• Title/Summary/Keyword: 운동 거리

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Change of Science Teachers' Perceptions About the Atmosphere Composition of Molecules with Different Masses (서로 다른 질량을 가진 분자들로 이루어진 대기의 조성에 대한 과학교사들의 인식 변화)

  • Yoo, Seunggyun;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.288-298
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we surveyed pre- and post-perceptions of fourteen science teachers related to the atmosphere composition of molecules with different masses by the developed test. As a result of the test, the teachers were classified into two types of thoughts; One of them is considered the atmosphere to be a homogeneous solution, and the other is a thought that the composition ratio of the atmosphere was not homogeneous considering the different weights of particles. The two types were reclassified into three categories; one of them is considering large gravity effect, another is considering small gravity effect, and the other is considering medium scale gravity effect. Total six types of thoughts were found from the pre-test. After introducing crosscutting concepts which are related to the composition of atmosphere. The teachers discussed the phenomena with the molecular motion by weights of atoms and temperature, the homogeneity of the solution of air in chemistry domain. They also discussed with the relationship between mass and gravity and distance in physics domain. And the discussion included distribution of the atmosphere, convection phenomena, etc. After the discussion, the teachers changed their pre-conceptions to post-concoctions considering combined perspectives of gravity, mass, temperature, altitude etc. Through these changes, we are able to confirm the importance of crosscutting concepts covered in various disciplines. In the integrated science, we should help teachers to provide students with these types of thinking in order to form a coherent world-view and to carry out inquiry thinking as an intellectual tool.

The High Cost of Fear (리포트 - 공포의 값비싼 대가)

  • Shellenberger, Michael
    • Nuclear industry
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    • v.37 no.9
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    • pp.58-90
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    • 2017
  • '공포의 값비싼 대가(The High Cost of Fear)'는 공개된 자료 중 동료 평가를 마친 최신의 자료와 간단한 계산 방법을 통해 한국의 탈원전 정책이 가져올 경제적, 환경적 영향을 분석한 보고서이다. 우리는 탈원전 정책이 다음과 같은 영향을 미칠 것으로 예측한다. ${\cdot}$천연가스 구매에만 최소 매년 100억 달러의 비용이 들 것이다. 이는 한국 평균임금인 연소득 29,125달러를 받는 일자리 343,000개에 해당하는 금액이다. ${\cdot}$비용의 대부분은 연료 수입에 사용될 것이며, 한국의 무역 수지가 악화될 것이다. ${\cdot}$한국의 부족한 재생에너지 자원을 고려할 때, 상당한 양의 화석 연료를 추가로 사용하게 될 것이다. ${\cdot}$LNG 발전소가 석탄 발전소를 대체하지 못하고 원자력발전소를 대체하면서 대기 오염으로 인한 조기 사망자 수가 증가할 것이다. ${\cdot}$한국의 전도유망한 원전 수출 산업이 아예 붕괴되거나 큰 타격을 입을 것이다. ${\cdot}$평균적 미국 자동차의 연간 주행거리를 기준으로 150만대에서 270만대의 미국 자동차가 배출하는 배기가스의 양만큼 연간 탄소 배출이 증가할 것이고, 한국은 파리기후협정에서 약속한 탄소 배출 감축 목표를 달성할 수 없게 된다. 본 보고서는 현재 계획된 탈원전 정책의 역사적 사회적 배경을 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. ${\cdot}$'그린피스(Greenpeace)', '지구의 친구들(Friends for the Earth)' 등 막대한 자금 지원을 받는 해외 환경단체들은 탈원전 거짓 정보의 근원이며, 이들은 저렴하고 풍부한 에너지라는 개념을 반대한다. ${\cdot}$후쿠시마 원전 사고와 그 여파의 주된 원인은 일본 원자력산업계의 오만과 원자력에 대한 과장된 집단 공포이다. ${\cdot}$반핵 진영의 논리에는 산업계와 정부에 대한 불신과 원자력, 방사선에 대한 몰이해가 반영되어 있다. ${\cdot}$반핵 진영은 후쿠시마 사고를 2014년 한수원 납품 비리 사태의 심각성을 과장하는 데 사용하고 있다. 2014년의 비리 사태는 한국 원자력 규제기관의 독립성을 증명했으며, 2016년의 경주 지진은 2011년 후쿠시마에서 쓰나미와 노심 용융을 초래한 동일본 대지진의 1/350,000의 크기밖에 되지 않는다. 본 보고서는 한국과 타국가의 반핵 운동이 주는 교훈을 다음과 같이 정리하였다. ${\cdot}$어떠한 국가도 에너지 자원 최빈국인 프랑스나 한국 같은 국가조차도 탈원전 '전쟁'에서 자유롭지 않으며, 이는 전 세계적으로 원자력산업이 쇠퇴하는 원인이다. ${\cdot}$원자력산업계, 정부, IAEA 등은 한국과 세계 여러 국가에서- 문화적, 제도적, 재정적 원인으로 원자력산업의 보호와 확대라는 목표를 달성할 수 없다. ${\cdot}$원자력산업을 구하기 위해서는 새로운 비전과 새로운 제도, 그리고 새로운 리더십이 필요하다. ${\cdot}$원자력의 근원적이고 혁신적인 비전 원자력 인본주의(atomic humanism)에 대한 재조명이 필요하다. ${\cdot}$원자력을 지키고 대중과 소통하기 위해 과학 연구단체, 대학교, 사단법인, NGO 등의 새로운 기관들을 후원해야 한다. ${\cdot}$공포를 조장하는 반원전 세력에 맞서 공포를 극복해야 하고, 대중의 공포를 극복해왔던 다른 기술들의 사례에서 교훈을 얻어야 한다.

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Effect of Lead Exposure During Lactational Period on Anxiety in Rat Using Elevated Plus Maze Test (수유기동안 납 투여가 성숙 쥐의 불안감 관련 행동양상에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim Sun-Young
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.15 no.6 s.73
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    • pp.979-986
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    • 2005
  • Lead (Pb) exposure during development can produce neurological deficits. In this study, the effect of Pb exposure during neonatal development via lactation on anxiety of brain function was investigated. Long-Evans strain rats were raised through two generations. At the birth of the second generation, the dams were subdivided into two groups and supplied drinking water containing either $0.2\%$ Pb (Pb-treated group) or sodium (Na, Control group) acetate until weaning. Rats were sacrificed at 3 (weaning) and 11 weeks (maturity) for brain Pb and fatty acid analysis. Motor activity and elevated plus maze tests were initiated at 9 weeks. The brains in the Pb-treated group at weaning and maturity contained 1486$\pm$98 and $270{\pm}46$ ng Pb/g, respectively The control group showed the background level of Pb ($3.7{\pm}1.0_{ng}$ Pb/g) in both ages. The alterations in brain fatty acid composition induced by Pb exposure were more evident in 3 wks old than 11 wks old. For example, in 3 wks old, the percentages of $18:2_{n-6}$, $20:2_{n-6}$ and $18:2_{n-6}$ were decreased in the Pb-treated group with an increase in $20:4_{n-6}$ In motor activity test, there was a tendency of hyperactivity in the Pb-treated group compared with the control group but the difference was not significant. In elevated plus maze test, the Pb-treated group showed fewer numbers of visits to the open arms (P < 0.05), indicating that Pb exposure may lead to anxiogenic effect.

Nietzsches anthropologische Methodologie (니체의 인간학적 방법론)

  • Lee, Sang-bum
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.130
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    • pp.187-218
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    • 2014
  • Nietzsche stellt in seiner Philosophie den "${\ddot{U}}bermensch$" als existenziales Ideal des Menschen sowie als Menschentyp der Zukunft und "die ${\ddot{u}}bermenschliche$ Zukunft" als Zukunft des gesunden Menschen vor. Der ${\ddot{U}}bermensch$ und die ${\ddot{u}}bermenschliche$ Zukunft beinhalten in Nietzsches Philosophie den Sinn des gesunden Menschen und seiner gesunden Zukunft. Nach Nietzsche kann dieses gesunde Ideal durch die aktive Praxis des Menschen endlich verwirklicht werden. Nietzsche unterscheidet das aktive und das passive Verhalten des Menschen und leitet daraus die zwei $gegens{\ddot{a}}tzlichen$ Menschentypen her, also den aktiven Menschen (Herr der Moral des Lebens - geistig Starker) und den passiven Menschen (Sklave der Moral des Lebens - geistig Schwacher). Aber die Typologie dieser anthropologischen Differenz zielt nicht auf die Dualisierung der absoluten Differenz, sondern auf seine relativistisch-relationale ${\ddot{U}}berwindung$. Auf diese Weise setzt die philosophische Anthropologie Nietzsches im Grunde seine eigene praktische Philosophie voraus. Ferner bestimmt Nietzsche den Menschen als Zwischenwesen, das $hei{\ss}t$, dass der Mensch in Also sprach Zarathustra an der existenzialen Grenze zwischen Tier und ${\ddot{U}}bermensch$ und in seiner anthropologischen ${\ddot{A}}sthetik$ an der ${\ddot{a}}sthetischen$ Grenze zwischen $Versch{\ddot{o}}nerung$ und $Verh{\ddot{a}}sslichung$ des Lebens steht, sowie als $M{\ddot{o}}glichkeitswesen$, das an dieser Grenze durch die existenziale $Selbst{\ddot{u}}berwindung$ und die ${\ddot{a}}sthetische$ Selbstgestaltung in jedem Moment seine $Ver{\ddot{a}}nderungsm{\ddot{o}}glichkeit$ $sch{\ddot{o}}pferisch$ verwirklichen kann. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, aufgrund Nietzsches anthropologischen $Verst{\ddot{a}}ndnisses$ die anthropologische Methodologie zu $er{\ddot{o}}rtern$, die er $f{\ddot{u}}r$ die Verwirklichung der immanenten $Ver{\ddot{a}}nderungsm{\ddot{o}}glichkeit$ des Menschen in seiner Philosophie vorstellt.

Analysis of public opinion in the 20th presidential election using YouTube data (유튜브 데이터를 활용한 20대 대선 여론분석)

  • Kang, Eunkyung;Yang, Seonuk;Kwon, Jiyoon;Yang, Sung-Byung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.161-183
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    • 2022
  • Opinion polls have become a powerful means for election campaigns and one of the most important subjects in the media in that they predict the actual election results and influence people's voting behavior. However, the more active the polls, the more often they fail to properly reflect the voters' minds in measuring the effectiveness of election campaigns, such as repeatedly conducting polls on the likelihood of winning or support rather than verifying the pledges and policies of candidates. Even if the poor predictions of the election results of the polls have undermined the authority of the press, people cannot easily let go of their interest in polls because there is no clear alternative to answer the instinctive question of which candidate will ultimately win. In this regard, we attempt to retrospectively grasp public opinion on the 20th presidential election by applying the 'YouTube Analysis' function of Sometrend, which provides an environment for discovering insights through online big data. Through this study, it is confirmed that a result close to the actual public opinion (or opinion poll results) can be easily derived with simple YouTube data results, and a high-performance public opinion prediction model can be built.

The Research Features Analysis of Leisure and Recreation based on Co-authors Network and Topic Model (공저자 네트워크 및 토픽 모델링 기반 여가레크리에이션 학술 연구 특징 분석)

  • Park, SungGeon;Park, Kwang-Won;Kang, Hyun-Wook
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.279-289
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate features of leisure and recreation scholarship study in The Korean Journal of physical education based on co-authors network and topic modeling through using Word Cloud and LDA Topic Modeling(Latent Dirichlet Allocation). The data collected for this study are 2,697 papers published online from January 2008 to March 2017 on the Korean journal of physical education. Respectively ordered analysis targets are the major author, author of correspondence, co-author 1, co-author 2, co-author n in related document to explore studies' trends using the 369 documents. As a result, the co-author network analysis result found that 451 were linked to the research network, on average researchers had 1.52 relationships and the average distance between researchers was 2.33. The Representative author's concentration of connection was ranked high in the order of the following, Lee. K. M., Hwang. S. H., H., Lee. C. S., and proximity centers were shown in Seo K. B., Han. J. H., Kim. K. J. Finally, parameter-centric features appeared in order of Lee. C. W. and Seo. K. B. was most actively connected between the researchers of the leisure-related academic papers. Future research needs discussions among scholars regarding the trend and direction of future leisure research.

Optimization of Sensor Location for Real-Time Damage assessment of Cable in the cable-Stayed Bridge (사장교 케이블의 실시간 손상평가를 위한 센서 배치의 최적화)

  • Geon-Hyeok Bang;Gwang-Hee Heo;Jae-Hoon Lee;Yu-Jae Lee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.172-181
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    • 2023
  • In this study, real-time damage evaluation of cable-stayed bridges was conducted for cable damage. ICP type acceleration sensors were used for real-time damage assessment of cable-stayed bridges, and Kinetic Energy Optimization Techniques (KEOT) were used to select the optimal conditions for the location and quantity of the sensors. When a structure vibrates by an external force, KEOT measures the value of the maximum deformation energy to determine the optimal measurement position and the quantity of sensors. The damage conditions in this study were limited to cable breakage, and cable damage was caused by dividing the cable-stayed bridge into four sections. Through FE structural analysis, a virtual model similar to the actual model was created in the real-time damage evaluation method of cable. After applying random oscillation waves to the generated virtual model and model structure, cable damage to the model structure was caused. The two data were compared by defining the response output from the virtual model as a corruption-free response and the response measured from the real model as a corruption-free data. The degree of damage was evaluated by applying the data of the damaged cable-stayed bridge to the Improved Mahalanobis Distance (IMD) theory from the data of the intact cable-stayed bridge. As a result of evaluating damage with IMD theory, it was identified as a useful damage evaluation technology that can properly find damage by section in real time and apply it to real-time monitoring.

The Impact of Nomad Physical Activity Through Online Videos of Active Seniors on Physical Self-Perception and Successful Aging (엑티브시니어의 온라인 동영상을 통한 노마드 체육활동이 신체적자기지각과 성공적 노화에 미치는 영향)

  • Hye-young Hwang;Soo-Jin Seo;Hyun-Kyoung Kim;Hey-Jin Kim;Heung-Tae Kim
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to provide academic basic data by identifying the effects of active seniors' online video physical activity on physical self-perception and successful aging. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, 10 active seniors in D city were selected, and after receiving consent to participate in online video physical activity, it was divided into pre and post, and from March 14 to April 22, 2022, Kakao Talk group chat was opened to watch online physical activity videos during the 12th session, download 2 videos a week, and exercise from Monday to Friday. To solve the research problem, frequency analysis and paired t-test were conducted using the SPSS Ver20.0 statistical program. As a result, first, as a result of analyzing the pre- and post-tests of physical self-perception through physical activity of active seniors, all of face satisfaction, body satisfaction, change in physical strength, and change in disease increased on average. Second, as a result of pre- and post-analysis of active seniors' successful aging through physical activity, acceptance of others, orientation toward self-fulfillment, self-acceptance, and satisfaction with children increased, but autonomous life and active participation in life decreased. Through these results, in the COVID-19 period, when activities were restricted due to social distancing, active seniors' online video physical activity has a positive effect on physical self-perception and successful aging, and various programs that can be active on their own should be developed in the future.

Application of SP Monitoring in the Pohang Geothermal Field (포항 지열 개발지역에서의 SP 장기 관측)

  • Lim Seong Keun;Lee Tae Jong;Song Yoonho;Song Sung-Ho;Yasukawa Kasumi;Cho Byong Wook;Song Young Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.164-173
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    • 2004
  • To delineate geothermal water movement at the Pohang geothermal development site, Self-Potential (SP) survey and monitoring were carried out during pumping tests. Before drilling, background SP data have been gathered to figure out overall potential distribution of the site. The pumping test was performed in two separate periods: 24 hours in December 2003 and 72 hours in March 2004. SP monitoring started several days before the pumping tests with a 128-channel automatic recording system. The background SP survey showed a clear positive anomaly at the northern part of the boreholes, which may be interpreted as an up-flow Bone of the deep geothermal water due to electrokinetic potential generated by hydrothermal circulation. The first and second SP monitoring during the pumping tests performed to figure out the fluid flow in the geothermal reservoir but it was not easy to see clear variations of SP due to pumping and pumping stop. Since the area is covered by some 360 m-thick tertiary sediments with very low electrical resistivity (less than 10 ohm-m), the electrokinetic potential due to deep groundwater flow resulted in being seriously attenuated on the surface. However, when we compared the variation of SP with that of groundwater level and temperature of pumping water, we could identify some areas responsible to the pumping. Dominant SP changes are observed in the south-west part of the boreholes during both the preliminary and long-term pumping periods, where 3-D magnetotelluric survey showed low-resistivity anomaly at the depth of $600m\~1,000m$. Overall analysis suggests that there exist hydraulic connection through the southwestern part to the pumping well.

Establishment of the Heart Failure Model by Coronary Artery Ligation in Sheep (양에서 관상동맥 결찰에 의한 심부전 모델의 확립)

  • 나찬영;홍장수;박정준;김원곤;강문철;서정욱
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2002
  • Background: Despite the relatively high mortality rates in the chronic heart failure model induced by coronary artery ligation are relatively high, this model has been a subject of continuos research because of its clinical correlation. Chronic heart failure model of large-sized animals is very useful to analyse mechanical or biological effects on circulatory system which is difficult in small-sized animals. The purpose of this study is to establish the heart failure model by coronary artery ligation in sheep. Material and Method: Among 9 Corridale sheep, the homonymous artery and the diagonal branch were ligated simultaneously in 2 sheep and remaining 7 sheep were assigned to successive ligation of both arteries at an interval of 1 hour. Both coronary arteries were ligated from the point 40% proximal to the apex of the heart. Hemodynamic and echocardiographic parameters were analyzed before the ligation of the coronary artery, after the ligation of the homonymous artery, and after additional ligation of the diagonal branch. The experimental animals were sacrificed after 2 or 3 months of growth and histopathologic studies were performed Result: Immediate postoperative death occurred in the 2 sheep that had received simultaneous ligation of the homonymous artery and diagonal branch. On the other hand, all the 7 sheep that were lifated in succession were survived up to 3 months. Arterial pressure was sifnificantly decreased immediately after ligation of the homonymous artery(p<0.05), and the cardiac output was decreased and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure was increased after further ligation of the diagonal branch(p<0.05). Central venous pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, left ventricular end-diastolic dimension and end-systolic dimension were markedly increased 3 months after ligation of coronary arteries. Anteroseptal akinesia or dyskinesia was developed after the ligation of coronary arteries. Histopathologic study revealed we]1-demarcated ischemic area of fibrosis. Conclusion: Using methods of successive ligation of the homonymous artery and diagonal branch, chronic heart failure model could be reliably established in sheep.