• Title/Summary/Keyword: 용역보증

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A Study on the Improvement of Engineering and Construction Supervision Guarantee System in Korea (국내 설계.감리 등 용역보증제도 현황 및 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Hee;Choi, Jae-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2011
  • After several collapse accidents of large structures in the early 1990s in Korea, the government enacted a law that architectural, engineering and construction firms are obliged to have insurance for projects over a certain size. Particularly, with regard to insurance in design and construction supervision works (i.e. engineering insurance), although several operation-based problems were pointed out from practitioners, still little research has been done on analyzing current regnlartory and operational state and suggesting policy alternatives. Hence, this study applies Delphi technique to solicit current operational problems and propose a series of improvements on engineering insurance based on interview surveys targeting major market participants: municipalities, engineering firms, and insurance companies. Key findings culminate in adopting guarantee limits based on credit evaluation, abrogating joint surety, covering a loss of life, increasing insurance entrance fee, extending time covered, and etc. Reaching a consensus on the proposed alternatives between the market participants will form the foundation for sound developments of construction design and engineering industry.

ESCO Issue 1 - ESCO산업 발전방향 연구용역 관련 인터뷰

  • 에너지절약전문기업협회
    • The Magazine for Energy Service Companies
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    • s.68
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    • pp.28-29
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    • 2011
  • 2013년부터 본격적인 성과보증계약방식의 도입에 따라 ESCO 산업은 성과보증 계약방식으로 전환하게 됨에 따라 위기와 기회를 동시에 맞이하게 되었다. 따라서 이제부터 성과보증방식으로 가려면 ESCO기업의 책임있는 자세가 더욱 필요하게 되었다. 이번에 전주대학교 산학협력단 조성환 교수가 추진한 ESCO산업 발전 방향 연구용역과 관련한 인터뷰를 통해 각 업체에서 준비해야 할 부분과, 2011년 ESCO산업에 대해 전망해보고자 한다.

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에너지절약 성과보증 계약제' 도입 필요하다

  • 에너지절약전문기업협회
    • The Magazine for Energy Service Companies
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    • s.14
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    • pp.34-35
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    • 2002
  • 금년 중 ''에너지절약 성과 보증계약 모델개발''을 위한 연구용역 결과에 따라 제도 도입 여부를 결정할 예정이며, 현재까지 ESCO사업을 추진하지 않은 공공기관에 대한 ESCO사업 추진을 독려하고 중소기업이 대부분인 ESCO에 대하여 자금지원을 지속적으로 확대하는 등 지원을 강화할 예정입니다.

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A study on Sub-contractor Product Assurance for development of Ka band Communication Payload System of COMS (통신해양기상위성 Ka 통신탑재체 개발 공동 및 용역 개발 참여기관 제품보증 연구)

  • Jeong, Cheol-Oh;Lee, Seung-Pal
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 2009
  • It is anticipated that quality assurance for the Ka band Communication Payload System(COPS) development program of the communication, Ocean & Meteorological Satellite(COMS) may be a core technical factor to be concerned in order to avoid any failure, and to assure its final performance during the mission lifetime in space. Those can be managed and verified and assessed by performing the Quality Assurance (QA) and risk management which helps to prevent and to reduce the critical fails. This paper introduces the Product Assurance (PA) system and procedures for controlling and monitoring sub-contractors which were participated in Ka band Communication Payload System (COPS) development. Also this paper shows Quality Assurance (QA) procedures and detailed their processes for assured the product performed by local companies from site survey for selecting companies to delivery of their equipment.

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The Verification Method for Missing Software Standardization in Weapon System - Focused on Firmware (무기체계 소프트웨어 규격화 누락여부 검증 방안 - 펌웨어 중심으로)

  • Song, Chi-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.310-315
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    • 2021
  • In the case of weapon systems used by the military, defense standards are applied for economical and efficient procurement, management, and maintenance. Defense specifications are documents describing procedures and methods for determining whether technical requirements for products and services are consistent and apply to the production of weapon systems, quality assurance, and configuration management. Software is also subject to defense specifications, and is documented and managed in the same way as other defense specifications. Sometimes it happened to be standardized without some(or all) software. In this case, a competitive contract is impossible and it may affect the quality of weapon systems because the manufacturer arbitrarily changes the software without prior approval. So, software standardization is required, but it is very difficult to verify for firmware installed in hardware. This paper proposed a verification method for g software standardization, and we expect it will contribute to the efficient production and quality assurance of weapon systems.

How to Improve the Competency of Agency CM Companies to Conduct the CM at Risk Projects? (용역형 CM사가 책임형 CM 프로젝트를 수행하기 위해 필요한 역량)

  • Jeon, Myeongsik;Kang, Youngcheol
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 2021
  • As the CM at Risk market grows recently, designers and CM companies that have been performing agency CM services have been showing their interests to participate in the CM at Risk projects. With the assumption that agency CM companies with a lot of experiences and know-how in the field of construction project management have created the circumstances to enter the CM at Risk market, this study investigates the competencies necessary for the agency CM companies to carry out the CM at Risk projects. The compentencies to run the CM at Risk projects were identified based on the literature review. A survey was conducted to identify the competencies that need to be supplemented first. The survey results revealed that competency related to partner companies, finance and guarantee, risk and claim, and project cost were identified to have a higher level of complementation compared to other competencies. In addition, considering that the level of competency that need to be secured is high, as the level of holding of all competency is on average 76% of the required level, in the beginning, small-scale CM at Risk projects with relatively low risk are mainly carry out, strengthening competency and then increasing the scale is considered more appropriate strategy.