• Title/Summary/Keyword: 외래치료

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A Case of Endobronchial Chondroma (좌측 주기관지에 발생한 연골종 1예)

  • Kim, Young-A;Jung, Jae-Han;Chang, Yoon-Soo;Kim, Hyung-Jung;Ahn, Chul-Min;Cho, Sang-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.78-83
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    • 2000
  • Endobronchial chondroma is a cartilaginous benign tumor, which arises from bronchial cartilage. As a rare benign tumor, endobronchial chondroma differs from cartilaginous hamartoma in that it includes cartilage components only, but hamartoma contains lipomatous and lymphoid tissue. The clinical manifestations of endobronchial chondroma are associated with the extent of mechanical obstruction of bronchus. Symptoms of endobronchial chondroma are nonspecific, such as cough, sputum, fever, or dyspnea on exertion. Endobronchial chondroma is often misdiagnosed as other diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or pulmonary tuberculosis. The treatment is usually surgical procedures, such as resection of lung segment or lobe by thoracostomy, or resection of tumor by bronchoscopy. We report a case of the patient who was diagnosed to have endobronchial chondroma treated by bronchial resection and end to end anastomosis.

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Clinical esxperiences of Carotid Endarterectomy for Carotid Stenosis (경동맥 내막 절제술을 이용한 경동맥 협착증 치료에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • 최인석;박주철;정경천;장대일
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1087-1092
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    • 1999
  • 배경 :경동맥 내막 절제술의 목적은 뇌졸중 예방에 있다. 경동맥 내막 절제술시 경동맥 혈류를 차단하였을 때 뇌허혈 상태를 초래하는지 가 가장 중요한 문제이다. 경동맥 혈류 역류압은 뇌내 측부혈류 상태를 반영하므로 경동맥 혈류 차단시 역류압과 뇌파검사 소견에 딸라 shunt 삽입여부 기준을 알아보려고 하였다 대상 및 방법 : 1996년 2월부터 1999년 3월까지 경동맥 내막 절제술을 시행받은 16명을 대상으로 하였다 남자가 14명있고 여자가 2명이었으며 평균연령은 66.35$\pm$6.53이었다 수술부위 경동맥 협착은 평균 73.8$\pm$12.33%였고 반대측 경동맥 협착은 평균 60.99$\pm$23.03%였다. 수술중 모든 환자에서 뇌파감시를 하였으며 경동맥 혈류압을 측정하여 40 mmHg 이하이거나 수술반대측 경동맥 완전폐색이 있는 경우 shunt를 삽입하였다 결과 : 술후 1례에서 사망이 있었는데 이 환자는 전, 중 뇌내동맥 영역에 큰 뇌경색이 있으며 동측에 심한 경동맥 협착이 있고 의식은 기면 상태여서 바로 응급수술을 하였다 수술시경동맥 혈류 역류압은 35mmHg 여서 shunt를 사용하였다 술후 1일째 의식이 혼수상태로 나빠져 뇌 단층촬영한 결과 뇌경색 부위에 출혈이 발생하여 사망하였다. 수술 직후 모든 환자에서 뇌허혈에 따른 합병증 및 사망은 없었고 1례에서 수술후 1일째 수술부위 반대편에 적은 뇌경색이 발생하였다 평균 21.5$\pm$11.85개우러의 외래 추적 검사에서 뇌졸중 재발이 없었다. 결론 : 뇌졸중이환후 경동맥 내막 절제술은 최소 4-6주 이상 안정화 시킨 다음 수술하는 것이 좋다고 생각된다 경동맥 내막 절제술은 뇌졸중 예방에 효과적인 치료방법이며 경동맥 혈류역류압이 40mmHg 이하일 경우 shunt를 설치하여 수술하는 것이 안전하다고 사료된다.

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Surgical Management of Critical Pulmonary Stenosis -A case report- (중증 폐동맥협착증의 외과적 치료 -1례 보고-)

  • Jung, Tae-Yeol;Ban, Dong-Gyu;Kim, Hyuck;Kim, Young-Hak;Chung, Won-Sang;Kang, Jeong-Ho;Jee, Heng-Ok;Lee, Chul-Bum;Kim, Nam-Su;Seoh, Jung-Kuk
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.963-967
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    • 2000
  • 정상심실중격의 폐동맥협착은 흔한 선천성 심장질환이지만 신생아기에 심한 증세를 보이는 위기적 폐동맥 협착은 드물며 예후도 대단히 나쁘다. 경피적 풍선 판막성형술의 발달과 함께 폐동맥협착의 외과적 치료는 더욱 줄어드는 추세이다. 본 증례는 정상심실중격의 위기적 폐동맥협착증으로 진단받은 생후 2일된 남자 신생아로 심한 청색증과 저산소증을 보여 응급실로 내원하였다. 환아는 산소공급 및 Prostaglandin E$_1$을 투여 후 동맥혈 산소 분압이 19 mmHg에서 54mmHg로 증가하였다. 경피적 풍선 판막성형술을 시도하였으나 유도도관(Guide wire)이 판막의 개구부를 통과하지 못하였고 시술도중 심낭내로 조영제가 고이는 소견을 보여 우심실 천공이 의심되었으므로 응급으로 정상체온의 체외순환하에서 폐동맥 절개후 폐동맥 판막절개술을 시행하였다. 수술 후 중환자실에서의 수술경과는 양호하였고 현재 수술 6개월째 외래 추적관찰중이다.

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Convergence study of Symptom Severity and Stress on Depression of Middle-Aged Patients with Overactive bladder syndrome (중년기 과민성방광증후군 환자의 증상심각도, 스트레스가 우울에 미치는 융합 연구)

  • HA, HEY-JIN;WOO, SANG-JUN;Yang, Eun Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.419-427
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    • 2020
  • This study is designed to explore the effects of symptoms severity and stress on depression in patients with overactive bladder syndrome in the middle age. The subjects of the study were 167 middle-aged patients aged 40 to 60 who were diagnosed with overactive bladder syndrome in outpatient clinics and hospitals located in G Metropolitan City. The data analysis was using the SPSS 23.0 program and frequency analysis, Pearson's correction, t-test, and multiple regulation. The study found that the factors that affect depression in patients with the disease in middle age are symptom severity, age, living with a spouse. Therefore, in order to reduce the subject's depression, it is necessary to develop a program that can educate active treatment induction, lifestyle habit correction, and behavior therapy, and perform customized nursing interventions according to age group and spouse presence.

The Effects of Injury Experiences (Accidents and Addictions) on Healthcare Use Type (손상 경험(사고 및 중독)이 의료 이용 형태에 미치는 영향)

  • Sang-Sub Park
    • Journal of Advanced Technology Convergence
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of injury experiences (accidents and addictions) on healthcare use type. This study used the KNHANES VIII-2. Of 7,359 respondents, a total of 6,072 were included, with the exception of 1,287 who were in the age groups <20 years, had missing data, or inappropriately completed the questionnaire. Of these 6,072 respondents, data from 5,355 having injury experiences were used. Data were analyzed using an SPSS WIN 20.0 Version program. Younger age groups had injury affected (p<.05); poor perceived health status was significantly more likely to affect injury than good perceived health status (approx. 2.0-fold, p<.05). As for the number of injuries, emergency rooms were about 4-5 times more frequently used than inpatient or outpatient clinics among the injury treatment centers (p<.05). Injury can cause activity restriction and difficulties in daily life and there can be only a few types of healthcare use; therefore, it is necessary to reinforce relevant programs and make relevant policies.

Relapsed Acute Myeloid Leukemia Presenting as Multiple Breast Masses: A Case Report (유방의 다발성 결절로 발현한 급성 골수성 백혈병 재발의 건: 증례 보고)

  • Pamela Sung;Jong Yoon Lee;A Jung Chu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.84 no.2
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    • pp.454-459
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    • 2023
  • Hematologic malignancy of the breast is very rare. Here, we report a case of relapsed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) presenting as multiple breast masses. A 77-year-old female visited an outpatient clinic reporting palpable masses in both breasts. She had a medical history of AML, which showed complete remission after nine cycles of chemotherapy. On mammography and ultrasonography, there were multiple masses correlated with her palpable symptoms accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes. Core needle biopsy immunohistochemistry (IHC) results indicated AML and blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm. AML was confirmed using bone marrow biopsy. Although very rare, when a patient with a history of hematologic malignancy presents a palpable mass in the breast, clinicians should conduct proper tissue analysis, including IHC stating for leukemic markers, to guide appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

The Effect of Psychopathology on the Quality of Life in Female Dermatological Outpatients (여성 피부과 외래 환자의 정신건강상태가 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • 이영;안소현;최광연;지익성
    • Journal of the Korean society of biological therapies in psychiatry
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2019
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of psychopathology on the quality of life in dermatological outpatients. Methods : A sample of 151 female dermatological outpatients was compared with a control group of 200 females. Symptom Check List-90-R(SCL-90-R) was used to screen for psychopathology and Skindex-29 for quality of life. We compared the scores of SCL-90-R and Skindex-29 between the two groups and examined the correlation between SCL-90-R and Skindex-29 in the patient group. We analysed the subscales of SCL-90-R that affect Skindex-29. Results : There was statistically significant higher in the score of SCL-90-R in patient group than control group. In high score group of Skindex-29, the score of SCL-90-R was significantly higher than in low score group of Skindex-29. The correlation between SCL-90-R and Skindex-29 was positively correlated with moderate relationship on all subscales except paranoid ideation. Somatization and psychoticism of SCL-90-R were the factors affecting on the total score of Skindex-29. Conclusion : The results of this study suggest that psychological distress of the dermatological outpatients is more severe than control group, and somatization and psychoticism are suggested as predictors of the quality of life of dermatologic patients.

Medico-Surgical Cooperative Treatment of Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum (심실중격 결손이 없는 폐동맥 폐쇄의 내과-외과적 협동치료)

  • Kim, Kyeong Sik;Kweon, Byeong Chul;Lee, Jong Kyun;Choi, Jae Young;Sul, Jun Hee;Lee, Sung Kyu;Park, Young Whan;Cho, Bum Koo
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.250-258
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : The actual clinical examples of co-appliance of catheter intervention with surgical procedures in the treatment of pulmonary atresia with an intact ventricular septum(PA/IVS) which we have experienced in our institution are here shown, and the anatomical and hemodynamical profiles between each method is compared. Methods : Medical records of 33 patients with PA/IVS who underwent various treatment from January, 1995 to December, 2000 were reviewed for a retrograde study. Results : In three out of 10 patients who underwent percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvotomy (PPV), residual pulmonary stenosis were observed in their out patient department(OPD) follow-ups, eventually necessitatig balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty(BPV). One out of three patients exhibited deterioration of tricuspid regurgitation after BPV, requiring surgical tricuspid annuloplasty(TAP). Two out of the seven patients who received primarily surgical right ventricle outlet tract(RVOT) repair without any systemic-pulmonary shunt or intervention needed additional intervention employing cardiac catheterization after operation. Two patients received interventional catheterization before surgical RVOT repair. In five out of 11 cases of Fontan type operation, coil embolization of collateral circulation was done before total cavo-pulmonary connection(TCPC), and in three cases, interventional catheterization was needed after TCPC. Conclusion : Both medical and surgical treatment modalities are widely used in management of PA/IVS patients, and recent results prove that medico-surgical cooperative treatment is essential.

A Analysis of Patients Using Korean Medicine Clinics -Analysis of Outpatients and Inpatients by Age, Sex and Regions- (한방의료기관에서 치료하는 환자의 의료이용분석 -외래 및 재원입원환자의 성, 연령, 지역별 분석을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Sung-Yong;Shin, Hyun-Kyu;Park, Hae-Mo;Lee, Sun-Dong
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.67-81
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    • 2012
  • Objective : This study aimed to analyze the utilization of Korean Medicine clinics, and high-frequent diseases by sex, age, and region of outpatients and inpatients Methods : The data for this study were "Report on Usage Patterns of Korean Medicine Clinics" issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2008. Descriptive analysis and correspondence analysis were used to find the patterns of patient's utilization by sex, age and region Results : Diagnosis and examination methods mostly consisted of the pulse for diagnosis. Treatment methods consisted of acupuncture, medical herbs in package, and insurance extract powder. Fee for consultation was paid by Korean Medicine insurance. Usage increased when people's age was over 20 and climaxed among people who were in their 40s and 50s and decreased gradually afterwards. Also, there were differences between the sexes. There were differences in high-frequent diseases by regions, and in usage of Korean Medicine clinics according to sex and age. Conclusion : It was found that there were differences in usage and patterns of Korean Medicine Clinics according to sex, age, and region.


  • Seo, Kwang-Suk
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2010
  • This article discusses the issues of benefit and risk associated with outpatient general anesthesia and deep sedation for the special need dental patients. The purpose of administering anesthesia for patients with special needs is to provide effect dental treatment. But there are many complications such as sore throat, nausea and vomiting, airway trauma, airway obstruction and hypoxic brain damages, etc. In order to decrease incidence of complication, before general anesthesia meticulous patient evaluation is much important. But, there are a number of factors that make it difficult to accurately assess the anesthetic risk for many people with special needs. These include limited medical workups, uncooperative behavior, and difficulties in postoperative cares, etc. But Judging from several years experience of many contries, it appears that the incidence of mortalities for people with special needs in dental setting is minimal and the incidence of morbidity is limited. In the long run, the delivery of general anesthesia and deep sedation for people with special needs can be considered a very safe and successful procedure.

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