• Title/Summary/Keyword: 약효

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Controlled Release of Oxyfluorfen from the Variously Complexed Formulations IV. Effect of Water Level Depths on the Activity of Selected Formulations (수종(數種)의 결합제형(結合劑型)으로부터 Oxyfluorfen의 방출억제연구(放出抑制硏究) IV. 관개심(灌漑甚)에 따른 선발제형(選拔劑型) Oxyfluorfen의 약해(藥害).약효평가(藥效評價))

  • Guh, J.O.;Chon, S.U.;Kuk, Y.I.;Kwon, O.D.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 1991
  • Seven oxyfluorfen formulations were tested for control of 8 weed species and rice injury under four different water depths with various ages of rice seedlings. Among formulations tested, rice injury was slight by formulations of Elvan, Coal Slag, Chitosan and Bentonite B under 0 cm or shallow water depths, and by those of Elvan and Coal Slag under deep water conditions. Weed control was high by Bentonite A and B, and Chitosan, and was low by Elvan. Coal Slag and Sand coated oxyfluorfen, if the target weeds of oxyfluorfen are annual species, further development of Elvan, coal slag, chitosan and Bentonite A would be controlled to increase control efficacy or to decrease rice injury.

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Comparative Toxicities of Selected Acaricides against the Twospotted Spider Mite(Tetranychus urticae Koch) to Establish the Screeing System for New Acaricidal Chemical Compounds (스크리닝체제 확립을 위한 점박이응애에 대한 몇가지 살비제의 약효 비교)

  • 조점래;최용호;박노중;조광연
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 1993
  • The comparative toxicities of selected acaricides against the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, were investigated. The ovicidal and adulticidal activities of selected acaricides were examined under different developmental stages. Fenpyroximate showed high activity throughout all developmental stages of mites. The oviposition inhibition effect of fenpyroximate was more highly effective than that of cyhexatin. At 100 ppm concentration, the effect of fenpyroximate on the residual oviposition inhibition was persistant during 25 days with 85% level, while the effect of cyhexatin gradually decreased, and then decreased to 40% at 25 days after treatment. Fenpyroximate at 100 ppm showed 100% knockdown activity within 3 hour while cyhexatin showed only 91% knockdown activity within 24 hours after treatment. Most of selected acaricides had no systemic activity, but metasystox at 800 ppm had 100% of the systemic activity at 24 hours after treatment. For the influence of temperature on the activity, fenpyroximate showed stable activity and no temperature-dependent in comparison with other selected adaricides.

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Studies of Physiological Action of Chemicals to Increase in Ripening of Rice Plant. I. Effect of Growth Regulators on Ripening of Rice Plant (수도등숙 향상을 위한 생리생태 연구 제 1 보 생장조절제 처리가 수도등숙에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, G.S.;Lee, J.Y.;Kim, S.Y.;Ota,Yasuo
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.184-188
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    • 1983
  • This experiments were carried out to know the effect of ripened grain under low temperature ($20^{\circ}C/13^{\circ}C$) and out door condition when 2 chemicals including. Dachigaren were applied at 7-8 days before heading and heading stage. Low temperature plot is more effective than out door temperature plot to chemicals. Secondary tillers is more effective than primary tillers to chemicals. SZ8028+ABA is the most effective chemical than Dachigaren and SZ8028. SZ8028+ABA is the most effective chemical regardless of low or high temperature to ripeness. Iri 327 is higher than Jinheung.. The plot of SZ8028+ABA or Dachigaren applied is higher than SZ8028 or control at 0-20% of sterile. Percentage of hulled rice above 2.0mm was increased 87.6% of Dachigaren, 88.7% of SZ8028 90.2% of SZ8028+ABA compared with 83.4% of control.

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Basic Study on the Development of Combined Granular Pesticides for Paddy Rice (수도용(水稻用) 혼합입제(混合粒劑) 농약개발(農藥開發)을 위(爲)한 기초연구(基礎硏究))

  • Lee, Hae-Keun;Jeung, Young-Ho;Park, Young-Sun;Hong, Jong-Uck
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.407-415
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    • 1986
  • To obtain informations on the development of the combined granular pesticides for the simultaneous control of rice insect pests and diseases which often occur at the same time or in overlapping experiments were carried out on twelve mixture pesticides of granular type formulated by extrusion method with two fungicides and three insecticides. Each of 12 mixtures was tested for physico-chemical properties and efficacy against to rice leaf blast and brown planthoppers under the laboratory conditions. All of the mixture pesticides showed acceptable physico chemical properties as granular formulation. Most of the compounds in mixture pesticides showed a tendency to have lower stabilities than those of pesticide alone, therefore, it was necessary to add stabilizer in formulation process. Isoprothiolane combinations were found very effective against leaf blast but their control effects were similar to that of isoprothiolane alone due to its high efficacy, while probenazole-carbofuran combinations showed synergistic effects for the control of leaf blast. All of the combinations showed synergistic effects to brown planthoppers. But fenthion and 3% propoxur combinations resulted comparatively low efficacies. In the consideration of their physico-chemical properties and efficacies to rice pests, carbofuran and 6% propoxur combinations were promising combined granular pesticides for the simultaneous control of leaf blast and brown planthoppers, while fenthion and 3% propoxur combinations were not available because of their low efficacies for brown planthoppers.

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A Study for Direct Application of Drug on Oral Mucosa (구강점막에서 약물의 직접적용을 위한 연구)

  • Jeong, Sung-Hee;Ok, Soo-Min;Huh, Joon-Young;Ko, Myung-Yun;Ahn, Yong-Woo
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2010
  • A common method for treating oral mucosal diseases is taking medication by oral administration. The oral administration is the method of least resistance. Because large part of drugs is degraded by liver, it is necessary to take more drugs getting to appropriate level in blood stream. And there are so many side effects when patients take drugs by oral administration. In so many cases, the patients who suffer from oral mucosal problems have the other general diseases simultaneously. Willingly or not, some patients can't take the medicine by oral administration. Number of topical drugs for oral mucosal disease is less than that for skin diseases because the environment of oral mucosa prevents activity of medicine. In this paper, research on effects of topical type medication for treating oral mucosal diseases is conducted through investigating currently used medications and their effects. In addition, effects of dissolved oral medications with appropriate solvent are demonstrated if this medication is useful for patients clinically.

Effects of Pretilachlor, Pyrazoxyfen, Pyrazolate and Their Combinations on Barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crus - galli P. Beauv. (피라졸계(系) 제초제(除草劑)의 단제(單劑) 및 혼합제(混合劑)가 피에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kang, Byeung-Hoa
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 1986
  • This experiment was conducted with pot trial to evaluate effects of pretilachlor [2-chloro-2', 6'-diethyl-N(n-propoxythyl) acetanilide], pyrazoxyfen [ 1,3-dimethyl-4-(2,4-dichloro benzoyl)-5-phenacyloxy-pyrazole], pyrazolate (4-(2,4-dichloro benzoyl)-1,3-dimethyl-pyrazol-5-yl-p-toluenesulphonate] and their combinations on Echinochloa crew-galli. Herbicides were treated with different dosages under 3 cm water depth at 1st and 2nd leaf stages of E. crus-galli. E. crus-galli showed stunted symptom by treatment of pretilachlor and etiolation by treatment of pyrazoxyfen or pyrazolate after 4 days from treatment. Stunting and chlorosis degrees of E. crusgalli increased with high dosage of all herbicides at lst and 2nd leaf stage. Combination of pyrazoxyfen+pretilachlor (6+1.5)G or pyrazolate+pretilachlor (6+1.5)G showed positive synergistic effect of herbicidal action on E. crus-galli, therefore these combinations can control E. crux galli in paddy field with lower dosage than each single treatment of herbicides. Herbicidal effect of pyrazoxyfen on E. crus-galli was similar to pyrazolate in single treatment and combination with pretilachlor.

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Resistance of Diamondback Moth(Plutella xylostella L.) against the Pyrethroids (피레스로이드제에 대한 배추좀나방의 포장약제저항성의 변동)

  • 송승석
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.338-344
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    • 1992
  • This test has been carried out to clear the effectiveness of pyrethroid insecticides to the Diamond back moth, that was complained by a farmer. The results obtained are summarized as follows. Effectiveness of Pyrethroids to suceptable strain and the results of chemical anaysis on the ingredients of pyrethroikds were normal at recommended concentrations. The effect ualue of pyrethroid by which the blocks were only one time treated was 57-59%, whereas the blocks sprayed 4 consecutive times of pyrethroid didn't show any effectiveness as shown in larval increasing rate of 489-552%. Among the results of field test conducted from 1990 to 1991 at 7 area, Dae Gu area showed the highest Effectiveness as 95-98%. However, Pyong Taek area, showed the least effectiveness as 0% in effect value. The resistant population which was collected at Tae kwan Ryung area was resurrected susceptability as much as JMC, in case of Placing it in non-treatment environment, whereas the pupulation which was revealed to pyrethroids for 6 genetations showed as much as 341-544 times of resistance compared with JMC. The non-effectiveness of pyrethroids to Diamondback moth which was complainted by a certain farmer named Mr Ju, was clearly resulted by the development of insect resistance. In Korea, the resistance of Diamondback moth to pyrethroids has developed in some area, as well as the resistance of pyrethroids has developed according to the continuous use of Insecticides, and the susceptability resurrected by stopping the use of pyrethroids. The result from this test would suggest that the pyrethroid insecticides should be applied in turb with other insecticides.

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