• Title/Summary/Keyword: 운동 장치

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A Study on the Dépaysement of the Animation (애니메이션에 있어서 데페이즈망에 관한 연구)

Improvement of Net Structure and Operating System in Purse Seine Fishery for Gizzard-shad, Konosirus Punctatns(I) -Underwater Geometry and Behaviour of fish School to the Net - (전어 선망 어구 및 조업 시스템 개발(I) -어구의 수중 형상 및 전어 어군의 대망 행동-)

  • 장덕종;신형호;김동수;김진건
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.156-163
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    • 2002
  • In order to development the construction and dimension of fishing gear for gizzard shad coastal purse seine, first of all investigated to the sinking speed and underwater geometry of net, behaviour of fish school to the net during the fishing operation In the field. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. Average sinking speed of net was 13cm/sec in bunt, 9.0cm/sec and 9.5cm/sec in 170m and 280m of center, 4.9cm/sec in end wing side, therefore was fastest in start of shooting and decreased gradually during the shooting process. 2. The most of leadline was reached in bottom from the shooting immediately to hauling time and the mean depth of timber bar used equipment for the escaping prevention of fish school was within the 2.7m. 3. The fish school of gizzard shad was appearanced higher density and remained to the most time in bottom than the surface and repeated to vortical movement, and its tendency to distinct in rapid time of tide current. 4. Behaviour of fish school in the net was showed to the vortical movement by sinking and rising immediately with the shooting of net and then divide with the two shape to follow round the wall of net and no patterns straightly movement in the net, and tendency easily catched in fish school of the wall of net. 5. Escaping of fish school in the gap of wing side was to busy after that seting the timber bar, therefore its function for escaping prevention of fish school was very lowed. 6. Escaping behaviour of fish school was differenced with the depth of fishing ground, the above 20m escaped to busy through the below in ledline because the sinking speed of fish school is fast than the net.

An Analysis on the Sinking Resistance of Purse Seine - 2. In the Case of the Model Purse Seine with Different Netting Material and Sinkers - (旋網의 沈降 抵抗 解析 - 2. 網地材料와 沈子量 다른 模型網의 경우 -)

  • Kim, Suk-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2004
  • This study deals with an analysis on the sinking resistance for the model purse seine, in the case of different netting material and sinkers. The experiment was carried out using rune simplified model seines of knotless nettings. Dimension of model seines 420cm for corkline and 85cm for seine depth, three groups of models rigged 25, 45 and 60g with the same weighted sinkers in water were used. These were named PP-25, PA-25, PES-25, PP-45, PA-45, PES-45, PP-60, PA-60 and PES-60 seine. The densitie($\rho$) of netting materials were 0.91g/cm$cm^3$, 1.14g/cm$cm^3$ and 1.38g/cm$m^3$. Experiments carried out in the observation channel in a flume tank under still water conditions. Sinking motion was recorded by the one set of TV-camera for VTR, and reading coordinate carried out by the video digitization system. Differential equations were derived from the conservation of momenta of the model purse seines and used to determine the sinking speeds of the depths of leadline and the other portions of the seines. An analysis carried out by simultaneous differential equations for numerical method by sub-routine Runge-Kutta-Gill The results obtained were as follows : 1. Average sinking speed of leadline for the model seines rigged 60g with the same weighted sinkers in water was fastest for 12.2cm/sec of PES seine, followed by 11.4cm/sec of PA and 10.7cm/sec of PP seines. 2. The coefficient of resistance for netting of seine was estimated to be $K_D=0.09(\frac{\rho}{\rho_w})^4$ 3. The coefficient of resistance for netting bundle of seine was estimated to be $C_R=0.91(\frac{\rho}{\rho_w})$ 4. In all seines, the calculated depths of leadline closely agreed with the measured ones, each 25g, 45g, 60g of weighted sinkers were put into formulas meas.=1.04cal., meas.=0.99cal. and meas.=0.98 cal.

Analyzing Heart Rate Variability for Automatic Sleep Stage Classification (수면단계 자동분류를 위한 심박동변이도 분석)

  • 김원식;김교헌;박세진;신재우;윤영로
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2003
  • Sleep stages have been useful indicator to check a person's comfortableness in a sleep, But the traditional method of scoring sleep stages with polysomnography based on the integrated analysis of the electroencephalogram(EEG), electrooculogram(EOG), electrocardiogram(ECG), and electromyogram(EMG) is too restrictive to take a comfortable sleep for the participants, While the sympathetic nervous system is predominant during a wakefulness, the parasympathetic nervous system is more active during a sleep, Cardiovascular function is controlled by this autonomic nervous system, So, we have interpreted the heart rate variability(HRV) among sleep stages to find a simple method of classifying sleep stages, Six healthy male college students participated, and 12 night sleeps were recorded in this research, Sleep stages based on the "Standard scoring system for sleep stage" were automatically classified with polysomnograph by measuring EEG, EOG, ECG, and EMG(chin and leg) for the six participants during sleeping, To extract only the ECG signals from the polysomnograph and to interpret the HRV, a Sleep Data Acquisition/Analysis System was devised in this research, The power spectrum of HRV was divided into three ranges; low frequency(LF), medium frequency(MF), and high frequency(HF), It showed that, the LF/HF ratio of the Stage W(Wakefulness) was 325% higher than that of the Stage 2(p<.05), 628% higher than that of the Stage 3(p<.001), and 800% higher than that of the Stage 4(p<.001), Moreover, this ratio of the Stage 4 was 427% lower than that of the Stage REM (rapid eye movement) (p<.05) and 418% lower than that of the Stage l(p<.05), respectively, It was observed that the LF/HF ratio decreased monotonously as the sleep stage changes from the Stage W, Stage REM, Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, to Stage 4, While the difference of the MF/(LF+HF) ratio among sleep Stages was not significant, it was higher in the Stage REM and Stage 3 than that of in the other sleep stages in view of descriptive statistic analysis for the sample group.

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Development of an Offline Based Internal Organ Motion Verification System during Treatment Using Sequential Cine EPID Images (연속촬영 전자조사 문 영상을 이용한 오프라인 기반 치료 중 내부 장기 움직임 확인 시스템의 개발)

  • Ju, Sang-Gyu;Hong, Chae-Seon;Huh, Woong;Kim, Min-Kyu;Han, Young-Yih;Shin, Eun-Hyuk;Shin, Jung-Suk;Kim, Jing-Sung;Park, Hee-Chul;Ahn, Sung-Hwan;Lim, Do-Hoon;Choi, Doo-Ho
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2012
  • Verification of internal organ motion during treatment and its feedback is essential to accurate dose delivery to the moving target. We developed an offline based internal organ motion verification system (IMVS) using cine EPID images and evaluated its accuracy and availability through phantom study. For verification of organ motion using live cine EPID images, a pattern matching algorithm using an internal surrogate, which is very distinguishable and represents organ motion in the treatment field, like diaphragm, was employed in the self-developed analysis software. For the system performance test, we developed a linear motion phantom, which consists of a human body shaped phantom with a fake tumor in the lung, linear motion cart, and control software. The phantom was operated with a motion of 2 cm at 4 sec per cycle and cine EPID images were obtained at a rate of 3.3 and 6.6 frames per sec (2 MU/frame) with $1,024{\times}768$ pixel counts in a linear accelerator (10 MVX). Organ motion of the target was tracked using self-developed analysis software. Results were compared with planned data of the motion phantom and data from the video image based tracking system (RPM, Varian, USA) using an external surrogate in order to evaluate its accuracy. For quantitative analysis, we analyzed correlation between two data sets in terms of average cycle (peak to peak), amplitude, and pattern (RMS, root mean square) of motion. Averages for the cycle of motion from IMVS and RPM system were $3.98{\pm}0.11$ (IMVS 3.3 fps), $4.005{\pm}0.001$ (IMVS 6.6 fps), and $3.95{\pm}0.02$ (RPM), respectively, and showed good agreement on real value (4 sec/cycle). Average of the amplitude of motion tracked by our system showed $1.85{\pm}0.02$ cm (3.3 fps) and $1.94{\pm}0.02$ cm (6.6 fps) as showed a slightly different value, 0.15 (7.5% error) and 0.06 (3% error) cm, respectively, compared with the actual value (2 cm), due to time resolution for image acquisition. In analysis of pattern of motion, the value of the RMS from the cine EPID image in 3.3 fps (0.1044) grew slightly compared with data from 6.6 fps (0.0480). The organ motion verification system using sequential cine EPID images with an internal surrogate showed good representation of its motion within 3% error in a preliminary phantom study. The system can be implemented for clinical purposes, which include organ motion verification during treatment, compared with 4D treatment planning data, and its feedback for accurate dose delivery to the moving target.

Preliminary Investigations of the Dosimetric Properties of a Normoxic Polymethacrylic Acid Gel Dosimeter Using a Respiration-Motion Simulator (호흡모의움직임장치를 이용한 정상산소 폴리메타크릴산 겔 선량계의 선량특성)

  • Park, Chae Hee;Cho, Yu Ra;Cho, Kwang Hwan;Park, Ji Ae;Kim, Kyeong Min;Kim, Kum Bae;Jung, Hai Jo;Ji, Young Hoon;Kwon, Soo-Il
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 2012
  • Dose distribution throughout the clinical organ range of motion was analyzed using a respiratory-motion simulator that was equipped with a polymer gel dosimeter and EBT2 film. The normoxic polymer gel dosimeter was synthesized from gelatin, MAA, HQ, THPC and HPLC. The gel dosimeter and EBT2 film were irradiated with Co-60 gamma rays that were moved along the x-axis and y-axis in ${\pm}1.5cm$ steps at five-second intervals. The field size was $5{\times}5cm^2$. The SSD was 80 cm and set to 10 Gy at a depth of 2 cm. The PDD at a depth of 50 mm was 75.2% in the ion chamber, 82.3% in the static state and 86.1% in the dynamic state in the gel dosimeter. The penumbra for the dynamic state target, which was measured using the gel dosimeter, averaged 10.89 mm, this is a 40.5% increase over the penumbra of the static state target of 7.74 mm. In addition, when measuring with gel dosimetry, the value for the penumbra is 36.6% smaller in the static state and 29.4% smaller in the dynamic state compared to measuring with film. The aim of this study was to investigate the dosimetric properties of a normoxic polymethacrylic acid gel dosimeter in static and dynamic states and to evaluate the potentiality as a relative dosimeter for dynamic therapeutic radiation.

Evaluation of the Usefulness of the Self-developed Kw-infrared Reflective Marker in Non-coplanar Treatment (비동일면 치료 시 자체 제작한 Kw-infrared Reflective Marker의 유용성 평가)

  • Kwon, Dong-Yeol;Ahn, Jong-Ho;Park, Young-Hwan;Song, Ki-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: In radiotherapy that takes into account respiration using a RPM (Real time Position Management, Varian, USA) system, which can treat in consideration of the movement of tumor, infrared reflective markers supplied by manufacturers cannot obtain respiratory signal if the couch rotates at a certain angle or larger. In order to solve this problem, the author developed the 3D infrared reflective marker named 'Kw-marker' that can obtain respiratory signal at any angle, and evaluate its usefulness. Materials and Methods: In order to measure the stability of respiratory signal, we put the infrared reflective marker on the 3D moving phantom that can reproduce respiratory movement and acquired respiratory signal for 3 minutes under each of 3 conditions (A: $couch\;0^{\circ}$, a manufacturer's infrared reflective marker B: $couch\;0^{\circ}$, Kw-marker C: $couch\;90^{\circ}$, Kw-marker). By analyzing the respiratory signal using a breath analysis program (Labview Ver. 7.0), we obtained the peak value, valley value, standard deviation, variation value, and amplitude value. In order to examine the rotation error and moving range of the target, we placed a B.B phantom on the 3D moving phantom, and obtained images at a couch angle of $0^{\circ}$ and $90^{\circ}$ using OBI, and then acquired the X, Y and Z values (mm) of the ball bearing at the center of the B.B phantom. Results: According to the results of analyzing the respiratory signal, the standard deviation at the peak value was A: 0.002, B: 0.002 and C: 0.003, and the stability of respiration for amplitude was A: 0.15%, B: 0.14% and C:0.13%, showing that we could get respiratory signal stably by using the Kw-marker. When the couch rotated $couch\;90^{\circ}$, the mean rotation error of the ball bearing, namely, the target was X: -1.25 mm, Y: -0.45 mm and Z: +0.1 mm, which were within 1.3 mm on the average in all directions, and the difference in the moving range of the target was within 0.3 mm. Conclusion: When we obtained respiratory signal using the Kw-marker in non-coplanar treatment where the couch rotated, we could acquire respiratory signal stably and the Kw-marker was effective enough to substitute for the manufacturer's infrared reflective marker. When the rotation error and moving range of the target were measured, there was little difference, indicating that the displacement of the reflector movement in couch rotation is the cause of change in the scale and amplitude of respiratory signal. If the converted value of amplitude height according to couch angle is studied further and applied, it may be possible to perform non-coplanar phase-based gating treatment.

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A Study on the Improvement Plan through Current Status of Historical Park in Seoul (서울시 역사공원의 현황 고찰을 통한 개선 방안 도출)

  • Ko, Young-Kwon;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2016
  • In this study, six historical parks in Seoul is analyzed. Based on the analysis, the representative values of the historical parks in Seoul draw three criteria such as historicity, educational attributes, and sociality, and also the type of historic and cultural resources, spatial functions and arrangements, circulation and accessibility, and the type and usage of introduced facilities. Consequently the current status and improvement plan is suggested as follows. First, cultural assets oriented historical parks such as Sayuksin Bongeun and Seonnongdan historical Park focus on the management based on the preservation of historic and cultural resources. Non designated cultural heritages oriented historic parks such as Shingye Yanghwajin Itaewon-bugundang historic park should focus on the usages the symbolize and commemorate historic and cultural resources. Second, Careful attitudes on the historicity of the park are needed in the mixed type of historic and cultural resources that determine the identity such as Yanghwajin Itaewon-bugundang historic park. Third, the rate of facilities in Bongeun and Shingye historical park is increased due to the renovation of religion facilities, rather than the neighborhood parks. The autonomy of regulations that does not have the limits of the area of park facilities weaken the publicity of the historical parks. Fourth, Shingye historical park suggest changing its name into Danggogae martyrs' shrine historical park. because its historic and cultural resources are included as the historic park is named. Fifth, the current problems such as numerous uncontrolled entrances, mixed uses in circulation, and accessible failure due to the closure are recognized. Therefore, the entrances and circulations should be articulated clearly in order to increase opportunities of experience for visitors in the historic and cultural resources, and also neighborhood facility should be suitably divided. Sixth, the park facilities in the neighborhood parks are introduced equally in Seoul historical parks. The uses and arrangements that considered the circumstance of the historical parks should be determined in the cultural facilities such as outdoor music hall and sporting facilities. Seventh, historic facilities that named historic hall, culture hall, memorial hall, and promotion hall in the historic parks are utilized for convenience and religion facilities. Institutional framework should be examined to keep publicity in the historic parks by spatial privatization of the specific group.

Settling Characteristics of Natural Loess Particles in Seawater (해수 중에서 자연상태 황토입자의 침강특성)

  • KIM Sung-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.706-712
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    • 1999
  • PSD (particle size distribution) for 2,000 mg/$\ell$ natural loess in seawater showed normal distribution cure at 0 minute settling time, accompanying with very large particle distribution range with its mean particle diameter of 31.6 $\mu$m and coencient of variance of $72.6\%$, With elapsed time it showed that the PSD was rapidly changed from normal distribution cure to abnormal distribution curve, steepened the right-hand side of it and its coefficient of variance was getting increased because of rapid settling of large size particles, Cumulative weight distribution showed that 2,000 mg/$\ell$ natural loess in seawater was almost $100\%$ constituted of particles bigger than 20 $\mu$m in diameter. Ratio of $V_s/(D_{bm})^{1/2}$ for loess particles in seawater was increased with increase of particle size in geometrical progression. Almost all loess particles in seawater had Stokes settling velocity not less than 2,255 times of Brownian diffusion coefficient, There was almost to EDL (about 0.4 nm) around natural loess particles in seawater, Thus, there was always LVDW attractive force between loess particles approaching each other in seawater, and almost no EDL repulsive force. Loess particles were not always in the condition of easy floe formation. Concentration of natural loess in seawater increasing from 400 mg/$\ell$ to 10,000 mg/$\ell$, characteristics of the settling was changed from Type I settling (discrete settling) to Type II settling (flocculation settling). PVD (particle volume distribution) showed that natural loess particles in seawater were largely constituted of two types of particles, such as rapidly settling particles and suspended and dispersed particles for a long time. Amount of the latter was much less than that of the former.

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The Electrochemical Chlorination for Marine Plankton Community Disinfection (해양 플랑크톤 군집의 전기분해 염소소독 효과)

  • Kang, Jung-Hoon;Shin, Kyoung-Soon;Hyun, Bong-Gil;Jang, Min-Chul;Kim, Eun-Chan;Chang, Man
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2007
  • To confirm whether or not the Electrochemical Disinfection System (EDS) meet with the D-2 regulation established by IMO (International Maritime Organization), the biological treatment efficacy of the EDS was assessed using three groups of natural marine plankton (bacteria, $10-50\;{\mu}m$ and $>50\;{\mu}m$ sized organisms). Influent water was passed through the EDS under the flow velocity ($23.8\;m^3/hr$) and test design was consisted of control (no treatment) and experimental (10 ppm and 30 ppm) condition for total residual chlorine (TRC). And the biological condition of the influent water followed the standards established by the guidelines for the approval of ballast water management systems. The disinfection efficacy of the $10-50\;{\mu}m$ sized organisms (phytoplankton) was assessed by three kinds of measurements using photomicroscope, epifluorescence microscope and fluorometer (fumer Designs 10-AU). After being passed through the EDS, all motile phytoplankton lost their motility under photomicroscope, the colour of chlorophyll fluorescence fumed from red into green under epifluorescence, and the high chlorophyll fluorescence (Expt. 1: 6.95, Expt. 2: 7.11) detected by fluorometer decreased into value not detected. These results indicated phytoplankton community was totally killed after electrochemical disinfection treatment. Survivorship of the larger organisms than $50\;{\mu}m$ was determined based on the appendage's movement under a stereomicroscope. Natural assemblage collected from ambient seawater was killed shortly after being passed through the EDS, whereas some Artemia remained alive. However, no live Artemia was found after 24 hour further exposure to each TRC concentration (10 and 30 ppm) under darkness. After electrochemical treatment, the target bacteria such as aerobes, coliform and Escherichia coli were completely killed on the basis of CFU (colony forming unit) on Petrifilm plate ($3\;M^{TM}$) after 48 hr incubation. Moreover, no regrowth was found in the three groups of plankton during five days under additional exposure to the treated water. These results indicated that the disinfection efficiency of the EDS on the three groups of plankton satisfy D-2 regulation.

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