• Title/Summary/Keyword: 외래치료

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What kind of specialized services attract patients? (환자유치를 위한 특화서비스에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Woong;Jeong, Yeong-Sik;Kim, Yun-Ji;Baek, Eun-Hae;Rhee, Hyun-Sill
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.4954-4961
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    • 2010
  • Background: Competition among hospitals has intensified, because hospitals and beds are oversupplying and the global medical market has opened in Korea. Method: we developed questionnaires of the patient's satisfaction about 20 items. We surveyed 297 out-patients and 302 in-patients. We analyzed the descriptive statistics and regression by SPSS(Version 17) and Excel. Results: The relations with the patient's loyalty and the specialized hospital service are 1) Recommend to other person: FHR use and the assistant for follow-up treatment were related positively for out-patient and PHR and FHR use were related positively for out-patient. 2) Revisiting: PHR use and the need of an assistant for follow-up patients were related for them and the PayTV were negatively related. Conclusion: FHR, PHR and assistant system for follow-up patient's condition were very useful factors to increase patient's loyalty.

WAP-EPO 유전자 도입 형질전환돼지의 계대번식시 유전자 전이효율에 관한 연구

  • 이연근;박진기;민관식;성환후;임기순;양병철;김광식;김진회;장원경
    • Proceedings of the KSAR Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.14-14
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구는 생명공학 관련 기술개발에 의하여 신소재 물질을 생산하고 사람에게 안전하고 생리활성이 높은 고가의 의료용 단백질 생산기술을 체계화하며 형질전환 가축을 이용한 유용물질 생산에 따른 산업화와 부가가치의 극대화에 그 목적이 있다. 유즙으로 사람의 빈혈치료제인 EPO(Erythropoietin)를 분비할 수 있는 형질전환돼지를 생산하기 위하여 WAP(Whey Acidic Protein) Promoter(2.6kb) 하류에 사람의 조혈촉진유전자(EPO: 2.6kb)를 연결시켜 미세주입용 재조합 벡터(WAP-EPO : 약 7.8kb)를 구축하였다. 구축된 재조합 벡터를 1세포기 수정란에 약 2ng/ul 농도로 미세주입한 다음 외과적 방법으로 이식하였다. 이식 후 분만 모돈으로부터 생산된 자돈의 꼬리조직을 이용 게놈DNA를 추출하고 PCR 검정을 한 결과, 유즙으로 사람의 빈혈치료제를 생산할 수 있는 유전자가 도입된 형질전환돼지 $\boxDr$새롬이$\boxUl$ (♂)를 확인하였다. 또한 이렇게 꼬리조직으로부터 확인된 새롬이의 혈액과 정액을 채취, 게놈 DNA를 추출하여 외래 유전자 삽입여부를 PCR 방법으로 검정한 결과 꼬리조직과 마찬가지로 혈액 및 정액에서도 외래유전자가 삽입되었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이렇게 생산된 형질전환돼지 $\boxDr$새롬이$\boxUl$를 이용 계대번식을 통한 F$_1$ 산자의 생산과 유전자 전이율을 확인하기 위하여 $\boxDr$새롬이$\boxUl$정액을 이용한 인공수정을 실시하였다. 인공수정은 1999년 7월 1일부터 2000년 9월 8일 까지 총 78두의 모돈을 이용하였으며, 그 중 21두의 모돈이 분만하여 인공수정에 의한 분만율은 26.92%로 나타났다.(Table Omitted) Table 1에서와 같이 새롬이 정액을 이용한 인공수정에 의해 형질전환된 F$_1$ 자돈의 형질전환율은 17.98%로 나타났으며, 32두의 형질전환자돈 중 8두(암:4두, 수:4두)는 분만과 동시에 폐사하였거나 사육중 폐사하여 현재 24두(암:12두, 수:12두)가 생존하여 F$_1$ 간 교배계획에 의해 사육되고 있다. 이 중 암컷 4두는 현재 F$_2$ 자돈 생산과 함께 유즙내로 사람 빈혈치료제의 분비 유무를 검정중에 있으며, FISH 법에 의한 외래 유전자 삽입 검정을 확인 중에 있다.

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Giant Pseudoaneurysm of Ascending Aorta complicating Recurrent Mediastinitis after Gardiac Surgery (반복된 종격동염 치료후 상행 대동맥에 발생한 거대 가성 대동맥류)

  • Kang, Jun-Gyu;Lee, Chul-Ju;Hong, Jun-Wha;Choi, Ho;So, Dong-Mun;Tak, Seung-Jae
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.252-255
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    • 2001
  • 본 30세 여환은 류마치스성 심장판막질환 진단하네 승모판막 및 대동맥판막 치환술 시행후 종격동염 발생하여 지속적 종격동 세척 및 3주간의 항생제 치료후 퇴원하였다. 외래 추적중 다시 감염 및 염증소견 보여 입원하여 혈액배양검사와 흉부전산화 단층촬영시행하였다. 검사상 종격동염의 이후 3주간의 항생제 치료에도 염증 소견이 지속되어 다시 시행한 흉부 전산화단층촬영상 상행대동맥에 거대 가성대동맥류소견보여 재개흉술을 시행하여 초저체온 완전 순환정지 하에 가성대동맥류를 절제한 후, 우심낭편을 이용하여 대동맥 성형술을 시행하였다. 수술후 환자는 순조롭게 회복하였으며 현재 외래에서 추적관리하고 있다.

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Thyroid Radiology Practice: Diagnosis and Interventional Treatment of Patients with Thyroid Nodules (갑상선 영상의학 진료: 갑상선 결절 환자의 진단과 중재적 치료)

  • Jung Hwan Baek;Dong Gyu Na
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.81 no.3
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    • pp.530-548
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    • 2020
  • Thyroid radiology practice is a medical practice in which thyroid diseases are diagnosed using imaging modality and treated by imaging-based interventional techniques, and the primary care target is thyroid nodular disease. Diagnosis of thyroid nodules is primarily done by ultrasound imaging and biopsy; thyroid nodules can be treated by non-surgical interventional treatment and thyroidectomy. Ethanol ablation is the first-line treatment for cystic benign nodules, and radiofrequency ablation is used for the treatment of benign solid nodules and recurrent thyroid cancers. Thyroid radiology practice has an essential clinical role in diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of thyroid nodular diseases, and treatment should be performed based on standard care guidelines for proper patient care. In order to provide the best care to patients with thyroid nodular disease, it is desirable to treat patients in the radiology outpatient clinic. Thyroid radiology practice centered on outpatient clinic practice needs to be expanded.


  • Lee, Eungyung;Kim, Jiyeon;Kim, Shin;Jeong, Taesung
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.114-118
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    • 2017
  • Sedation or general anesthesia is often required to offer dental treatment to patients with special needs. However, patients with ASA classification of III or higher are not indicated for moderate sedation and might be exposed to danger when treated at outpatient dental clinic. For this reason, it is recommended to treat those patients under general anesthesia. The dental team can supervise and monitor the whole procedures during treatment with an appropriately equipped facility. This case report describes the dental treatment of a 7-year-old girl with multiple disabilities. Preoperative evaluation including medical consultation was carried out thoroughly and dental treatment was performed under general anesthesia safely.

Enhancement of Korea medical delivery system : Two policy proposals and healthcare policy making governance (의료전달체계 정립을 위한 두 가지 정책 제안과 보건의료정책 거버넌스에 관한 연구)

  • O, Dongil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.340-350
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    • 2016
  • The Medical Service Act of Korea describes a clinic as providing services primarily to outpatients, while a large general hospital provides specialized medical services requiring a high level of expertise for treating serious diseases. The portion of medical revenue for clinics has been decreasing gradually compared with large hospitals. This article proposes two fundamental medical policies to fix the distorted medical delivery system of Korea. Firstly, uniform additional medical remuneration rates based on the type of medial institution should be divided into outpatient additional rates and inpatient additional rates. Secondly, to normalize the function of clinics and large general hospitals, an outpatient medical target budget system should be introduced. Finally, to properly implement the proposal, it is important to establish healthcare policy-making governance. The success of policy implementation strongly depends on the participation and incentives of the government, suppliers, and patients. Healthcare policy-making governance must be designed to encompass this fact and improve quality of care.

A Retrospective Study for Relapse Rate According to the Discontinuance of Para-aminosalicylic acid(PAS) after Bacteriological Conversion during the Course of Chemotherapy for Multidrug- Resistant Tuberculosis(MDR-TB) (Para-aminosalicylic acid(PAS)가 포함된 처방으로 치료한 다제내성 결핵환자에서 치료경과 중 균음전 후 PAS 중단시 재발율에 관한 조사)

  • Park, Seung-Kyu;Kim, Byoung-Ju;Shin, Dong-Ohk;Jun, Byung-Yool
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.180-186
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    • 2006
  • Background : Para-aminosalicylic acid(PAS) is a 2nd-line drug that can cause severe adverse reactions leading to poor patient compliance. This study evaluated the relapse rate according to the discontinuance of PAS at a certain point after bacteriological conversion during the course of chemotherapy for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis(MDR-TB). Methods : 42 out of 452 MDR-TB patients were enrolled in this study. All subjects were receiving chemotherapy including PAS at National Masan TB Hospital between Jan. 1, 2000 and Dec. 31, 2001. The relapse rate was evaluated after the discontinuance of PAS from their initial regimen as a result of the severe adverse reactions at a certain point after the bacteriological conversion during the course of chemotherapy for MDR-TB. Results : The male to female ratio was 2.5:1, and the mean age was 47.2 years old. The average number of past histories, used drugs and resistant drugs was 1.2, 3.9 and 4.3. The mean number of sensitive drugs included in the inirial regimen was 3.9. The mean time for bacteriological conversion and discontinuance of the PAS was 2.3 months after initiating treatment and 6 months after bacteriological conversion, respectively. There was no relapse after discontinuing PAS during a mean follow up period of 31.6 months. Conclusion : PAS may be discontinued in the cases of serious gastrointestinal problems approximately 6 months after bacteriological conversion without concern about relapse.

A Case of Tamoxifen-Associated Rapid Growing and Multiple Endometrial Polyps (타목시펜 사용과 연관되어 빠르게 진행하는 다발성 자궁내막폴립 1예)

  • Lee, Hee-Jun;Kim, Hoon;Ku, Seung-Yup;Han, Won-Shik;Kim, Seok-Hyun;Choi, Young-Min;Kim, Jung-Gu;Moon, Shin-Yong
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2010
  • The antiestrogen tamoxifen is currently the most commonly used adjuvant treatment of breast cancer with antiestrogenic effect on mammary tissue. However, it is also associated with endometrial abnormalities, including hyperplasia, polyps, carcinoma, mostly interpreted as evidence of estrogenic effect on the endometrium. Previously, tamoxifen-associated polyp in breast cancer has been reported in the literature. Most studies had a long follow-up period and tamoxifen-associated polyp developed more than 1 year after tamoxifen treatment. In this case, we report an unusual case of rapid growing and multiple endometrial polyps that were developed only after 3 months' tamoxifen treatment in a postmenopausal breast cancer patient who received quadrant mastectomy with a brief review of literature.

Analysis of the Health Insurance Costs of Occupational Therapy in Stroke patients (뇌졸중 환자의 작업치료 보험수가 분석)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jin;Kim, Se-Yun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1920-1927
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    • 2015
  • This study examined health insurance costs of occupational therapy in stroke patients. The subjects were stroke patients, who underwent occupational therapy by hospitalization or out-patient centers in 2010. The cost of occupational therapy was analyzed from the insurance claims data of Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service in 2010. The kinds of occupational therapy were divided according to the insurance fee of occupational therapy in 2010. In-patients who received occupational therapy paid the highest rehabilitation treatment fee, whereas outpatients paid the highest nervous system function test fee. The cost of occupational therapy in the special rehabilitation treatment fee was highest by 25.3 billion won. The number of uses of general hospitals was the highest by 180 thousand but the total cost of long-term care hospital was highest by 10.4 billion won. The number of uses and cost by regional groups was highest in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do province. This study is meaningful in that a cost analysis of occupational therapy in stroke patients was performed for the first time using the stroke data from the whole country. The result can be used to provide basic data to improve the insurance fee in the future.

Effects of Robot-assisted Therapy on Function of Upper Extremity in Stroke Patients (로봇보조(Robot-assisted) 치료가 뇌졸중 환자의 상지기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Sun-Jung;Yoo, Doo-Han
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2013
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to assess effects of Robot-assisted therapy on function of upper extremity in stroke patients. Method : A total of 11 patients suffered from stroke participated in this study. Inpatients of 4 people and outpatients of 7 people divided by 12 months conducted Robot-assisted therapy for 5~6 weeks. Therapists selected appropriate exercise mode to patients, and patients Patients performed the reaching exercise was repeated with looking monitor provided 3-dimensional feedback. Before and after treatment of upper extremity functions was compare by Wolf Motor Function(K-WMFT), Box & Block Test(BBT), Dynamometer, average execution time. Result : Grip power, K-WMFT, BBT, average performance times were promoting in all subjects, and only showed statistically significant changes in outpatients. But outpatients did not show statistically significant changes in inpatients. Conclusion : Robotic-assisted therapy in stroke patients have a positive impact on upper extremity function that could confirm that. In the future, Robots-assisted therapy is expected to be useful for stroke patients in the area of occupational therapy.

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