• Title/Summary/Keyword: 울산현대자동차

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NO.1 Safety Engineer - 현대자동차 울산공장 지원사업부 안전팀 황해철 차장

  • Kim, Seong-Dae
    • The Safety technology
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    • no.196
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    • pp.24-25
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    • 2014
  • 세계 최대의 규모를 자랑하는 자동차 공장, 울산의 상징으로 여겨지는 공장. 바로 현대자동차 울산공장을 수식하는 말들이다. 현대자동차는 아산과 전주 그리고 울산에 공장을 설립해 놓고 있는데, 울산공장은 단연코 세 공장 가운데 핵심기지로 여겨지고 있다. 또 이곳은 37,000여명의 근로자가 일을 하고 있고, 연 440만대의 생산력을 갖추고 있는 만큼 울산은 물론 국가경제를 이끄는 전초기지의 역할을 충실히 수행하고 있다. 이는 곧 화재, 폭발 등의 대형사고가 발생하면 그 여파가 엄청나게 크다는 것을 의미한다. 그만큼 이곳의 안전을 책임지고 있는 안전인들은 남다른 사명감을 갖고 업무에 임하고 있다. 현대자동차 울산공장에서 안전관리 업무를 전담하고 있는 황해철 차장을 만나 어떤 안전관리를 전개하고 있는지 이야기를 나눠봤다.

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Formation and Evolution of Ulsan Automobile Cluster (울산 자동차클러스터의 형성과 발전전망)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hyop
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2007
  • This study examines the development direction of Ulsan automobile cluster and suggests strategic interventions, based on the possibility of system transformation in the open economic system. The spatial characteristics of global, national and local production and R&D networks were analyzed to investigate the conditions of Ulsan automobile cluster. And the agglomeration process of automobile industry and the capabilities accumulated in Ulsan were analyzed and alternative developmental path and policy suggestions were proposed.

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  • Korea Marrow Donor Program
    • 나누는사람들
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    • s.28
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    • pp.20-23
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    • 2004
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2차에 걸친 폐열회수 ESCO사업 시행 환경친화적 생산공정과 에너지 사용효율 극대화 추구

  • 에너지절약전문기업협회
    • The Magazine for Energy Service Companies
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    • s.4
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    • pp.20-23
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    • 2000
  • 현대자동차 울산공장은 지난해 보일러급수 승온을 위한 폐열회수시스템을 ESCO사업으로 설치한 데 이어 지난 4월부터 5개 도장공장에 유형별 폐열회수 ESCO사업을 진행하고 있다. 총투자비가 약 11억 9천만원에 이르는 이번 사업은 연간 5,941,379kg의 스팀과 1,665,402N$m^3$의 절LNG절감효과를 거둘 것으로 보이며 연간 에너지절감액은 6억 2천만원에 달한다. 21개월이면 투자비회수가 가능한 이 공사는 6월 중순경 완료될 예정이다.

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Development of position correction system of door mounting robot based on point measure: Part I-Algorithm (특정점 측정에 근거한 도어 장착 로봇의 위치 보정 시스템 개발: Part I-보정 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Mi Kyung;Kang, Hee Jun;Kim, Sang Myung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 1996
  • This work deals with finding a suitable position correction algorithm of industrial robot based on measuring particular points, which calculates two dimensional correction quantities and the must allow visually acceptable door-chassis assembly task. Three optimizing algorithms corresponding to three differ- ent error based performance indices are compared and selected to the best one, in terms of the predefined total uniformity, line uniformity and computational time. The selected algorithm(Total Error Minimization) is implemented for a simple door-chassis model to show its effectiveness.

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Development of position correction system of door mounting robot based on point measure: Part ll-Measurement and implementation (특정점 측정에 근거한 도어 장착 로봇의 위치 보정 시스템 개발: Part II - 측정및 구현)

  • Byun, Sung Dong;Kang, Hee Jun;Kim, Sang Myung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.42-48
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, a position correction system of industrial robot for door-chassis assembly tast is developed in connection with the position correction algorithm shown in Part I. Tow notches and a hole of auto chassis are selected as the reference measure points and a vision based error detection algorithm is devised to measure in accuracy of less than 0.07mm. And also, the transformation between base and tool coordinates of the robot is shown to send the suitable correction quantities caaording to robot's option. The obtained algorithms were satisfactorily implemented for a real door-chassis model such that the system could accomplish visually acceptable door-chassis assembly task.

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Investigation on the Non-linear Injection Characteristics of GDI injector using 1D Simulation (1D 시뮬레이션 기반 GDI 인젝터의 비선형적 분사 특성 해석에 대한 연구)

  • Jinwoo Lee;Seoksu Moon;Donghan Hur;Jinsuk Kang
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2023
  • Multi-injection scheme is being applied to GDI combustion to reduce PM and PN emission to meet the EU7 regulation. However, very short injection duration encounters the ballistic injection region, which injection quantity does not increase linearly with injection duration when applying multi-injection. In this study, numerical studies were conducted to reveal the cause of ballistic injection and the effect of design parameters on ballistic region using 1-D simulation, AMESim. Injection rate and injection quantity were compared with experiment to validate the established model, which showed the accuracy with 10% error. The model revealed that the tendency of ballistic region coincides with the needle motion behavior, which means that parameters at the upper part of needle such as electro-magnetic force, needle spring force and needle friction force have dominant effect on ballistic injection. To figure out the effect of electro-magnetic and needle friction force on ballistic, those parameters were varied to plus and minus 10% with model. The result showed that those parameters clearly changed the ballistic region characteristics, however, the impact became insignificant for outside of ballistic region, which means that the ballistic injection is mainly influenced by initial motion of injector needle.

'Becoming Regular Employees': A Variation of the Struggle and Bargaining of Irregular Workers at Hyundai Motor Company, 2003-2016 (현대자동차 비정규직의 정규직 되기: 투쟁과 협상의 변주곡, 2003-2016년)

  • Yoo, Hyung-Geun;Jo, Hyung-Je
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-45
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the process of the struggle and bargaining for the change of the employment position of the irregular (in-house subcontracted) workers being at work in the Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) plants into the status of the regular employee of the company, and evaluate the results and limitation of the irregular workers' movement. Since the unionization of irregular workers in 2003, they have carried on the struggle against and the bargaining with the HMC, over the past 10 years and more, making claims for abolishing 'illegal temporary agency work' and for converting their positions into the regular ones. The HMC have gradually altered a confrontational stance against the workers' claim at the early stage, into the bargaining relationship with irregular workers' union. Eventually, the collective agreement on the 'special hiring' of about six thousands irregular workers by the HMC was reached in 2016. We attempt to analyze in depth the overall process by dividing three phases of the movement, according to the criteria of the relationship between the alliance and conflict system, and the cycle of protests of irregular workers. Furthermore, we try to trace the long and winding path of the movement, focusing on the cooperation/conflict relationship within the movement's alliance system, the confrontation/bargaining relationship between the movement and the conflict system, and the critical roles played by mediators (or third parties) between two systems. In the conclusion of the paper, we evaluate the results and limitation of the irregular workers' movement upon the basis of the following points; the convergence of the workers' demands into the prime goal of 'becoming HMC's regular employee,' the breakaway of regular workers' union from the movement's alliance system, and a virtual extinction of irregular workers' union after the final labor-management agreement of 2016.

Full-Scale Measurement of Pure Car Carrier (자동차 운반선에 대한 실선 계측)

  • Jin-S.,Park;Oi-H.,Kim;Zae-K.,Chung
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.46-62
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    • 1989
  • This paper presents the results of full-scale structural measurements of 4,800 unit pure car carriers "HYUNDAI NO.103" and "HYUNDAI NO.105" on one voyage respectively for each ship, especially in order to investigate the local strength of partial bulkhead above free-board deck. With the measured data, the short-term frequency analyses have been performed. The results show that the wave-induced stresses follow, on the whole, well the Rayleigh distribution. In addition, it has been found from the measured data that transverse local stresses at bulkhead section have a very close relation with the acceleration in athwartship direction. Finally, the long-term analysis has been attempted by using the following two statistical distributions mainly in order to estimate the maximum stress amplitude at the corners of partial bulkhead. 1) Exponential distribution of cycles of stress amplitude 2) Double exponential distribution of extreme values of stress amplitude for each short-term analysis The results of these two cases show a good agreement with each other. For example, the estimated maximum stress amplitude for 10 years at port-side corner of Fr. 132 partial bulkhead is $2125kg/cm^2$ for the first case and $2170kg/cm^2$ for the second case just based on the measured data.

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