• Title/Summary/Keyword: 영양염 저장

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Changes of Quality Characteristics and Nitrate Contents in Ulgari-Baechu Kimchi, Yulmoo Kimchi and Yulmoo Mul-Kimchi during Storage Period (얼갈이배추김치, 열무김치 및 열무물김치의 저장 중 품질특성 및 질산염 함량 변화)

  • Park, Young-Hee;Seo, Hae-Jeong;Cho, In-Young;Han, Gwi-Jung;Chun, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.794-799
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    • 2007
  • Nitrate contents and quality characteristics of Ulgari-Baechu Kimchi, Yulmoo Kimchi, and Yulmoo Mul-Kimchi were investigated during a storage period. In case of Ulgari-Baechu Kimchi and Yulmoo Kimchi, an increase of pH and decrease of acidity were distinguished by the 4th day of the storage after fermentation. In Yulmoo Mul-Kimchi, pH value decreased and total acidity increased through the whole storage period. Total microbial and lactic acid bacterial counts of Yulmoo Kimchi and Ulgari-Baechu Kimchi reached the peak at the 4th day of storage and slowly decreased after the 18th day. Total microbial and lactic acid bacterial counts of Yulmoo Mul-Kimchi were also the highest at the 4th day of fermentation but showed gradual decreases from the same day. Nitrate contents of Ulgari-Baechu Kimchi significantly decreased by fermentation at room temperature, which continued during the whole store period to down by 11%. Showing the similar pattern in the nitrate content change, Yulmoo Kimchi and Yulmoo Mul-Kimchi recorded 12% and 5% decrease, respectively.

Quality Characteristics of White Pan Breads Prepared with Various Salts (소금의 종류를 달리한 식빵의 품질 특성)

  • Kim, Hyeog;Choi, Cha-Ran;Ham, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effects of various salts on the physical and fermentative characteristics of doughs and on the quality of white pan breads produced using purified salt, Korean solar salt, Chinese solar salt, Mexican solar salt, washed and dehydrated salt, roasted salt, and bamboo salt. In farinogram patterns, dough prepared using the purified salt had the highest water absorption. Extensograms showed that the resistances and resistance/extensibility ratios of the doughs with the solar salts were higher than those with the purified salt. In amylograms, the dough with the bamboo salt had the highest viscosity value. A specific volume was the smallest in the bread with the Korean solar salt (4.11 mL/g), while the largest with the Mexican solar salt (4.85 mL/g). A baking loss rate of the bread prepared with the Korean solar salt (10.34%) was less compared to other samples (10.91 $\sim$ 11.65%). The crust of the bread added with the Korean solar salt showed higher L value and lower a value while its crumb showed the highest b value. A sensory evaluation indicated that significant differences in some characteristics of the breads were observed in the breads prepared with the Korean solar salt and Mexican solar salt. However, flavor, taste, and overall acceptability showed no significant differences among all breads prepared with different salts.

Effects of Nitrite and Nitrate Contents of Chinese Cabbage on Formation of N-Nitrosodimethylamine during Storage of Kimchi (김치 저장 중 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 생성에 배추 내 아질산염과 질산염 함량의 영향)

  • Kang, Kyung Hun;Lee, Soo-Jung;Ha, Eun-Seon;Sung, Nak-Ju;Kim, Jeong Gyun;Kim, Sung Hyun;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Chung, Mi Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2016
  • Nitrite and dimethylamine (DMA) are the immediate precursors of carcinogenic N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). This study investigated the effects of nitrite and nitrate contents in Chinese cabbage on changes in NDMA, nitrite, nitrate, and DMA contents during storage of kimchi. Contents of nitrite in Chinese cabbage 1 (HNC), Chinese cabbage 2 (MNC), and Chinese cabbage 3 (LNC) were $47.54{\pm}1.07$, $10.12{\pm}0.31$, and $6.10{\pm}0.09mg/kg$, respectively. Kimchi were assigned to one of the following three groups: kimchi used HNC (HNK), kimchi used MNC (MNK), and kimchi used LNC (LNK). HNK had higher levels of nitrite and nitrate than those in MNK and LNK after storage for 10 days and 20 days. DMA and NDMA contents decreased in all kimchi during the storage period. HNK had higher NDMA content than LNK until 20 days of storage. These results suggest that the contents of nitrite and nitrate in Chinese cabbage have significant effects on the formation of NDMA in kimchi.

Changes in Physicochemical Quality during the Seasoned and Fermented Alaska Pollack Roe with Vacuum Fermentation (조미 명란(明卵)의 진공발효 및 저장중 이화학적 품질 변화)

  • 김정욱;이성갑
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.353-358
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    • 2003
  • Low salt-fermented product of alaska pollack roe were prepared tentatively and also discussed the retarding effect of fermentation period by vacuum. The results were as follows. The moisture content, pH and salinity decreased slightly, but the contents of VBN and total amino acids increased gradually during fermentation regardless of ripening types. pH and salinity showed little difference with ripening types, but moisture content was a little lower and the contents of VBN was some higher in non vacuum than those in vacuum, whereas total amino acid contents were greater in vacuum. In addition, total viable cell count were similar to trend of gentle decrement after increment to some degree but were higher in non vacuum than those in vacuum. Judging from the results of physicochemical analysis, it was showed that fermentation delayed in vacuum therefore it was considered that vacuum fermentation can be effective on shelf-life extension of jeot-gal.

The Effect of Soybean and Herbs on Formation of N-nitrosamine during the the Fermentation of Low Salted Anchovy (저염 멸치젓의 숙성 중 두류 및 허브류 첨가각 N-nitrosamine의 생성에 미치는 영향)

  • 신정혜;정미자;김형식;김행자;성낙주
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.204-210
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    • 2001
  • 전통수산 발효식품인 젓갈은 부패를 억제하기 위하여 20∼25%의 식염을 첨가하므로 짠맛이 강하고 성인병 유발과 유관하다는 단점이 있으므로 저식염 젓갈이 개발되고 있으나 저염 젓갈류는 비린내와 부패취가 강하여 기호도가 떨어질 뿐만 아니라 발암성 N-nitosamine(NA)의 생성 가능성이 높아지게 된다. 본 연구에서는 저염 젓갈의 저장성, 기호성 유지 및 NA생성을 억제코져 두류(대두, 검정콩) 및 허브류(애플민트, 페파민트, 레몬밤 및 스파아민트)의 에탄올 추출물을 각각 첨가한 저염 멸치젓을 제조하여 110일간 숙성시키면서 품질과 관련된 여러 인자 및 NA 생성여부를 실험하였다. 저염 멸치젓 숙성 중 PH, 염도 및 산도는 모든 실험군에서 숙성 110일까지 큰 변화를 보이지 않았다. 휘발성 염기질소는 저장기간에 따라 점차 증가하는 경향을 보였는데 애플민트 추출물 첨가군이 가장 큰 폭으로 증가하였다. DMA 및 TMA 질소도 증가하는 경향을 보였는데 숙성 75일째부터 그 증가폭이 두드러졌다. 질산염 질소는 젓갈 숙성 중 점차 증가하는 경향을 보였으며, 아질산염 질소는 약간 증가하는 경향이었다 NA는 N-nitrosodi-methylamine(NDMA)만이 검출되었으며 대조군에 비하여 전 실험군에 더 낮은 함량이었으며 이때 평균회수율은 63.9∼99.7%였다. 허브 추출물 첨가군에서 대조군에 비하여 월등히 낮은 함량은 NDMA가 검출되었는데, 특히 페파민트 추출물 첨가군에서는 숙성 75일까지 흔적량에 불과하였다.

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Studies on the Changes of Nitrate, Nitrite Contents and the Viable Bacterial Population during Milk Storage (우유(牛乳) 저장중(貯藏中) 질산염(窒酸鹽) 및 아질산염(亞窒酸鹽)의 함량(含量)과 생균수(生菌數)의 변화(變化))

  • Choi, Jae-Chun;Kwon, Joong-Ho;Shin, Dae-Hyu;Yoon, Hyung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.15-19
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    • 1982
  • The Changes of nitrate and nitrite contents at different storage temperatures (low tempenature : $4{\sim}7^{\circ}C$, high temperature: $28{\sim}30^{\circ}C$) were studied in relation to the viable bacterial population. The contents of nitrate and nitrite in milk were 1. 10 ppm and 0.03 ppm, respectively. When milk was storaged for 7 days at $28{\sim}30^{\circ}C$, nitrate concentration decreased to 0.3 to 0.6 ppm, whereas nitrite increased up to 0.13 to 0.08 ppm. However, during the storage at $4{\sim}7^{\circ}C$, their contents were little changed. The number of viable bacterial population in raw milk appeared $9{\times}10^6/ml$, and rapidly increased throughout 3 days storage at high temperature, but afterward it tended to decrease. This seemd to indicate that nitrate was reduced to nitrite by the nitrate reducing bacteia in milk, and the changes in the viable bacterial population were also related to the changes of pH and titratable acidity.

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Study on Optimization of Persimmon Kochujang Jangachi Using Response Surface Methodology (반응표면분석법을 이용한 단감 고추장 장아찌 품질의 최적화 연구)

  • Sim, Hye Hyeon;Choi, Ok-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.9
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    • pp.1364-1373
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum sodium concentration (0~8%), soaking time (4~20 min) and storage time (0~60 day) for preparation of persimmon jangachi with kochujang sauce using response surface methodology. Physicochemical properties (salinity, pH, Hunter's color value, cutting force, and sensory evaluation) of persimmon kochujang jangachi were analyzed during storage at $20^{\circ}C$ for 60 days. When the proximate composition of persimmon was analyzed, moisture content, crude protein content, crude lipid content, and crude ash content were 85.41%, 0.51%, 0.22%, and 0.20%, respectively. For persimmon kochujang jangachi manufactured with different sodium concentrations, soaking times, and storage times, salinity, pH, Hunter's color value of L, a, and b, color, flavor, taste, texture, and overall preference were represented by a quadratic model. Cutting force was represented by a linear model pattern. In conclusion, the optimal formulation for persimmon kochujang jangachi, as assessed by numerical and graphical optimization methods, was a sodium concentration of 6.91%, soaking time of 11.36 minutes, and storage time of 25.18 days.

Quality Changes in Unripe Peaches Jangachi according to Cultivar during Storage (품종별 복숭아 유과 장아찌의 저장 중 품질특성 변화)

  • Hong, Min-Seo;Kim, Kyoung-Hee;Yook, Hong-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.11
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    • pp.1577-1583
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to examine changes in the quality characteristics of unripe peach Jangachi made from different cultivars during storage at room temperature for 60 days. Based on the results, unripe peach Jangachi-showed decreases in pH of pulps and soaking solutions of all varieties during storage. Salinity of Jangachi tended to increase during storage, whereas it decreased in soaking solutions. Soluble solid contents decreased during storage in all varieties, both in pulps and soaking solutions. Among Hunter's color values, L values decreased, a values increased, and b values decreased during storage in all varieties. Hardness decreased for 30 days of storage and increased slightly thereafter. During storage, yeast and mold counts increased and decreased within the range from 2.30~5.55 log CFU/g, respectively. In the sensory evaluation, Madoka and Nagasawa Hakuho were evaluated as good in overall acceptability.

Changes Quality Characteristics of Kimchi by Storage Containers (저장용기에 따른 김치의 품질 특성 변화)

  • 임재운;문주수;김현덕;나두종;손종연
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 2004
  • This study was performed to provide basic quality characteristics data of Kimchi by storage containers that will be applied for Kimchi storage container development of new material. In all storage containers, pH was decreased with increased storage days, while acidity was increased with increased storage days, The changes of pH and acidity by storage containers were alumina < stainless < bio < plastic. Salt content was same to all containers. In all storage containers, reducing sugars of Kimchi at first were 22.65${\pm}$0.04$\^$a/ mg/mL. But as these of alumina, stainless, bio and plastic at storage after 31 days were 11.18${\pm}$0.15$\^$a/ mg/mL, 5.39${\pm}$0.02$\^$b/, 3.74${\pm}$0.10$\^$c/, and 3.14${\pm}$0.02$\^$d/ mg/mL, respectively. The hardness, cohesiveness and gumminess of Kimchi by storage containers decreased with increased storage days. And the changes ratio of these were alumina < stainless < bio < plastic. The desirable organoleptic characteristic such as sourness, fresh cabbage taste and firmness were long time maintained at alumina container A significant evidence was detected that the alumina container showed less quality change than that of bio, stainless and plastic containers as storage days increased.

Effects of Various Salt Concentrations on Physicochermical Properties of Brined Cucumbers for Pickle Process (피클제조를 위한 취청오이의 염농도에 따른 염장중 이화학적 특성)

  • 박용곤;박미원;최인욱;최희돈
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.526-530
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    • 2003
  • Changes of physicochemical properties of brined cucumber were investigated in the samples mixed cucumber and water at 1 : 1.2 ratio in various salt concentrations from 15 to 30%. As salt concentrations in brine solutions were increased, cucumber was getting constricted and decreased in the size of diameter. Salt concentrations of brined cucumber were reached an equilibrium after 30 days of brine storage. When cucumber was preserved at 30% salt concentration, pH was gradually decreased until 60 days of brine storage. When cucumber was preserved in 15% salt solution, the yellowness on the surface of cucumber peels was the most intense among the groups. Among the groups preserved by more than 20% of salt, no difference was observed in intensity of yellowness after 30 days of brine storage. The absorbances of isopropyl alcohol extracts at 410, 505, 607, and 665 nm were different from those of raw cucumbers. Regardless of salt concentration, the hardness of cucumber was increased as preservation was prolonged except the group preserved in 15% salt solution.