• Title/Summary/Keyword: 오경보율

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Analysis on Normal Ionospheric Trend and Detection of Ionospheric Disturbance by Earthquake (정상상황 전리층 경향 분석 및 지진에 의한 전리층 교란검출)

  • Kang, Seonho;Song, Junesol;Kim, O-jong;Kee, Changdon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2018
  • As the energy generated by earthquake, tsunami, etc. propagates through the air and disturbs the electron density in the ionosphere, the perturbation can be detected by analyzing the ionospheric delay in satellite signal. The electron density in the ionosphere is affected by various factors such as solar activity, latitude, season, and local time. To distinguish from the anomaly, therefore, it is required to inspect the normal trend of the ionosphere. Also, as the perturbation magnitude diminishes by distance it is necessary to develop an appropriate algorithm to detect long-distance disturbances. In this paper, normal condition ionosphere trend is analyzed via IONEX data. We selected monitoring value that has no tendency and developed an algorithm to effectively detect the long-distance ionospheric disturbances by using the lasting characteristics of the disturbances. In the end, we concluded the $2^{nd}$ derivative of ionospheric delay would be proper monitoring value, and the false alarm with the developed algorithm turned out to be 1.4e-6 level. It was applied to 2011 Tohoku earthquake case and the ionospheric disturbance was successfully detected.

A Study on Measuring Vehicle Length Using Laser Rangefinder (레이저 거리계를 이용한 차량 전장 측정 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, In-Hwan;Kwon, Jang-Woo;Lee, Sang-Min
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.66-76
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    • 2016
  • Determination of type of a vehicle is being used in various areas such as collecting tolls, collecting statistical traffic data and traffic prognosis. Because most of the vehicle type classification systems depend on vehicle length indirectly or directly, highly reliable automatic vehicle length measurement system is crucial for them. This study makes use of a pencil beam laser rangemeter and devises a mechanical device which rotates the laser rangemeter. The implemented system measures the range between a point and the laser rangemeter then indicates it as a spherical coordinate. We obtain several silhouettes of cross section of the vehicle, the rate of change of the silhouettes, signs of the rates then squares the rates to apply cell averaging constant false alarm rate (CA-CFAR) technique to find out where the border is between the vehicle and the background. Using the border and trigonometry, we calculated the length of the vehicle and confirmed that the calculated vehicle length is about 94% of actual length.

A Study of Efficient CFAR Algorithm (효율적인 CFAR 알고리듬 연구)

  • Shin, Sang-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.849-856
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    • 2014
  • This paper proposes a new efficient CFAR algorithm. The structure of the proposed CFAR is relatively simple as compared with the OS-CFAR or ML-CFAR which are considered to deal with the nonhomogeneous environment such as clutter and multiple targets. The proposed algorithm is effectively applied to the radar signal processor with reduced computation burden. The relationship between the threshold and PFA of the proposed CFAR is derived analytically. The CFAR loss of the proposed CFAR algorithm is compared with CA-CFAR and OS-CFAR based on both SNR and ADT(Average Detection Threshold).

Moving Target Detection Algorithm for FMCW Automotive Radar (FMCW 차량용 레이더의 이동타겟 탐지 알고리즘 제안)

  • Hyun, Eu-Gin;Oh, Woo-Jin;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2010
  • 77GHz FMCW(Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave) radar system has been used for automotive active safety systems. In typical automotive radar, the moving target detection and clutter cancellation including stationary targets are very important signal processing algorithms. This paper proposed the moving target detection algorithm which improve the detection probability and reduce the false alarm rate. First, the proposed moving target beat-frequency extraction filter is used in order to suppress clutter, and then the data association is applied by using the extracted moving target beat-frequency. Then, the zero-Doppler target is eliminated to remove the rest of clutter.

Performance Test and Analysis of the Laser Radar System Prototype for Mapping Application (맵핑용 레이저 레이더 시스템 실험실 시제의 성능시험 및 분석)

  • Jo, Min-Sik;Lee, Chang-Jae;Kang, Eung-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 2012
  • We present the results of performance test and analysis of a laser radar system prototype for mapping applications. The laser radar system consisting of fiber laser and avalanche photo-detector and other related component modules was designed and manufactured. The laser radar system now has the status of a prototype for the testing of laboratory performance. Main performance parameters of the system such as laser source characteristics, range accuracy, extinction ratio, and false alarm rate were experimentally measured and the results were analyzed. It confirmed that the laser radar system prototype is performing at a proper level.

A Study on The Hybrid Acquisition Performance of MC DS-CDMA Over Multipath Fading Channel (다중경로 환경에서 MC DS-CDMA시스템의 직.병렬 혼합 동기 획득에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Won-Sbu;Kim, Kyung-Won;Park, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.1968-1976
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes a hybrid pseudo-noise (PN) code acquisition scheme for Multicarrier Direct Sequence - Code Division Multiple Access (MC DS-CDMA) mobile communication systems on the code acquisition performance for Nakagami-m fading channel. The hybrid acquisition scheme combines parallel search with serial search to cover the whole uncertainty region of the input code phase. It has a much simpler acquisition hardware structure than the total parallel acquisition and can achieve the mean acquisition time (MAT) slightly inferior to that of the total parallel acquisition. The closed-form expressions of the detection and false-alarm probabilities are derived.

Development of Smart Device Module for Perimeter Intrusion Detection (외곽 침입 감지를 위한 스마트 디바이스의 개발)

  • Ryu, Dae-Hyun;Choi, Tae-Wan
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.363-370
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    • 2021
  • The perimeter intrusion detection system is very important in physical security. In this study, a micro smart device (module) using MEMS sensor was developed in IoT environment for external intrusion detection. The outer intrusion detection system applying the smart device developed in this study is installed in various installation environments, such as barbed wire of various materials and shapes, the city center, the beach, and the mountain, so that it can detect external intrusion and its location as well as false alarms. As a smart sensor that can minimize the false alarm rate and economical construction cost, it is expected that it can be used for the safe operation of major facilities and prevention of disasters and crimes.

Effects of Adjacent Channel Leakage on an Energy Detection Based Spectrum Sensing (인접 채널 누설이 에너지 검파 기반 스펙트럼 센싱에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Chang Heon;Kim, Hyung Jung;Kim, Chang Joo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.542-547
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    • 2014
  • When a primary user transmits over some frequency band assigned to it, most of its transmission power tends to be concentrated in the band but a small portion of it spreads into the adjacent bands. Thus the false alarm probability for the adjacent bands can be higher than expected, even though no primary users are active in the bands. A previous work evaluated the effects of the adjacent channel leakage on the performance of an energy detection based spectrum sensing but it did not take into account the fading phenomenon. In this paper, we analyze the effects of the adjacent channel leakage on an energy detection based spectrum sensing scheme in terms of detection probability and false alarm probability in a fading environment.

Gunnery Detection Method Using Reference Frame Modeling and Frame Difference (참조 프레임 모델링과 차영상을 이용한 포격 탐지 기법)

  • Kim, Jae-Hyup;Song, Tae-Eun;Ko, Jin-Shin;Moon, Young-Shik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose the gunnery detection method based on reference frame modeling and frame difference method. The frame difference method is basic method in target detection, and it's applicable to the detection of moving targets. The goal of proposed method is the detection of gunnery target which has huge variation of energy and size in the time domain. So, proposed method is based on frame difference, and it guarantee real-time processing and high detection performance. In the method of frame difference, it's important to generate reference frame. In the proposed method, reference frame is modeled and updated in real time processing using statistical values for each pixels. We performed the simulation on 73 IR video data that has gunnery targets, and the experimental results showed that the proposed method has 95.7% detection ratio under condition that false alarm is 1 per hour.

Detection of Group of Targets Using High Resolution Satellite SAR and EO Images (고해상도 SAR 영상 및 EO 영상을 이용한 표적군 검출 기법 개발)

  • Kim, So-Yeon;Kim, Sang-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the target detection using both high-resolution satellite SAR and Elecro-Optical (EO) images such as TerraSAR-X and WorldView-2 is performed, considering the characteristics of targets. The targets of our interest are featured by being stationary and appearing as cluster targets. After the target detection of SAR image by using Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) algorithm, a series of processes is performed in order to reduce false alarms, including pixel clustering, network clustering and coherence analysis. We extend further our algorithm by adopting the fast and effective ellipse detection in EO image using randomized hough transform, which is significantly reducing the number of false alarms. The performance of proposed algorithm has been tested and analyzed on TerraSAR-X SAR and WordView-2 EO images. As a result, the average false alarm for group of targets is 1.8 groups/$64km^2$ and the false alarms of single target range from 0.03 to 0.3 targets/$km^2$. The results show that groups of targets are successfully identified with very low false alarms.