• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안내관

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Development of Control System for Thimble Handling Equipment for Neutron Flux Mapping (노내 핵계측 검출기 안내관 인출 및 삽입 장비 제어시스템의 개발)

  • Byun, Seung-Hyun;Cho, Byung-Hak;Park, Joon-Young;Lee, Jae-Kyung
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.07d
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    • pp.1995-1996
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    • 2006
  • 검출기 안내관은 노내 핵계측 계통의 중성자 분포 측정을 위한 이동형 검출기의 이동경로를 제공할 뿐만 아니라 원자로 냉각수 계통의 압력경계를 유지하는 안전성 등급의 중요한 설비이다. 그러나, 인출과 삽입을 위한 검출기 안내관 취급은 의외로 낙후되어 작업자의 인력에만 의존하고 있는 실정이며, 원자로 격납용기 내부에 위치한 고방사선 지역에서 작업이 수행되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 노내 핵계측 계통의 검출기 안내관의 안정적인 관리를 위해 검출기 안내판을 일정한 힘으로 인출하고 삽입할 수 있는 자동화시스템의 개발이 이루어지고 있다. 전력연구원에서 개발한 안내관 취급기구는 롤러에 의해 안내관을 파지하고, DC 모터 구동에 의해 안내관을 인출하고 삽입하는데, 본 논문에서는 안내관 취급 기구의 제어 시스템 구성과, 롤러와 안내관 사이에 발생하는 슬립을 고려한 제어기 구조를 제안하고, 실험을 통해 구현한 제어 시스템의 효용성을 보인다.

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A Survey on Facilities, Educational Program and Exhibition in Science Museum for Students with Disabilities (과학관의 장애학생을 위한 시설과 프로그램 및 전시물 조사)

  • Im, Sung-Min;Kim, So-Jung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.680-692
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    • 2009
  • In this study, the facilities, educational program, and exhibition for students with disabilities in science museums were investigated. To do this, 19 science museums in Korea were surveyed by reviewing information and visiting investigation including interview. Facilities for access in consideration of the disabled were measured and found to averaged at 84.3 points well within the legal standard of 100 points. There were 11 moving science classes in which students with difficulties in accessing the museum can participate, but educational programs for the disabled were executed in 2 science museums. Exhibition in most science museum focused on basic science and dynamic operation, however there were little consideration for the disabled except for guides in braille and voice. In general, the facilities and educational program in science museum for students with disabilities were insufficient, but there are some possibilities to supplement by modifying the guide for the disabled or enlarging the educational program to include the disabled.

Load Concentration Factor Analysis of Fuel Assembly Guide Thimble (핵연료집합체 안내관의 하중집중계수 해석)

  • Lee Young-Shin;Jeon Sang-Youn
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.22 no.3 s.168
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2005
  • The top and bottom nozzles of PWR fuel assembly are connected by guide thimbles and an instrumentation tube that are connected with spacer grids. The fuel rods are inserted into the each cell of spacer grids. The loads acting on the fuel assembly are transmitted to the guide thimbles through the flow plate of top nozzle The axial loads applied to the fuel assembly are not equally distributed among the guide thimble due to the geometry of the top nozzle flow plate and spacer grid. In this study, the load concentration factors for the $17\times17$ fuel assembly were calculated. The analytical model fur the calculation of the load concentration factor of top nozzle flow plate was developed using ANSYS 5.6. The finite element analyses were performed using the model composed of top nozzle, guide thimble, and spacer grid. And, the analysis results were compared with the test results.

The Analytic Analysis of Suppressing Jet Flow at Guide Tube of Circular Irradiation Hole in HANARO (하나로 원형 조사공의 안내관 제트유동 억제에 대한 해석)

  • Park Y. C.;Wu S. I.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.214-219
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    • 2004
  • The HANARO, a multi-purpose research reactor of 30 MWth, open-tank-in-pool type, has been under normal operation since its initial criticality in February, 1995. The HANARO is composed of inlet plenum, grid plate, core channel with flow tubes and chimney. The reactor core channel is located at about twelve m (12 m) depth of the reactor pool and cold by the upward flow that the coolant enters the lower inlet of the plenum, rises up through the grid plate and the core channel and exit through the outlet of chimney. A guide tube is extended from the reactor core to the top of the reactor chimney for easily un/loading a target under the reactor normal operation. But active coolant through the core can be Quickly raised up to the top of the chimney through the guide tube by jet flow. This paper is described an analytical analysis to study the flow behavior through the guide tube under reactor normal operation and unloading the target. As results, it was conformed through the analysis results that the flow rate, about fourteen kilogram per second (14 kg/s) suppressed the guide tube jet and met the design cooling flow rate in a circular flow tube, and that the fission moly target cooling flow rate met the minimum flow rate to cool the target.

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  • Park Y.C.;Wu S.I.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2005
  • The HANARO, a multi-purpose research reactor of 30 MWth, open-tank-in-pool type, has been under normal operation since its initial criticality in February, 1995. The HANARO is composed af inlet plenum, grid plate, core channel with flow tubes and chimney. The reactor core channel is located at about twelve meters (12 m) depth of the reactor pool and cooled by the upward flow that the coolant enters the lower inlet of the plenum, rises up through the grid plate and the core channel and comes out from the outlet of chimney. A fission moly guide tube is extended from the reactor core to the top of the reactor chimney for easily loading a fission moly target under the reactor normal operation. But active coolant through the core can be quickly raised up to the top of the chimney through the guide tube by jet flow. This paper describes an analytical analysis that is the study of the flow behavior through the guide tube under reactor normal operation and unloading the target. As results, it was conformed through the analysis results that the flow rate, reduced to about fourteen kilogram per second (14 kg/s) from the original flow rate of sixteen point three kilogram per second (16.3 kg/s) did not show the guide tube jet.

Flow Characteristics for Guide Tube of Circular Irradiation Hole in HANARO (하나로 원형 조사공의 안내관 유동특성)

  • Park, Y.C.;Wu, J.S.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.1835-1840
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    • 2004
  • The HANARO, a multi-purpose research reactor of 30 MWth, open-tank-in-pool type, has been under normal operation since its initial criticality in February, 1995. The HANARO is composed of inlet plenum, grid plate, core channel with flow tubes and chimney. The reactor core channel is located at about twelve meters (12 m) depth of the reactor pool and cooled by the upward flow that the coolant enters the lower inlet of the plenum,. rises up through the grid plate and the core channel and comes out from the outlet of chimney. A guide tube is extended from the reactor core to the top of the reactor chimney for easily un/loading a target under the reactor normal operation. But active coolant through the core can be quickly raised up to the top of the chimney through the guide tube by a jet flow. This paper describes an analytical analysis that is the study of the flow behavior through the guide tube under reactor normal operation and unloading the target. As results, it was conformed through the analysis results that the guide jet is suppressed under the top of the chimney after modifying the orifice diameter of 37.5 mm to 31 mm.

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유동유발진동에 의한 제어봉 Fretting Wear의 열수력학적 원인 분석

  • Kim, Sang-Nyeong;Shin, Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1998.05a
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    • pp.489-495
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    • 1998
  • 최근 울진 1,2호기의 급정지 제어봉 E.C.T(Eddy Current Test) 결과 Fretting Wear가 심한 것이 관찰되었다. 이는 유동유발 진동에 의해 제어봉과 그 지지물 간의 접촉으로 인한 손상이 주요인으로 추정되고 있다. 제어봉 손상은 제어봉 교체로 인한 비용뿐만 아니라 마모금속의 방사화로 인한 냉각재의 오염을 수반한다. 따라서 본 연구는 원자로의 유동유발진동을 선별하여 파손 위치 및 형태, 유동조건, 제어봉과 안내관의 기하학적 구조 등을 분석한 결과 지배적인 손상원인을 Turbulence Excitation과 Fluidelastic Instability로 선정하였다. 특히 안내관내의 6번째 card 위치에서 발생하는 높은 마모현상이 난류도 증가에 의한 손상임을 제시하였다

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The Cooling Characteristics for Circular Irradiation Hole under Suppressing Jet Flow at Guide Tube in HANARO (안내관 제트유동 억제시의 하나로 원형 조사공의 냉각특성)

  • Wu S. I.;Park P. C.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.208-213
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    • 2004
  • The HANARO, multi-purpose research reactor, 30 MWth open-tank-in- pool type, is under normal operation since it reached the initial critical in February 1995. The HANARO is planning to produce a fission moly-99 of radio isotopes, a mother nuclide of Tc-99m, a medical isotope and is under developing a target handling tool for loading and unloading it in a circular flow tube (OR-5). A guide tube is extended from the reactor core to the top of the reactor chimney for easily un/loading a target under the reactor normal operation. But active coolant through the core can be quickly raised up to the top of the chimney through the guide tube by jet flow. This paper is described an analytical analysis to calculate the hole size of a orifice inserted in the circular irradiation hole and to study the flow characteristics through the guide tube under reactor normal operation and loading the target. As results, the results show that the hole size of orifice was 31 mm of the inner diameter to suppress the guide tube jet flow and the coolant safely cooled the target of fission moly after inserting the orifice to the flow tube.

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  • Park Yong Chul;Lee Byung Chul;Kim Bong Soo;Kim Kyung Ryun
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.10 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2005
  • HANARO, a multi-purpose research reactor, 30 MWth open-tank-in-pool type, is planning to produce a fission moly-99 of radio isotopes, a mother nuclide of Tc-99m, a medical isotope and a target handling tool is under development for loading and unloading it in a circular flow tube (OR-5) of HANARO. A guide tube is extended from the reactor core to the top of the reactor chimney for easily loading the target under a normal operation of the reactor. But active coolant through the core can be quickly raised up to the top of the chimney through the guide tube. The jet flow was suppressed in the guide tube after reducing the inner diameter of a flow restriction orifice installed in the OR-5 flow tube for adding the pressure difference in the flow tube. This paper describes an analytical analysis to calculate the flow distribution in the core of HANARO after suppressing the jet flow of the guide tube. As results, it was confirmed through the analysis results that the flow distribution in the core of HANARO were not adversely affected.