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Laterally Unbraced Length for Preventing Inelastic Lateral-Torsional Buckling of High-Strength Steel Beams (고강도 강재보의 비탄성 횡-비틀림좌굴 제어를 위한 횡지지 거리)

  • Park, Chang Hee;Lee, Cheol Ho;Han, Kyu Hong;Kim, Jin Ho;Lee, Seung Eun;Ha, Tae Hyu;Kim, Jin Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.115-130
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    • 2013
  • In this study, lateral-torsional buckling (LTB) strength of high-strength H-beams built up from 800MPa tensile-strength steel was experimentally and analytically evaluated according to current lateral stability provisions (KBC 2009, AISC-LRFD 2010). The motivation was to evaluate whether or not current LTB provisions, which were originally developed for ordinary steel with different stress-strain characteristics, are still applicable to high-strength steel. Two sets of compact-section specimens with relatively low (Set A) or high (Set B) warping stiffness were prepared and tested under uniform moment loading. Laterally unbraced lengths of the test specimens were controlled such that inelastic LTB could be induced. All specimens exhibited LTB strength exceeding the minimum limit required by current provisions by a sufficient margin. Moreover, some specimen in Set A reached a rotation capacity required for plastic design, although its laterally unbraced length belonged to the inelastic LTB range. All the test results indicated that extrapolation of current provisions to high-strength steel is conservative. In order to further analyze the test results, the relationship between inelastic moment and laterally unbraced length was also derived in explicit form for both ordinary- and high-strength steel based on the effective tangent modulus of inelastic section. The analytical relationship derived again showed that extrapolation of current laterally unbraced length limit leads to a conservative design in the case of high-strength steel and that the laterally unbraced length to control the inelastic LTB behavior of high-strength steel beam should be specified by including its unique post-yield strain-hardening characteristics.

담배자판기, 신규설치 금지 및 철거 규제안 철회되다

  • 한국자동판매기공업협회
    • Vending industry
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    • v.2 no.5 s.6
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2002
  • 담배자판기의 신규설치를 금지하고 기존 설치된 자판기마저 전면철거하도록 하는 보건복지부의 초강력 규제안이 마침내 철회가 되게 되었다. 보건복지부는 올 들어 확대되는 금연정책에 편승, 기존 흡연 구역 내 담배자판기 신규설치를 금지하고, 기존 설치된 제품들마저 전면철거하는 규제를 담은 국민건강증진법 시행령 개정안을 지난 4월 공고하며 그 입법추진을 진행한 바 있다. 이 공고안은 그간 국무총리실 산하 규제개혁위원회 분과위원회에 상정되어 1,2차 심의를 진행해 오다 지난 9월 27일 본회의를 통해 '보건복지부의 흡연구역 내 담배자판기 신규설치 금지 및 기존 자판기 철거는 명백히 영업활동 자유 및 재산권 침해에 해당된다.'는 이유로 이를 철회토록 하는 결정을 진행했다. 이 결정을 담은 국민건강증진법 개정안은 조만간 법제처 심사 및 차관회의 등을 거쳐 최종 확정 되게 된다. 이같은 규제개혁위원회의 결정은 협회를 중심으로 한 산업의 적극적인 대응이 있었기에 가능했다. 성인인증장치 도입을 통해 청소년 흡연문제를 완전, 해결하겠다는 산업계의 적극적인 자율대책에도 불구하고 아예 담배자판기를 뿌리 채 뽑겠다는 보건복지부의 행정만능주의적인 발상은 도저히 수용하지 못할 부당한 처사라는 데 관련업계가 인식을 같이 했다. 따라서 이를 반대하는 산업계 입장을 분명히 하며 분명히 하며 적극적인 저지 대응을 최근까지 진행해 왔다. 협회에서는 1차적으로 보건복지부 건강증진과에 담배자판기 전면철거에 대한 산업계 반대 입장을 피력하는 소견서 제출하고 적극적인 산업계의 반대의지를 피력하는 작업을 진행했다. 또한 청소년보호위원회를 통해 청소년 흡연감소를 위한 성인인증 담배자판기 설치 활용방안 건의하며 담배자판기의 긍정적인 활용측면을 집중 부각시키기도 했다. 재정경제부를 통해서는 담배사업법 관련 담배자판기 설치기준에 대한 질의를 통해 현행 관련법 내에서의 설치기준을 명확히 하기도 했다. 이같은 대응에 있어서의 핵심 설득 논리는 담배자판기가 이제는 성인인증장치 부착을 통해 청소년 및 사회적 위해 요인을 극소화 할 수 있다는 점에 있었다. 과거와는 달리 담배자판기가 오히려 청소년의 담배 구입루트 차단이라는 긍정적 역할을 할 수 있는 시점에 있어 이를 전면규제하기보다는 합법적인 설치 환경을 확보하여 사회적으로 떳떳하게 존재가치를 평가받을 수 있게 해달라는게 산업계의 초지일관의 주장이었던 것. 협회는 이같은 주장이 결코 산업계의 이기만이 아니라 세계적인 추세라는 점, 또 담배자판기를 전면철거까지 하면서 과당규제를 할 명분이 부족하다는 점을 반대논리로 적극 내세웠다. 규제개혁위원회가 이번 공공 이용시설 중 흡연구역으로 지정된 장소 내에 담배자판기는 설치 금지 및 철거규제에 철회권고를 내리게 된 것은 이러한 산업계의 주장을 적극 수용함에 힘입은 바 크다. 규제개혁위원회는 이번 결정의 주된 이유로 우선 기설치된 자판기에 대한 철거는 재산권 침해로 위헌 소지가 있음을 들고 있다. 또한 흡연자를 위한 흡연구역내에서마저 자판기 설치를 금지하는 등의 규제는 과도하며 흡연자의 권익보호 역시도 필요함을 인정하고 있다. 따라서 전면적인 규제보다는 청소년 이용통제 가능한 흡연구역에 한하여 담배자판기를 설치토록한 현행규정의 실질적 관리를 강화하며, 전체적으로 흡연구역을 축소 제한하는 방향으로 추진함이 바람직하다는 의견을 제시했다. 규제개혁위원회의 이번 결정으로 흡연구역 내 담배자판기의 설치는 현행법의 적용을 받게 되며, 산업계의 자율대책대로 성인인증 장치를 부착한 담배자판기의 설치 확대가 크게 촉발될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 담배자판기가 적극적이고 능동적인 사회적 역할을 할 수 있을 때 자연 이를 반대할 수 있는 명분도 약해질 수 밖에 없다. 산업계는 보다 신뢰성 있게 청소년 이용을 차단할 수 있는 담배자판기 관련 기술 수준을 향상시켜야 할 것이며, 협회에서는 담배자판기의 공공성과 역할에 대한 지속적인 계몽 홍보를 통해 소비자 인식을 고양시켜 나갈 수 있게 해야 할 것이다. 비록 전면 규제 완화가 어렵고 힘든 길이기는 하지만 소비자에게 신뢰성을 부여하고 청소년의 담배 구입 루트 차단에 혁혁한 역할을 다할 수 있게 된다면 그 입지기반을 재평가 받을 수 있게 될 것이다. 담배자판기의 내일은 이제 암울함이 아닌 서서히 희망을 비치는 쪽으로 급선회되고 있다.

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Development of Analytic Hierarchy Process or Solving Dependence Relation between Multicriteria (다기준 평가항목간 중복도를 반영한 AHP 기법 개발)

  • 송기한;홍상연;정성봉;전경수
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2002
  • Transportation project appraisal should be precise in order to increase the social welfare and efficiency, and it has been evaluated by only a single criterion analysis such as benefit/cost analysis. However, this method cannot assess some qualitative items, and cannot get a proper solution for the clash of interests among various groups. Therefore, the multi-criteria analysis, which can control these problems, is needed, and then Saaty has developed one of these methods, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. In AHP, the project is evaluated through weighted score of the criteria and the alternatives, which is surveyed by a questionnaire of specialists. It is based on some strict suppositions such as reciprocal comparison, homogeneity, expectation, independence relationship between multi-criteria, but supposing that each criterion has independence relation with others is too difficult in two reasons. First, in real situation, there cannot be perfect independence relationship between standards. Second, individuals, even though they are specialists of that area, do not feel the degree of independence relation as same as others. This paper develops a modified AHP method for solving this dependence relationship between multi-criteria. First of all. in this method, the degree of dependence relationship between multi-criteria that the specialist feels is surveyed and included to the weighted score of multi-criteria This study supposes three methods to implement this idea. The first model products the degree of dependence relationship in the first step for calculating the weighted score, and the others adjust the result of weighted score from the basic AHP method to the dependence relationship. One of the second methods distributes the cross weighted score to each standard by constant ratio, and the other splits them using Fuzzy measure such as Bel and Pl. Finally, in order to validate these methods, this paper applies them to evaluate the alternatives which can control public resentments against Korean rail path in a city area.

Identification of Allelopathic Substances from Polygonum hydropiper and Polygonum aviculare (여뀌.마디풀로부터 상호대립억제작용물질(相互對立抑制作用物質)의 분리(分離).동정(同定))

  • Woo, S.W.;Kim, K.U.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.144-155
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    • 1987
  • Water extracts of polygonum hydropiper and Polygonum aviculare completely inhibited the germination of lettuce seeds. Methanol extracts from these two species also inhibited the seed germination of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and Oenothera odorata. Fifteen phenolic acids in total were identified by GLC from P. hydropiper and eighteen from P. aviculare. The most common phenolic acids identified from P. hydropiper were sinapic, salicylic+vanillic and ferulic acid presented in all the fractions. In addition, salicylic+vanillic, tannic+gallic, sinapic, ferulic and p-coumaric acid seemed to be important phenolic compounds in terms of quantity. However, salicylic+vanillic acids were the unique phenolic acids occurred in all the fractions of P. aviculare. The others such as tannic+gallic, sinapic, ferulic, p-coumaric acid, p-cresol and catechol present in large amount appeared also the important phenolic substances influencing allelopathic effects of P. aviculare. Linolenic acid and oxalic acid were the major fatty and organic acids in both plant species, presented in 2.38mg/g and 20.588mg/g in P. hydropiper, 3.70mg/g and 14.288mg/g in P. aviculare, respectively, which seem to be exhibiting allelopathic effects of these plants. Total alkaloids were presented in low amount such as 0.20% in P. hydropiper arid 0.22% in P. aviculare which may not be important elements. Pet. ether extracts were 2.42% in P. hydropiper and 1.65% in P. aviculare, which exhibit another potential for allelopathic effects that need further investigation. Various authentic phenolic compounds at different concentrations inhibited the germination of lettuce seed, indicating that the phenolic substances identified here may be directly related to biologically active substance.

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Analysis and de lege ferenda of the Acts Related with Spread of MERS in Korea in the Year 2015 - Focused on the Controversial Clauses of Medical Service Act and Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act - (중동호흡기증후군 2015년 사태와 관련된 의료법령의 분석과 입법론 - 「의료법」 및 「감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률」의 쟁점 조항을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Cheonsoo
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.197-225
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    • 2015
  • The presentation of this paper was triggered by the spread of MERS in Korea in the year 2015. The analysis of the present acts related with MERS is necessary in order to cope efficiently with any probable spread of such infectious diseases as MERS in future. The acts that should be analyzed in this paper include 'Medical Service Act' and 'Infectious Disease Control And Prevention Act' (hereafter, IDCAPA). At first the classification of the infectious diseases in IDCAPA should be referred to. The Act does not properly classify them because the scope of concept of each group of the infectious diseases overlaps each other. This overlap should be removed. The present system in IDCAPA is not proper for the efficient notification and reporting of the infectious disease patients. This is so in some viewpoints including the persons obligated to make the notification and reporting, the persons to whom they should notify and report such patients, and the process of notification and reporting. The efficient approach to the information related with the infectious disease is necessary for the rapid prevention of its spread. Cohort isolation and quarantine of the infectious patients and exposed contacts are the strongest and most efficient steps for the prevention of spread of the infectious diseases. One of the great problems related with such steps would be the conflict of powers or attributions, the likelihood of which is inevitable under the present system of IDCAPA. The IDCAPA distributed the power or attribution to take the steps to the three governments including the central government, the metropolitan government and the primary local government. The power should be concentrated in the central government, which could afford financially to compensate for the huge amount of damages caused likely by the steps. The power to take the steps would be actually just a useless thing for its holder without such financial capacity. The remedy for the victims by the fault of spreader should be approached to in the sense of national wealth. The general principle of tort law could not supply the victims with the sufficient remedy because the damages would be likely too huge for the wealth of such spreader to cope with. In future another parliamentary inspection could reveal another problems in the administration by the government of the MERS event in the year 2015. Any problem caused by defect in the legal system of the control and prevention of the infectious diseases should be taken into consideration when the legal system would be reformed in future.

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A Study on the Guardian's Perception of Attending Patient in Pediatric Radiography (소아 방사선 검사 시 보호자 참여에 대한 인식도 조사)

  • Kwak, JongHyeok;Jeong, JaeBeom
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.189-201
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to survey guardian's opinion on assisting pediatric radiography and their level of awareness of radiation, improving the quality of pediatric radiography. In this study, the recognition was analyzed for 210 parents of child patients in Pusan National University Hospital from August 20 to September 15, 2013. A total of 66.2 percent of the respondents said they had participated in pediatric radiography in the past. The reason why they did is "Radiologist's request", the highest. According to the survey, 84.3 percent said they thought it is necessary to attending patient in pediatric radiography. "The stability of the child" is the reason for it. And respondents who thought there's no need to do that answered back, the reason for this is "Radiologist's work." There was a significant difference on the psychological state for the medical radiation by gender and child age. (p<0.05) In the analysis of recognition for the radiation, there was the significance by gender and education. (p<0.05) Regarding the awareness of the radiation protector, there was a statistical significance in age, gender, child age and education. (p<0.05) Considering the results, pediatric patient's guardians recognized that it is necessary to attend a child on X-ray for their child's stability and accurate exam above all. It must make guardians wear X-ray protector and radiologist should let the guardians recognize the X-ray examination method, before starting pediatric x-ray. It needs to improve the atmosphere of the examination room and to be considered to take visual and auditory approaches in comfort for reducing the children's fear and anxiety.

A Seroepidemiologic Study of Hepatitis A Virus in the Healthy Children and Adolescent in Kyonggi-do Province (경기도 지역의 건강한 소아와 청소년에서 A형 간염 바이러스의 항체 보유율에 대한 역학 조사)

  • Roh, Hye Ok;Sohn, Young Mo;Park, Min Soo;Choi, Boyoul;Bang, Keum Nie;Ki, Moran;Kim, Ji Hee
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.232-239
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    • 1997
  • Purpose: The incidence of hepatitis A virus(HAV) infection has markedly decreased in the last 20 years due to industrialization and improvements in the standard of living and hygiene in Korea. The reduction in seroprevalence rates indicates infection potential for young adult population, and a need for vaccinations in high-risk adults and children groups has been suggested. In this study we evaluated the seroprevalence rates and natural infection rates of hepatitis A in children and adolescent to obtain the basic data for vaccination of hepatitis A. Methods: A total of 334 children and adolescent subjects below 20 years old in Kyonggi-do province were examined for HAV antibody and seroprevalence rates in each age group was investigated. In 584 elementary school students residing in Kyonggi-do province, serum samples collected in 1993 and 1996 from the same subjects for investigation of natural seroconversion rates. Method of testing antibody was enzyme immunoassay. Results: 1) The seropositive rate of HAV in 334 subjects aged below 20 years old was 5.4%. According to age, the seropositive rates were 27.3% in infant group, 0.0% in 1~4 year-old group, 0.0% in 5~9 year-old group, 2.9% in 10~14 year-old group and 15.0% in 15~19 year-old group. 2) In the study of 584 elementary school children, only one subject showed seropositive in 1993, and in 1996 three different subjects showed seropositive results(0.5%); the natural seroconversion rate during 3 years was 0.5%. 3) The seroprevalence rates of below 20 year-old subjects reported in previous studies were 63.8% in 1979 and 47.3% in 1989 while the present study showed the rate at 5.4%. Conclusion: Since natural antibody formation is rarely occurring, there is a high risk for apparent hepatitis A infection in adults. Therefore vaccination in high risk groups is essential at present, and in order to reduce the chance for hepatitis A infection in adults, vaccination in children may be needed.

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Deep Neck Abscesses in Children and Adolescents: 10 Year Experience in Two General Hospitals (소아청소년에서의 심경부 농양에 대한 임상적 고찰: 두 기관에서 도출된 10년간의 경험)

  • Kim, Eunhee;Jeon, Ju Hee;Lee, Won Uk;Kim, So Young;Kim, Eun Ryoung
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2011
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to review our recent experiences with deep neck abscesses in children and adolescents and to provide helpful information in treatment and diagnosis by comparing them with those in other available literatures. Methods : Medical records of 36 children and adolescents admitted for deep neck abscess at two hospitals from January 2000 to October 2010 were reviewed retrospectively. Results : Male to female ratio was 1.4 : 1 and the mean age was 6.5 years. Painful neck swelling and fever were the most frequent symptoms in patients under thirteen years of age whereas trismus and headache were frequent symptoms in patients over fourteen years of age. Submandibular space was the most common site of deep neck abscess in patients under thirteen years of age, whereas peritonsillar space was the most common site in patients over fourteen years of age. The results of bacterial cultures were positive in 61.5% of drained cases. Staphylococcus aureus was the most commonly identified bacteria in 6 patients (37.5%) and 5 of them were under 2 years of age. Twenty six patients received surgical drainage while the others were treated with antibiotics only. There were no statistically significant differences in the durations of admission, fever after admission, and antibiotic treatment between surgical and medical treatment groups. Conclusion : The common sites of deep neck abscess, associated symptoms, and causative organisms were different between children and adolescents. As there were no differences in durations of admission, fever, or antibiotics treatments between surgical and medical treatment groups, surgical drainage may be avoided by early recognition and suspicion. However, if there is no improvement of symptoms or size of abscesses within 48-72 hours of antibiotic treatment, surgical drainage should be considered.

Incidence and Risk Factors of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections during Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Children with Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux (일차성 방광요관역류 소아에서 항생제 예방요법 중에 발생한 재발성 요로감염의 빈도와 위험인자)

  • Cho Su-Jin;Kim, Hyun-Jin;Lee Jeong-Won;Lee Seung-Joo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Recurrent urinary tract Infection(UTI) in primary vesicoureteral reflux(VUR) may lead to serious renal scarring, a major cause of childhood hypertension and end-stage renal disease. To prevent recurrent UTI, low-dose long--term antibiotic prophylaxis has been recommended. However, recurrent UTI still develops during antibiotic prophylaxis, the efficacy of which is now being disputed. The emergence of resistant bacteria has also raised concerns. To evaluate the effect of antibiotic prophylaxis, we investigated recurrent UTI during prophylactic antibiotic use in children with primary VUR Materials : The incidence and risk factors of recurrent UTI were retrospectively evaluated in ninety-one children with primary VUR on trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole(TMP/SMX) prophylafis during the year following their index febri]e UTI. Results : Recurrent UTI occurred in 31.9%(29/91) children and comprised 0.32 episodes/patient year. Febrile UTI was 0.26 episode/patient year and afebrile UTI was 0.07 episodes/patient year. The recurrent rate of UTI in male patients with phimosis was 37.2%(19/51), which was significantly higher than in males without phimosis 0%(0/5)(P=0.025). In the logistic regression analysis for recurrent UTI, renal scar was the significant risk factor for recurrent UTI [RR 3.8(95% CI 1.0-14.1) P=0.04]. For other well-known risk factors such as sex, age, degree of VUR, APN, and voiding dysfunction, the differences were not significant. Conclusion : TMP/SMX prophylaxis did not prevent recurrent UTI in children with primary VUR. Phimosis and renal scars were the risk factors for recurrent UTI but the grade of primary VUR was not. In VUR without phlmosis and renal scar, a randomized controlled study without antibiotic prophylaxis is required. (J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2005;9:46-55)

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Difference of Anxiety of Parents: before & after the VCUG (배뇨요도방광조영술 검사 전후 부모의 불안감에 대한 비교)

  • Lee, Na-Ra;Oh, Jung-Min;Yim, Hyung-Eun;Yang, Jae-Won;Yoo, Kee-Hwan;Hong, Young-Sook;Lee, Joo-Won
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : The voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) is the investigation of choice in detecting the vesicoureteral reflux in urinary tract infections in children. As it is a potentially distressing and invasive test, most of the parents are so concerned about the child's stress. In this study, we compared the difference of the state of anxiety of parents before and after the VCUG. Methods : We divided 68 parents whose children underwent VCUG into 2 groups; who have given an explanation about VCUG in detail using pictures (group 1) Vs. who have given an oral explanation only (group 2). All the parents submitted the same questionnaire 2 times before and after the VCUG, which consisted of State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory X-I (STAI-X-I) and visual analog scale (VAS) on the perception of worry, anxiety, confusion and pain. Results : Before VCUG, the perception of pain was higher in group 1 (P<0.05). After VCUG, the anxiety and confusion were significantly higher in group 2 than group 1 (P<0.05). In group 1, STAI-X-I scores, the perception of worry and anxiety were significantly decreased after the VCUG (P<0.05). In group 2, the confusion and pain were increased after VCUG (P<0.05). Conclusion : It showed that doctor's explanation on the procedure in advance may raise the perception of pain and the possibility of refusal by parents. But the STAI-X-I, worry, anxiety after VCUG were significantly decreased in group 1, while the confusion and pain were increased in group 2. Therefore we suggest that prior and sufficient explanation about invasive procedure like VCUG can be helpful in ameliorating the anxiety of the parents.