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Development of the Seepage Flow Monitoring Method by the Hydraulic Head Loss Rate (수두손실률에 의한 침투류 감시기법 개발)

  • Eam, Sung-Hoon;Kang, Byung-Yoon;Kim, Ki-Wan;Koo, Ja-Ho;Kang, Shin-Ik;Cha, Hung-Youn;Jung, Jae-Hyun;Cho, Jun-Ho;Kim, Ki-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the seepage flow monitoring method by the hydraulic head loss rate was developed for the purpose of application to offshore construction site enclosed by cofferdams in which seepage force varies periodically. The amount of the hydraulic head loss rate newly defined in this graph was in a range between 0 and 1. The zero of the rate means the existence of flow with no seepage resistance. The 1 of the rate means no seepage flow through the ground. The closer to 1 the coefficient of determinant in the hydraulic head loss graph is, the more the ground through which seepage water flows is stable. The closer to 0 the coefficient of determinant in the hydraulic head loss graph is, the more the ground through which seepage water flows was unstable and the higher the possibilities of existence of empty space or of occurrence of piping on the seepage flow pass in the ground is. The hydraulic head loss graph makes it possible to monitor sensitively the situation of seepage flow state, and the graph helps to understand easily the seepage flow state at the specific section on the whole cofferdam.

Establishment of hydraulic/hydrological models in the Mekong pilot area using global satellite-based water resources data (focusing on HEC-RTS/HMS model application) (글로벌 위성기반 수자원 데이터 활용 메콩지역 수리/수문모델 시범 구축 (HEC-RTS/HMS 모형 적용을 중심으로))

  • Cho, Younghyun;Park, Sang Young;Park, Jin Hyeog
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.111-111
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    • 2021
  • 메콩지역은 최근 연 7%에 육박하는 경제성장률을 달성하며 아세안의 고성장을 지속 견인하고 있으나, 기후변화 및 급속한 도시화로 매년 가뭄·홍수 등 물 관련 재해 발생 빈도 및 강도 증가와 이에 따른 상·하류 국가간 물 분쟁 등으로 인해 메콩지역 지속가능 발전에 지장이 초래되고 있다. 이에 한국과 미국은 메콩우호국(Friends of the Lower Mekong, FLM) "메콩지역 수자원 데이터 관리 및 정보공유 강화에 관한 공동성명(2018년 8월)"을 계기로 메콩유역의 실시간 수자원 변동 모니터링 및 분석과 수자원 데이터 공동활용 역량을 강화하여 효율적이고 과학적인 수자원관리 지원과 함께 한국의 신남방정책과 미국의 인도-태평양 전략 시너지효과를 극대화하고자 메콩 주변국 재해경감 및 수자원 데이터 활용 역량강화를 위한 글로벌 위성기반 수문자료의 생산·활용 및 홍수·가뭄 등의 수재해 분석기술을 개발하고 있다. 여기에는 한국 K-water의 물관리 기술과 미국 NASA, USACE의 위성활용 및 수자원분석 기술을 접목하여 메콩지역의 체계적인 물관리 및 재해로부터 안전성 확보 기여에 목표를 두고 연구를 진행 중에 있다. 본 연구에서는 전 세계적으로 광범위하게 활용되고 있는 미공병단(USACE, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)의 HEC software 프로그램을 메콩 시범지역(pilot area)에 적용하여 수리/수문모델 구축을 진행코자 한다. 구축되는 모형은 유역 상류 댐의 연계 모의운영 및 하류 홍수분석이 동시 가능한 HEC-RTS(Real-Time Simulation)로 이는 HEC-HMS, -ResSim, -RAS와 -FIA 모형이 순차적으로 결합된 수리/수문 모델링 시스템이다. 모형의 시범적용 지역은 현지 메콩위원회(MRC, Mekong River Comission)의 의견 등을 반영, 메콩강 하류지역(Lower Mekong) 본류 유역에 위성 자료 활용 및 준실시간(near real-time)으로 댐 모의운영 등을 고려할 수 있는 JingHong댐(중국 란창강 최하류)에서 라오스 Xayaburi댐(메콩강 최상류)까지의 구간을 선정하였다. 한편, 금번 연구에서는 HEC-RTS 중 HMS 모형 적용을 중심으로 가용한 위성자료(GPM IMERG)와 K-LIS 지표 모형 생산 자료를 활용하여 과거 홍수사상에 대한 모의를 고려하였다. 아울러, 연구에서 구축된 HMS 모형은 HEC-RTS에 포함되어 메콩 시범지역의 종합적 수리/수문분석에 적용될 예정이다.

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A Numerical Study on the Effect of Steel Casing on Bearing Capacity of Drilled Shafts for Marine Bridges (수치해석을 이용한 국내 해상교량 현장타설말뚝의 강관지지효과)

  • Lee, Juhyung;Shin, Hyu-Soung;Park, Minkyung;Park, Jae Hyun;Kwak, Kiseok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.3C
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2008
  • This study is concerned with the characteristics of the behavior of drilled shafts with steel casing, a material that is used for large bridge foundations in Korea, and especially for weak submerged ground conditions. The effect of steel casing on bearing capacity of drilled shafts was also verified in this study. Three large drilled shafts with 1.8, 2.4, 3.0m diameter respectively were selected, and 3-D finite element analysis has been undertaken on the following three models: 1) drilled shafts without steel casing, 2) drilled shafts with steel casing, 3) steel-concrete composite drilled shafts. Interface element between concrete core and steel casing was taken into account, and ground conditions and load combinations were applied which had been considered in the fields. Detailed characteristics of the stress and displacement distributions were evaluated to understand the characteristics of the behavior of the drilled shafts. Based on the study performed, the steel casing used as load-carrying materials in the drilled shafts can reduce the horizontal and vertical displacement of drilled shafts by 32~37% and 15~19% respectively compared with drilled shafts without steel casing.

Establishment of hydraulic/hydrological models in the Mekong pilot area using global satellite-based water resources data II - focusing on HEC-RTS/RAS model application (글로벌 위성기반 수자원 데이터 활용 메콩지역 수리/수문모델 시범 구축 II - HEC-RTS/RAS 모형 적용을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Younghyun;Noh, Joonwoo;Park, Sang Young;Park, Jin Hyeog
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.121-121
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    • 2022
  • 한국과 미국은 2018년 8월에 발표한 메콩우호국(Friends of the Lower Mekong, FLM) "메콩지역 수자원 데이터 관리 및 정보공유 강화에 관한 공동성명"을 계기로 메콩유역의 실시간 수자원 변동 모니터링 및 분석과 수자원 데이터 공동활용 역량을 강화하여 효율적이고 과학적인 수자원관리 지원과 함께 한국의 신남방정책과 미국의 인도-태평양 전략 시너지효과를 극대화하고자 메콩 주변국 재해경감 및 수자원 데이터 활용 역량강화를 위한 글로벌 위성기반 수문자료의 생산·활용 및 홍수·가뭄 등의 수재해 분석기술을 개발하고 있다. 여기에는 한국 K-water의 물관리 기술과 미국 NASA, USACE의 위성활용 및 수자원분석 기술을 접목하여 메콩지역의 체계적인 물관리 및 재해로부터 안전성 확보 기여에 목표를 두고 연구를 진행 중에 있다. 본 연구에서는 전 세계적으로 광범위하게 활용되고 있는 미공병단(USACE, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)의 HEC software 프로그램을 메콩 시범지역(pilot area)에 적용하여 수리/수문모델 구축을 진행하고 있다. 구축되는 모형은 유역 상류 댐의 연계 모의운영 및 하류 홍수분석이 동시 가능한 HEC-RTS(Real-Time Simulation)로 이는 HEC-HMS, -ResSim, -RAS와 -FIA 모형이 순차적으로 결합된 수리/수문 모델링 시스템이다. 모형의 시범적용 지역은 현지 메콩위원회(MRC, Mekong River Comission)의 의견 등을 반영, 메콩강 하류지역(Lower Mekong) 본류 유역에 위성자료 활용 및 준실시간(near real-time)으로 댐 모의운영 등을 고려할 수 있는 JingHong댐(중국 란창강 최하류)에서 라오스 Xayaburi댐(메콩강 최상류)까지의 구간을 선정하였으며, 전년도에는HEC-RTS 중 HMS(Hydrologic Modeling System) 모형 적용을 중심으로 가용한 위성자료(GPM IMERG)를 활용하여 과거 홍수사상에 대한 모의를 고려한 강우-유출모형의 구축을 완료하였다. 이에 연속하여 금년도에는 동일유역 내 하천 단면 등이 확보된 Chiang Saen 지점에서 Xayaburi 댐까지의 구간에 대해 RAS(River Analysis System)을 구축할 예정으로 구축된 RAS 모형은 HEC-RTS에 포함되어 메콩 시범지역의 종합적 수리/수문분석에 적용될 예정이다.

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Multidimensional Analysis of Unstructured Data and Trends in Architectural Review Opinions of Small and Medium-Sized Apartment Projects (다차원 분석방법을 활용한 중소규모 공동주택 건축심의 의견의 경향과 비정형 데이터로서의 특성분석)

  • Kim, Jinhee;Hwang, Taeeon;Kim, Jae-Sik;Huh, Youngki
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 2023
  • This study examines the characteristics of architectural review opinions as unstructured data, focusing on the most challenging risk for developers of small and medium-sized apartment projects in response to the increasing number of single-person households in Korea. Using multidimensional analysis methods, the study analyzes the review opinions of 25 projects in B City. Correspondence analysis and MDS (Multidimensional Scale) analysis show that, consistent with prior research, the keywords related to 'structure' and 'planning' dominate architectural review opinions in B City. While the MDS model's stress is very poor at 34.4%, correspondence analysis reveals that this is due to the characteristics of unstructured data in architectural reviews. In addition, the non-structured data analyzed in this study, such as architectural review opinions, exhibited a probability distribution with low kurtosis and high skewness, as they involved various combinations and occurrences of data depending on the discretion of the review committee members and the specific formats of different local governments. This often led to the emergence of keywords that differed significantly from commonly mentioned terms. Although the study has some limitations, it provides a foundation for future detailed analysis by identifying the characteristics of architectural review opinions as unstructured data.

Study of Confidence Ranges for Field Phase Difference Measurement Data Collected using Geophones (지오폰을 활용한 현장 위상각차 계측 데이터 신뢰 구간에 관한 기초 연구)

  • Kim, Gunwoong
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 2024
  • Regular monitoring plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of geotechnical structures. Currently, nondestructive methods are employed to monitor such structures to minimize the impact, e.g., sensor-based accelerometers, displacement meters, image-based lasers, and drone imaging. These technologies can observe surface changes; however, they frequently suffer difficulties in terms of identifying changes in internal properties. To monitor changes in internal properties, in situ geotechnical investigations can be employed. A nondestructive test that can be used for this purpose is the spectral analysis of surface wave (SASW) test using geophones. The SASW test is a nondestructive method; however, due to the time required for data interpretation and the difficulty in analyzing the data, it is challenging to use the SASW test for monitoring applications that require frequent observations. However, it is possible to apply the first-step analysis, which yields the dispersion curve, for monitoring rather than the complete SASW analysis, which yields the shear wave velocity. Thus, this paper presents a fundamental study on the phase difference that derives the dispersion curve to utilize the SASW test for monitoring. The reliability of each phase difference interval is examined to determine the boundary to the subjected monitor. The study used phase difference data obtained using a geophone from a single-layered, homogeneous ground site to evaluate reliable boundaries. The findings of this study are expected to improve the utility of monitoring by identifying the ideal boundary for phase difference data.

Robust Speech Recognition Algorithm of Voice Activated Powered Wheelchair for Severely Disabled Person (중증 장애우용 음성구동 휠체어를 위한 강인한 음성인식 알고리즘)

  • Suk, Soo-Young;Chung, Hyun-Yeol
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.250-258
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    • 2007
  • Current speech recognition technology s achieved high performance with the development of hardware devices, however it is insufficient for some applications where high reliability is required, such as voice control of powered wheelchairs for disabled persons. For the system which aims to operate powered wheelchairs safely by voice in real environment, we need to consider that non-voice commands such as user s coughing, breathing, and spark-like mechanical noise should be rejected and the wheelchair system need to recognize the speech commands affected by disability, which contains specific pronunciation speed and frequency. In this paper, we propose non-voice rejection method to perform voice/non-voice classification using both YIN based fundamental frequency(F0) extraction and reliability in preprocessing. We adopted a multi-template dictionary and acoustic modeling based speaker adaptation to cope with the pronunciation variation of inarticulately uttered speech. From the recognition tests conducted with the data collected in real environment, proposed YIN based fundamental extraction showed recall-precision rate of 95.1% better than that of 62% by cepstrum based method. Recognition test by a new system applied with multi-template dictionary and MAP adaptation also showed much higher accuracy of 99.5% than that of 78.6% by baseline system.

Measures to Ensure Overturning Stability of Tripod Mobile Ladders Used in Landscape Construction and Management - On Tripod Mobile Ladders Used in Korea Subject to EN131-Part 7 - (조경시공·관리에 사용되는 삼각지지 이동식 사다리의 전도 안정성 확보 대책 - EN131-Part 7 규정을 적용한 국내 삼각지지 이동식 사다리를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Kang-Hyeon;Lee, Gi-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.76-88
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    • 2024
  • A significant cause of fall or overturning accidents in the construction industry, including landscaping construction and management, is work at heights using portable ladders. Portable ladders are classified as A-type or triangular support ladders depending on the number of supporting leg and support conditions. The tripod mobile ladder, which supports itself with only three supporting legs, is unstable and more prone to overturning compared to the A type ladders. Therefore, using the specifications of the tripod mobile ladder and the stability regulations of EN131-Part 7, overturning and resistance moment calculation formulas were derived for all directions in which overturning could occur. The moments calculated using these equations, and the overturning stability in each direction were evaluated. According to the calculation results, although there are differences depending on the direction, most are unstable for overturning at 8 or more steps. Based on these results, this study proposed measures to increase the moment of resistance by changing the weight, depth, and width, and using outriggers to ensure stability against the overturning of ladder. However, when changing the specifications of these measures, the size increases are excessive and the applicability is insufficient. On the other hand, outriggers are an applicable measure as they can ensure stability against overturning with only a minimum expansion length.

Synergistic Inhibition of Burkitt's Lymphoma with Combined Ibrutinib and Lapatinib Treatment (Ibrutinib과 Lapatinib 병용 치료에 의한 버킷림프종의 상호 작용적 억제)

  • Chae-Eun YANG;Se Been KIM;Yurim JEONG;Jung-Yeon LIM
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.298-305
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    • 2023
  • Burkitt's lymphoma is a distinct subtype of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma originating from B-cells that is notorious for its aggressive growth and association with immune system impairments, potentially resulting in rapid and fatal outcomes if not addressed promptly. Optimizing the use of Food and Drug Administration-approved medications, such as combining known safe drugs, can lead to time and cost savings. This method holds promise in accelerating the progress of novel treatments, ultimately facilitating swifter access for patients. This study explores the potential of a dual-targeted therapeutic strategy, combining the bruton tyrosine kinase-targeting drug Ibrutinib and the epidermal growth factor receptor/human epidermal growth factor receptor-2-targeting drug Lapatinib. Ramos and Daudi cell lines, well-established models of Burkitt's lymphoma, were used to examine the impact of this combination therapy. The combination of Ibrutinib and Lapatinib inhibited cell proliferation more than using each drug individually. A combination treatment induced apoptosis and caused cell cycle arrest at the S and G2/M phases. This approach is multifaceted in its benefits. It enhances the efficiency of the drug development timeline and maximizes the utility of currently available resources, ensuring a more streamlined and resource-effective research process.

Comparison of Stent-Assisted Coil Embolization Versus Coil Embolization Alone for Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysms with Mild Symptoms: A Single-Clinic Experience (경미한 증상을 가지는 파열 뇌동맥류의 치료에 있어서 스텐트를 이용한 코일 색전술과 단순 코일 색전술의 비교: 단일 병원 경험)

  • Gayeong Lim;Shang Hun Shin;Tae Young Lee;Woon-Jung Kwon;Byeong-Su Park;Soon Chan Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.83 no.4
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    • pp.887-897
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    • 2022
  • Purpose To evaluate the safety and efficacy of stent-assisted coil embolization (SAC) in acutely ruptured cerebral aneurysms without severe symptoms, and thus, the usefulness of the stent itself in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhages. Materials and Methods From January 2017 to June 2019, 118 patients were treated with coil embolization for acutely ruptured cerebral aneurysms without severe symptoms (Hunt & Hess grade ≤ 3). The periprocedural complications, six-month modified Rankin scores (mRS), and six-month radiologic outcomes were compared between 56 patients with SAC and 62 patients without SAC (non-SAC). Results The rate of good clinical outcomes (mRS ≤ 2), as well as the rate of hemorrhagic and ischemic complications, showed no significant difference between the SAC and non-SAC groups. Moreover, compared to the non-SAC group, the SAC group showed a lower recanalization rate on the six-month follow-up angiogram (20% vs. 39.3%, p = 0.001). Conclusion Although stent use was not significantly associated with clinical outcomes in coil embolization of ruptured cerebral aneurysms with non-severe symptoms (Hunt & Hess grade ≤ 3), it significantly decreased the rate of recanalization on follow-up cerebral angiograms.