• Title/Summary/Keyword: 연대층서

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SHRIMP U-Pb Dating and Chronostratigraphy of the Volcanic Rocks around the Mireukdo Island, Tongyeong, Korea (통영 미륵도 주변 화산암류의 SHRIMP U-Pb 연대측정과 시간층서)

  • Hwang, Sang Koo;Lee, So Jin;Song, Kyo-Young;Yi, Keewook
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2018
  • The volcanic rocks around Mieukdo Island, Tongyeong, are classified as lower andesitic rocks (Jusasan Subgroup) and rhyolitic rocks (Unmunsa Subgroup), and upper andesitic rocks (Yokji Subgroup) and rhyolitic rocks (Saryang Subgroup). We confirmed their eruption timings and stratigraphic relationships, based on SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating for zircons from major stratigraphic units of the subgroups. By the SHRIMP U-Pb dating, the samples yield the concordia ages of $88.95{\pm}0.44Ma$(n=11) in Punghwari Tuff and $82.56{\pm}0.95Ma$(n=10) in Chudo Tuff of the lower andesitic rocks, and $73.01{\pm}0.75Ma$(n=11) in Dara Andesite of the upper andesitic rocks. And then samples show a concordia age of $71.74{\pm}0.47Ma$(n=14) in Namsan rhyolite dyke of the upper rhyolitic rocks and an apparent age of $70.7{\pm}3.5Ma$ in granodiorite dyke, These data confirm the eruption or injection timings of the units and allow them to distinguish chronostratigraphy of Jusasan, Unmunsa, Yokji and Saryang Subgroups around the Mireukdo Island. In addition, the subgroups give a clue that can make a chronostratigraphical correlation with different volcanic units of the Late Cretaceous Yucheon Group in the Gyeongsang basin.

국내외 지구과학 교과서의 지질 연대와 국제 지질 연대 자료의 검토

  • Kim, Gyeong-Su;Kim, Jeong-Ryul
    • 한국지구과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.09a
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    • pp.207-212
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    • 2005
  • 제7차 교육과정에 따라서 집필된 지구과학 I, II 교과서와 국내외 각종 지구과학 교재의 지질 연대 자료를 검토하였다. 지구과학 I, II 교과서의 자료는 대부분 최신의 자료가 아니며, 많은 자료들은 지질학 원론과 지구과학 개론 등의 국내 대학 교재에 제시된 수 십년 전의 자료를 그대로 따랐다. 또한 외국 대학의 지구과학 또는 지질학 개론서의 경우에서도 유사하게 수 십년 전의 자료를 제시하고 있다. 최근 국제 층서 위원회(ICS)에 의하여 연구 제시된 국제 층서 챠트(ICS 2000), 국제 지질 연대표(IGTS 2003) 및 지질 연대표(GTS 2004) 등의 많은 새로운 자료들이 제시되어 있다. 새로운 자료 중에서 중요한 것들에는 신생대의 고제3기와 신제3기, 석탄기의 미시시피아세와 펜실베니아세, 원생이언의 고원생대, 중원생대 및 신원생대 그리고 시생이언의 시시생대, 고시생대, 중시생대 및 신시생대를 들 수 있다. 이들 새로운 지질 연대 자료는 새로운 지구과학 교과서 집필시 인용되어야 할 것이다.

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Revised Fission-track Ages and Chronostratigraphies of the Miocene Basin-fill Volcanics and Basements, SE Korea (한국 동남부 마이오세 분지 화산암과 기반암의 피션트랙 연대 재검토와 연대층서 고찰)

  • Shin, Seong-Cheon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.83-115
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    • 2013
  • Erroneous fission-track (FT) ages caused by an inappropriate calibration in the initial stage of FT dating were redefined by re-experiments and zeta calibration using duplicate samples. Revised FT zircon ages newly define the formation ages of Yucheon Group rhyolitic-dacitic tuffs as Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene ($78{\pm}4$ Ma to $65{\pm}2$ Ma) and Gokgangdong rhyolitic tuff as Early Eocene ($52.1{\pm}2.3$ Ma). In case of the Early Miocene volcanics, FT zircon ages from a dacitic tuff of the upper Hyodongri Volcanics ($21.6{\pm}1.4$ Ma) and a dacitic lava of the uppermost Beomgokri Volcanics ($21.3{\pm}2.0$ Ma) define chronostratigraphies of the upper Beomgokri Group, respectively in the southern Eoil Basin and in the Waeup Basin. A FT zircon age ($19.8{\pm}1.6$ Ma) from the Geumori dacitic tuff defines the time of later dacitic eruption in the Janggi Basin. Based on FT zircon ages for dacitic rocks and previous age data (mostly K-Ar whole-rock, partly Ar-Ar) for basaltic-andesitic rocks, reference ages are recommended as guides for stratigraphic correlations of the Miocene volcanics and basements in SE Korea. The times of accumulation of basin-fill sediments are also deduced from ages of related volcanics. Recommended reference ages are well matched to the whole stratigraphic sequences despite complicated basin structures and a relative short time-span. The Beomgokri Group evidently predates the Janggi Group in the Eoil-Waeup basins, while it is placed at an overlapped time-level along with the earlier Janggi Group in the Janggi Basin. Therefore, the two groups cannot be uniformly defined in a sequential order. The Janggi Group of the Janggi Basin can be evidently subdivided by ca. 20 Ma-basis into two parts, i.e., the earlier (23-20 Ma) andesitic-dacitic and later (20-18 Ma) basaltic strata.

Precambrian Crustal Evolution of the Korean Peninsula (한반도 선캠브리아 지각진화사)

  • Lee, Seung-Ryeol;Cho, Kyung-O
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.89-112
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    • 2012
  • The Korean Peninsula consists of three Precambrian blocks: Nangrim, Gyeonggi and Yeongnam massifs. Here we revisited previous stratigraphic relationships, largely based on new geochronologic data, and investigated the crustal evolution history of the Precambrian massifs. The Precambrian strata have been usually divided into lower crystalline basements and upper supracrustal rocks. The former has been considered as Archean or Paleoproterozoic in age, whereas the latter as Paleoproterozoic or later. However, both are revealed as the Paleoproterozoic (2.3-1.8 Ga) strata as a whole, and Archean strata are very limited in the Korean Peninsula. These make the previous stratigraphic system wrong and require reconsideration. The oldest age of the basement rocks can be dated as old as Paleoarchean, suggested by the occurrence of ~3.6 Ga inherited zircon. However, most of crust-forming materials were extracted from mantle around ~2.7 Ga, and produced major portions of crust materials at ~2.5 Ga, which make each massif a discrete continental mass. After that, all the massifs belonged to continental margin orogen during the Paleoproterozoic time, and experienced repeated intracrustal differentiation. After the final cratonization occurring at ~1.9-1.8 Ga, they were stabilized as continental platforms. The Nangrim and Gyeonggi massif included local sedimentary deposition as well as igneous activity during Meso-to Neoproterozoic, but the Yeongnam massif remained stable before the development of Paleozoic basin.

Review on the Geologic Time Scale in Earth Science Textbooks of Korea and Other Countries and on the International Geologic Time Scale (국내외 지구과학 교과서의 지질 연대와 국제 지질 연대 자료의 검토)

  • Kim, Kyung-Soo;Kim, Jeong-Yul
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.624-629
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    • 2005
  • Numerical data of the geological time scale in Earth Science I, II textbooks and those of University textbooks of Korea and other countries are briefly reviewed. Numerical data of the geologic time scale shown in Earth Science I, II textbooks are mostly out of date and many of them follow those in the University textbooks of Korea. The same situation is apparent for introductory Earth Science or Geology textbooks of other countries as old data exist in their text books as well. There are many new data in the International Stratigraphic Chart (ISC 2000) and International Geologic Time Scale (IGTS 2003) recently updated by International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) and A Geologic Time Scale (GTS 2004). Among the new data, some important things are Paleogene and Neogene Periods of Cenozoic Era, Mississippian and Pensilvanian Epochs of Carborniferous Period, Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic, and Neoproterozoic Eras of Proterozoic Eon, and Eoarchean, Paleoarchean, Mesoarchean, and Neoarchean Eras of Archean Eon. These new data should be used in the new Earth Science textbooks.

Geological Applications and Limitations of Regional Tephra Layers in Terrestrial Deposits in Korea (한국의 육상에서 발견되는 광역테프라층의 지질학적 활용과 한계)

  • Cheong-Bin Kim;Young-Seog Kim;Hyoun Soo Lim
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.680-690
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    • 2022
  • Tephrochronology uses regional tephra for age dating and stratigraphic correlations. Regional tephras are important in Quaternary geology and archaeology because they can be used as stratigraphic time-markers. In this review, identification and dating methods of tephra are summarized. In addition, the characteristics of regional tephras in terrestrial deposits of the Korean Peninsula are elaborated, and geological applications and limitations of the regional tephra layers are also discussed. So far, AT, Ata, and Kb-Ks tephra layers from Kyushu, Japan have been found in Pleistocene paleosol, marine terrace deposits, and lacustrine deposits in Korea. Also, although not officially confirmed, Aso-4 tephra is likely to occur in terrestrial deposits. The regional tephra layers are vital for dating, especially with regard to sediments over 50 ka beyond the range of radiocarbon dating, and for dating of active faults. Furthermore, it can provide important information for preparing countermeasures against volcanic disasters. However, in order to use the tephra layer geologically, it must be confirmed whether it is a primary deposit based on sedimentological study.

Review on the Stratigraphy and Geological Age of the Hominid Footprints-bearing Strata, Jeju Island, Korea (남제주 사람 발자국 화석을 포함한 지층의 층서와 지질 연대에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Kyung-Soo;Kim, Jeong-Yul
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.236-246
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    • 2006
  • On the basis of field observation, geology of the footprints site consists of the Kwanghaeak Basalt, unnamed strata, Songaksan Tuff, Hamori Formation, and Sand Dune, in ascending order at the Hamori-Songaksan area and the Kwanghaeak Basalt, the hominid footprints-bearing strata, and Dune Sand are consisted in ascending order at the Sagaeri area. According to the designation that the Hamori Formation overlies the Songaksan Tuff, age dating results, and geologic sequence observed in the field, the strata containing hominid footprints are not correlated with the Hamori Formation but the unnamed strata, though the strata are shown as the Hamori Formation in the geologic map. It seems to be more reasonable that the geologic age of the footprints-bearing strata is thought to be around ca 15,000 yrs B.P. according to the results of $^{14}C$ dating.

Estimation of Uplift Rate Based on Morphostratigraphy and Chronology of Coastal Terraces in the SE Part of Korean Peninsula (한반도 남동부에 분포하는 해안단구의 지형층서 및 연대자료를 이용한 융기율 평가)

  • Kim, Ju-Yong;Yang, Dong-Yoon;Choi, Won-Hak;Kim, Jeong-Chan
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2006
  • Terrace stratigraphy of the southeastern coastal areas of Korea is reappraised on the basis of terrace mapping and geochronology. Coastal terraces are divided into uHT ($90{\sim}130\;m$), HT ($63{\sim}86m$), MT ($36{\sim}55\;m$), and LT ($8{\sim}25\;m$) according to altitude. Among these, the Lower Terrace I is interpreted to have formed during MIS 5e based on Tephras Aso-4 (MIS 5c), Ata(MIS 5d or 5e) and OSL data. The age of Lower Terrace II is thought to be MIS 5a based on tephras and OSL data. The uplift rate in the SE part of Korea during the formation of the Lower Terrace (i.e. the MIS 5) ranges from 0.08 to 0.25 mm/yr and averages as 0.15 mm/yr. Such value is quite small in comparison to that of Japan, Taiwan or many other tectonically active areas in the world.

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Late Quaternary Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of the Coastal Sediments along Moonamni, Kangwon Province, Korea (강원도 동해안 문암리 해안지층의 제4기 후기 퇴적층서화 환경)

  • 박용안;김수정
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2001
  • The coastal deposits along Moonamni, Kangwon Province, Korea have been investigated by using deeply cored sediments(down to the basement rocks : Pre-Cambrian metamorphic rocks and granitic rocks) in order to understand and propose the late Quaternary stratigraphy and related major unconformities. Three major stratigraphic -depositional units are proposed. The neolithic cultural sites in the Moonamni area are considered as middle Holocene coastal dunes, which were developed due to active supply of beach sands from Unit I(Holocene transgressive deposit). Such coastal dune sediments are characteristic in the upper part of Unit I(Holocene in age). So far, Unit II and Unit III are considered as continental deposits, such as fluvial-swamp and alluvial deposit, respectively.

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Stratigraphic Implication of the Daljeon Basalt in the Miocene Pohang Basin, SE Korea (한반도 동남부 마이오세 포항분지 내 달전현무암의 층서적 의미)

  • Song, Cheol Woo;Kim, Hyeonjeong;Kim, Jong-Sun;Kim, Min-Cheol;Son, Moon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.323-335
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    • 2015
  • Although the Daljeon Basalt in the Pohang Basin is important for interpreting the basin evolution, its relative chronology, stratigraphic position, and isotopic age still remain controversial. In order to clear up the controversies, this study carried out detailed field investigation to determine its distribution and occurrence together with reanalysis of its previous geochemical data and $^{40}Ar/^{39}Ar$ age dating. Based upon the field investigation, the basalt occurring in the central part of the Pohang basin is composed of three main bodies and a dozen of minor dikes and sills that intruded into the Yeonil Group. Their mineral assemblages consist of phenocrysts such as olivine and clinopyroxene and fine groundmasses of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, olivine, and opaque oxide, impling the porphyritic texture of alkaline basalt. All their geochemical data also show the similar geochemical characteristics in TAS, Zr-Ti, and REE/trace elements distribution diagrams. The samples are plotted on alkalic field in the total alkali-versus-silica diagram and show similar patterns to enrichment oceanic basalt or within plate basalt in trace elements. In addition, $^{40}Ar/^{39}Ar$ isochron age of 13.82Ma is obtained. These results indicate that the Daljeon Basalt is an alkaline intrusive rock belonging to the middle Miocene Yeonil Group.