• Title/Summary/Keyword: 예측방정식

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  • Park, Dong-Ock;Sung, Jae-Hyun
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.407-420
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    • 1988
  • The primary objective of this study was to make the prediction percentile tabulation of the sum of mesiodistal widths of the unerupted permanent canines and premolars derived from the sum of mesiodistal widths of the erupted permanent incisors in normal and crowding groups. Crowding group consisted of 85 pairs of dental casts (42 males and 43 females) with more than 4mm of crowding in anteriors. Normal group consisted of 109 pairs of dental casts (65 males and 44 females) with less than 1mm of spacing or crowding in anteriors. The mesiodistal crown diameters of permanent teeth were measured from the dental casts using the sliding calipers (Mitutoyo Co., Japan). From the study, the obtained results were as follows: There were not significant differences between male and female in both groups on the basis of the ratios between the sum of mesiodistal widths of incisors and the sum of mesiodistal widths of canines and premolars. There was not significant difference between two groups on the basis of the ratio between the sum of mesiodistal widths of mandibular incisors and the sum of mesiodistal widths of mandibular canines and premolars and was significant differences between two groups on the basis of the ratio between the sum of mesiodistal widths of mandibular incisors and the sum of mesiodistal widths of maxillary canines and premolars. There was significant difference between two groups on the basis of the ratio between the sum of mesiodistal widths of maxillary incisors and the sum of mesiodistal widths of mandibular canines and premolars. There was significant difference between two groups on the basis of the ratio between the sum of mesiodistal widths of maxillary incisors and the sum of mesiodistal widths of maxillary canines and premolars. The percentile prediction tabulations were made in an attempt to predict the sum of mesiodistal widths of the unerupted permanent canines and premolars derived from the sum of mesiodistal widths of the erupted permanent mandibular incisors in each group. The percentile prediction tabulations were made in an attempt to predict the sum of mesiodistal widths of the unerupted permanent canines and premolars derived from the sum of mesiodistal widths of the erupted permanent maxillary incisors in each group.

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Simultaneous Removal of Cd & Cr(VI) by Fe-loaded Zeolite in Column System (Fe-loaded zeolite를 이용한 칼럼 실험에서의 Cd & Cr(VI) 동시제거 반응성 평가)

  • Lee Ah-Ra;Lee Seung-Hak;Park Jun-Boum
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.14-22
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    • 2006
  • Laboratory column experiment for simultaneous removal of Cd and Cr(VI) were conducted using newly developed material of Fe-loaded zeolite having both reduction ability and sorption capacity. The solution containing Cd and Cr(VI) was injected into the column and the breakthrough curves (BTCs) for the contaminants were observed at the effluent port. Cd breakthrough was not initialized until Cr(VI) breakthrough was completed. Therefore it could be concluded that overall efficiency of Fe-loaded zeolite should be determined by the reactivity for Cr(VI). The relative concentration of Cr(VI) BTC increased to the unit value while initial breakthrough was delayed and the propagation of breakthrough was slowed. In order to quantitatively describe the shape of Cr(VI) BTC, new parameters of ${\alpha}\;and\;{\beta}$ designated to be shape parameters, were defined and applied in contaminant transport concentration. These parameters were employed to represent the degree of initial breakthrough delay and the degree of breakthrough propagation, respectively. As initial contaminant concentration increased, ${\alpha}$ decreased, which indicated the delay of BTC's initiation. And as initial contaminant flow rate increased, ${\beta}$ decreased, which represented the faster propagation of the BTC. From these results, Fe-loaded zeolite was found to be an effective reactive material for PRBs against heavy metals having different ionic forms in groundwater. And it could be expected that as groundwater flows faster, the propagation of breakthrough would be faster and as contaminant concentration is higher, the initial point of breakthrough would appear earlier.

Research on the history of astronomy and the role of astronomer

  • Lee, Yong Bok
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.37.3-38
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    • 2017
  • 우리나라의 천문 관측의 기록의 역사는 삼국시대 이전 선사시대까지 거슬러 올라간다. 선사시대에는 천문 현상을 바위나 건축 유물에 기록을 남기고 역사를 기록하기 시작한 이후에는 일반 역사 기록 속에 항상 함께 기록하고 있다. 특히 동양은 역사기록 자체가 인간이 남긴 자취뿐만 아니라 하늘과 땅에 일어나는 다양한 자연 현상도 함께 동시에 남겼다. 고대로부터 인간은 하늘과 땅과 항상 유기적인 관계를 갖는다고 믿었기 때문이다. 우리나라는 정사로서 가장 오래된 역사 기록인 삼국사기와 삼국유사에 일식, 혜성 출현, 별똥과 유성우, 달과 행성 운행, 초신성 관측 등 250회 이상의 천문 기록이 나타나며 대부분 실제로 일어났던 사실을 그대로 기록하고 있다. 그 후 고려사와 조선왕조실록에는 이루 헤아릴 수 없을 정도로 많은 천문 기록을 남기고 있다. 이러한 천문 기록뿐만 아니라 일찍부터 중국으로부터 역법을 도입하여 천체 운행을 이용하여 우리 생활에 필요한 시각법을 사용하고 달력을 제작하였다. 특히 달과 태양의 운행 원리를 파악하여 일식과 월식을 직접 추산하였다. 역법의 운용은 천체 운행의 원리를 이해하고 수학을 발전시키는데 큰 역할을 하였다. 이러한 천문 관측과 정확한 시각 체계를 유지하고 정밀한 역법을 사용하기 위해서는 끊임없이 천체를 정밀하게 관측할 필요성이 있다. 이를 위해 다양한 천문 관측기기를 개발하고 제작하였다. 천문 의기는 천체의 위치를 측정하고 천체의 운행을 이용하여 시각 체계를 유지 관리를 위해 필수불가결한 기기이다. 우리나라 천문학 발달의 네 가지 축인 천문(天文), 역법(曆法), 의상(儀象), 구루(晷漏)등은 조선 초기 세종시대 완성을 보게 되었다. 이는 단일 왕조가 이룬 업적으로 다른 문화권에서 볼 수 없을 정도의 우수한 과학 기술의 유산이다. 특히 칠정산내편과 외편의 완성은 중국의 역법에서 벗어나 독자적인 역법을 완성하려는 시도였다. 이 모든 것은 당시 이를 주도하던 세종대왕의 지도력과 천문학과 수학에 뛰어난 천문학자가 이룩한 업적이다. 그 후 조선 중기로 접어들면서 쇠퇴하다가 임진왜란과 병자호란을 겪으면서 거의 모든 과학기술의 유산이 파괴되거나 유실되었다. 조선 현종 이후에 세종시대의 유산을 복원하려는 노력 중에 중국을 통하여 서양의 천문학을 도입하게 되었다. 중국에 들어와 있던 서양 선교사들이 주도하여 중국의 역법 체계를 바꾸었다. 즉, 일식과 월식의 예측력이 뛰어난 시헌력을 만들어 사용하기 시작했다. 시헌력에는 서양의 대수학과 기하학을 이용한 다양한 수학적 기법이 사용되었다. 조선 후기에 이 시헌력을 익히기 위한 노력을 하는 과정에서 서양의 수학과 기하학을 접하게 되고 새로운 우주 체계를 도입하게 되었다. 특히 서양의 천문도와 지도 제작에 기하학의 투사법이 사용되어 복잡한 대수학적 계산을 단순화시켜 활용하였다. 조선 후기에 전문 수학자뿐만 아니라 많은 유학자들도 서양의 수학과 기하학에 깊은 관심을 갖고 연구하였다. 고천문학 전체를 조망해 볼 때 핵심은 현대의 천체물리학이 아니라 위치천문학이다. 따라서 고천문학을 연구하는데 필수적인 요소가 지구의 자전과 공전 운동에 의해서 일어나는 현상과 세차운동에 의한 효과를 정확하게 이해하고 있어야 한다. 그중에서도 구면천문학과 천체역학에 대한 원리를 알고 있는 상태에서 접근해야 한다. 고천문학의 중심인 천문(天文), 역법(曆法), 의상(儀象), 구루(晷漏) 등의 내용은 이러한 위치천문학이 그 기본 골격을 이루고 있다. 예를 들어 고려사의 천문 현상을 모아 놓은 천문지(天文志)와 일식과 월식 계산 원리가 들어있는 역지(曆志)를 연구하기 위해서는 위치천문학의 기본 개념 없이는 연구하는데 한계가 있다. 인문학을 전공하는 학자가 고천문을 연구하는데 가장 큰 걸림돌이 되는 점이 위치 천문학의 기본 개념 없이 접근하는 것이다. 심지어 조선시대 유학자들조차 저술한 많은 천문 관련 기록을 보면 상당부분 천체 운행 원리를 모르고 혼란스럽게 기록된 내용이 적지 않다. 우리나라 수학사를 연구할 경우 방정식 해법, 보간법, 삼각법, 일반 기하 원리에 대한 것을 연구하는데 큰 문제가 없다. 그러나 천문 현상이나 천문 의기 제작에 사용되는 수학은 천문 현상에 대한 원리를 모르면 접근하기 어렵게 된다. 수학사를 하더라고 기본적인 위치 천문학의 기본개념을 이해하고 있어야 폭 넓은 수학사 연구에 성과를 거둘 수 있다. 의외로 천문 현상 추산을 위해 사용되는 수학이나 기하학 원리가 수학사 연구에 중요한 요소가 된다. 더구나 한문으로 기록된 천문 내용을 한문 해독이 능숙한 학자라 하더라도 내용을 모르고 번역하면 도무지 무슨 내용인지 알아볼 수 없는 경우가 많다. 그래서 한문으로 된 천문 현상 기록이나 역법 관련 기록의 번역 내용 중에 많은 오역을 발견하게 된다. 문제는 한번 오역을 해 놓으면 몇 십 년이고 그대로 그 내용을 무비판적으로 인용하게 되고 사실로서 인정하는 오류를 범하게 된다. 이 때문에 우리 선조들이 남긴 고천문 관련 기록에 관한 이해는 우리 현대 천문학자의 역할이 대단히 크다.

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A Study on the dose distribution produced by $^{32}$ P source form in treatment for inhibiting restenosis of coronary artery (관상동맥 재협착 방지를 위한 치료에서 $^{32}$ P 핵종의 선원 형태에 따른 선량분포에 관한 연구)

  • 김경화;김영미;박경배
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1999
  • In this study, the dose distributions of a $^{32}$ p uniform cylindrical volume source and a surface source, a pure $\beta$emitter, were calculated in order to obtain information relevant to the utilization of a balloon catheter and a radioactive stent. The dose distributions of $^{32}$ p were calculated by means of the EGS4 code system. The sources are considered to be distributed uniformly in the volume and on the surface in the form of a cylinder with a radius of 1.5 mm and length of 20 mm. The energy of $\beta$particles emitted is chosen at random in the $\beta$ energy spectrum evaluated by the solution of the Dirac equation for the Coulomb potential. Liquid water is used to simulate the particle transport in the human body. The dose rates in a target at a 0.5mm radial distance from the surface of cylindrical volume and surface source are 12.133 cGy/s per GBq (0.449 cGy/s per mCi, uncertainty: 1.51%) and 24.732 cGy/s per GBq (0.915 cGy/s per mCi, uncertainty: 1.01%), respectively. The dose rates in the two sources decrease with distance in both radial and axial direction. On the basis of the above results, the determined initial activities were 29.69 mCi and 1.2278 $\mu$Ci for the balloon catheter and the radioactive stent using $^{32}$ P isotope, respectively. The total absorbed dose for optimal therapeutic regimen is considered to be 20 Gy and the treatment time in the case of the balloon catheter is less than 3 min. Absorbed doses in targets placed in a radial direction for the two sources were also calculated when it expressed initial activity in a 1 mCi/ml volume activity density for the cylindrical volume source and a 0.1 mCi/cm$^2$ area activity density for the surface source. The absorbed dose distribution around the $^{32}$ P cylindrical source with different size can be easily calculated using our results when the volume activity density and area activity density for the source are known.

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Correlation between Glycemic Index and in vitro Starch Hydrolysis of Cereals (곡류의 혈당지수와 전분 가수분해율과의 상관관계)

  • Lee, Jung-Sun;Shin, Hyun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.1229-1235
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    • 1998
  • To see the correlation between the rate of in vitro starch hydrolysis and the glycemic index, an in vitro digestion was carried out by incubating the cereal samples for 2 hours with ${\alpha}-amylase$ in dialysis tubing. Also the levels of blood glucose were measured over 2 hours after feeding healthy volunteers with 50 g carbohydrate portions. Hydrolysis area, hydrolysis index (HI) and the dialysate content of carbohydrate throughout the digestion time for barley was significantly below those for other cereals (p<0.05), and unpolished glutinous rice was significantly above (p<0.05). The GI-glucose of barley $(57%{\pm}7)$ to glucose as standard was significantly (p<0.05) lower than those of other cereals whereas the GI-glucose of glutinous rice $(110%{\pm}8)$ was significantly higher (p<0.05) than other cereals. The GI-rice values to rice as standard were $122%{\pm}4$ for glutinous sorghum, $116%{\pm}13$ for job's tear, $115%{\pm}13$ for glutinous millet, $106%{\pm}6$ for unpolished glutinous rice, $102%{\pm}7$ for glutinous rice, $100%{\pm}0$ for rice, $90%{\pm}12$ for unpolished rice, $85%{\pm}6$ for foxtail millet, $79%{\pm}5$ for buckwheat and $63%{\pm}6$ for barley. The GI-rice was significantly correlated to hydrolysis area and HI (r=0.75, p<0.01). It suggests that the in vitro starch hydrolysis offers good potential to predict the in vivo glycemic response of starch foods.

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Establishment of Safe Management Guideline Based on Uptake Pattern of Pesticide Residue from Soil by Radish (토양잔류 농약의 무 흡수양상 및 토양 안전관리기준 설정)

  • Hwang, Jeong-In;Kwak, Se-Yeon;Lee, Sang-Hyeob;Kang, Min-Su;Ryu, Jun-Sang;Kang, Ja-Gun;Jung, Hye-Hyeon;Hong, Sung-Hyeon;Kim, Jang-Eok
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.278-285
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    • 2016
  • BACKGROUND: Uptake patterns of ${\alpha}$-, ${\beta}$-isomers and sulfate metabolite of endosulfan (ED) by radishes grown in treated soils with ED concentrations of 2 and 10 mg/kg were investigated to establish soil management guidelines for ensuring the safety of radishes from ED residues. METHODS AND RESULTS: All samples of soils and radish plants separated into shoot and root parts were analyzed for ED residues using a gas-chromatography mass spectrophotometer, and the results were used to calculate the bioconcentration factor (BCF), indicating the ratio of ED concentrations between radishes and soils. During the experimental period, uptake and distribution rates of ED-sulfate in radishes were the highest, followed by ${\alpha}$- and ${\beta}$-ED. The BCF values to initial ED concentrations in soils were greater for root parts (0.0077 to 0.2345) than for shoot parts (0.0002 to 0.0429) and used to obtain regression equations by time. Long-term BCFs estimated by the obtained equations ($R^2$ of 0.86 to 1.00) were evaluated with the maximum residue limit (0.1 mg/kg) of ED for radishes, in order to suggest safe management guidelines of ED for radish-cultivating soils. CONCLUSION: Suggested guidelines showed the significant dependency on duration for radish cultivation and exposed concentration of ED in soil.

Analysis of Correlation with Cross Sectional Area of Flow and Flow Rate Variation of Discharge Measurement Point in the Upper Stream of Seomjin River (섬진강상류 유량측정지점의 유수단면적과 유량변화에 따른 상관관계 분석)

  • Song, KwangDuck;Kim, KapSoon;Lee, DongJin;Ham, SangIn;Kim, DaeYoung;Oh, TaeYoun;Lee, JaeChoon;Lim, ByungJin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to determine the variation of the water level and crosssection area for investigating changes of stream foreland, and to determine the correlation between the average flow velocity and cross-section area so as to understand the hydrological characteristics of the stream. The slope of the cross-sectional area was changed in water levels of 0.6~1.0 m and 1.8~2.0 m. The first change occurred in the low-water level season, and the second change occurred in the high-water level seasons. It is assumed that the changes occurred due to the geological transfigure. The correlation between the cross-sectional area and the average flow velocity was 0.22~0.86 in the exponential equation and 0.20~0.87 in the linear equation. The low water level had a higher correlation than the high water level, and free weirs in the upper stream showed a very low correlation. Therefore, this study provides novel information for the management of water quality in the riverside, using correlation equations of the water level and flow velocity with the cross section area.

Impact of Sulfur Dioxide Impurity on Process Design of $CO_2$ Offshore Geological Storage: Evaluation of Physical Property Models and Optimization of Binary Parameter (이산화황 불순물이 이산화탄소 해양 지중저장 공정설계에 미치는 영향 평가: 상태량 모델의 비교 분석 및 이성분 매개변수 최적화)

  • Huh, Cheol;Kang, Seong-Gil;Cho, Mang-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.187-197
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    • 2010
  • Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage(CCS) is regarded as one of the most promising options to response climate change. CCS is a three-stage process consisting of the capture of carbon dioxide($CO_2$), the transport of $CO_2$ to a storage location, and the long term isolation of $CO_2$ from the atmosphere for the purpose of carbon emission mitigation. Up to now, process design for this $CO_2$ marine geological storage has been carried out mainly on pure $CO_2$. Unfortunately the $CO_2$ mixture captured from the power plants and steel making plants contains many impurities such as $N_2$, $O_2$, Ar, $H_2O$, $SO_2$, $H_2S$. A small amount of impurities can change the thermodynamic properties and then significantly affect the compression, purification, transport and injection processes. In order to design a reliable $CO_2$ marine geological storage system, it is necessary to analyze the impact of these impurities on the whole CCS process at initial design stage. The purpose of the present paper is to compare and analyse the relevant physical property models including BWRS, PR, PRBM, RKS and SRK equations of state, and NRTL-RK model which are crucial numerical process simulation tools. To evaluate the predictive accuracy of the equation of the state for $CO_2-SO_2$ mixture, we compared numerical calculation results with reference experimental data. In addition, optimum binary parameter to consider the interaction of $CO_2$ and $SO_2$ molecules was suggested based on the mean absolute percent error. In conclusion, we suggest the most reliable physical property model with optimized binary parameter in designing the $CO_2-SO_2$ mixture marine geological storage process.

Establishment of hot water extraction conditions for optimization of fermented Smilax china L. using response surface methodology (반응표면분석에 의한 발효 청미래덩굴(Smilax china L.) 잎 열수 추출조건의 최적화)

  • Kim, Jae-Won;Lee, Sang-Il;Lee, Ye-Kyung;Yang, Seung Hwan;Kim, Soon-Dong;Suh, Joo-Won
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.668-683
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we investigated the contents of total polyphenol (TP), total flavonoid, and absorbance at 475 nm ($OD_{475}$) which may produced in solid-fermented leaf of Smilax china L. by Aspergillus oryzae as a new functional components with reddish brown color, contents of water soluble substance (WSS), electron donating ability (EDA), Hunter $L^*$, $a^*$, $b^*$ values, sensory overall acceptability (OA) and also, the inhibitory activities (XOI and AOI) against partial purified xanthine oxidase (XO) and aldehyde oxidase (AO) from rabbit liver which were well known to relate the gout, and alcoholic liver disease, respectively in order to optimize water extraction using response surface methodology (RSM). All the $R^2$ values of the second-order polymonials ranged from 0.85 to 0.98, except for the EDA (0.69) and the XOI (0.78). However, the activities of the EDA and XOI were relatively high in the lower concentration of the fermented Smilax china L. leaf. The effects on the water extraction were highest in the concentration, among the dependent variables, and showed significant differences at the 1% level in the TP, TF and WSS contents and the $a^*$, $b^*$ and $OD_{475}$ values, but the OA showed significant differences at the 5% level. The optimal values of AOI, which was the most important functionality in the Smilax china L. that was predicted via RSM, were 59.48% at the 2.19% concentration, a $90.02^{\circ}C$ extraction temperature and a 4.03 minute extraction time ($R^2$: 0.93, p<0.007). The ranges of all the dependent variables of the optimal water extraction were 1.6~1.8% for the concentration, $83{\sim}93^{\circ}C$ for the temperature and 3.4~4.4 minutes for the extraction time; and the optimal water extraction conditions were a 1.7% concentration, an $88^{\circ}C$ extraction temperature and a 3.9-min extraction time.

A Comparison Study between Batch and Continuous Process Simulation for the Separation of Carbon-13 Isotope by Cryogenic Distillation (Methane으로부터 13C 동위원소 분리를 위한 회분식 및 연속식 극저온 증류공정모사 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Hwan;Lee, Doug Hyung;Lee, Euy Soo;Park, Sang Jin
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2007
  • Natural gases generally consist of mainly $^{12}C$ and about 1.1% of $^{13}C$. It is well known that a stable carbon isotope, $^{13}C$, has been widely used for the applications of medical, pharmaceutical, and agricultural tracers. As a result, the development of the separation and concentrating technology of $^{13}C$ can cause of high value-added products and the possibility of the generation of new carbon materials, In general, there are two kinds of approaches to obtain a stable $^{13}C$ isotope by the separation of cryogenic distillation. One is to obtain a concentrated $^{13}CH_4$ isotope from natural gas. Another approach is to get concentrated $^{13}CO$ by distillation followed by a chemical reaction of $CH_4$ and $H_2O$. In this study, rigorous process simulations of the cryogenic distillation have been performed and analyzed for the concentrated separation of $^{13}C$ isotopes from LNG and NG by using commercial process simulator. Due to the very small differences of relative volatilities and separabilities of $^{12}C$ and $^{13}C$, the process design and operation of effective separation and concentration of $^{13}C$ need special strategies and feasibility studies. Utilization of vapor pressure data to acentric factor in SRK equation of state and optimized process conditions have been able to predict for the effective of the separation yield and concentration of $^{13}C$ for the cryogenic distillation. The various operation strategies for both batch and continuous cryogenic distillation are also studied and suggested for the basic design of the process. Development of this study can provide a tool for the effective design and operation of the cryogenic separation of $^{13}C$.