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A Study on the Linkage and Development of the BRM Based National Tasks and the Policy Information Contents (BRM기반 국정과제와 정책정보콘텐츠 연계 및 구축방안에 관한 연구)

  • Younghee, Noh;Inho, Chang;Hyojung, Sim;Woojung, Kwak
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.191-213
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    • 2022
  • With a view to providing a high-quality policy information service beyond the existing national task service of the national policy information portal (POINT) of the National Library of Korea Sejong, it would be necessary to effectively provide the policy data needed for the implementation of the new national tasks. Accordingly, in this study, an attempt has been made to find a way to connect and develop the BRM-based national tasks and the policy information contents. Towards this end, first, the types of national tasks and the contents of each field and area of the government function's classification system were analyzed, with a focus placed on the 120 national tasks of the new administration. Furthermore, by comparing and analyzing the national tasks of the previous administration and the current information, the contents ought to be reflected for the development of contents related to the national tasks identified. Second, the method for linking and collecting the policy information was sought based on the analysis of the current status of policy information and the national information portal. As a result of the study, first, examining the 1st stage BRM of the national tasks, it turned out that there were 21 tasks for social welfare, 14 for unification and diplomacy, 17 for small and medium-sized businesses in industry and trade, 12 for general public administration, 8 for the economy, taxation and finance, 6 for culture, sports and tourism, science and technology, and education each, 5 for communication, public order and safety each, 4 for health, transportation and logistics, and environment each, 3 for agriculture and forestry, 2 for national defense and regional development each, and 1 for maritime and fisheries each, among others. As for the new administration, it is apparent that science technology and IT are important, and hence, it is necessary to consider such when developing the information services for the core national tasks. Second, to link the database with external organizations, it would be necessary to form a linked operation council, link and collect the information on the national tasks, and link and provide the national task-related information for the POINTs.

India's Maritime-Security Strategy: Pretext, Context and Subtext (인도의 해상 안보 전략: 구실, 맥락 및 숨은 의미)

  • Khurana, Gurpreet S
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-56
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    • 2022
  • Why has India become a key actor in the maritime-configured Indo-Pacific region? There are some external factors, but for India, its geo-strategic frontier encompassing its geopolitical and maritime interests is expanding rapidly beyond its territorial space across both the Indian and Pacific oceans amidst an increasingly arduous geopolitical and security environment. India must, therefore, acquire the ability to influence events within this strategic arena using all facets of national power, including maritime-military power. Lately, therefore, New Delhi has invested much intellectual capital to review its maritime-security strategy. India's new strategy is premised on the concept of holistic security involving the 'softer' aspects of maritime-security, and a rekindling of maritime consciousness in India, a nation that has traditionally been beset by 'sea-blindness'. The strategy adopts a region-wide, inclusive, and a more proactive approach than hitherto, as is evident in its title 'Ensuring Secure Seas: Indian Maritime Security Strategy'. While it deals with the growing concern of new non-traditional threats in the Indian littoral and the need for military deterrence and preparedness, it also addresses the imperatives for India to seek a favorable and rules-based benign environment in its immediate and extended maritime periphery, including through multi-vectored strategic partnerships dictated by its enduring principle of strategic autonomy. For a more profound and comprehensive understanding of India's maritime-security strategy, this paper examines the key unstated and implicit factors that underpin the strategy. These include India's historical and cultural evolution as a nation; its strategic geography; its geopolitical and security perceptions; and the political directions to its security forces. The paper deals specifically with India's response to maritime threats ranging from natural disasters, crime and state-sponsored terrorism to those posed by Pakistan and China, as well as the Indian Navy's envisaged security role East of the Malacca Straits. It also analyzes the aspects of organizational restructuring and force planning of India's maritime-security forces.

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대순사상의 인문정신과 인류평안의 이념

  • 잔스촹
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.21
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    • pp.199-254
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    • 2013
  • 대순사상은 인간의 행위와 정신적 틀, 즉 몸과 마음을 닦고 세상을 다스리며 백성을 평안하게 하는 도리를 설파하고 있다. 우주 공간의 질서와 깊은 연관을 맺는 이러한 도리는 인간 자신의 인지(認知)와 심신 수양의 내용을 포함하며, 사람이 사회와 우주자연과의 관계를 어떻게 처리해 나갈 것인지에 관한 문제도 다루고 있다. 따라서 대순사상을 인문이라는 관점에 입각하여 분석해 볼 필요가 있다. 이탈리아에서 시작된 서양의 인문주의와 비교해 볼 때, 중국 전통의 인문정신은 인류 개체의 창조력과 그 성과를 인정하고, 인격적 수양과 개선을 주장하며, 사회의 조화를 강조하는 한편, 인류가 반드시 천지인의 조화로운 관계 속에서 개체와 전체의 생존을 파악해야 함을 강조한다. 이러한 인문정신은 『전경』에서도 찾아볼 수 있다. 그 하나가 모악산과 단주(丹朱)에 대한 서술인데, 모악산은 산 즉 '간'(艮)괘이며 단주는 적색에 상응하니 곧 '리'(離)괘가 된다. 이 두 괘가 서로 조합하면 '비(比)'괘가 되며, 『주역』의 비괘와 연관하여 서로 간의 모순을 없애고, '바둑'을 두는 기법을 거울삼아 심성을 다스리며, 인격을 완성하고, 인신이 조화를 이루도록 하며, 사회를 안정시킬 것을 말한다. 대순 신앙의 최종 목표는 지상천국을 건설하는 것인데, 이런 목표를 실현하기 위해서는 인격수양을 그 출발점으로 삼아야 한다. 인격수양의 목표는 바른 도인이 되기 위한 것이며, 이를 위해서는 수도 공부를 해야만 한다. 수도는 춘추시기 노자 이래로 유구한 문화적 전통을 지닌 것이지만, 대순진리회는 한국사회 역사의 경향과 현실의 필요에 부응하여 수도 이론을 새롭게 수립하였다. 이를 살펴보면, 대순진리회는 수도자가 '성(誠), 경(敬), 신(信)'에 힘쓰는 품격 함양을 매우 중시한다. 또 도인들이 가정의 화목에 힘써야 하며, 솔선수범하는 도인으로서 사회의 모범이 되어야 한다고 말한다. 이렇게 볼 때, 대순진리회는 '인도'(人道)를 함양함을 강조하고 있으며, 이것은 전통적인 유가에서 말하는 '수신, 제가' (修身, 齊家)의 정신과 그 의미가 맞닿아 있다. 또한 중국 도교의 '선도(仙道)를 이루고자 하면 먼저 인도(人道)를 행하라'는 사상적 취지와도 일치한다. 대순진리회에서 수도의 최종 목표는 도통이다. 도통은 수도자가 매우 높은 경지에 이르게 되었을 때 가지는 특수한 능력과 정신의 경지이다. '도통'에 대한 기록은 『장자·제물론』, 『문자』의 「부언편>(符言篇) 등에서 찾아볼 수 있는데, 대순진리회가 말하는 도통은 중국의 도가 전통에 보이는 도통과도 연관되지만 강한 인륜수양(人倫修養)적 특색을 지니고 있다는 점에서 차이가 있다. 이것은 대순진리회가 가지는 중요한 인문적 함의라 하겠다. 대순진리회는 수도 공부로써 광제창생·보국안민·지상천국건설의 사회적 이상을 실현하고자 한다. 조화로운 사회적 관계를 수립하기 위한 토대는 대순진리회의 종지 첫 번째인 음양합덕이다. 음양합덕은 대순진리의 인문 취지의 이론적 기초를 형성하는 사상이다. 음양합덕의 철학적 사고는 종지 두 번째인 신인조화(神人調化)의 이상으로 이어진다. 신인조화는 『상서·순전』(尙書·舜典)의 신인이화(神人以和)에서 그 사상적 연원을 찾아 볼 수 있다. 다만 신인이화가 율려 조화의 '결과'를 표현한 것이라면, 신인조화에서 중시하는 것은 '과정'이며 인간과 신의 상호작용이라는 점에 그 특징이 있다. 신인조화를 이루기 위해서는 공부를 해야 하며, 그 배후에는 인본(人本)의 사상이 깃들어 있다. 그것은 종지 세 번째인 '해원상생'의 내용에서 더욱 명확하게 드러난다. 신인조화가 인간과 신의 관계를 조화롭게 하는 것을 말한다면, 해원상생은 인간과 인간의 관계를 조화롭게 하는 것을 말한다. 또 다른 한편으로는 긴 역사의 과정 속에서 맺힌 원을 풀어 우주의 기운을 잘 통할 수 있게 하고 인간 사회의 정상적인 교류를 이루도록 한다. 이러한 내용은 사회적인 인문적 관심과 배려를 다분히 포함하고 있는 것이다. 대순진리회의 종지 네 번째인 도통진경은 수도의 가장 높은 경지를 말하는데, 이러한 이념은 노장 일파의 도가 학자들이 말한 순박한 본성으로 회귀하자는 정신에서 그 원류를 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 또한 이는 한진(漢晉)시대 이래 중국 도교가 추구했던 '진경' 의 의미와도 합치된다. 그러나 시대와 환경이 다름으로 인해, 대순진리회의 '진경'은 사회생활의 의미까지 내포한다. 비록 대순진리회의 경전이 인본(人本)을 명확히 밝히고 있지는 않으나, 대순진리회의 요의(要義) 중 하나인 인존사상은 대순진리회의 인문정신을 말해주는 것이다. 인존사상의 직접적인 기능은 평안(平安)으로서 삶을 이롭게 하는 것이다. 대순진리회는 우주대원의 진리를 '도'라 하였는데 이러한 '도'는 중국의 도가에서 말하는 '도'와 동일하며, 여기에는 '안(安)'의 의미가 포함되어 있다. 대순진리회의 신조 중 '안심', '안신'은 마음을 정(靜)하게 하고, 몸을 편하게 하는 것으로 볼 수 있지만, 심신의 공포와 두려움을 떨쳐내어 안전과 보호를 얻는다는 의미도 있으므로 결국 평안이 전제가 된다. 이렇듯 대순진리회에서는 '평안에 대한 희구'를 근본으로 하여 신앙인들이 열심히 수도에 정진하고 있다. 대순진리회가 인류 평안을 기본으로 하는 종교라는 점에서, 반드시 세인들의 환영을 받을 것임을 믿어 의심치 않는다.

A Study on the Adaptation Process of North Korean Immigrant Youth Discontinuing Formal Education (학업중단 북한이탈 청소년의 적응과정에 관한 질적연구)

  • Yang, Young Eun;Bae, Imho
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.189-224
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    • 2010
  • Nowadays Korean society has a fast growing population of North Korean immigrant youth. Especially, North Korean immigrant youth, who are discontinuing formal education, experience difficulties in social exclusion and adaptation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of adaptation and social support of North Korean immigrant youth discontinuing formal education, and to seek affirmative supporting plans and solutions for their adaptation. The methodology utilized for this study was a case study research. On the basis of the results and categorization, 'a network between overall categories and of early adaptation' was derived. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows. First, the participants of this study experienced major difficulties during 'economical adaptation', and their economical adaptation was strongly interrelated with their 'educational adaptation'. The discontinuing of their education resulting from their fleeing period caused 'academic differential and age disparity.' Thus they could not enroll in the formal education system, and their insufficient educational background resulted in low wages and overwork due to manual labor jobs. Second, participants recognized 'interpersonal relations' as the most essential factor in adaptation, and 'social support' from the interpersonal relations played an important role in adaptation to and comfort in Korean society. 'Interactions with South Koreans' was recognized as a significant resource for gaining informational and appraisal support, but was not activated satisfactorily. On the other hand, interaction with North Korean immigrants was avoided by the reason that 'there's nothing to learn', however emotional support from North Korean immigrants of close relationship played an important role in participants' adaptation, especially in all aspects of psychological adaptation. Third, participants experienced a lot of difficulties and stresses in their 'physical health and psychological adaptation'. Their chronic diseases worsened by remaining untreated, and female perceived symptoms were observed more often than in male. Meanwhile, excessive 'stresses' from the unfamiliar environment of South Korea negatively affected their psychological adaptation. However, they were satisfied with sense of liberty and security from living in a democratic society.

A Case Study on the Design of Pickup Truck Tuning Equipment according to the Lifestyle of Modern People (현대인의 라이프스타일에 따른 픽업트럭 튜닝 용품 디자인 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Hun;Park, Hae-Lim;Lee, Sang-Ki
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2023
  • Changes in consumer needs and behaviors according to lifestyle changes lead to consumption culture, affecting the automobile market. However, research and research to provide options tailored to the lifestyle of consumers in related markets are still insufficient. Focusing on pickup truck accessories applied to pickup trucks that reflect lifestyle the most among vehicle types, this study first examined the theoretical background of the aftermarket market and lifestyle of pickup trucks. Second, through image mapping, the market possibilities and opportunity factors of pickup trucks were discovered through market size analysis and possibilities, and through this, user types could be classified. Third, interviews were conducted with those representing user types, the contents were organized, and interviews were conducted centering on related groups to create a persona of a user group, and what needs each group's persona wanted. Finally, a design concept suitable for the issue keywords and insights derived for each user lifestyle type was presented. In this study, the user type was divided into ① outdoor activity type, ② hobby activity type, and ③ small-scale work type, and a design case study was conducted by applying the concept suitable for the keyword for each group. For the outdoor activity type, a variable storage structure and a living space-type accessory design were presented, and for the hobby type, a modular decktop design and a sports coupe-type hardtop design were presented. For the small business type, a partition that is easy to fix the load and a stepper design that is easy to board the cargo box were presented. It is expected that the size of the pickup truck aftermarket will be expanded by diversifying the option designs that users want by lifestyle by applying them to the development of pickup truck accessories that fit the lifestyle of pickup truck users in the automobile market, which is currently mass customized.

A Study on the Improvement of Flexible Working Hours (유연근로시간제 개선에 대한 연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-man;Seo, Ei-seok
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2021
  • Labor contracts appear in form as an exchange relationship between labor products and wages, but since they transcend the level of simple barter, they can be economically identified as "trading" and can be identified as "rental." From a legal point of view, a legal device that legally supports and imposes binding force on commodity exchange relations is a contract. Such a labor contract led to a relationship in which wages were received and a certain amount of time was placed under the direction and supervision of the employer as a counter benefit to the receipt of wages. Since working hours are subordinate hours with one's labor under the disposition authority of the employer, long hours of work can be done for the health and safety of workers and furthermore, it can be an act that violates the value to enjoy as a human being. The reduction of working hours needs to be shortened in terms of productivity and enjoyment of workers' culture so that they can expand and reproduce, but users' corporate management labor and production activities should also be compatible compared to those pursued by capitalist countries. Working hours can be seen as individual time and time in society as a whole, and long hours of work at the individual level are reduced, which is undesirable at the individual level, but an increase in products due to an increase in production time at the social level can help social development. It is necessary to consider working hours in terms of finding the balance between these individual and social levels. If the regulation method of working hours was to regulate the total amount of working hours, flexibility and elasticity of working hours are a qualitative regulation method that allows companies to flexibly allocate and organize working hours within a certain range of up to 52 hours per week. Accordingly, it is necessary to shorten working hours, but expand and implement the flexible working hours system according to the situation of the company. To this end, it is necessary to flexibly operate the flexible working hours system, which is currently limited to six months, handle the selective working hours by agreement between employers and workers, and expand the target work of discretionary working hours according to the development of information and communication technology and new types based on the 4th industrial revolution.

A Study on Improvements on Legal Structure on Security of National Research and Development Projects (과학기술 및 학술 연구보고서 서비스 제공을 위한 국가연구개발사업 관련 법령 입법론 -저작권법상 공공저작물의 자유이용 제도와 연계를 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Sun Joon;Won, Yoo Hyung;Choi, San;Kim, Jun Huck;Kim, Seul Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.545-570
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    • 2015
  • Korea is among the ten countries with the largest R&D budget and the highest R&D investment-to-GDP ratio, yet the subject of security and protection of R&D results remains relatively unexplored in the country. Countries have implemented in their legal systems measures to properly protect cutting-edge industrial technologies that would adversely affect national security and economy if leaked to other countries. While Korea has a generally stable legal framework as provided in the Regulation on the National R&D Program Management (the "Regulation") and the Act on Industrial Technology Protection, many difficulties follow in practice when determining details on security management and obligations and setting standards in carrying out national R&D projects. This paper proposes to modify and improve security level classification standards in the Regulation. The Regulation provides a dual security level decision-making system for R&D projects: the security level can be determined either by researcher or by the central agency in charge of the project. Unification of such a dual system can avoid unnecessary confusions. To prevent a leakage, it is crucial that research projects be carried out in compliance with their assigned security levels and standards and results be effectively managed. The paper examines from a practitioner's perspective relevant legal provisions on leakage of confidential R&D projects, infringement, injunction, punishment, attempt and conspiracy, dual liability, duty of report to the National Intelligence Service (the "NIS") of security management process and other security issues arising from national R&D projects, and manual drafting in case of a breach. The paper recommends to train security and technological experts such as industrial security experts to properly amend laws on security level classification standards and relevant technological contents. A quarterly policy development committee must also be set up by the NIS in cooperation with relevant organizations. The committee shall provide a project management manual that provides step-by-step guidance for organizations that carry out national R&D projects as a preventive measure against possible leakage. In the short term, the NIS National Industrial Security Center's duties should be expanded to incorporate national R&D projects' security. In the long term, a security task force must be set up to protect, support and manage the projects whose responsibilities should include research, policy development, PR and training of security-related issues. Through these means, a social consensus must be reached on the need for protecting national R&D projects. The most efficient way to implement these measures is to facilitate security training programs and meetings that provide opportunities for communication among industrial security experts and researchers. Furthermore, the Regulation's security provisions must be examined and improved.

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Effect of Bronchial Artery Embolization(BAE) in Management of Massive Hemoptysis (대량 객혈환자에서 기관지 동맥색전술의 효과)

  • Yeo, Dong-Seung;Lee, Suk-Young;Hyun, Dae-Seong;Lee, Sang-Haak;Kim, Seok-Chan;Choi, Young-Mee;Suh, Ji-Won;Ahn, Joong-Hyun;Song, So-Hyang;Kim, Chi-Hong;Moon, Hwa-Sik;Song, Jeong-Sup;Park, Sung-Hak;Kim, Ki-Tae
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 1999
  • Background : Massive and untreated hemoptysis is associated with a mortality of greater than 50 percent. Since the bleeding is from a bronchial arterial source in the vast majority of patients, embolization of the bronchial arteries(BAE) has become an accepted treatment in the management of massive hemoptysis because it achieves immediate control of bleeding in 75 to 90 percent of the patients. Methods: Between 1990 and 1996, we treated 146 patients with hemoptysis by bronchial artery embolization. Catheters(4, 5, or 7F) and gelfoam, ivalon, and/or microcoil were used for embolization. Results: Pulmonary tuberculosis and related disorders were the most common underlying disease of hemoptysis(72.6%). Immediate success rate to control bleeding within 24hours was 95%, and recurrence rate was 24.7%. The recurrence rate occured within 6 months after embolization was 63.9%. Initial angiographic findings such as bilaterality, systemic-pulmonary artery shunt, neovascularity, aneurysm were not statistically correlated with rebleeding tendency(P>0.05). Among Initial radiographic findings, only pleural lesions were significantly correlated with rebleeding tendency(P<0.05). At additional bronchial artery angiograpy done due to rebleeding, recanalization of previous embolized arteries were 63.9%, and the presence of new feeding arteries were 16.7%, and 19.4% of patients with rebleeding showed both The complications such as fever, chest pain, headache, nausea and vomiting, arrhythmia, paralylytic ileus, transient sensory loss (lower extremities), hypotension, urination difficulty were noticed at 40 patients(27.4%). Conclusion: We conclude that bronchial artery embolization is relatively safe method achieving immediate control of massive hemoptysis. At initial angiographic findings, we could not find any predictive factors for subsequent rebleeding. It may warrant further study whether patients with pleural disease have definetely increased rebleeding tendency.

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Study on the effect of small and medium-sized businesses being selected as suitable business types, on the franchise industry (중소기업적합업종선정이 프랜차이즈산업에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Chang-Dong;Shin, Geon-Chel;Jang, Jae Nam
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2012
  • The conflict between major corporations and small and medium-sized businesses is being aggravated, the trickle down effect is not working properly, and, as the controversy surrounding the effectiveness of the business limiting system continues to swirl, the plan proposed to protect the business domain of small and medium-sized businesses, resolve polarization between these businesses and large corporations, and protect small family run stores is the suitable business type designation system for small and medium-sized businesses. The current status of carrying out this system of selecting suitable business types among small and medium-sized businesses involves receiving applications for 234 items among the suitable business types and items from small and medium-sized businesses in manufacturing, and then selecting the items of the consultative group by analyzing and investigating the actual conditions. Suitable business type designation in the service industry will involve designation with priority on business types that are experiencing social conflict. Three major classifications of the service industry, related to the livelihood of small and medium-sized businesses, will be first designated, and subsequently this will be expanded sequentially. However, there is the concern that when designated as a suitable business type or item, this will hinder the growth motive for small to medium-sized businesses, and designation all cause decrease in consumer welfare. Also it is highly likely that it will operate as a prior regulation, cause side-effects by limiting competition systematically, and also be in violation against the main regulations of the FTA system. Moreover, it is pointed out that the system does not sufficiently reflect reverse discrimination factor against large corporations. Because conflict between small to medium sized businesses and large corporations results from the expansion of corporations to the service industry, which is unrelated to their key industry, it is necessary to introduce an advanced contract method like a master franchise or local franchise system and to develop local small to medium sized businesses through a franchise system to protect these businesses and dealers. However, this method may have an effect that contributes to stronger competitiveness of small to medium sized franchise businesses by advancing their competitiveness and operational methods a step further, but also has many negative aspects. First, as revealed by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, the franchise industry is contributing to the strengthening of competitiveness through the economy of scale by organizing existing individual proprietors and increasing the success rate of new businesses. It is also revealed to be a response measure by the government to stabilize the economy of ordinary people and is emphasized as a 'useful way' to revitalize the service industry and improve the competitiveness of individual proprietors, and has been involved in contributions to creating jobs and expanding the domestic market by providing various services to consumers. From this viewpoint, franchises fit the purpose of the suitable business type system and is not something that is against it. Second, designation as a suitable business type may decrease investment for overseas expansion, R&D, and food safety, as well negatively affect the expansion of overseas corporations that have entered the domestic market, due to the contraction and low morale of large domestic franchise corporations that have competitiveness internationally. Also because domestic franchise businesses are hard pressed to secure competitiveness with multinational overseas franchise corporations that are operating in Korea, the system may cause difficulty for domestic franchise businesses in securing international competitiveness and also may result in reverse discrimination against these overseas franchise corporations. Third, the designation of suitable business type and item can limit the opportunity of selection for consumers who have up to now used those products and can cause a negative effect that reduces consumer welfare. Also, because there is the possibility that the range of consumer selection may be reduced when a few small to medium size businesses monopolize the market, by causing reverse discrimination between these businesses, the role of determining the utility of products must be left ot the consumer not the government. Lastly, it is desirable that this is carried out with the supplementation of deficient parts in the future, because fair trade is already secured with the enforcement of the franchise trade law and the best trade standard of the Fair Trade Commission. Overlapping regulations by the suitable business type designation is an excessive restriction in the franchise industry. Now, it is necessary to establish in the domestic franchise industry an environment where a global franchise corporation, which spreads Korean culture around the world, is capable of growing, and the active support by the government is needed. Therefore, systems that do not consider the process or background of the growth of franchise businesses and harm these businesses for the sole reason of them being large corporations must be removed. The inhibition of growth to franchise enterprises may decrease the sales of franchise stores, in some cases even bankrupt them, as well as cause other problems. Therefore the suitable business type system should not hinder large corporations, and as both small dealers and small to medium size businesses both aim at improving competitiveness and combined growth, large corporations, small dealers and small to medium sized businesses, based on their mutual cooperation, should not include franchise corporations that continue business relations with them in this system.

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