effect, simultaneously with the use of commercialized programs such as DIANA and ABAQUS, is introduced in this paper For bonded tendons, the apparent yield stress of an embedded tendon is determined from the bond slip relationship. And for unbonded tendons, Correction for the strength and stiffness of unbonded internal tendons is achieved on the basis of an iteration scheme derived from the slip behavior of tendon along the entire length. Finally, the developed algorithm is applied to two PSC containment structures of PWR and CANDU to verify its efficiency and applicability in simulating the structural behavior of large complex structures, and the obtained result shows that both containment structures represent the ultimate pressure capacity larger than about 3 times of the design pressure.

Development of Seismic Analysis Model and Time History Analysis for KALIMER-600 (KALIMER-600 지진해석모델 개발 및 시간이력 지진응답해석)

  • Koo, Gyeong-Hoi;Lee, Jae-Han
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.3 s.55
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, a simple seismic analysis model of the KALIMER-600 sodium-cooled fast reactor selected to be the candidate of the GEN-IV reactor is developed. By using this model, the seismic time history analysis is carried out to investigate the feasibilities of a seismic isolation design. The developed simple seismic analysis model includes the reactor building, reactor system,, IHTS piping system, steam generator, and seismic isolators. The dynamic characteristics of the simple seismic model are verified with the detailed 3-dimensional finite element analysis for each part of the KALIMER-600 system. By using the developed simple seismic model, the seismic time history analyses for both cases of a seismic isolation and non-isolation design are performed for the artificial time history of a SSE (Safe Shutdown Earthquake) 0.3g. From the comparison of the calculated floor response spectrum, it is verified that the seismically isolated KALIMER-600 reactor building shows a great performance of a seismic isolation and assures a seismic integrity.

Chemical Effects on Head Loss across Containment Sump Strainer under Post-LOCA Environment (LOCA이후 환경에서 원자로건물집수조 여과기의 수두손실에 대한 화학적 영향)

  • Ku, Hee-Kwon;Jung, Bum-Young;Hong, Kwang;Jeong, Eun-Sun;Jung, Hyun-Jun;Park, Byung-Gi;Rhee, In-Hyoung;Park, Jong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.3260-3268
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    • 2009
  • A test apparatus has been fabricated to simulate chemical effect on head loss through a strainer in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) containment water pool after a loss of coolant accident (LOCA). Tests were conducted under condition of same ratio of strainer surface area to water volume between the test appratus and the containment sump. A series of tests have been performed to investigate the effects of spray, existence of calcium-silicate with tri-sodium phosphate (TSP), and composition of materials. The results showed that head loss across the chemical bed with even a small amount of calcium-silicate insulation instantaneously increased as soon as TSP was added to the test solution. Also, the head loss across the test screen is strongly affected by spray duration and is increased rapidly at the early stage, because of high dissolution and precipitation of aluminum and zinc. After passivation of aluminum and zinc by corrosion, the head loss increase is much slowed down and is mainly induced by materials such as calcium, silicon, and magnesium leached from NUKONTM and concrete. Furthermore, it is newly found that the spay buffer agent, tri-sodium phosphate, to form protective coating on the aluminum surface and reduce aluminum leaching is not effective for a large amount of aluminum and a long spray.

Application Review on Aircraft Impact Safety Assessment and Defense Design in Research Reactor (연구용원자로에 대한 항공기 충돌 안전성 평가 및 대비설계의 적용성 고찰)

  • Kwag, Shinyoung;Ryu, Jeong-Soo
    • The magazine of the Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구에서는 국내외 항공기 충돌에 대한 원자력발전소의 안전성 평가 및 규제 현황과 연구용원자로의 안전성 평가 및 규제 현황을 살펴보았다. 이러한 현황과 평가와 관련하여 연구용원자로에 적용할 수 있는 항공기 충돌 안전성 평가 및 대비설계 기준을 원자력발전소에 적용되는 기준을 기반으로 정리하였다. 본 연구를 바탕으로 후속되는 연구에서는 연구용원자로에 대한 실질적인 항공기 충돌 안전성 평가 및 대비설계 기준을 도출할 수 있으며, 평가 및 대비설계 방법을 상세히 정립할 수 있을 것이다. 결과적으로, 이를 바탕으로는 항공기 충돌에 대비한 연구용원자로 건물의 예비개념설계 모델을 개발할 수 있을 것으로 예상된다.

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A Feasibility Study on the Computational Model for Assessing Cerium Behavior in the Reactor Vessel Lower Head of Pressurized Light Water Reactor under Severe Accident (중대사고시 가압경수형 원자력발전소 원자로용기 하부헤드내의 노심용융물 거동 평가를 위한 전산모델에 대한 타당성 연구)

  • 조용진;이석호;이종인;전규동
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1998.05a
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    • pp.824-829
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    • 1998
  • 미국의 개량형 원자력 발전소 개념설계단계에서 중대사고시 사고완화를 위한 전략으로 원자로 압력용기 외부냉각 개념이 제안되었다. 중대사고 진행과정에서 노심용융물이 원자로 압력용기 하부헤드로 재배치 되었을 때 압력용기 외벽을 냉각함으로서 노심용융물을 압력용기 내부에 가두어 두어 격납건물 내로의 유출을 방지하는 방식이다. 이 연구에서는 원자로 압력용기 하부헤드 내의 노심용융물 거동중 자연 순환에 의한 거동을 수치적으로 모의하여 보았다. 연구결과, 정상상태의 온도 및 속도분포는 현상학적으로 적절하게 모의되나 고화와 액화의 경우에는 고유모델의 필요성이 요구되었다.

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