• Title/Summary/Keyword: 아메바

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The Fate of Strain-Specific Protein in xD Strain of Amoeba proteus (Amoeba proteus xD Strain의 변이주 특이성 단백질의 운영)

  • 안태인
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 1983
  • Cytosol protein patterns of two strains of A. proteus, tD and xD strain, were compared by two dimensional gel electrophoresis. Among the 200 major polypeptides that could be stained by silver stain method, tD strain contained a cell specific protein whose molecular weight was 45,000 dalton, pI 5.9. On the other hand, the cytosol and the symbiotic vesicles of xD strain contained a symbiosis specific protein (M.W. 29,000; pI 5.5). The fate of the symbiosis specific protein depended on the presence of symbiotic bacteria in the experiment of high temperature effect and of experimental infection. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to their function in organismic association on the basis of the previous findings.

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Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of Trichomonas vaginalis Contacted with Human Vaginal Epithelial Cells (인체 질상피세포와 반응시킨 질편모충의 주사전자현미경적 관찰)

  • Kim, Seung-Ryong;Ryu, Jae-Sook
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2001
  • The aim of this study was to observe morphological changes of Trichomonas vaginalis after contact with human vaginal epithelial cells, by scanning electron microscope. The vaginal epithelial cells (VEC) (menstrual, days $5\sim10$) from normal women were mixed with T. vaginalis (VEC/trichomonads ratio of 1 : 10), and incubated for 30 min. The parasitic body was changed to a more elongated shape with pseudopodia or was flattened to ameboid transformation showing highly adherence to VEC.

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Biochemical and molecular characterization of a strain KA/S2 of Acnnthamoebc castellanii isolated from Korean soil (카스텔란니가시아메바(Acanthamoeba castellanii) 한국 토양분리주 KA/S2의 생화학적 및 분자생물학적 특성)

  • 정동일;공현희
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 1996
  • A strain, KA/S2, isolated from Korean soil and morphologically assigned to Acanthcmoebc cQsteLlcnii, was characterized by isoenzyme analysis , and total proteins profile, End mitochondrial (Mt) DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) , and compared with four reference strains assigned to the species (the authenitic Castellani, Neff, Ma, and Chang strains). It was found that four isoenzyme, total proteins, and Mt DNA RFLP patterns by eight restriction endonucleases of the strain KA/S2 were identical with those of the Neff strain, isolated from soil of California, USA. The Chang strain was unique in its morphology and total protein patterns. Interstrain polymorphisms of isoensyme profiles and Mt DNA RFLP patterns were observed among the Castellani, Neff, Ma, and Chang strains. Mt DNA RFLP was confirmed to be highly appropriate for the strain characterization and identification of Acnnthamoeba spry.

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A possible role of lipopolysaccharides in the prevention of lysosome0symbiosome fusion as studied by microinjection of an anti-LPS monoclonal antibody (리소솜과 공생낭의 융합저해에서의 Lipopolysaccharide의 역할에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Eui-Yul
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.280-284
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    • 1994
  • Lack of lysosomal fusion with symbiosomes in symbiont-bearing Amoeba proteus may be due either to the presence of a component in the symbiosome membrane or to the absence of a component needed in the fusion process. Using monoclonal antibody as a probe, lipopolysaccharides were identified as symbiosome-membrane components contributed by symbionts and were found to be exposed on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. In order to test whether lipopolysaccharides may play a role in the prevention of lysosome-symbiosome fusion, the antilipopolysaccharides antibody was microinjected and processed for double immunostaining in conjuction with anti-lysosome antibody as a lysosome-fusion indicator. Microinjection of the anti-LPS antibody caused symbiosomes to fuse with lysosomes, suggesting that X-bacterial lipopolysaccharides could be 'fusion-preventing' factors.

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Immunological approach for classification of free-living amoeba in Korea (면역학적 방법을 이용한 자유생활아메바의 분류학적 접근)

  • Sin, Ho-Jun;Kim, Jong-Hwan;Im, Gyeong-Il
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.289-298
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    • 1992
  • Acanthamoeba sap., free-living amoebae inhabited in moist soil, pond, freshwater, sewage, atmosphere and swimming pool, may be causative protozoa of the fatal primary amoebic meningoence-phalitis in experimental animals and humans. In this study, Acar,thamoeba spry. , including Acan. thamoeba sp. YM-4 (isolated strain from Korea) had been compared by the two-dimensional electrophoresis and hybridoma technique as well as the difference of morphological characteristics. Trophozoite of Acenthamoeba sp. YM-4 is usually uninucleate and show the hyaline filamentous projections (acanthopoda) . No aagellate stage observed. Cysts have two walls, the outer wall is nearly circular, but inner wall is oval or some irregular. As results of SDS-PAGE for Iysate of Acanthamoeba sp. VM-4, 16 major protein fractions are similiar to those of A. cuzbertsoni, but different to A. royreba and A. polyphaga. Findings of two-dimensional electrophoretic patterns of Acanthamceba sp. YM-4 are almost same to those of A. culberssoni, The isotope of monoclonal antibodies produced from McAY 6, McAY 7, McAY 8, McAY 13 and McAY 16 clones were IgGl, and McAY 10 and McAY 11 clones were IsM. As results of the cross-reactivity among various amoebae using ELISA with monoclonal antibodies, McAY 7 monoclonal antibody (molecular weight 43 kDa by EITB) was only reacted with Acanthamoeba sp. YM-4, but McAY 6 and McAY 10 monoclonal antibodies were reacted to A. cuzbertsoni as well as Acanthamoeba sp. YM-4.

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Second report on intestinal parasites among the patients of Seoul Paik Hospital (1984-1992) (서울 백병원 환자의 제2차 장내 기생충 검사 성적(1984-1992))

  • 이상금;신보문
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 1994
  • The results of fecal examination for helminth eggs and protozoan cysts in Seoul Paik Hospital during 1984-1992 are reported. Fecal specimens of a total of 52,552 out- or in- patients were examined by formalin-ether sedimentation and/or direct smear method. The overall egg Positive rate of helminths was 6.5% and the cyst Positive rate of Protozoa 2.5%. The egg positive rate (number of positive cases) for each species of helminth was; Clonorchis sirensis 3.2%(1,667) , Trichuris trichiura 2.0%(1,089), Metqsonimw yokogawai 1.2% (613), Ascaris lumbricoides 0.2% (100), Trichostrongylus orientalis 0.1% (34), Taenin spp. 0.05% (28), Hymenolepis nana 0.03% (181), hookworms 0.03% (17), Poragonimlrkf westermani 0.02% (12), Echinostoma spp. 0.03% (12), Enterobius uermiculans 0.02% (10), Strongyloides stercora;is (larvae) 0.01% (6) , and Diphyllobothrium latum 0.004% (2). The cyst positive rate (number of positive casesl for each protozoan was; Entamoebc coli 1.1% f5881, Snnolimox nana 0.8% (402), Ginrdin lomblia 0.3% (173) , Entamoeba histo;utoca 0.3% (164), and Trichomonos hominis (trophozoites) 0.004% (2). Viewing from the data of 9 years, it was evident that the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminths such as A. Lumbricoines and T. trichiuro has been decreasing remarkably, while that of snail transmitted helminths such as C. sinenris and intestinal protozoans has not.

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Statue of Intestinal Parasitic Infections in a Remote Island, Yondo, Jeonranarn-do (Province) (전라남도 여천군 남면 연도 주민의 장내 기생충 감염상황)

  • 구기수;민득영
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 1988
  • This study was performed to observe the present status of intestinal parasitic infections in a remote island, Yondo, located in southern part of Jeonranam-do (Province) , Korea. In February and May, 1988, total 1,011 individual stool samples were collected and examined for intestinal helminths and protozoa using formalin-ether centrifugal sedimentation technique. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Of 1,011 inhabitants examined, 398(39.4%) were positive for intestinal parasites. Helminth positives were 372(36.8%) , and protozoan cyst positives were 56(5.5%) . 2. Ten species of parasites were found. Trichuris trichiura revealed the highest infection rate of 27.5%, Ascaris lumbricoides 17.4%, Taenia sp. 5.8%, Entamoeba coli 3.3%, Ciardia Zamblia 1.5%, Endelimax nasa 0.8%, Hymenolepis nana 0.4%, Hookworm 0.2%, Trichostrongylus orientalis 0,2%, and Entamoeba histolytica 0.2%, respectively. 3. The female group showed higher positive rate(44.0%) than males (34.7%). Also, higher positive rates were observed among adults as compared with the group younger than 10 years old. 4. Average value of E.P.G. was 1,876(range 200∼17,800) in A. lumbricoides positives, and 327 (range 200∼1,600) in T. trichiura positive cases. 5. In helminth egg Positive cases, single in(traction was 63.4%, double infection 34.7%, and triple infection 1.9%, respectively. Among protozoan cyst positives, single infection was 94.6%, and double infection was 5.4%. The present study revealed that the prevalence of intestinal parasites among inhabitants in Yondo island is still so high that special control measures should be performed.

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Natural killer cell activity in Naegzeria fowleri infected mice (Naegleria fowleri 자연살세포의 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Gyu-Rae;Sin, Ju-Ok;Im, Gyeong-Il
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.267-278
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    • 1991
  • The natural killer (NK) cell activity of splenocytes and recycling capacity of NK cells were observed by combining the $^{51}Cr-release$ cytotoxicity assay and single cell cytotoxicity assay against YAC-1. The ICR mice were infected intranasally with Naegleria fewleri, that is a pathogenic free-living amoeba. The mice infected with $1{\times}10^5$ trophosoites showed mortality rate of 76.7% and mean survival time of 12. 9 days. The cytotoxic activity of NK cells in infected mice was significantly higher than that of non-infected mice during the period between 12 hours and day 3 after infection, and highest on day 1. The target-binding capacity of NK cells in infected mice was not different from that of non-infected ones. Maximal killing potential and maximal recycling capacity were remarkably increased in infected mice as compared with the control. The results obtained in this observation indicated that elevated NK cell activity in mice infected with N. fowieri was not due to target-binding capacity of NK cells but due to the increased activity of NK cells and increased recycling capacity of individual NK cells.

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Causes of Diarrhea in Summer (여름철 설사의 원인분류)

  • Park Sung Ham
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • s.6
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 1963
  • 여름철에 유생하는 설사의 원인의 대부분은 세균성인 것이며 이 세균성으로 인한 설사는 그 세균자체가 원인이 되는 것과 또 그 세균이 생산한 독소가 원인이 되는 것이 있다. 특히 여름에는 자연조건 즉 높은 기온과 습도가 미생물의 발육에 좋은 환경을 제공하며 겸하여 파리 등 곤충매개체가 이를 운반하는 관계상 오염된 음식물을 섭취하여 생기는 급성위장염 즉 소위 식중독이 빈번하게 일어나는 것이다. 작년만 하더라도 서울시내 일류 화식요정에서 만든 ''도시락''에 의하여 집단식중독이 생긴 사실들이 아직 우리들의 기억에 새롭거니와 세균 이외에도 이질아메바 등, 기타 원충감염으로 생기는 설사, Virus로 생기는 설사, 기타 식중독 또는 화학약제 등에 의하여 생기는 설사 등이 있는데 이를 크게 구분하여 보면 다음과 같다.

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Close relatedness of Acanthomoeba pintulosa with Accnthcmoebc palestinensis based on isoenzyme profiles and rDNA PCR-RFLP patterns (Acanthamoeba pustulosa와 A. palestinensis의 동위효소 및 rDNA PCR-RFLP 양상의 유사성)

  • 김영호;옥미선
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 1996
  • The taxonomic validity of morphological group III Accnthamoeba app. is uncertain. In the present study. six type strains of group III Aconthamoeba spry. , A. culbertsoni, A. heniyi, A. pustulosc, A. palestinensis, A. royrebn and A. lenticulnto were subjected for the evaluation or their taxonomic validity by comparison of the isoeneyme patterns by isoelectic focusing on polyacrylamide gels, mitochondrial DNA (Mt DNA) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) . and small subunit ribosomal DNA (ssu rDNA) PCR-RFLP patterns. The Mt DNA RFLP patterns were heterogeneous between the species. The type strains of A. pclestinensls and A. pustulosc showed almost identical patterns of isoenrymes and rDNA PCR-RFLP with an estimated sequence divergence of 2.6%. The other species showed heterogeneous patterns of isoenxymes and rDNA PCR- RFLP. It is likely that A. pustuLosc is closely related with A. palestinensis and that the former may be regarded as a junior synonym of the latter.

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