• Title/Summary/Keyword: 액막분열

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An experimental study on mechanism for the disintegration of liquid film surface waves by a parallel air flow (평행공기류에 의한 액막류 표면파의 분열기구에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 이규영;양옥용
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 1992
  • This paper deals with an experimental study on the initial condition of liquid film surface waves disintegration and investigation on the behavior of liquid film surface waves formed by the high speed air flow on the solid plane surface. The authors conducted the qualitative and quantitative study to in vestigate the liquid film flow phenomena, the liquid film disintegration mechanism, and droplet formation process with breaking the liquid film surface wave. The newly devised transparent rectangular test section which has semi-two-dimensional flow at the center of the bottom was introduced to perform the experimental study, and it can generate the uniform thickness liquid film at the bottom. The strobo streak camera was used to obtain the instantaneously transformed photographs. The electronic measuring device was also used to measure the liquid film thickness variation in order to perform the easy and effective analysis of complex flow phenomena in the air-water cocurrent flow.

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Spray Characteristics of Gas-Centered Swirl Coaxial Injectors according to Injection Conditions (분무 조건에 따른 기체 중심 스월 동축형 분사기의 분무 특성)

  • Park, Gujeong;Lee, Jungho;Lee, Ingyu;Yoon, Youngbin
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2014
  • The spray characteristics of Gas-Centered Swirl Coaxial Injector was investigated that there were different characteristics with or without gas flow. As gas flow was accelerated, the momentum of gas was transferred to the momentum of liquid in the low liquid Reynolds number. Therefore, the axial velocity of liquid was increased and the measured value was smaller than without gas flow. However, in the high momentum flux ratio, the momentum transfer hardly occurred and the results had constant values. As the recess length was increased, the mixing area of gas and liquid also was increased, the results were decreased.

Spray Characteristics of Closed-type Swirl Injectors with Varying Swirl Chamber Geometry (Closed-type 스월 인젝터의 스월 챔버 형상에 따른 분무특성 연구)

  • Chung, Yunjae;Jeong, Seokkyu;Oh, Sukil;Yoon, Youngbin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2015
  • This study has been done as a preliminary work in the process of confirming the modeling and calculation results on the dynamic characteristics of closed-type swirl injector which were performed by Ismailov et al. in Purdue university. Closed-type swirl injectors with replaceable swirl chamber parts were designed and manufactured. The steady state spray characteristics of closed-type swirl injector with varying swirl chamber length and diameter were verified. Mass flow rate was measured with a mass flow meter installed in front of the injector, and liquid film thickness was measured by Lefebvre's method with electrodes installed at the orifice of the injector. Variation of spray cone angle and break-up length were investigated from the spray images captured under different manifold pressure conditions.

An Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Liquid Atomization in a Rotating Disk Atomizer (회전원판 분무기의 액체미립화 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lim, Jong-Han;Yoon, Jun-Kyu
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.672-680
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    • 2007
  • Apparatus of rotating disk and cup are widely used spray paintings and industrial boilers. This study was conducted experimentally to investigate the characteristics of liquid atomization in a rotating disk atomizer by means of viscous liquid mixed water and glycerin. The Purpose of this study are to observe breakup mechanism according to the variation of supplied flow rate $0.4{\sim}30 cm^3/s$ and rotating speed $200{\sim}4000rpm$, and to investigate three kinds of breakup Pattern such as drop ligament and film formation by comparing the transition flow rate. ligament number and ligament length to those of Tanasawa and Matsumoto's empirical formula. The results are as follows ; The higher it makes use of viscous liquid. the better it get the characteristics of breakup mechanism. Also When I compared practical value with experiential value at similar test conditions. it was shown similar tendency though were a little variation.

Numerical Study on Wall Impingement Process of GDI Spray According to Wall Cavity Angle (벽면 캐비티 각에 따른 GDI 분무의 벽 충돌 과정에 대한 수치적 연구)

  • Shim, Young-Sam;Kim, Duck-Jool;Choi, Gyung-Min
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.971-978
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    • 2007
  • A spray-wall impingement process of a hollow-cone fuel spray from the high-pressure swirl injector in the Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engine were experimented and calculated at various wall geometries. The Linearized Instability Sheet Atomization (LISA) & the Aerodynamically Progressed Taylor Analogy Breakup (APTAB) model and the Gosman model were applied to model the breakup and the wall impingement process of the hollow-cone fuel spray. The numerical modelings were implemented in the modified KIVA code. The calculation results of spray characteristics, such as a spray development process and a radial distance after wall impingement, compared with the experimental results by the Laser Induced Exciplex Fluorescence (LIEF) technique. The droplet size distribution and the ambient gas velocity field, which are generally difficult to obtain by the experimental methods, were also calculated and discussed. It was found that the radial distance after wall impingement and Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) decreased with increasing a cavity angle.

Analysis of the Spray Distribution Characterization of Impinging Jet Injectors for Liquid Rockets Using PLIF Technique (PLIF 기법을 이용한 액체로켓용 충돌분사 인젝터의 분무분포 특성 해석)

  • 정기훈;윤영빈;황상순
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2000
  • Most researches for impinging jet spray have been focused on under-standing the breakup mechanism of a liquid sheet formed by the collision of jets and modeling the spray breakup using experimental data. For this reason, there have been few studies on the characteristics of the spatial spray distribution which affects significantly the combustion efficiency. Hence, we measured the radial distribution of fuel massflux using a like-doublet type injector. Instead of PDPA(Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) which has been used only for the point measurement of the drop size of spray, PLIF(Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence) technique was developed lot the 2-D measurement of the massflux distribution of spray Indirect photography technique was also used to verify PLIF data.

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CFD simulation of a prefilming air blast fuel nozzle (Prefilming air blast 연료 노즐의 다상유동 및 반응 유동장 수치해석)

  • Jung, Seungchai;Kim, Shaun;Park, Heeho;Ryu, Shiyang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.251-253
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    • 2017
  • Numerical study of air-blast type injector for low emission aircraft engines was conducted. Volume-of-fluids approach was used to track interface of fuel and air. Primary atomization of fuel stream was visualized, and thickness and mean velocity at the injector exit was calculated. Liquid fuel injected from fuel slots joined together as a thin film on preflimer surface, and interacted with swirling air. As instability on the fuel surface increased, separation of fuel as ligaments and droplets occured. The film thickness and velocity were used to as fuel injection boundary condition for reactive flow simulation. Primary reaction zone was formed in vicinity of the fuel nozzle, creating a stable flame inside the combustor.

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Method and characteristics of liquid atomization (액체 미립화의 방법과 특징)

  • 이충원
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 1983
  • 액체의 미립화는 기계산업분야 뿐만 아니라, 농약살포, 화학 공학의 분무건조, 반응의 촉진, 분 체제조, 식품공업 등 폭넓게 이용되며 또한 각분야에서 그 필요성이 강조되고 있다. 특히 기계 산업분야에서는 액체연료의 분무연소(boiler, gas turbine, 자동차용engine등) 원자로 노심의 spray cooling, spray drying, spray painting 등 그 이용도는 날로 증가되는 추세에 있다. 액체를 미 립화하는 이유는 각각의 분야나 사용하는 목적에 따라 다르지만, 대별하면 다음과 같다. (1) 액체의 단위 체적당 표면적을 증대시키기 위하여 (2) 직경이 작은 입자의 필요성 (3) 균일한 입경의 액적군을 얻기 위하여 등을 들 수 있다. 액체의 미립화에 대한 요구는 산업의 발당, 대기오염, 생energy 등의 문제가 중요시됨에 따라 다양화되고 있다. 따라서 응용면에서는 atomizer의 성능개선과 설계법, 새로운 미립화방법, 상업에의 분무이용기술, 분무계측법 등의 개발이 필요하게 된다. 액체미립화에서 취급하는 사항은 그 내용에 따라 다음과 같이 분류된다. (1) 액체의 미립화기구 : 기액계면의 불안정성과 분열기구에 관한 것으로, 액체형상으로써 액주, 액막 및 액적으로 나눌 수 있다. (2) 액체의 미립화 방법과 특성 : energy의 종유와 부가방식에 따랄 나누어진다. (3) 합체, 분산, 증발 등 분무의 운동이나 열적거동 (4) 분무입경이나 운동의 계측법과 특성도시 (5) 액체미립화의 각종응용 본보에서는 상기의 각 항목중, 특히 액체의 미립화방법과 분무특성에 대해서만 말하기로 한다.

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Experimental Study of Spray Characteristics on the Throttleable Dual Manifold Injector (이중 매니폴드 가변추력 분사기의 분무 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Youn, Jung-Soo;Kim, Sung-Hyuk;Yoon, Young-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2011
  • There is a many way of LPRE throttling methods, high-pressure-drop systems, dual-manifold injector, gas injection, multiple chambers, pulse modulation and movable injector components. Especially dual-manifold injector is essentially combines two fixed-area injectors into a common structure, with independent feed systems controlling flow to each injector manifold. In this paper, using indirect photography and liquid film thickness measurement with various injection pressure and tangential entry diameter to decide stability of spray over a wide thrust range in dual manifold injector.