• Title/Summary/Keyword: 외래치료

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Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum: Clinical Experience of 24 Patients in Two Medical Center (자연성 종격동 기종: 두 병원에서의 임상 경험 24예)

  • Moon, Hyeon-Jong
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.663-668
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    • 2010
  • Background: Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is an uncommon disorder with few cases reported. It usually occurs in young males and has benign self-limiting course without any apparent concomitant factor. It is seen after intrathoracic pressure changes leading to alveolar rupture. The clinical experiences of two medical centers were reviewed to aid in optimal management. Material and Method: Retrospective review between March 2003 and August 2010 with spontaneous pneumomediastinum patients was performed. Result: 24 patients were identified with a diagnosis of spontaneous pneumomediastinum. These 24 patients were comprised of 18 men and 6 women with mean age 18.9 years (range 10 ~ 33). The major initial complaints were chest pain (79.2%), throat pain (62.5%), and subcutaneous emphysema (41.7%). The triggering events were exercise (16.7%), coughing (12.5%) and vomiting (12.5%). No apparent triggering event was noted in 54.2% of patients. In all cases, chest radiograph and computed tomography was done. Diagnostic computed tomography was required in 25%. White blood cell counts and C-reactive protein (CRP) were checked, and their initial mean values were $9,790{\pm}3,240/{\mu}L$ Land $1.31{\pm}1.71mg/dL$, final mean values were $5,440{\pm}1,665/{\mu}L$ Land $0.72{\pm}0.73mg/dL$, respectively. 23 patients were admitted (average $5.0{\pm}1.8$) and the symptoms were self-limiting in all cases without complications. Conclusion: Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is a benign condition with mild inflammatory signs that often presents with chest or throat pain. Secondary causes must be ruled out to avoid an unfavorable outcome with less invasive study. Because of very rare complications and recurrence, outpatient basis and shortened hospitalization may be feasible.

An Efficient m-Healthcare Service Model using RFID Technique (RFID 기술을 이용한 효율적인 m-헬스케어 서비스 모델)

  • Jeong, Yoon-Su;Kim, Yong-Tae;Park, Gil-Cheol
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2015
  • Due to a change of food culture, many patients suffering from various diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke, cancer. However, it takes a long time in the hospital for many patients due to the administration before the patient care process. In this paper, we propose a m-Healthcare service model that patients can receive medical services without the inconvenience offers by reducing the administrative hospital treatment that can automatically recognize through the hospital installed RFID readers when the patient patients with various diseases are foreign to the hospital. In particular, the proposed model improves the operational efficiency of the existing healthcare system by shortening the treatment time for medical personnel to help patients in emergency situations can determine automatically the patient's status does not give the disease type and condition of the patient to health care personnel. Test results, service latency, efficiency, etc. patient satisfaction, and evaluate the existing health care system model results, the proposed method was improved service delay existing techniques average 16.5% efficiency was higher 27% of patients service satisfaction was improved by 22.4% on average.

Clinical Characteristics and Use of Psychotropic Agents among HIV-Infected/AIDS Patients Referred for Psychiatric Consultation (일 병원 정신건강의학과로 자문의뢰 된 HIV 감염/후천성면역결핍증 환자의 임상적 특성과 향정신약물 사용)

  • Shin, Sang-Ho;Kim, Hyun-Chung;Yoo, So-Young;Shin, Hyoung Shik;Won, Sung-Doo;Lee, So Hee
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : This study aimed to investigate the psychiatric status of HIV-infected/AIDS inpatients in a general hospital over the past 2.5 years. Methods : A retrospective chart review was conducted of psychiatric consultations performed between January 1, 2011, and July 30, 2013. The records of 97 HIV-infected/AIDS patients were analyzed. These included a total of 282 psychiatric consultations. Results : Of the 97 patients, 91(93.8%) were male, the mean age was 48 years, and mean number of consultations was 2.8. Depressed mood was reported in 102 consultations(23.8%), insomnia in 60(14.0%), and anxiety in 31(7.2%). Psychiatric disorders diagnosed on initial consultation included depressive disorder(37 patients ; 37.0%), cognitive disorder(11 ; 11.0%), and delirium(9 ; 9.0%). Recommended psychotropic medication included Lorazepam(99 ; 17.2%), Escitalopram(90 ; 15.7%), and Quetiapine(84 ; 14.6%). Conclusions : The main complaints of HIV-infected/AIDS patients were depressed mood, insomnia, and suicidal ideation(including suicide attempts). In total, 85(93.3%) patients of those consulted were diagnosed as meeting the criteria for a psychiatric condition. However, considering that only 16.9% of patients consulted received follow-up treatment, longitudinal research is needed to examine the influence of psychiatric disorders on the transmission of HIV-infection/AIDS, as well as on prognosis and treatment adherence.

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SMITH-MAGENS SYNDROME (SMS) : A CASE REPORT (Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) 환아의 증례 보고)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Lee, Keung-Ho;Choi, Yeong-Chul
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.341-347
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    • 2003
  • Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) is a clinically recognizable multiple congenital anomaly and mental retardation syndrome caused by an interstitial deletion of chromosome 17 p11.2. Physical features include short stature, characteristic facial appearance: flattened mid-face, down-turned mouth, prominent and often rosy cheeks; prominent jaw in older children and adults, chronic ear infections, hearing impairment, eye problems, including: strabismus (an eye which turns in or out) and myopia (nearsightedness), hoarse voice, short fingers and toes, heart defects or murmurs, problems related to the urinary system, scoliosis (curvature of the spine), an unusual gait (walking pattern), and decreased sensitivity to pain. Behavioral and developmental characteristics include speech delay and articulation problems, developmental delay, learning disability, mental retardation, hyperactivity, self-injury, including: head banging; hand biting; picking at skin, sores and nails; pulling off finger- and toenails; inserting foreign objects into ears, nose, or other body orifices, explosive outbursts, prolonged tantrums, destructive and aggressive behavior, excitability, arm hugging or hand squeezing when excited. This report is the case of a Korean 3-year-3-month old male with Smith-Magenis syndrome referred from local clinic for the treatment of dental caries. The patient was treated by physical restraint after prophylatic administration of antibiotic(Amoxacillin 50mg/kg).

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Combined Primary IgA nephropathy and Membranous Glomerulonephritis in a Child (소아에서 IgA 신병증과 막성 사구체신염이 병발한 사구체신염 1례)

  • Kim Mi-Kyung;Choi Jeong-Hoon;Won Nam-Hee;Yoo Kee-Hwan
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.232-236
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    • 1999
  • IgA 신병증은 사구체 중맥에 IgA가 침착하는 것이 특징적인 질환이며 막성 사구체 신염은 IgG가 사구체 기저막의 상피하에 미만성으로 침착하는 질환이다. 원발성 사구체 질환중 IgA 신병증과 막성 사구체신염은 비교적 흔한 질환이나 전체적인 빈도는 낮은 편으로, 한 환자의 사구체에서 두 질환이 동시에 발생하는 경우는 매우 드물다. IgA 신병증과 막성 사구체신염의 중복 신염은 Doi등이 1983년 원발성 신질환으로서 처음 보고한 이래, 성인에서 20여례가 보고되었다. 저자들은 신증후군이 발생한 환아에서 신생검을 시행한 결과 원발성 신질환으로서 IgA 신병증과 막성 사구체신염의 소견이 동시에 보이는 중복신염의 드문 예를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. 환아는 7세된 남아로 내원 한달 전부터 발생한 전신부종을 주소로 내원하였다. 가족력과 과거력상 특이 소견없었으며, 내원시 이학적 소견상 전신적인 허약감과 안와부종, 복부팽만, 하지의 함요부종이 관찰되었고, 검사소견에서는 WBC $19,800/mm^3$, Hb 14.1g/dL, Platelet $397,000/mm^3$, BUN/Cr 10/0.4mg/dL, protein/albumin 4.43/2.73g/dL, cholesterol 429mg/dL, IgA 85mg/dL, $C_3$ 68.8mg/dL, $C_4$ 13.4mg/dL, ANA(-), ANCA(-), RF(-), HBsAg/Ab(-/-)이었다. 뇨검사에서는 RBC many/HPF, WBC 2-3/HPF, protein ${\le}\;300mg/dL$ 였으며, 24시간 소변 검사상 protein 9.18g/day, Ccr 66.67ml/min의 소견을 보였다. 신생검을 시행한 결과 광학현미경상에서 몇몇 사구체의 분절성 경화와 중맥역의 증식이 관찰되었고, 면역형광현미경검사에서는 IgA(3+)가 과립상으로 미만성 분포를 보이며 중맥역에 침착되어 있고, 미세한 과립상과 위선의 양상으로 IgG(1+)가 모세혈관벽에 침착되어 있었으며, 전자현미경 소견상 중맥역과 모세혈관 기저막 상피하에 소량의 전자 고밀도 침착이 함께 관찰되었다. 환아는 prednisolone을 경구 투여 받았으나 단백뇨와 혈뇨가 지속되어 solumedrol pulse therapy, captopril과 cyclophophamide로 치료 받은 후, 전신 상태 호전되고, 혈뇨가 사라졌으며, 24시간 소변 검사상 단백뇨가 487.5mg/day로 감소하여 외래에서 추적 관찰 중이다.

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Early and Late Surgical Result of Post MI-VSD (심근경색 후 발생한 심실중격결손증의 수술 후 조기 및 장기 결과)

  • 임상현;곽영태;유경종;최성실;홍유선;장병철;강면식
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.871-875
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    • 2002
  • Despite early aggressive treatment, post myocardial infarction(MI) ventricular septal defect(VSD) revealed high surgical mortality. We reviewed the 10-year experiences of surgically treated post-MI VSD in Yonsei University. Material and Method: From Jan. 1991 to May 2001, 17 patients underwent surgical repair of post-MI VSD. Ages ranged between 47 and 77 years(mean age=63.2$\pm$9.1). There were 10 males and 7 females. VSD was located at anterior in 16 patients and at posterior in one. IABP was inserted preoperatively in 12 patients due to cardiogenic shock. Mean interval from MI to occurrence of VSD was 5.6 days. Among patients undergoing early surgical correction(n=13), mean interval from occurrence of VSD to operation was 2.5 days. In 11 patients, concomitant CABG was performed during repair of VSD. Result: Four patients died within 30 days after the operation(30 day mortality=23.5%). Among 12 patients with preoperative cardiogenic shock, 4 patients died within 30 days(30-day mortality=33.3%). During mean follow up period of 52 months, one patient died of unknown cause and 10-year survival of discharged patients was 66.7%. All follow-up patients were in NYHA functional class I or II when their last OPD visit. Conclusion: In the treatment of post-MI VSD, aggressive medical treatment with early surgical correction seems to be very important in terms early and long-term survival of patients.

A Korean familial case of hereditary complement 7 deficiency (선천성 보체 7번 결핍을 가진 한국인 한 가족)

  • Kim, Moon Kyu;Lee, Kyung Yul;Lee, Jun Hwa
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.721-724
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    • 2009
  • Meningococcal infections can be associated with abnormalities of the complement system, which contains 5 terminal complement proteins. Furthermore, deficiencies in 1 of these 5, complement component 7 (C7), leads to the loss of complement lytic function, and affected patients show increased susceptibility to recurrent meningococcal meningitis and systemic Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection. In September 2003, an 11-year-old female patient presented at our outpatient department with high fever, lower leg pain, headache, and petechiaes. She rapidly progressed to coma but later achieved full recovery due to prompt treatment. Her final diagnosis was meningococcal sepsis and arthritis. Her elder brother also had a similar bacterial meningoencephalitis history, which encouraged us to perform analyses for complement component and gene mutations. Resultantly, both the brother and sister were found to have the same mutation in the C7 gene. Subsequently, vaccinations of the meningococcal vaccine meningococcal vaccine ($Menomune^{(R)}$) were administered. However, in September 2006, the brother expired due to acute micrococcus meningoencephalitis. At present, the 16-year-old female patient is healthy. Here, we report a Korean family with a hereditary C7 deficiency with susceptibility to meningococcal infections due to C7 gene mutation.

Viral Etiology and Clinical Pattern of Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Children(Busan Area in 2002) (소아 급성 하기도 감염의 바이러스 원인 및 임상 양상 (2002년 부산 지역))

  • Lee, Na Young;Park, Ji Hyun;Kim, Gil Hyun;Jung, Jin Hwa;Cho, Kyung Soon;Kim, Sung Mi
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : Respiratory viruses are one of the most infectious agent in human. Acute lower respiratory tract infection(ALRTIs) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality in children. This study is performed to investigate the etiologic organism, age and sex distribution, clinical manifestations and seasonal occurrence of ALRTIs in children. Methods : Viral agent was evaluated with nasopharyngeal aspirates, rhinorrhea and saliva collected from 568 patients. We confirmed viral agents in 54 patients who were younger than 15 year old. They had visited Maryknoll Hospital, Busan in Korea from January, 2002 to December, 2002 for ALRTIs. Results : The viral pathogens identified were Influenza A virus(59.3%), Enterovirus(33.3%), Adenovirus(5.6%), and Influenza B virus(1.9%). Parainfluenza virus and Respiratory syncytial virus were not detected. The occurrence of acute lower respiratory infections was high between 3 & 6 years old. The clinical patterns include pneumonia(51.9%), bronchitis(31.5%), croup(9.3%), bronchiolitis(7.4%). The respiratory viral agents had their characteristic seasonal patterns. Conclusion : Influenza A virus was the most common cause of acute lower respiratory tract infections in Busan area during the 2002. ALRTIs had high occurrence between 3 to 6 years old. And the most common clinical patterns were pneumonia and bronchitis.

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A Case of Microscopic Polyangiitis with Pulmonary Hemorrhage and Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis (폐출혈과 급속 진행성 사구체신염을 동반한 현미경적 다발성 동맥염 (Microscopic Polyangiitis) 1례)

  • Kwon Hae Sik;Lee Young-Mock;Kim Ji Hong;Kim Pyung-Kil;Kang Hae Youn;Hong Soon Won;Jeong Hyeon Joo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.213-218
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    • 2001
  • Microscopic Polyangiitis(MPA) belongs to a spectrum of systemic vasculits, and particularly antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies(ANCA)-associated small-vessel vasculitis which is characterized by involvement of the lung and kidney. The diagnosis of MPA is often difficult to make, and delayed because of the variability of the clinical presentation. Renal biopsies have a very important diagnostic and prognostic value in MPA. We experienced a case of microscopic polyangiits which was confirmed by renal biopsy and positive serum perinuclear ANCA, associated with alveolar hemorrhage and gastrointestinal bleeding. We began methylprednisolone pulse therapy, combined with a low dose of cyclophosphamide and plasmapheresis therapy. ACE inhibitor and Ca channel blocker were used when proteinuria and hypertention developed. On admission, the patient's lab findings showed BUN l17 mg/dL, Cr 2.3 mg/dL, while on the 60th hospital day BUN/Cr values fell to 20.8 mg/dL / 1.6 mg/dL and though proteinuria persisted, the patient's condition was tolerable and is currently under observation on an out-patient basis. The last lab values were BUN 26 mg/dL / Cr 1.6 mg/dL. (J. Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2001 ; 5 : 213-18)

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Surgical Treatment of Bronchoesophageal Fistula in Adult (성인 식도 기관지루의 외과적 치료)

  • 곽영태;김동원
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 1996
  • Bronchoesophageal fistula is a rare clinical entity whether congenital or acquired in adult. We experinced 8 cases of bronchoesophageal fistula and performed surgical correction from 1991 to 1994. Of the 8 patients, 5 patients were male and three were female aging from 21 to 61 years(mean 44.12$\pm$14.62 years). Seven of 8 patients had congenital bronchesophageal fistula and the other one had acquired bronchoesophageal fistula. According to the classification of Braimbridge and Keith, 4 cases were belonged to type I and 3 cases were type II . The diagnosis was confirmed by esophagogram in six patients, by bronchoscopy and bronchogram in two patients, and in one patient, the fistula was discovered i cidentally during operation. All patients received astulectomy and concomitant procedures were applied as follows ; 4 diverticulectomy, 4 right lower lobectomy, 1 bilobectomy, 1 left lower lobectomy and 1 wedge resection of left lower lobe. All but one patient were discharged without any complication and have been in good condition.

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