• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안검

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The Presenting Visual acuity and Satisfaction of Visual Acuity Tests on Health Checkups in Korean Adults (건강검진으로 본 한국 성인의 시력 실태 및 시력검사 만족도)

  • Yu, Dong-Sik;Moon, Byeong-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.741-749
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this study was to survey the presenting visual acuity (VA) and satisfaction of VA tests in health checkups and to suggest ways in which eye care can be improved. VA data were obtained from the results of the health checkups for Korean adults in 2002-2007. Satisfaction questionnaires were administered via direct interview with 173 participants who had health checkups. The prevalence of VA 0.5-1.4 was 76.24%. Women had a higher prevalence than men below VA 0.9 and men had a higher prevalence than women above VA 1.0. The change in VA with age had a tendency to decrease after forties. Findings for satisfaction of VA tests on health checkups showed a level of neutral agreement. In order to enhance satisfaction, it is important that vision testing should provide examinees with referral criterion and follow-up VA results. It is also necessary to have comprehensive eye examination and utilize optometric instruments and professional examiners.

The Reliability of Eye Screening Physical Examination in School and Living Environment Characteristics of Young Children with Amblyopia (유소년 약시환자의 생활환경 특성과 학교신체검사 안검진의 신뢰성)

  • Oh, Won-Geon;Kim, Sung-Chul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.262-270
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    • 2014
  • Considering that few studies had paid attention to the living characteristics and social environment surrounding amblyopes, the present study surveyed the parents of children aged 3 to 12 and diagnosed-with amblyopia to analyse the time when the children were first diagnosed-with amblyopia, the characteristics of their living environment and the socio-environmental factorsand to delve into correlations. For the purpose of this study, 104 parents of patients in 4 hospitals in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon consented to participate in the survey from September 2 to November 23: 2013. As for the time when the children were first diagnosed with amblyopia: the age of 4 accounted for the highest percentage(28.8%). The older the parents were: the later the children were diagnosed with amblyopia (p<.01). The higher the education of parents, the earlier the diagnosis of amblyopia(p<.05). The present findings-will be conducive to decreasing the number of patients who have no choice but to live-with low vision for life by missing some timely visual acuity tests and ophthalmological examination and particularly to developing a social safety net that can realize national medical welfare for the low-income families and the socially disadvantaged class.With the help of information technology.

Clinical Experience of Mediastinal Tumors and Cysts (종격동 종양과 낭종의 임상 경험)

  • 최준영;옥창대
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.7
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    • pp.708-712
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    • 1997
  • We report on nine years experience of surgical treatment of mediastinal tumors in 47 patients. Their ages ranged from 5 o 67 years with an average of 36.4 years and the sex ratio of male and female was 1:1.5. The most frequent symptom was chest pain(27.7%), followed by ptosis(14.9%), general weatuless(12.8%) and eight patients(17.0%) were asymptomatic. The most prevalent location of the tumor was anterosuperior mediastinum(63.8%). Pathologically, thymoma(32.9%) was the most common tumor, followed by cyst(21.3%), neurogenic tumor(17.0%), germ cell tumor(12.8%), and mesenchymal tumor(6.4%). Complete removal was achieved in 41 cases of all benign tumors and 3 cases of malignant tumors. All the malignant tumor patients were treated with chemotherapy, radiotherapy or both after surgery. Postoperative complications developed in 4 cases and there was no operative death.

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Intracranial Extension of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Palate - A Case Report - (구개 선양낭포암의 두개내 침습 - 증례 보고 -)

  • Oh, Yoon-Kyeong;Kee, Keun-Hong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.293-298
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    • 1999
  • Intracranial involvement by adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is very rare and there is no report of intracranial extension from the palate ACC in Korea. Intracranial involvement can occur in one of three ways: direct extension, perineural spread, and hematogenous spread. A case report of a 35-year-old woman with intracranial ACC is presented. Initially she had ACC of the right palate and was treated by surgery and postoperative radiation therapy. Three years and 10 months later, the paresthesia in the distribution of ophthalmic and maxillary branch of right trigeminal none developed without evidence of recurrence in CT scan. Ptosis and total ophthalmoplegia developed sequentially and the second operation was peformed. It was suggested that the tumor was spread perineurally along the trigeminal news into the Gasserian ganglion and then cavernous sinus and orbit. Seven years and 6 months after the first operation, direct intracranial extension into the right temporal lobe developed via sphenoid bone, sphenoid sinus and temporal bone and the third operation was done. And then lung metastasis was diagnosed. She is alive for 9 years 5 months after first operation.

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Sudoriferous Cyst Adhered to Levator Aponeurosis: A Case Report (상안검 거근건막에 유착된 한선낭종의 치험례)

  • Cho, Jeong Nam;Suh, In Suck;Chung, Chan Min;Tak, Kyoung Seok;Sin, Mi Kyoung
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.93-96
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Sudoriferous cyst usually occurs on the face, and especially on the ear and scalp as a solitary cystic mass. It is derived from the sweat glands of Moll and results from the obstruction of excretory ducts with the retention of fluid. In the eyelid, it is usually seen as small and firm vesicle arising at the eyelid margin. If it rarely occurs on the orbit, it develops from orbital ectopic epithelial cells predetermined to form glands of Moll. We experienced a case of sudoriferous cyst on eyelid which was adhered to levator aponeurosis and it disappeared when patient closed eyes. Methods: A 55-year-old women suffered palpable mass on left upper eyelid without pain that had been present for 25 years. Orbital computed tomographic finding showed a oval mass($2.1{\times}0.6{\times}0.6cm$ size) inside upper eyelid and it invaded the orbit. The mass was completely excised under general anesthesia and histopathological examination was followed. Results: Cystic mass was purple color and it was located in superiorly to tarsal plate. The mass was adhered to levator aponeurosis and levator palpabrae superioris muscle between the fat layer of post-orbital septum and the Whitnall ligament. The mass was completely excised without injury of aponeurosis and muscle. Microscopically, the lesion was a solitary cyst lined by two layers of cuboidal epithelial cells and innermost cells displaying eosinophilic cytoplasm with apical expansions. Conclusion: Sudoriferous cyst usually occurs on eyelid margin. But in this case, cystic mass occurred on upper eyelid and disappeared when patient closed the eyes because it was partially adhered to levator aponeurosis and levator palpebrae superioris muscle. Therefore, if sudoriferous cyst occurs on eyelid, it is necessary to excised the mass carefully.


  • Kim, Il-Kyu;Kim, Ju-Rok;Jang, Keum-Soo;Jeon, Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.669-676
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    • 2007
  • Orbital infection or inflammation is a rare but serious complication of an odontogenic infection. Odontogenic infection can spread to the orbit by one or more of several paths. Such extension is potentially dangerous and can lead to loss of vision or worse. 5-cases of orbital infection and inflammation secondary to infection from upper or lower molar teeth, which extended to the subperiosteal or the retrobulbar region of the orbit, are presented in this report. The infections spreaded to the infratemporal and temporal fossa or the ethmoidal labyrinth, and then to the orbit via the inferior orbital fissure or the lamina papyracea. The clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, route of spread, value of serial CT scanning, treatment and possible complications are reviewed.

Correction of Lowerlid Entropion by Using Skin-tarsal Fixation Method (피부검판 고정술을 이용한 하안검 내반증의 교정)

  • Hong, Jung Soo;Kim, Han Koo;Kim, Woo Seob;Kim, Seung Hong
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.397-402
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    • 2005
  • For its lowerlid entropion correction, nonsurgical eyelid suture or surgical eyelid suture can be employed. Different types of surgical eyelid suture such as the Hotz method and the Callahan method, are generally performed, but were not sufficient for correcting of entropion. In our hospital we performed modified skin-tarsal fixation on 15 patients, 5 male and 10 female from January 20, 1999 to December 16, 2002. We corrected lower eyelid entropion with the excision of the skin and orbicularis oculi muscle and buried suture of tarsal plate and dermis which is a variant of the Callahan method. All the patients were satisfied with the operation results, and there was no case of recurrence of the lower eyelid pricking the cornea. During the 6 months period after the operation, the lower eyelids slightly turned inward but there was no further progression. The correction was performed excessively, therefore there was no case of recurrence after the operation and the results were satisfactory. There developed a dimple at the suture margin caused by skin contraction but it usually disappeared within 2 months after the operation. To avoid recurrence and to achieve satisfactory results, the orbicularis oculi muscle must be totally resected at the ciliary margin. We resected ciliary as well as pretarsal portion of orbicularis oculi muscle. Also, since most of the recurrences are originated from the medial side, the medial portion of skin flap must be tightly fixed to avoid recurrence and the upper part of the dermis should be fixed tightly to the lower border of the tarsal plate.

A New Interpretation of Ptosis-like Eyes through the Results of Small-Incision Double-Eyelid Operation (부분절개 쌍꺼풀성형술의 결과로 유추한 가성 안검하수의 새로운 해석)

  • Park, Sung Gyu;Lee, Seung Kook;Baek, Rong Min
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.449-453
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Perceiving the experience that $MRD_1$ is increased after small-incision double-eyelid operation, it has been statistically verified the improvement of $MRD_1$ retrospectively. Therefore, we suggest new interpretation for Korean-specific small eye and more definite classification for ptosis. Methods: In operation, we made 3 small incisions according to the line designed on upper eyelid and removed some soft tissues including connective tissues. Then, figure-of-8 continuous buried ligation was performed through the incision windows. This study is a retrospective study, measures $MRD_1$ changes and excursion distance change of eyelid margine and eyebrow using pre-and post-operative photos of 14 patients. Results: Postoperative photos were taken on the 4th day and all of 14 patients had an improvement in $MRD_1$ statistically. The excursion distance of upper eyelid was improved in half of patients, though not in the range of statistical verification. It was statistically confirmed that the movement of eyebrow was reduced after operation. Conclusion: It is thought that $MRD_1$ improvement without any operation on levator complex means that soft tissue including connective tissue eliminated in operation restricts the movement of upper eyelid. It is defined such factors as burden factors and such phenomenon as burdened eyelid. It is thougt that Korean's small eye is mainly burdened eyelid and cosmetic improvement may be obtaind even by removing such burden factors.

Correction of Lower Eyelid Retraction with Autogenous Hard Palate Mucosa: 2 Case Report (자가 경구개점막 이식을 이용한 하안검 퇴축의 교정: 2례 보고)

  • Kim, Jino;Seul, Chul Hwan;Roh, Tae Suk;Yoo, Woon Min
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.499-502
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Grave's disease is an autoimmune disease with chronic and systemic features. It affects the orbital fat and muscle bringing about defect in extrinsic eye motility, diplopia, optic nerve defect and lid retraction. In patients with lagopthalmos and resulting facial deformity, treatment can be done by rectus muscle recession or filling with various material. Autogenous auricular cartilage graft is often used and synthetic material such as synthetic acellular dermis, polyethylene meshs are also used for filling of the depressed area. Nevertheless, autogenous auricular cartilage grafts are difficult to utilize and synthetic materials sometimes result in protrusion or infection. Therefore, hard palate mucosa was considered as an alternative. We report two cases of patients with lower eyelid retraction corrected with autogenous hard palate mucosa. Methods: We performed this operation in two patients of Graves' ophthalmopathy. The capsulopalpebral fascia was incised and elevated through an incision on the conjunctiva. Then, the harvested hard palate mucosa was sutured to the inferior border of the tarsus and covered with the conjunctiva. Results: The lower eyelid retraction was corrected successfully. No hypertrophy or deformation of the transplanted hard palate mucosa was noted 6 months after the surgery. Conclusions: From the results above, we may conclude that the hard palate mucosa serves as an ideal spacer for the curvature and the inner lining in lower lid retraction. Hard palate mucosa is as sturdy as the autogenous cartilage but is much easier to utilize. It can be also used for lid retraction after lower lid aesthetic surgeries or traumas.

Correction of the Tear Trough Using Orbital Fat Graft from the Lower Lid (제거한 하안검 지방의 이식을 이용한 눈물받이 고랑의 교정)

  • You, Young Cheun;Lim, Dae Won;Yang, Won Yong;Park, Jun
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.335-340
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    • 2006
  • Lower palpebral bags and tear trough grooves are the common signs of aging. Weakness of the orbital septum, atrophy of the orbicularis oculi muscle, slackness and laxity of the lower lid skin are the main causes of these aging changes. Tear trough groove with skeletonization of the lower orbital rim can not be corrected easily by the conventional lower blepharoplasty, but the augmentation of the volume, can be an effective method. Lower lids provide a well vascularized recipient site, which is vital for proper grafting of fat to occur. We treated tear trough groove with free fat graft of surgically removed orbital fat. Surgical excision of the fat pad and septal reinforcement with free fat graft below the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle were performed to correct tear trough groove. This technique was performed in 29 consecutive individuals from October, 2001 to January, 2005. Palpebral bags and tear trough groove were corrected concomitantly and obtained a youthful attractive midface with no secondary hollowness of lower lid and irregularity. The overall results obtained were satisfactory without any complications. Recurrence of tear trough deformity due to grafted fat absorption was not noted during the 7 months of the follow-up period. The authors conclude that the procedure is safe and effective in selected patients.