• Title/Summary/Keyword: 신장변형

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Tectonic evolution of the Central Ogcheon Belt, Korea (중부 옥천대의 지구조 발달과정)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Hayasaka, Yasutaka;Ryoo, Chung-Ryul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.129-150
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    • 2012
  • The tectonic evolution of the Central Ogcheon Belt has been newly analyzed in this paper from the detailed geological maps by lithofacies classification, the development processes of geological structures, microstructures, and the time-relationship between deformation and metamorphism in the Ogcheon, Cheongsan, Mungyeong Buunnyeong, Busan areas, Korea and the fossil and radiometric age data of the Ogcheon Supergroup(OSG). The 1st tectonic phase($D^*$) is marked by the rifting of the original Gyeonggi Massif into North Gyeonggi Massif(present Gyeonggi Massif) and South Gyeonggi Massif (Bakdallyeong and Busan gneiss complexes). The Joseon Supergroup(JSG) and the lower unit(quartzose psammitic, pelitic, calcareous and basic rocks) of OSG were deposited in the Ogcheon rift basin during Early Paleozoic time, and the Pyeongan Supergroup(PSG) and its upper unit(conglomerate and pelitic rocks and acidic rocks) appeared in Late Paleozoic time. The 2nd tectonic phase(Ogcheon-Cheongsan phase/Songnim orogeny: D1), which occurred during Late Permian-Middle Triassic age, is characterized by the closing of Ogcheon rift basin(= the coupling of the North and South Gyeonggi Massifs) in the earlier phase(Ogcheon subphase: D1a), and by the coupling of South China block(Gyeonggi Massif and Ogcheon Zone) and North China block(Yeongnam Massif and Taebaksan Zone) in the later phase(Cheongsan subphase: D1b). At the earlier stage of D1a occurred the M1 medium-pressure type metamorphism of OSG related to the growth of coarse biotites, garnets, staurolites. At its later stage, the medium-pressure type metamorphic rocks were exhumed as some nappes with SE-vergence, and the giant-scale sheath fold, regional foliation, stretching lineation were formed in the OSG. At the D1b subphase which occurs under (N)NE-(S)SW compression, the thrusts with NNE- or/and SSW-vergence were formed in the front and rear parts of couple, and the NNE-trending Cheongsan shear zone of dextral strike-slip and the NNE-trending upright folds of the JSG and PSG were also formed in its flank part, and Daedong basin was built in Korean Peninsula. After that, Daedong Group(DG) of the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic was deposited. The 3rd tectonic phase(Honam phase/Daebo orogeny: D2) occurred by the transpression tectonics of NNE-trending Honam dextral strike-slip shearing in Early~Late Jurassic time, and formed the asymmetric crenulated fold in the OSG and the NNE-trending recumbent folds in the JSG and PSG and the thrust faults with ESE-vergence in which pre-Late Triassic Supergroups override DG. The M2 contact metamorphism of andalusite-sillimanite type by the intrusion of Daebo granitoids occurred at the D2 intertectonic phase of Middle Jurassic age. The 4th tectonic phase(Cheongmari phase: D3) occurred under the N-S compression at Early Cretaceous time, and formed the pull-apart Cretaceous sedimentary basins accompanying the NNE-trending sinistral strike-slip shearing. The M3 retrograde metamorphism of OSG associated with the crystallization of chlorite porphyroblasts mainly occurred after the D2. After the D3, the sinistral displacement(Geumgang phase: D4) occurred along the Geumgang fault accompanied with the giant-scale Geumgang drag fold with its parasitic kink folds in the Ogcheon area. These folds are intruded by acidic dykes of Late Cretaceous age.

Study on estimating skeletal maturity of hand-wrist using multiple regression model (다중회귀모형을 이용한 수완부 골성숙도의 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Ho;Yu, Hyung-Seog;Kim, Suk-Hyun
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.5 s.64
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    • pp.853-864
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    • 1997
  • The evaluation of growth potency can be done with many physiologic indicators. It has been well known that skeletal maturity has a close relation with both sexual maturity and somatic maturity, but the correlation between skeletal maturity and dental maturity was believed to be less certain. But, recent studies show that specific teeth, including lower canines, present close correlations with skeletal maturity. So, in this study, we studied hand-wrist X-ray films and orthopantomograms of 387 Korean boys and girls aged from 7 to 15; the purpose was to determine skeletal and dental maturity, and to find out a new method to estimate individual skeletal maturity using multiple-regression model, without the help of hand-wrist X-ray film. As a result of this study, followings were observed. 1. The following multiple-regression model can estimate skeletal maturity index (SMI) with 84% of accuracy, and regression coefficient of chronologic age, sex and lower canine show statistical significance. SMI = 0.60 x chronologic age - 1.67 x sex$^{**}$ + 0.88 x lower canine$^{*}$ - 0.05 x lower 2nd molar$^{*}$ - 10.3 $^{*}$ : mean age corresponding each developing stage, $^{**}$ : male=1, femal=0 2. The following multiple-regression model can estimate skeletal age with 87% of accuracy, and regression coefficient of chronologic age, sex and lower canine show statistical significance. Skeletal age = 0.75 x chronologic age - 0.55 x sex$^{**}$ + 0.71 x lower canine$^{*}$ - 0.09 x lower 2nd molar* -5.77 $^{*}$ : mean age corresponding each developing stage, $^{**}$ : male=1, femal=0

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Transforming growth factor $(TGF)-{\beta}1$ conjugated chitosan film for enhanced osteoblastic activity (변형성장인자가 고정된 키토산 필름의 골아세포 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Yoon-Jeong;Lee, Jue-Yeon;Kim, Kyung-Hwa;Kim, Tae-Il;Lee, Myung-Hee;Shin, Seung-Yoon;Seol, Yang-Jo;Lee, Yong-Moo;Rhyu, In-Chul;Ku, Young;Han, Soo-Boo;Min, Byung-Moo;Lee, Seung-Jin;Chung, Chong-Pyoung
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.781-790
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    • 2004
  • 골아세포의 생물학적 기능을 증진시키기 위해 키토산의 표면개질에 대하여 연구하였다. 생체적합성 천연고분자인 키토산은 1차 아미노기를 소유하고 있으므로 적정한 공유결합제를 사용하여 세포성장인자와 같은 생리활성을 지닌 단백질을 키토산의 표면에 고정시킬 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 키토산을 필름형태로 제조하여 세포성장인자 중 형질전환성장인자를 고정하고 골아세포의 부착, 성장 및 분화를 증가시키고자 하였다. 형태전환성장인자의 고정화 효율은 단순한 흡착방법에 비해 높았으며, 표면에 형성된 공유결합은 매우 안정하였다. 골아세포를 배양하여 초기세포부착능에 대한 영향을 연구한 결과, 배양 후 4시간, 1일째, 형질전환성장인자를 고정한 키토산 표면에서 고정하지 않은 키토산의 표면에 비해 더 많은 수의 골아세포가 부착되었고, 더 많이 신장된 부착형태를 보였다. 세포활성정도와 배양 후 4주일째의 칼슘축적량을 측정한 결과, 형질전환성장인자를 고정한 키토산 표면에서 고정하지 않은 키토산의 표면에 비해 더 높았다. 위의 결과는 키토산 표면에 형태전환성장인자의 고정이 성공적으로 이루어졌으며, 또한 실제로 활성이 있는 것이 증명되었다. 위의 연구 결과에서 형질전환성장인자로 고정된 키토산은 골아세포의 초기 부착 및 분화를 촉진시켰음을 알 수 있었던 바 성장인자의 표면고정은 임플란트 및 조직공학용 지지체에도 적용하여 생체적합성과 세포기능을 증진시키는데 이용할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.

Growth and Physiological Adaptations of Tomato Plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) in Response to Water Scarcity in Soil (토양 수분 결핍에 따른 토마토의 생육과 생리적응)

  • Hwang, Seung-Mi;Kwon, Taek-Ryun;Doh, Eun-Soo;Park, Me-Hea
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.266-274
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    • 2010
  • This study aim to investigate fundamentally the growth and physiological responses of tomato plants in responses to two different levels of water deficit, a weak drought stress (-25 kPa) and a severe drought stress (-100 kPa) in soil. The two levels of water deficit were maintained using a micro-irrigation system consisted of soil sensors for the real-time monitoring of soil water content and irrigation modules in a greenhouse experiment. Soil water contents were fluctuated throughout the 30 days treatment period but differed between the two treatments with the average -47 kPa in -25 kPa set treatment and the -119 kPa in -100 kPa set treatment. There were significant differences in plant height between the two different soil water statuses in plant height without differences of the number of nodes. The plants grown in the severe water-deficit treatment had greater accumulation of biomass than the plants in the weak water-deficit treatment. The severe water-deficit treatment (-119 kPa) also induced greater leaf area and leaf dry weight of the plants than the weak water-deficit treatment did, even though there was no difference in leaf area per unit dry weight. These results of growth parameters tested in this study indicate that the severe drought could cause an adaptation of tomato plants to the drought stress with the enhancement of biomass and leaf expansion without changes of leaf thickness. Greater relative water content of leaves and lower osmotic potential of sap expressed from turgid leaves were recorded in the severe water deficit treatment than in the weak water deficit treatment. This finding also postulated physiological adaptation to be better water status under drought stress. The drought imposition affected significantly on photosynthesis, water use efficiency and stomatal conductance of tomato plants. The severe water-deficit treatment increased PSII activities and water use efficiency, but decreased stomatal conductance than the weak water-deficit treatment. However, there were no differences between the two treatments in total photosynthetic capacity. Finally, there were no differences in the number and biomass of fruits. These results suggested that tomato plants have an ability to make adaptation to water deficit conditions through changes in leaf morphology, osmotic potentials, and water use efficiency as well as PSII activity. These adaptation responses should be considered in the screening of drought tolerance of tomato plants.

Comparison of Grain Quality between Chinese Parboiled and Domestic Rice (국내산 쌀과 중국산 찐쌀의 품질 비교)

  • Won Jong Gun;Ahn Duok Jong;Kim Se Jong;Park So Deuk;Choi Kyeong Bae;Lee Sang Chul;Son Jae Keun
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    • v.50 no.spc1
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to compare the rice quality between domestic brand rice and imported Chinese rice. In the appearance of grain, head rice rates were $96.1\%$ in domestic brand rice (Ilpumbyeo), $94.1\%$ in Jingguan (Chinese brand rice) and $86.5\%$ in Xiaozhandao(Chinese brand rice). In case of Chinese parboiled rice, the head rice rate was $0\%$ because the cracked and broken rice occupied about $95.5\%$. The low protein contents in Ilpumbyeo and Xiaozhandao as 6.5 and $6.7\%$ show relatively high palatability as 81.9 and 71.4. However, high protein contents in Jingguan and Chinese parboiled rice as 7.5, $7.4\%$ show low palatability as 64.3 and 55.6. In viscosity characteristics, peak viscosity, break down and final viscosity were higher in Ilpumbyeo and Xiaozhandao, midium in Jingguan and lowest in Chinese parboiled rice. And the set back value, which was negatively related with amylose content, was lowest in Ilpumbyeo and highest in Chinese parboiled, suggesting slow deterioration in Ilpumbyeo and rapid deterioration in Chinese parboiled rice. Overall physical components of cooked rice measured by Texture Analyser were higher in Ilpumbyeo than those in Chinese parboiled rice.

Structural Features of the Glandular Trichomes in Leaves of Carnivorous Drosera anglica Huds. (식충식물 긴잎끈끈이주걱 (Drosera anglica Huds.) 분비모의 구조적 특성)

  • Baek, Kyung-Yeon;Kim, In-Sun
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2008
  • Carnivorous plants vary in their unique features of morphology, ultrastructure and biochemical properties by species. Furthermore, prey-capturing mechanism as well as structural and physiological adaptations have been used for grouping various carnivorous species. In Drosera plants, glandular trichomes, which develop in the leaf epidermis, are known to play the most important role during the prey capturing process. The present study examined such trichomes, focusing on the glandular type, in leaves of Drosera anglica using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Three types of rudimentary glandular trichomes were found to develop within the folded leaf primordia and immature leaf during early development. The first type, stalked glandular trichomes (Type I), occurred on the margin and upper epidermis of the leaf. With maturation, the longest glandular trichomes having lengthy stalks, ca. $2.2{\sim}5.1\;mm$, developed along the margin, while shorter stalked trichomes, ca. up to $200\;{\mu}m$, were found on the inner leaf blade. The shorter ones consisted of a globose head having two layers of secretory cells, parenchyma bell cells and tracheids and a multicellular stalk. The stalks gradually decreased in length in centripetal fashion. The second type, Type II, having ca. $15{\sim}30\;{\mu}m$ short stalks, also developed along the inner blade. Both types secreted mucilage from the secretory cells which had a thin cell wall and cuticle layer. The sessile six-celled glandular trichomes were the third type, Type III, and were $25{\sim}40\;{\mu}m$ in length. They were distributed most commonly throughout the upper and lower epidermis, petiole and even on the stalk surfaces of the first two types of trichomes. The third type was also found to be involved in the active secretion. In prey capturing leaves, all trichome types secreted substances through thin cuticles in the head cell wall, which exhibited relatively loose wall components.

Urological Manifestations and Laboratory Findings in Patients with Tethered Cord Syndrome (Tethered cord 증후군에서 비뇨기계 증상 및 검사 소견)

  • Jung Tae-Sung;Kim Eun-Jung;Lee Eun-Sil;Shin Son-Moon;Moon Han-Ku;Park Yong-Hoon
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : Tethered cord syndrome is characterized by progressive motor and sensory disturbances in lower extremities, foot deformities caused by a pathologic fixation of spinal cord resulting in excessive stretching of the spinal cord. It is also frequently associated with urological symptoms include urinary frequency, incontinence, enuresis, urgency and recurrent urinary tract infection. Because there is few report in the literature about urological manifestations of theterd cord syndrome, we conducted a retrospective study on the patients diagnosed as tethered cord syndrome to delineate the characteristics of urologic manifestations in tethered cord syndrome and to establish the policy to evaluate patients who is suspected of tethered cord syndrome. Method : A retrospective study was conducted by reviewing the medical records of nine patients who was diagnosed as tethered cord syndrome from November 1991 to July 1996 in Yeungnam University Hospital. Result : 1) The age distribution of nine patients was as follows; 5 patients were under 2 years, 1 case from 2 to 6 years and 3 cases from 6 to 10 years. 2) Of 9 patients 6 had voiding frequency, urinary incontinence, enuresis, urgency and loss of micturation sense. Radiologic urodynamic studies revealed neurogenic bladder in 5 patients, hydronephrosis and hydroureter in 3, vesicoureteral reflux in 3. 3) Of 6 patients with urological abnormal manifestations 4 underwent spinal cord surgery (detethering). In spite of surgical intervention, the urological manifestations improved in only one patient. Conclusion : Urological abnormalities were common in tethered cord syndrome. Abnormal laboratory findings including urodynamic study were found even before the onset of urological symptoms. We have to concern tethered cord syndrome as one of common causes of voiding frequency and enuresis and to evaluate urological abnormalities as thetered cord syndrome is diagnosed.

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Comparison of Distribution of Cadmium-109 and Gallium-67 in Sarcoma-Bearing Mice (Sarcoma-bearing Mice에서 Cadmium-109과 Gallium-67의 체내 분포의 비교)

  • Sohn, Myung-Hee;Chang, Sook-Kyeong;Chung, Kyung-Ho;Han, Young-Min;Kim, Chong-Soo;Choi, Ki-Chul;Yim, Chang-Yeol;Kang, Shin-Hwa
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.98-105
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    • 1994
  • The search for tumor-avid agents for use in nuclear medicine imaging or therapy is a field of ongoing importance. Metallothionein (MT) is an intracellular protein that binds many metals with isotopes having imaging or radiotherapeutic potential. The purpose of the study was to determine whether uptake of radioisotopes that bind to MT is increased in tumor. We measured the uptake of Cd-109 and Ga-67 in tumor and normal tissues of sarcoma-bearing mice. Tumors were grown subcutaneously in female Balb/C mice from cultured Balb/3T3 cells transformed by the Moloney murine sarcoma virus (MMSV). When the tumors reached about 1 cm in diameter, mice were injected subcutaneously with Cd-109 and Ga-67. Eighteen and seventy-two hours later, the mice were sacrified. Organs and tissues were removed, weighed, and activity per mg tissue determined by gamma well-counting. Uptake of Cd-109 by MMSV tumors exceeded that by normal tissues examined, with the exception of liver and kidney (the organs known to be richest in MT). The tumor-to-tissue ratios of uptake for Cd-109 were far greater than those for Ga-67 for many normal tissues of great importance in terms of background activity (bone, intestine, fat, muscle, and blood). We concluded that metals that bind to MT may be useful for oncologic imaging or rediotherapy of cancer.

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A Study on the Representation Characteristics of Yuanming New Garden in China by Traditional Landscape Creation Techniques (전통조경 조성 기법으로 본 중국 원명신원의 재현 특성 고찰)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted on Yuanming New Garden in China, which re-lighted the previously lost or damaged original space through representation from the perspective of creating traditional landscape. We looked at the composition of this place, the comparison of relevant literature and actual representation, and the characteristics of representation techniques. The results are as follows. First, TYuanming New Garden is a representation space with the motif of Yunamingyuan in Beijing. An advisory group of some 400 related experts discussed the prototype. The historicity of the real space was considered in the representation process. Second, New Yuanmingyuan garden was recreated based on the 'The Forty Scenic Views of Yuanmingyuan', and 31 of the scenic spots were created. The buildings in each precinct had a 1:1 scale response with structures that were previously constructed in Yuanmingyuan, Beijing. New Yuanmingyuan garden's way in which the main landscape is laid out around the Fuhai Lake(福海), which the landscape is drawn appeared was the same as Yuanmingyuan in Beijing. However, some of the facilities were reproduced on the basis of the 'The Forty Scenic Views of Yuanmingyuan', so they turned out to be different from what Yuanminyuan in Beijing looks like today. New Changchunyuan garden was represented around water landscape of the Western Mansins(Xiyang Lou, 西洋樓) area and the Haeakgaegum(海岳開襟), and the buildings and the facilities were reconstructed based on the 'Copper Print of Western Mansins'. Third, Yuanming New Garden made a prototype of the 'The Forty Scenic Views of Yuanmingyuan' and 'Copper Print of Western Mansins' during the process of synchronic changes in the garden. In addition, the original space and the ambiguous original space or exhibition space were clearly identified through the plant. On the other hand, due to the reenactment of buildings, the spatial composition and placeability of the original spaces of Yuanmingyuan garden and Changchunyuan garden in Beijing were not inherited, and the introduction of elements that did not match traditional landscaping spaces, and the introduction of garden elements that were not prototype and other variations for the use of tourism were found to be drawback.

A Comparative Analysis on Inquiry Activities in Geology of High School Earth Science Textbooks of Korea and the U.S. (한국과 미국 고등학교 지구과학 교과서의 지질학 탐구활동의 비교 분석)

  • Bae, Hyun-Kyung;Chung, Gong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.626-639
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    • 2008
  • To present the suggestions for improvement in science textbooks of high school, scientific inquiry activities in geology of earth science textbooks of Korea and the U.S. were assessed in the areas of the contents, processes and contexts. Regarding the contents of inquiry activities, Korean textbooks contain more number of inquiry activities (5.8 per section) than the U.S. curriculums (4 per section). Inquiry activities of Korean textbooks mostly fall on the interpretation of diagrams and graphs whereas those of the U.S. textbooks more hands-on experiment, data transformation and self designing. As for the number of inquiry process skills per inquiry activity, Korean curriculums contain an average of 1.8 whereas the American ones 3. It suggests that the U.S. textbooks require more integrated process skills than the Korean earth science curriculums. In the process skills of all textbooks studied, the highest frequent elements were inferring and data interpretation; the percentage of these two elements was an average of 73.3% in Korean textbooks and 46.2% in the U.S. This suggests that the Korean textbooks emphasize the process skill on particular area, and uneven distribution of elements of process skills may hinder the development of integration ability of students. particularly in the integrated process skills, the U.S. textbooks presented all 7 elements, while Korean ones presented only 2 to 4 elements, indicating that the Korean textbooks may have weak points in providing various inquiry activities for students compared to the American textbooks. In inquiry context analysis, Korean curriculums provide simplistic inquiry contexts and low applicability to real life whereas the U.S. curriculums provide more integrated inquiry contexts and high applicability to real life.