• 제목/요약/키워드: 완전경쟁시장

검색결과 84건 처리시간 0.022초

The Effect of CEO Characteristics and Knowledge Management on Business Performance - Focusing on Small Manufacturing Business - (소공인 CEO의 개인적 자질과 지식경영 실천이 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Ru-Ri;Lee, So-Young
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.143-163
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    • 2020
  • When we assume the transition to a knowledge management society, what factors should be differentially added to the characteristics of CEOs of small enterprises to enhance management performance? This can be done by measuring the core competence of the CEO who is an importance asset of the small firms. This study focuses on the following four inquiries to clarify the relationship among the core competence of the CEO, the knowledge management and the performance of the firms. First, we test the influence of the core competence of CEO on business performance. Second, we explore the effects of CEO characteristics on the knowledge management and the performance of the firm. Third, we test whether knowledge management has a mediating effect in the relationship between the characteristics of CEO which is a parameter, and the business performance of the firm which is a dependent variable. Fourth, for the sake of a deeper understanding of the CEO of the small firms, we conduct t-test or multiple comparison to find out the statistically significant differences among means of the main variables such as demographic characteristics, work experience, and entrepreneurship. The academic contribution of this study is to verify the characteristics of the CEO, which influence the business performance:the global competence, challenge spirit, interpersonal flexibility and stress tolerance, in connection with the knowledge management of small firms. The practical contribution of this study is to test whether CEOs can demonstrate successful business performance through knowledge management rather than measuring business performance after a certain period of time through profit and loss statements in this era of uncertainty.

A Directional Distance Function Approach on the Efficiency of Chinese Commercial Banks (방향성거리함수를 이용한 중국의 상업은행 효율성 분석)

  • Hwang, Ryeon-Hee;Kim, Seong-Ho;Lee, Dong-Won;Nam, Doo-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2012
  • On December 11, 2001, China joined the WTO and became one of the member countries and the Chinese financial markets had to be open in 5 years. So, the Chinese government transformed national commercial banks into joint-stock banks. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the validity of this decision by the Chinese government. In order to measure the efficiency of banks, the directional distance function (DDF) methodology is used, which analyzes whether a bad output exists in the outputs. In the empirical analysis, the number of staffs, the fixed assets, and the equity capital are used as inputs, while the loans and the non-performing loans ratio are used as a good output and a bad output, respectively. The non-performing loans ratio is included in output since it could affect the efficiency of banks. If it isn't considered in the analysis, a distortion might occur in analyzing the efficiency of banks. The results show that the efficiency of the major commercial banks was improved, and that the efficiency of joint-stocks banks was higher for 2002-2003 while the efficiency of national commercial banks was higher for 2004-2006. It was due mainly to the foreign exchanges reserve funds injected into national commercial banks by the Chinese Ministry of Finance, and as a result bad assets were eliminated.

A Study on the Relationships among ICT Capability, Global Orientation and Export Marketing in Korean SMEs (중소기업의 ICT 역량, 글로벌지향성 및 수출마케팅의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Rhee, Yang-Pok
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.251-276
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    • 2017
  • The utilization of Digital and Social Network has become be a key success factor in business operations as information technologies evolve rapidly. This study is to identity the relationship between ICT & digital utilization, global orientation and export marketing capability in Korean SMEs. Survey data of Korean SMEs in south regional areas was collected and analyzed for empirical hypothesis test by PLS structural equation method. The key findings are as follows. First, ICT utilization such as SNS, homepage and online portal does not impact directly on export marketing capability. It means that SMEs would not still take advantage of utilization of social network availability. Second, ICT utilization has positive influences on global market orientation and global network orientation. Finally, both global market orientation and network have significant impacts on export marketing capability. In conclusion, global orientation has full-mediation effects on relationship between ICT capability and global marketing. This study provides evidences and some practical insights that digital utilization have indirect influences on global marketing through global markets and network orientation in Korean SMEs. In information technology era, ICT utilization will play an important role in the process of SMEs' internationalization. Therefore, for sustainable growth and survival SMEs should manage and intensify ICT capability more strategically as one of core competence. The value of ICT capability in SMEs would be depended on their strategic perspectives toward digitalization. Additional empirical research about digital capability based on larger sample will be needed.

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The Study of Establishing the Multi-pass Eurasian Railroads (유라시아 철도의 다중경로 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Hahm, Beom-Hee;Huh, Nam-Kyun;Hurr, Hee-Young
    • Korean Business Review
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.137-170
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    • 2008
  • This study is presenting the logistics strategy in the international logistics markets which makes competition and corporation among north-east Asian countries to establishing the multi-pass Eurasian railroads. The countries located in north-east area of Eurasia like China, Japan, Russia and Korea are paying higher costs and disutility to the transportations and communications due to repeated conflicts and confrontations causes from the politic problems. They are being used surface transportation for most of all logistics between Europe and Asia except special merchandises because of characteristic of cargo to be air, the Silk Road remains vestige only which was main logistic passage to this area since BC. So far the Trans-Siberian Railway is being used by Russia mostly as north of Eurasian transport because of difficulties of service. The Trans-China Railway built in 1992 is not accomplishing as a international logistic passages. It is expected to take a long lead time because of characteristic of resource development and poor logistic infrastructure to the countries like Uzbekistan, double landlocked country, Mongolia and Azerbaijan, the countries do not be adjacent to the sea, even they have great economic jump-up plans through the development of their own resources. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) start to sail officially in 2001 is constructed with China, Russia, Tadzhikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan as regular members of 6 countries and Mongolia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran as observers 5 countries. It is started as a military alliance to protect terror, but now, it is expended to cooperate with the traffic, transportation, trade and share of energies. The Russia is doing their best to activate TSR as a government target to developnorth area equivalently, and economic develop of far-east Siberia. And also it is agreed provisionally to improve and repair of rail road between Nahjin and Hassan to connect TSR and TKR( Trans-Korea Railroad) by Russia, North Korea and South Korea with Russian's aggressive efforts. The development plan of this area is over lapped with GTI(Greater Tumen Initiative) promoted by UNDP, and is a cooperated project by 5 countries of South Korea, Mongolia, China, Russia and North Korea, subject to review the appropriation of energy, tour, environment, rail road connection between Mongolia and China and establishing a ferry route to north-east Asia. It is Japanese situation to pay attention to Russia and China even they have been supplying large-scope of infrastructure in Mongol area without any charges, target to get East Asia Main Rail Road to connect Mongolia and Zalubino of Russia. In case of the program for the Denuclearization of North Korea is not creeping, it will be accelerated to connect the TKR and TSR, TKR and TCR by somehow attending United States, including developing program promoted by UN ESCAP. As the result, Korean peninsular will continue the central role of competition and cooperation as in the past, now and future of north-east Asia, as of geographical-economics and geographical-politics whether it is requested or not wanted by neighbor countries.

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