• Title/Summary/Keyword: 아시아재단

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Aftereffects of The Military Coup of 1961 in Korea - The Transformation of the Asia Foundation's Projects in the early 1960s - (5.16 군사정변과 아시아재단 사업방향의 전환 - 1961년 박정희의 샌프란시스코 방문을 중심으로 -)

  • 안진수
    • 한국학연구
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    • no.54
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    • pp.167-193
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    • 2019
  • This paper examines the programs and practices of the Asia Foundation during the politically tumultuous period of the early 1960s. Since its opening of branch office in Korea, the Asia Foundation expanded the scope of its activities that catered to the "local" needs of the country. Yet, the military coup in 1961 led by Park Chung Hee created a serious challenge to the organization, forcing it to look for a breakthrough. An opportunity presented itself in late 1961 when Park planned a visit to the US to hold a summit meeting with the US president Kennedy. The Asia Foundation seized an opportunity, by hosting a banquet reception for Park who made a stopover in San Francisco. The entire process of preparation enabled the foundation to develop close rapport with the key players in the military junta. Furthermore, it gained an invaluable insight into the junta's policy agendas, member dynamics as well as what the despot Park disfavors. The successful hosting turned the foundation into the most formidable philanthropic organizations in Korea. Concurrently, its program designs increasingly catered toward creating and serving the new administrative policies and programs of the military junta government. This "top-down" style of localization marks a new modus operadi, indicating a deeper collaboration between the foundation and South Korean government in the 1960s. Two programs stand out. They are : the diplomat training and law education. Both ended up strengthening the governing power of the Park administration.

마을문고의 효과에 관한 연구

  • Kim, Gyeong-Il
    • KLA journal
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.2-7
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    • 1968
  • 이 조사연구는 문교부, 마을문고본부, 아시아재단한국지부의 후수을 받어 1967년 11월~1968년 4월에 걸쳐 중앙교육연구소가 위촉한 연구기획자문위원으로서 홍승직(고대교수), 김선호(경희대교수), 엄대섭(마을문고본부), 박천보(문교부사회교육과), 조동재, David Steinberg(아시아재단), 백현기(중교연구소장), 이용걸(중교연구조사연구부장) 등 제위원 지도하에 연구자 김진은, 김경일, 노공근, 차온순에 의하여 수행된 조사연구의 보고서를 요약한 것이다.

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The 29th PEN International Congress in Tokyo and the Cold War Culture historic meaning and prospect (제 29차 도쿄 국제펜대회(1957)와 냉전문화사적 의미와 지평)

  • 박연희
    • 한국학연구
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    • no.49
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    • pp.189-222
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this paper is to examine the process of support on the Korea PEN by The Asia Foundation. During the Cold War, the Asia Foundation is an American nonprofit organization which has supported major Asian nations in country rebuilding, anticommunist education, and cultural activities. This foundation established an office in an aid-receiving country and actively attracted local literary people to participate in various cultural programs. In Korea, above all, this culture-aiding system contributed to expanding the international base of Korean literature. For example, after the establishment of PEN Korean Center in 1954 through the aid and intervention of the Asia Foundation, it was able to institutionalize the program for the translation and introduction of Korean literature. The activities of the Korea PEN focused on the translation of culture which specialized in the characteristics of Korean literature and the difference of the Eastern literature. In this respect, the "Resolution on Translation", which had been passed in the 29th international PEN in Japan, has a significant meaning. In the PEN conference of Japan, the role of Japan had been stressed on the bridge between the Asian literature and international literature, and in particular, the assignment of Kawabata Yasunari, the president of Japan PEN, stood out at the meeting. In this context, this paper examined the business contents of Korea PEN and the aspect of increase in literary translations and their relating book reviews which had changed after the 29th international PEN in Japan. More importantly, from the international acceptance of Korean writer, Hwan Sunwon, in Encounter published in 1959, this paper paid attention to the translation forum of the Korean literature of 1950s which had been shaped as the output of the Asia Foundation.

행사 - 파주출판도시 지혜의 숲.어린이책잔치 객관식

  • Im, Nam-Suk
    • 프린팅코리아
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.65-67
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    • 2014
  • 지난 6월 19일 오후 4시 아시아출판문화정보센터 1층 '지혜의 숲'에서 2014 파주어린이책잔치 및 열린도서관 '지혜의 숲' 개막식이 김민웅 성공회대 교수의 사회로 열렸다. 개관식에는 이어령 문화체육관광부 초대 장관, 고은 시인을 비롯해 김언호 파주출판도시문화재단 이사장, 이기웅 파주출판도시협동조합 이사장, 고영수 대한출판문화협회 회장, 박태수 파주시 부시장, 이재정 경기도교육감 당선인 등 출판 및 교육 문화 관계자들이 대거 참가한 가운데 진행됐다.

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Creative Destruction in the Culture of Charity is Needed in Asia (아시아 기부 문화에 필요한 창조적 파괴)

  • Sim, Hyena;Areshidze, Giorgi
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.177-195
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    • 2020
  • This paper discusses the reasons why a disparity in commitment to charitable giving exists between two regions : the East and the West. In explaining the regional difference, this paper particularly focuses on the social, economic, and political factors forming the trend?for instance, Asians' deep-rooted distrust in charity foundations and the lack of government policies incentivizing philanthropic giving in Asia. After analyzing why and how significantly Asia lags behind in charity compared to other parts of the globe, the paper proves that "creative destruction" is needed in the Asian philanthropy market. Additionally, this paper shows that it is an opportune time for an innovative start-up to introduce a new form of technology, an easy-to-access application with registered partnership foundations, thereby introducing creative destruction in the culture of charity in Asia. This paper finally examines the obstacles this start-up may face as it tries to grow into a monopoly and the socio-political implications it may bring to the world.

Government Visual Arts Support Policy (정부의 시각예술 지원정책)

  • Hyun, Young-ran
    • Journal of Communication Design
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    • v.60
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    • pp.402-412
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    • 2017
  • Since the 1990s, the role of the government has been shifting towards governance. This new governance emphasizes government's role in establishing a cooperative system with private organizations through network structure and interaction. In the 1990s, Korean Government support for artists and exhibitions increased unprecedentedly. In the 2000s, support for the arts shifted in ways so as to integrate genres. Simultaneously, in order to strengthen the creative capacities of artists, support for new artists, multi-art and fusion arts have increased. From 2010, 'visual arts' business support was provided. In addition, 'visual arts' was supported by a joint planning project from 2013 Also, an overseas residence program has actively supported exhibitions through international exchanges. Since 2005, it has expanded to cooperation with India, Iran and Asian countries as well as with the Betani Studio in Germany. In addition local government supported for artists and the Biennale, residences, regional cooperative business through the local cultural foundation.

Importance of food science and technology in sustainable and resilient food systems - a Northeast Asian perspective (지속가능한 식량체계를 위한 식품과학기술의 중요성 - 동북아시아의 관점)

  • Lee, Cherl-Ho
    • Food Science and Industry
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.196-209
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    • 2021
  • The origines of the Western roasting culture and East Asian boiling culture were studied and the importance of primitive pottery culture (8000-5000 BCE) in the Korea Strait coastal region was discussed. The primitive pottery culture probably initiated the Jjigae (stew) culture and the production of salt. It can be also postulated that fish fermentation, kimchi fermentation, and cereal alcohol fermentation originated during this period. Soybean culture emerged ca. 2,000 BCE in South Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula. This paper focuses on the role of Korean foodways in the food science and technology development for the sustainable and resilient food systems. We are facing a global food crisis caused by population growth, climate change, and high animal food consumption. Studies on the meat analog and cultured meat are the new trend in Food Science and Technology. The importance of the wisdom learned through the Northeast Asian traditional foods, for example, soybean curd (tofu) and meaty flavor production by fermentation for the research on the novel sustainable and resilient food systems are discussed.

The Status and Challenges of the Archival Information Services of the Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library's Private Presidential Archives (민간대통령기록관 김대중도서관 기록정보서비스 현황과 과제)

  • Jang, Yunseo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.151-156
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    • 2022
  • The Kim Dae-jung Library is Asia's first presidential library and is a private presidential archive with over 250,000 historical materials. It mainly collects records related to the life of former President Kim Dae-jung, modern and contemporary history, and democratization, While most of the private presidential archives in Korea are operated by memorial foundations, the Kim Dae-jung Library is unique in that a higher education institution operates it. Accordingly, it aims to take an educational role in history and democracy based on records, providing free research space for researchers, and supporting research through records. This report introduces examples of the Kim Dae-jung Library's representative archival information service, an affiliated institution of educational institutions and private presidential archives, and presents the future tasks of the presidential archives.

STUDIES ON FREEZING OF YELLOW SEA BREAM 1. Effects of Freezing and Storing Temperature and Chemicals on the Quality of Yellow Sea Bream (옥돔의 동결에 관한 연구 1. 동결저장온도와 약품처리가 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • SONG Dae-Jin;HUR Jong-Wha;KANG Young-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 1977
  • The quality changes of yellow sea bream, Branchiostegus japonicus japonicus, during frozen storage were mentioned from the view point of commercial value. The experiments were conducted to find out the effective storing method by varying the storage temperatures $(-5^{\circ}C,\;-35^{\circ}C)$ and pretreatment with chemicals $(0.l\%\;BHA,\;1\%\;sodium\;Polyphosphate)$. The samples were stored for 6 months at $-5^{\circ}C$ and $-35^{\circ}C$ after dipping in the chemical solutions and packing with polyethylens film. The extractibility of salt soluble protein of sample stored at $-35^{\circ}C$ was higher than that of samples stored at $-5^{\circ}C$, while the chemical treatments were not so much effective. Difference in the amount of free water released from samples was obvious between $-5^{\circ}C$ and $-35^{\circ}C$ storage, and that of samples treated with sodium Polyphosphate was much less than the BHA-treated ones. VBN content was differed by varying the storage temperature whereas no effect by the chemical treatments. TBA value of the sample storage at $-35^{\circ}C$ was lower than $-5^{\circ}C$ and the effect of chemicals on the development of oxidation was in order of sodium polyphosphate, BHA and control. Carotenoid content also changed by varying the storage temperature and the color was completely faded out with quality deterioration after 3 months storage at $-5^{\circ}C$.

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