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A Case Report of Oriental Medical Treatments Combined with Exercise Therapy on the Frail Elderly Patient with Gait Disturbance and Cognitive Decline (노쇠 환자의 보행장애 및 인지 기능 저하에 대한 운동요법을 병행한 한방치료 증례보고)

  • Jahng, Sun-Jeong;Park, Jung-Oh;Heo, Dong-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.211-217
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to report the effect of oriental medical treatments with exercise therapy on the frail elderly patient with gait disturbance and cognitive decline. The frail elderly patient with gait disturbance and cognitive decline was treated by oriental medical treatments combined with exercise therapy during 3 months. The improvement of clinical symptom was evaluated by Manual Muscle Test (MMT), Passive Range Of Motion (PROM), Mini Mental State Examination-Korea (MMSE-K). After 3 months, all of both lower extremity Manual Muscle Test (MMT) improved to Grade 4. Both knee extension Passive Range Of Motion (PROM) and Mini Mental State Examination-Korea (MMSE-K) also increased from -30/-30 to 0/-5, from 7 to 25 respectively. It could be suggested that oriental medical treatments with exercise therapy were effective on the frail elderly patient with gait disturbance and cognitive decline. And further research is encouraged to confirm the effectiveness of this treatment with a larger number of patients.

장석순(張錫純)의 간병치료(肝病治療)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -관여장석순지간병치료적연구(關於張錫純之肝病治療的硏究)-

  • Kim, Jin-Ok;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.18 no.2 s.29
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    • pp.70-84
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    • 2005
  • 장석순(張錫純)$(1860{\sim}1933)$시청말민초시기적의가(是淸末民初時期的醫家), 통과대기소저(通過對其所著)${\ulcorner}$의학충중참서록(醫學衷中參西錄)${\lrcorner}$적제오기제삼권중(的第五期第三卷中), 관우(關于)'논간병치법'(論肝病治法)내용적연구(內容的硏究), 소득출적결론시(所得出的結論是), 기대간병적치법가개괄위평간법(其對肝病的治法可槪括爲平肝法), 산간법(散肝法), 화간법(化肝法), 유간법(柔肝法), 진간법(鎭肝法), 염간법(斂肝法), 보간법(補肝法), 완간법등팔법(緩肝法等八法). 평간법인위(平肝法認爲), 인지원기찰근우신, 맹아우간이유약역손(萌芽于肝而柔弱易損), 고불가관파간기(故不可關破肝氣). 차내경중(且內經中)'궐음불치(厥陰不治), 구지양명(求之陽明)'여금궤중(與金櫃中)'당선실비(當先實脾)', 도이서조간기위관건(都以舒調肝氣爲關鍵), 인차이승강탕여배비서간탕등립방(因此以昇降湯與培脾舒肝湯等立方), 차작위평간약중시료계지(且作爲平肝藥重視了桂枝). 산간법인위(散肝法認爲), 간위목장(肝爲木臟), 구유직향이성향상신전(具有直向而性向上伸展), 소이부응기성(所以符應其性), 이용신미산지(而用辛味散之), 즉가위보법(卽可爲補法). 작위산간약(作爲散肝藥), 기선용인진여맥아(其善用茵蔯與麥芽). 화간법시재간체증대(化肝法是在肝體增大), 혹간중유열(或肝中有熱), 혹간기울체(或肝氣鬱滯), 혹옹창시(或壅脹時), 작위산간달울지법(作爲散肝達鬱之法), 사용료시호(使用了柴胡), 유향(乳香), 몰약(沒藥), 차이활혈약당좌약사용적치법(且以活血藥當佐藥使用的治法), 우기중시료삼칠근(尤其重視了三七根). 유간법시근거(柔肝法是根據)'간악조희윤(肝惡燥喜潤), 조칙간체판경이간화간기즉망동(燥則肝體板硬而肝火肝氣卽妄動), 윤칙간체유화이간화간기장영정(潤則肝體柔和而肝火肝氣長寧靜)'적이론(的理論), 인위재치료중가선용당귀(認爲在治療中可選用當歸), 작약(芍藥), 백자인(柏子仁), 현삼(玄蔘), 구기자(枸杞子), 아교(阿膠), 별갑(鱉甲), 단불가장기사용(但不可長期使用). 기진간법시(其鎭肝法是), 재치료경간(在治療驚癎), 전광(癲狂), 현운(眩暈), 뇌충혈제증시(腦充血諸證時), 작위대표처방선용료진간식풍탕(作爲代表處方選用了鎭肝熄風湯). 염간법시근거기(斂肝法是根據其)'범인원기지탈(凡人元氣之脫), 개탈재간(皆脫在肝)'적독특이론(的獨特理論), 이내복탕등작위대표처방진행치료적방법(以來復湯等作爲代表處方進行治療的方法), 차대제양사용료산수유(且大劑量使用了山茱萸). 보간법시재간기허약이실기조달시사용적치법(補肝法是在肝氣虛弱而失其條達時使用的治法), 인위황기시보간적주약. 완간법시의거(緩肝法是依據)‘간고급(肝苦急), 급식감이완지(急食甘以,緩之)'지설이정적치법(之說而定的治法), 인위단미감초시대표약(認爲單味甘草是代表藥).

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Development of Value-Added Service Systems based on AMR Data in the Power Industry (원격검침 데이터를 활용한 전력부가서비스 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Sun-Ic;Jang, Moon-Jong;Oh, Do-Eun;Ko, Jong-Min;Yu, In-Hyeob;Lee, Jin-Kee;Cho, Seon-Ku;Yang, Won-Cheol;Kim, Jin-Cheol
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.695-698
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    • 2005
  • 최근 국외의 전력회사들은 미래 디지털 사회의 기반이 되는 신전력시스템을 구현하는데 필요한 핵심기술중의 하나로서 IT(Information Technology)기반 전력부가서비스 기술의 중요성에 대해 강조하고 있으며, 이를 위해 원격검침 데이터를 기반으로 하는 다양한 전력부가서비스를 개발하여 적용하고 있다. 한편 국내의 경우 원격검침 데이터는 전력요금 산출용도로 활용되고 있는 수준이다. 전력회사는 원격검침 데이터가 고객과의 관계에서 부가가치를 높일 수 있는 무한한 잠재력을 지닌 전략적인 자산으로 보고, 원격검침 데이터 가공 및 활용기술의 선진화를 통하여 전력회사와 전력소비자 모두에게 필요한 전력부가서비스의 적용이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 국내 전력산업 환경에 적합한 새로운 전력부가서비스 적용방안으로 제안한 전력 에너지 컨설팅 서비스에 대해 소개하고자 한다. 본 논문에서 제안한 전력부가서비스의 적용은 전력소비자 측면에서는 요금절감 효과가 전력회사 측면에서는 부하 수요관리 및 투자비 절감 효과가 예상된다.

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Effects of Functional Insole on Walking in the Elderly (기능적 인솔이 노인의 보행에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Dong-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.280-286
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    • 2019
  • This study verified the difference in biomechanical variation and the pattern of the lower limb between using or not using functional insoles on the gait of elderly people. Ten females subjects were selected (age: 73.2 years, height: 152.1 cm, body mass: 59.4 kg) for testing their gait with using functional insoles and without using functional insoles. The gait motions were captured with the Qualisys system and the gait parameters were calculated with Visual-3D. As a result, the subjects' stride length and swing time were significantly increased (p<.05). Also, the lower limb's extension moment was significantly increased (p<.05) when using the insole. These differences suggest the functional insole used in the experiment increases the subjects' gait stability. However, to generalize the results of this study, it is necessary to accumulate more quantitative data with more subjects. Further studies to examine gait variables and changes of walking patterns need to be conducted by gathering and utilizing the results of those subjects who have used insoles for a long period of time.

Effects of Sling Exercise Program on Muscle Activity and Cervical Spine Curvature of Forward Head Posture (슬링 운동 프로그램이 머리전방자세의 근 활성도와 목뼈 배열에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Eun-Ju;Kim, Ji-Won;Park, Byung-Rae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of sling exercise program on muscle activity and cervical spine curvature of person with forward head posture. The subjects, 25 students, were divided into two groups. This experiment was intended to examine the muscle activity and cervical spine curvature while the subjects had performed the exercises to do for 2 times/week and 4 weeks. The factors of FHP were measured cranial vertical angle, cranial rotation angle, muscular activity and cervical spine curvature. Cervical spine curvature measured craniovertical, craniocervical, cervicohorizontal and upper cervical angle. Collected data were statistically analyzed by SPSS 10.0. After experiment for 4 weeks period, results were as following: Both group was significant difference of the results according to the CVA. Exercise group are more effective to increase muscle activity (p<.05), but cervical spine curvature was no significant difference. This result, we could find out there was a significant correlation between sling exercise and muscle activity, CVA and CRA.

The Impact of Customer Experience on Customer Commitment and Behavioral Intention in Theme Park (테마파크에서의 체험요소가 방문객 몰입과 행동의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Li, XinTian;Peng, Peng
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.499-508
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the structural relationship between experience(4Es), customer commitment and behavioral intention based on experience of the theme park as a hedonic destination. To carry out this study objective, a survey targeted for theme park customers was conducted from May 10. 2014 to June 10. 2014. These data were processed using SPSS 18.0 and Structural Equation Modeling with Amos 18.0 to test proposed hypotheses. The results are summarized as followed. First, the decomposition of path analysis revealed significant positive effects on customer commitment by entertainment experience, education experience, esthetic experience. and escape experience. While, entertainment experience was shown to have the largest influence on customer commitment. Second, customer commitment had a positive effect on revisit intention and WOM. Third, experiences have an indirect influence on revisit intention and WOM through the mediation of commitment. From the findings, the theme park is necessary to plan and develop experience program for more variable and special.

Snapping Triceps Syndrome associated with Ulnar Nerve Dislocation (척골 신경 탈구와 동반된 삼두근 탄발 증후군)

  • An, Ki Chan;Kim, Joo Yong;Gwak, Heui Chul;Kwon, Yong Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Ultrasound Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.28-32
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    • 2011
  • Snapping triceps syndrome is a rare disease in which medial head of triceps dislocates over the medial epicondyle during elbow flexion. It is difficult to diagnose the snapping triceps syndrome, because that this syndrome is frequently misdiagnosed as other elbow disease such as ulnarnerve dislocation. The dynamic ultrasonographic imaging allows continual visualization of the ulnar nerve and triceps muscle throughout active elbow flexion and extension. We report two patients of snapping triceps syndrome who were diagnosed with the use of dynamic ultrasonography and treated with ulnar nerve anterior transposition and repositioning or resectioning of medial head of triceps.

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Ultrastructure of the Spinnerets and Spigots in the Funnel-web Spider, Agelena limbata (들풀거미 (Agelena limbata) 방적돌기와 토사관의 미세구조)

  • Moon, Myung-Jin;Kang, Chang-Soo
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.315-323
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    • 2003
  • The fine structural characteristics of the spinnerets and spigots of the silk producing apparatus in the adult funnel-web spider, Agelena limbata, were analysed with the light and scanning electron microscopes. Silk producing apparatus of this spider was composed of three pairs of spinnerets (anterior, median, posterior) and four different types of spigots-ampullates, tubuliforms, pyriforms and aciniforms. By the examination of their ultrastructural characteristics, it has been revealed that each spigot on the spinnerets are connected through the typical silk gland within abdominal cavity. Among the three pairs of spinnerets, the posterior pairs were highly elongated and has most characteristic features. Two pairs of large ampullates were connected to anterior spinneret and another two pairs of small ampullates to median spinnerets. Spigots of the tubuliforms were observed only in female and were connected both of median and posterior spinnerets respectively. While spigots of the pyriforms were connected on the anterior spinnerets but aciniforms on both of median and posterior spinnerets respectively.

Kinetic Differences between Normal-design Running Shoes and Spring-loaded Running Shoes (기능성 스프링신발과 일반운동화의 운동역학적 비교분석)

  • Lee, Chong-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.581-592
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the functional shoes through the kinetic comparison of normal-design running shoes and spring-loaded running shoes. For this, 12 healthy females from the age from 30 to 40 years participated in the EMG and ground reaction force experiment with testing kinetic variables. 12 subjects walked at the velocity of 1.7m/s. After analyzing variables in the spring-loaded running shoes and normal-design running shoes, the following conclusions were obtained; For the ground reaction force, spring-loaded running shoes have larger antero-posterior GRF than normal-design running shoes in the first and second apexes of antero-posterior ground reaction force. For the analysis of EMG, spring-loaded running shoes showed the higher muscle activation of rectus femoris muscle than norma-design running shoes. So the spring-loaded running shoes help improvement muscle strength of knee extensor.

Kinetic Analysis of the Movement of Soft Tennis Forehand Middle Volley (남자 국가대표 정구선수 포핸드 미들 발리 동작의 운동역학적 분석)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Heo, Jeong;Kim, Hun-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.749-759
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic information for improving a soft tennis forehand middle volley technique based on kinematic and kinetic analyses of volleys performed by four male national tennis players($33.3{\pm}2.16$ years). The results are as follows. The first phase of the stroke was the longest, covering 64.7% of the stroke time. The displacement of the center of gravity was 48.1% to the right and 54% to the front in the first phase. When impacted, the elbow joint showed the highest average velocity, 3.67m/s, and the upper arm segment displayed the highest angular velocity, $201^{\circ}/s$. The average of the elbow angle and the ball velocity were $149^{\circ}$ and 18.9m/s, respectively. In the ground reaction force, the left and right foot forces in both the x and y directions showed a statistically significant difference. This result seems to indicate that when the left foot is pushed to the right, the force of the right foot is proportional and symmetrical to the left, serving as a supporter.