• Title/Summary/Keyword: 연구보고지침

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A Case Study on Telco ERP Costing Module Implementation for Network Costing and Cost Reduction (통신기업 ERP 원가모듈 구축 사례: 네트워크 원가계산 및 원가절감을 중심으로)

  • Park, Joon-Ho;Kang, Byung-Min;Kim, Bum-Joon
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.169-182
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    • 2009
  • Due to natural oligopolistic industry characteristics and huge influences on national and home economy, Telco Industry is regarded as a regulated industry. Thus, telco companies, including CATV, prepare not only management accounting reports for internal use but also regulatory accounting reports to be submitted to the regulatory agency. For telco companies, smooth integration of these financial, managerial and regulatory reporting requirements with legacies such as billing system, network operating systems is important to achieve operational efficiency and overall competency. This research studies telco ERP cost module implementation in order to provide theoretical and practical guidance for integrated information system. Especially, case analysis focuses on cost reduction and network costing implementation that involves Building Block Costing methodologies.

A multiple expert system for intelligent computer network management (지능적 컴퓨터 망관리를 위한 다중 전문가시스템)

  • 박충식;김성훈
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.2755-2762
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    • 1997
  • Open Network Management Systems (NMS) are not sufficient to use in a large and complex computer network environment because many-year experiences and skills are requeired for using NMS. And also, customizing NMS means a difficult programming with API(Application programming Interface) supplied by NMs. The more intelligent NMS you want, the more difficult programming you must do. In this paper, we proposed an intelligent network management system suign a structure of multiple and distributed expert systems, so as to represent expertises and knowledges of network managers into rule format, maintain the knowledgesstructurally and perform the network managmenet intelligently. expert system for amanaging computer network should understand the management protocol, analyze messages from agents, take a proper action, and report the situations by pre-defined network operation principle and strategy. A multiple expert sytem is composed of monitor expert module, fault expert module and manager expert module which are controlled by enconded knowledges.

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A Quality Evaluation Study of Case Reports in the Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine for Spine & Nerves According to the CARE(CAse REport) Guidelines (CARE(CAse REport) 지침에 의거한 척추신경추나의학회지 증례보고의 질 평가 연구: 2013년 이후 증례보고를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Seung-Kwan;Oh, Kyeong-Jin;Lee, Jung-Han
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.91-105
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    • 2021
  • Objectives A case report is a detailed medical description of previously unreported observations or complications of medical conditions, unique use cases of tests, or new side effects. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of case reports published in the Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine for Spine & Nerves (JKCMSN). Methods Case reports published in the JKCMSN from January 2013 to December 2020 were selected using the Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System (OASIS). The quality of the reports was assessed based on the Consensus-based Clinical Case Reporting Guideline Development (CARE) guidelines. Results Sixty case reports that met the inclusion criteria were included in the assessment. Our analysis revealed that 71.42% of the case reports included all the necessary information and their level of reporting was good. However, their scores in the qualitative subdivisions of the reporting level parameters showed that the quality level was uneven. More than 65% of the papers did not report in the following categories: "Keywords," "Patient information," "Timeline," "Diagnostic assessment," "Therapeutic interventions," "Follow-up and outcomes," "Patient perspective," and "Informed consent." Conclusions Our analysis shows that CARE guidelines need to be followed more rigorously to improve the quality of reporting in the JKCMSN. Further efforts are necessary to develop reporting guidelines and evaluation tools relevant to the Korean clinical context.

해양사고 인적요인 조사분석 모델 적용사례 연구

  • Na, Seong;Kim, Hong-Tae;Yeom, Cheol-Ung;Park, Jae-Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2012.06a
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    • pp.466-468
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    • 2012
  • 선박산업에서의 국내외 해양사고 통계에 의하면, 모든 해양사고의 80% 정도가 직접적 또는 간접적으로 관련된 인적요인(Human Factors)에 의하여 발생한다고 보고되고 있다. 이러한 해양사고의 원인을 규명함으로써 유사 해양사고의 발생을 방지하고, 또한, 해양사고 조사에 있어서 공통적인 접근방법의 이용과 국가 간의 협력을 증진시키기 위한 목적으로, IMO(International Maritime Organization)에서는 해양사고 인적요인 조사지침(Guidelines for the Investigation of Human Factors in Marine Casualties and Incidents)을 포함한 해양사고조사코드(Casualty Investigation Code: Code of the International Standards and Recommended Practices for a Safety Investigation into a Marine Casualty or Marine Incident)를 채택하였으며, 동 코드는 2010년 1월 1일 발효되었다. 이에 따라, 해양안전심판원에서는, 3단계 절차로 구성된 인적요인 조사 및 분석 방법론을 제안하고, "해양사고 인적요인 분석 매뉴얼"을 마련하였다. 본 논문에서는, 해양안전심판원에서 제안한 인적요인 조사 및 분석 방법론을 실제 해양사고에 적용하여 인적요인 조사분석 모델의 적용사례를 마련하고, 분석 모델을 검토 및 보완하고자 한다.

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The anatomy of temporal muscle in botulinum toxin injection (측두근 보툴리눔 독소 주사 시 고려해야 할 해부학)

  • Lee, Won-Kang;Choi, Young-Chan;Hong, Jung-Hun;Kim, Seong-Teak
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 2014
  • Botulinum toxin has been used for treating chronic migraine under US Food and Drug Administration approval since 2010. However there is no definitive guideline for injection point. The aim of this study is to propose an effective and safe injection guideline by reviewing the previous studies.

A Performance Evaluation of Diagnostic Display System by AAPM TG18 (AAPM TG18에 의한 진단용 CRT 디스플레이 시스템의 성능 평가)

  • Kim, H.J.;Jung, H.J.;Min, D.K.;Hong, J.O.;Kim, Y.N.
    • Korean Journal of Digital Imaging in Medicine
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2003
  • 디지털 영상 검출기와 디스플레이 기술의 발달과 의료영상전달시스템(PACS)의 출현은 전통적 필름방식에 비하여 디지털 방식으로 방사선과 영상을 획득하고 전송, 저장하는 매우 효과적인 수단을 제공하고 있다. 2002년 8월, 연세의료원 세브란스병원은 진단 영상 판독 목적으로 18 대의 CRT(Braco View, Belgium)와 32대의 평판 LCD(Totoku Electric Co., Ltd., Japan) 디스플레이 장치를 GE full-PACS(GE 메디칼시스템코리아 : GEMSK)와 연계하여 설치 완료하였다. 본 연구에서, 기하학적 왜곡, 반사, 휘도 반응, 휘도 균일도, 분해능, 노이즈,베일링 글레어, 칼라 균일도 항목들을 AAPM TG18 보고서 9.0에 따라서 시각적 그리고 부분적으로는 정량적인 방법으로 인수검사를 실시하여 보고한다. 사용된 장비는 색도계로도 사용되는 간편한 휘도계, TG18 테스트 패던, AAPM Tg18 AT plug-in software(Barco View Ltd., Kortrijk, Belgium)이었다. 칼라 균일도를 제외한 모든 테스트 결과는 AAPM TG18에서 권고하는 기준에 일치하였으며 진단 영상 판독에 사용하기에 전적으로 수락할 수 있는 성능이었다. 결론으로, 사용된 인수검사는 단지 인수 검사 표준을 제공하는 것 뿐만 아니라 품질검사(QC)의 지침, 판독 환경의 최적화 그리고 교체 시기나 업그레이드 시기를 결정하여주는 중요한 역할을 할 수 있을 것이다.

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Reporting Guidelines for Health Promotion Research (건강증진 연구 보고지침)

  • Yoo, Seung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.83-99
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: The purpose of this review is to introduce reporting guidelines for health promotion research in an effort to enhance systematic structure and quality of health promotion research reported in academic papers. Methods: Widely accepted guidelines were selected for description, which focus on 4 distinct types of research design. Checklists and flow diagrams are described and compared. Results: CONSORT Statement is reporting guidelines for randomized controlled trials with a 25-item checklist and a flow diagram. TREND Statement with a 22-item checklist is to guide reporting of health research in nonrandomized design. STROBE Statement is a compiled guidelines for observational health research, accompanied by a 22-item checklist in a combined edition. PRISMA Statement consists of a 27-item checklist and a flow diagram, providing guidelines for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses. All items on the checklists and flow diagrams were introduced and discussed. Conclusion: Solid understanding of research designs and adoption of reporting guidelines will enhance the quality of research with information on internal and external validity. Education and training of researchers on the research reporting is required along with systems level adoption of efforts for research enhancement.

Suggestion of modification method of unit hydrograph for estimating probable maximum flood (가능최대홍수량 산정을 위한 단위도의 수정 방법 제안)

  • Lee, Jinwook;Kim, Soeun;Yoo, Chulsang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.309-309
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    • 2021
  • 댐 설계 시 가능최대강수량(probable maximum precipitation, PMP)으로 인한 홍수량인 가능최대홍수량(probable maximum flood, PMF)이 고려되며, 이를 산정하기 위해서는 단위도가 필요하다. 즉, PMF는 PMP를 입력으로 하여 단위도를 이용한 강우-유출 해석을 통해 얻어진다. 따라서, 동일한 PMP가 고려되더라도 적용되는 단위도에 따라 산정되는 PMF는 달라진다. PMP가 발생하는 상황에서는 평균적인 상황에 비해 단위도의 반응이 보다 빠르고 강해진다(한국개발연구원, 2007; 한국수자원공사, 2008; Kjedsen et al., 2016). 국내의 경우, 아직까지 PMF 산정을 위한 단위도에 대한 명확한 지침은 존재하지 않는다. 댐설계기준해설(국토해양부, 2011)에서는 유역의 평균단위도로 PMF를 추정할 경우 실제보다 낮은 결과치가 도출되는 문제가 있을 수 있다는 점을 경고하는 수준에 그치고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 유속 정보를 기반으로 PMF 산정을 위한 단위도를 결정해 보고, 이를 통해 대표단위도로부터 PMF 산정을 위한 단위도를 결정하기 위한 수정 방법을 제안하였다. 추가적으로 이러한 수정단위도를 적용하여, 기존 국내 기준 적용 결과 및 확률 강우량을 통해 산정되는 빈도홍수량과의 비교를 수행하였다.

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An Intergrative Review on Korean Nursing Studies Related to Problematic drinker's children (문제음주자 자녀에 관한 국내 간호연구의 통합적 고찰)

  • Lee, Eun-Young;Lee, Jeong-Seop
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.8844-8852
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to figure out characteristics of the children of problematic drinkers by reviewing the studies on those children reported in nursing studies in Korea and incorporating the results. The research method was integrated literature review, and for the study, eleven articles were selected by searching with key words such as 'problematic drinking', 'alcoholic', 'alcohol dependence', 'children', and 'nursing' in three research databases, spanning between 2000 and 2014. The research results are as follows: For the domestic nursing studies on the children of problematic drinkers, there were many descriptive research using survey method, requiring introduction of various research methods in order to know characteristics and lives of the children of problematic drinkers in depth. For main characteristics of the children of problematic drinkers, they have lower ability to cope with, many of them suffer from psychological and mental health problems, are very sensitive in interpersonal relationships with higher hostility. In addition, it is reported that the children of problematic drinkers are likely to have more problematic drinking, show higher depression and lower emotional perception and expression, social support, and social competence. Based on the results of this study, considering the fact that there are extremely few studies on the children of problematic drinkers, it requires more active studies and researches in nursing. Through the study with accurate results, it will contribute to nurses' capability in both clinical settings and local community as a guideline.

A Basic Study on The Seismic Capacity Evaluation and Repair Reinforcement in Cultural Assets : Focused on Wooden Structure Cultural Assets in Korea and Japan (문화재 내진진단과 보수·보강에 관한 기초적인 연구 -한국과 일본의 목조 건조물 문화재를 중심으로-)

  • Hong, Ji-Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.488-495
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to improve the repair and reinforcement of cultural construction assets made of wood and develop seismic countermeasures. The existing regulations for the earthquake proofing of cultural assets are termed 'Regulations concerning earthquake disasters affecting cultural assets' of the cultural heritage administration, which only specifies the reporting of damage to cultural assets after the occurrence of an earthquake. Since 2013, Korea has been studying the introduction of a seismic evaluation system consisting of experts by referring to the 'Guideline for the diagnosis and reinforcement of important cultural properties in Japan. The earthquake proofing of wooden cultural assets in Japan is assessed by experts using a scoring system similar to the one in Korea, but the system in Japan is managed in three steps, viz. before, during and after the occurrence of the earthquake. In order to extend the existing management system by focusing on the repair of the damage after the occurrence of an earthquake, it is necessary for Korea to cultivate experts for the regular management of cultural assets, establish seismic criteria for them, and introduce a regular management system through a civil organization related to construction. By examining the current status of wooden cultural assets, it is necessary to develop various seismic diagnosis techniques and produce guidelines for the repair and reinforcement of individual wooden cultural construction assets following their identification.