• Title/Summary/Keyword: 신갈나무군집

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Vegetation Structure and Growth Environmet of Diabelia spathulata (Siebold & Zucc.) Landrein Population in Mt. Cheonseong, Korea (천성산 주걱댕강나무 개체군의 식생구조와 생육환경)

  • Yi, Myung Hoon;Yoo, Sung Tae;Jang, Jeong Gul
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.346-361
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    • 2021
  • The range of D. spathulata identified in this survey was between N 35° 24' 58" ~ N 35° 26' 35", E 129° 05' 43" ~ E 129° 07' 04". It is located at an altitude of 98~592 m. The soil pH was strongly acidic in the range of 4.2~4.9, with a canopy openness of 18.56% and a chlorophyll index of 36.74 ± 2.80. As a result of the TWINSPAN analysis, 20 plots of 100 m2 each were divided in 4 communities: Pinus densiflora community, Quercus monglica-Diabelia spathulata community, Quercus serrata-Diabelia spathulata community and Carpinus tschonoskii subassociation. The result of species diversity was 0.7615, and evenness and dominance were found to be 0.6077 and 0.3923, respectively. The height of D. spathulata is up to 3.4 m, and the average height is 1.1 m, with most of the species distributed as shrubbery and herbaceous. The average population density of the 20 plots was 1.635 individuals/m2, the height range of flowering was 1.0 ~ 1.8 (aver. 1.39 m) and the rate of flowering was 27.37%. It's propagation pattern was mainly formed by extending the rhizome to the side, creating a colony of ground stems.

The Analysis of Vegetation-Environment Relationships of the Coniferous Forests in Subalpine Districts of Mt. Chiri by TWINSPAN and CCA (TWINSPAN 및 CCA에 의한 지리산(智異山) 아고산대(亞高山帶) 침엽수림군집(針葉樹林群集)과 환경(環境)의 상관관계(相關關係) 분석(分析))

  • Lee, Soo Won;Lee, Kang Young;Song, Ho Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.86 no.3
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 1997
  • This study was carried out to identify the analysis of vegetation-environment relationships of the coniferous forests in subalpine districts of Mt. Chiri by two-way indicaton species analysis(TWINSPAN) and CCA. The results are summarized as follows; The subalpine coniferous forest in Mt. Chin was classified Abies koreana community group by the TWINSPAN method. The Abies koreana community group was classified Abies koreana-Pinus densiflora, Abies koreana-Quercus mongolicd and Abies koreana-Picea jezoensis. The Abies koreana-Quercus mongolica community classified into two subcommunities, typical and Pinus koraiensis subcommunity. The Abies koreana-Picea jezoensis community classified into three subcommunities such as typical, Taxus cuspidate and Cornus controversa subcommunity. The subalpine conifers commnities in Mt. Chiri could be classified into six vegetation units, which consisted of three vegetation communities and five subcommunities. The relationship between vegetation community and influencing environmental factors was analyzed by using the CCA ordination method. It was found that altitude, concentrations of $Ca^{++}$ and $Mg^{++}$ in soil were, major environmental variables, which influence the distribution of vegetation community in the first axis, and $Ca^{++}$ and altitude in the second axis. In the relations of communities and environmental factors by CCA, the optimal ecological habitats of Abies koreana-Pinus densiflora community could be located at low elevations, in which $Ca^{++}$ and $Mg^{++}$ are rich. Abies koreana-Quercus mongolica community prefers the sites in mid-elevation zone, in which $Ca^{++}$ and $Mg^{++}$ are medium level in soil. The optimum site for Abies koreana-Pinus koraiensis community and Abies koreana-Taxus cuspidata community could be high elevations in which $Ca^{++}$ and $Mg^{++}$ are poor. Abies koreana-Cornus controversa community is found in the site at low elevations where $Ca^{++}$ and $Mg^{++}$ are medium.

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Characteristics of Species Composition and Community Structure for the Forest Vegetation of Aspect Area in Mt. Eungbok (응복산 사면 일대 산림식생의 종 조성 및 군집 특성)

  • Lee, Ha-Young;Lee, Jung-Hyo;Yun, Chung-Weon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.791-802
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    • 2015
  • The study was carried out to analyze vegetation structure of Mt. Eungbok located in Jochimryeong to Shinbaeryeong of the Baekdudaegan mountain range. The survey for 25 plots was conducted from April 2012 to August 2013 in the permanent plots using phytosociological analysis. As a result, the vegetations were classified into four vegetation units. In species composition, they were classified into Quercus mongolica community group divided into 2 community such as Ulmus laciniata community and Corylus sieboldiana var. mandshurica community, U. laciniata community was subdivided Rhododendron schlippenbachii group and Rubus crataegifolius group(into Viola albida subgroup, Rubus oldhamii subgroup). In terms of Importance values according to layer-specific and altitude of ridge, Q. mongolica was the highest importance value of tree layer and Acer pseudosieboldianum was highest importance value of sub tree layer. Therefore Q. mongolica and A. pseudosieboldianum could likely remain in the future of tree layer and sub tree layer respectively. Analysis of dominance most value of vegetation are on about 0.3. In ridge area was a species diversity result, vegetation unit 3 showed the highest value 0.974 and vegetation unit 1 showed the lowest value 0.725. Based on the interspecific association showed four types which were coincident with differential species and character species on the constancy table. Specially type I plant species were mostly differential species and the characteristic species, which appeared in the Rhododendron schlippenbachii community classified phytosociologically, and type III plant species were mostly the species appearing in the Corylus sieboldiana var. mandshurica community growing in the relatively.

Community Structure and Species Composition of Pinus densiflora for. erecta Forest in Mt. Cheonchuk (천축산 일대 금강소나무림의 군집구조 및 종조성)

  • Byeon, Jun Gi;Park, Byeong Joo;Joo, Sung Hyun;Cheon, KwangIl
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to analyze community structure and species composition of Pinus densiflora for. erecta Stand in Mt. Cheonchuk (653 m). Field survey was carried out from June to September in 2013. 74 plots (20×20 m) were set up, 5 herb layer plots (3×3 m) were constructed for each plot, and there, Diameter at Breast Heigh t(DBH), height, environmental factor, annual growth were measured. Vascular plants were surveyed as following; 66 family, 165 genus, 211 species, 2 sub species, 29 variety, 6 form 248 taxa. Results of cluster analysis for P. densiflora for. erecta forest, 3 communities were divided into; Quercus mongolica (P-1), Quercus variabilis (P-2) and Quercus aliena-Stephanandra incisa (P-3). There were significant environmental factors that organic layer, annual growth, CEC, total total nitrogen, organic matter and pH for each community. As a result of DCA, P-1 and P-2 were distributed large range of environmental factors but relatively limited in P-3. Distributions of herb layer were affected by sand, cation exchange capacity, silt and total nitrogen. Results of MRPP test for herb layer communities, it was significantly analyzed (A=0.003, P<0.008). Species diversity index was highly recorded in P-3 and influenced by cation exchange capacity, total nitrogen, annual growth in consequence of NMS analysis.

Studies on the Distribution of Ants(Formicidea) in Korea(6) -The Vegetation, the Species Composition and the Colony Density ants in Mt. Namsan, Seoul- (한국산 개미의 분포에 관한 연구(6) -서울 남산의 식생과 개미군집의 종조성 및 Colony 밀도-)

  • 최병문;박경숙
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 1991
  • In order to investigate the species composition and the colony density of ants in Mt. Namsan, Seoul, 39 quadrats were installed in 13 vegetations, 443 colonies of ants were collected from June, 1989 to October, 1990. As the result, 4 subfamilies, 23 genera, 28 species was confirmed. Among them, Cerapachys humicola $O_{GATA}$ is new to Korean fauna along with the subfamily Cerapachinae. For the species composition of ant communities in each vegetation, Robinia pseudoacacia vegetation(containing 3 subfamilies, 14 genera, 15 species-53.6% of all colonies collected in Mt. Namsan) and Quercus mongolica vegetation (3 subfamiles, 12 genera, 14 species -50%) showed relatively rich composition, while Platunus orientalis vegetation (3 subfamilies, 3 genera, 3 species) showed the simplest composition. Colony density was the highest in Prunus sargentii vegetation (7.875 colony /$m^2$) and the lowest in Platunus orientalis (1.000 colony/$m^2$). The relative density of Paratrechina flavipes proved to be the highest (RD = 0.422) and that of Cerapachys humicola $O_{GATA}$ Massor aciculatus was the lowest (RD = O. 002 respectively). In the analysis of the similarity of ant communities between each vegetation by S¢rensen's coefficient, Prunus sargentii was very similar to Sorbus alnifolia (0.745) and Pinus densiflora (0.736), but had the lowest similarity to Metasequoia glyptostoboides and Chamaecyparis pisifera vegetation (0.164 respectively). Dominance of ants in each vegetation analyzed by Simpson'formula was found to be high in Platunus orientalis ($\lambda$ = 0.393) and Sorbus alnifolia ($\lambda$ = 0.392) and the lowest in Metasequoia glyptostroboides vegetation($\lambda$= 0.067). The analysis of diversity by reverse Simpson's coefficient revealed that it was high in Metasequoia glyptostroboides ($d_s$ = 14.925), Pinus rigida ($d_s$ = 7.874) and was the lowest in Platunus orientalis vegetation ($d_s$ = 2.545). Evenness calculated by using d. and $d_{max}$(maximal diversity) was high in Metasequoia glyptostroboides ($E_s$ = 0.714) and Chamaecyparis pisifera vegetation ($E_s$ = 0.624). On the contrary, Quercus mongo/ica vegetation had the lowest value of evenness ($E_s$ = 0.182).

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Nutrient Dynamics in Decomposing Leaf Litter and Litter Production at the Long-Term Ecological Research Site in Mt. Gyebangsan (계방산 장기생태조사지의 낙엽 생산량 및 낙엽 분해에 따른 양분 동태)

  • Lee, Im-Kyun;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Kim, Choon-Sig;Kim, Young-Kul
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.585-591
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    • 2006
  • We measured the litterfall quantity and investigated the nutrient dynamics in decomposing litter for three years at the LTER sites installed in a deciduous broadleaf natural forest in Mt. Gyebangsan, South Korea. Litterfall production was significantly different among the sampling dates, whereas it was not significantly different among the years. The total annual mean litterfall production for three years was 6,593 kg $ha^{-1}$ $yr^{-1}$ and leaf litter accounted for 82.6% of the litterfall. The leaf litter quantity was highest in Quercus mongolia, followed by leaf of other species, Betula schmidtii, Kaplopanax pictus, Acer pseudo-sieboldianum, etc., which are dominant tree species in the site. The mass loss from the decomposition of leaf litter was fastest in Cortinus controversa (100%), followed by A. preudo-sieboldianum, K. pictus, and B. schmidtii. 100% of litter for C. controversa, 96.1% for A. pseudo-sieboldianum, 92.8% for K. pictus decomposed, while 66.2% of litter for Q. mongolia decayed for 1,003 days. The lower rate of the mass loss in the litter of Q. mongolia may be attributed to the difference in substrate quality, such as lower nutrient concentrations compared with those of other tree species. The concentrations of N, P, and Ca for five litter types increased over time, while the concentrations of K and Mg decreased over time. Compared with the nutrients in the litter of Q. mongolia, the nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) in the litter of other species, C. controversa, A. pseudo-sieboldianum, and K. pictus, were released more rapidly. The results showed that the mass loss and the nutrient dynamics in the litter are variable depending on the tree species even in the same site conditions.

Distribution Characteristics and Dynamics of the Lindera sericea Population at Mt. Mudeung, Mt. Cheonbong and Mt. Chogye (무등산, 천봉산 및 조계산에서 털조장나무 개체군의 분포특성과 동태)

  • Lim, Dong-ok;Choi, Dea-hun;Yun, Hong-gyun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.570-579
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    • 2015
  • Lindera sericea, which belongs to genus Lindera in the Lauraceae family, is labeled under Least Concerned (LC) among Korean rare plants, floristics specific species IV grade and also flagpole species of the Mudeung National Park. It is distributed in Mt. Mudeung, Mt. Cheonbong and Mt. Chogye within gradients from $12^{\circ}$ to $51^{\circ}$. The slope area is from northeast to northwest sides and the altitude range of distribution site is between 220 m and 533 m. The vascular plants in the quadrate where Lindera sericea were studied were identified as a total of 72 taxa; 37 families, 54 genera, 66 species, 5 variants and 1 forma. Among the floristics specific species, IV grade species was Lindera sericea and III grade species were Stewartia pseudocamellia and Acer palmatum. Korean endemic species were Stewartia pseudocamellia and Carex okamotoi. As for the vegetation group, Quercus mongolica and Q. serratak - Lindera sericea, Styrax japonicus populations were found in Mt. Mudeung area where Lindera sericea appeared, Stewartia pseudocamellia-Lindera sericea and Sasa borealis populations were found in Mt. Cheonbong areas, Carpinus laxiflora - Lindera sericea and Sasa borealis populations were found in Mt. Chogye area, and Stewartia pseudocamellia-Lindera sericea and Sasa borealis populations were found in Songgwangsa area. A total number of 662 Lindera sericea individuals were examined. The number of trees with 1 trunk including younger individuals was 353 (53.32%), and the number of trees with 2 to 5 stems was 270 (40.79%). The number of trees with the greatest number of sprouts was 27. Of 662 trees in total, the total number of sprouts was 1,198. Among these, 699 trees (58.34%) were between 50 cm and 150 cm in height. The tallest tree was 585 cm. The most common root-collar diameter of sprouts (992, 82.81%) was under 1 cm, followed by the sprouts with collar diameter from 1.0 to 1.5 cm(156, 13.2%). Among them, the largest root-collar diameter was 3.2 cm. This Lindera sericea specimen had the tallest trunk (565 cm) which was torn lengthwise on one side. Its root and breast parts were decayed by 50% and 25 respectively. Some branches of the three trunks that were more than 4 m in length were dead in the apical portion. Therefore, it is proposed that the Korean Lindera sericea maintains an apical dominance tree type while showing morphological adaptation as a typical shrub because it autonomously decays some branches and trunks over a certain height while increasing the number of its sprouts.

Moor Vegetation of Mt. Shinbul in Yangsan (양산 신불산의 습원 식생)

  • Kim, Jong-Won;Han, Seung-Uk
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2005
  • This study emphasizes syntaxonomy and syndynamics of intermediate (Zwischen) moor (area: 14,000 $m^2$) at Mt. Shinbul in Yangsan, southeastern Korean Peninsula. A total of 105 vascular plant species including 26 monitor-species were recorded. Analysis by the $Z\"{u}rich$-Montpellier School's method distinguished eight vegetation units: Eleocharitis-Blyxetum echinospermae ass. nov., Eriocaulon sikokianum-Utricularia racemosa community, Eleocharis wichurai-Molinia japonica community, Platanthero-Molinietum japonicas, Miscanthus sinensis for. purpurascens community, Tripterygium regelii community, Symplocos chinensis-Quercus mongolica community, Symplocos chinensis-Quercus dentata community. PCoA (Principal Coordinates Analysis) shows that vegetation changes and distributional aspects are associated with both moisture condition and sunlight on the ground layer and soil nutrient level (mesotrophic to oligotrophic). Most important to Molinietea japonicas being representative intermediate moor vegetation at the southeasternmost fringe of the Korean Peninsula is the local cooling effect by mountainous cloud and mist zone resulting in shorter and wetter growing season. The Yangsan moor vegetation was compared with earlier descriptions of related Mujechi moor from anthropogenic and natural moor vegetations.

Studies on the Woody Vegetation in the Edge of Natural River for Ecological Restoration in Korea (하천의 생태적 복원을 위한 자연하천변의 목본성 식물군락에 대한 연구)

  • Bang, Je-Yong;Hu, Un-Bok;Kim, Hyea-Ju;You, Young-Han
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.124-129
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    • 2015
  • In order to get as ecological basic data for river restoration, vegetation investigation was conducted in natural river and analysed it synecological methods, such as ordination cluster. 29 plant communities units were identified and the major dominant plant communites were Quercus mongolica community, Pinus densiflora community, Populus davidiana community, Q. variabilis community and Prunus sargentii community. River vegetations were classified into ravine and gorge forest type and riverine softwood forest type. Ravine and gorge forest was dominanted by hardwood which located in steep slope and in high elevation, and riverine softwood forest by softwood, salix spp. Naturality was an important criterion for the selection of rivers, so many of the selected rivers are located in the upper stream and mid stream rather than the lower stream, where more human intervention is involved. Plant communities were consisted of hardwood forest(44 plots, 92%) and softwood forest(4 plot, 8%), respectively. PCA with total layer data showed 5 groups of communities: Q. mongolica community group, Prunus sargentii community group, Pinus densiflora community group, Prunus sargentii community - Pinus densiflora community group and the rest communities group. PCA with tree layer showed 3 groups: Q. mongolica community group, Prunus sargentii community group, and the rest community group. Cluster analysis also a showed a similar communities group to PCA ordination, but Magnolia sieboldii community and Prunus sargentii community were distinguished from the PCA result. From the result, it can be concluded that the plant communities of riparian be divided into hardwood and softwood forest by statistical techniques. It was appropriate to plant species such as Quercus mongolica, Pinus densiflora, Populus davidiana, Quercus variabilis and Prunus sargentii, at levee zone and high water level. And Sliax spp. were appropriate for planted plants at waterfront and low water level. The herb species to be planted on the floodplain were recommanded in the species composition co-occurred with the woody species.

Phytosociological Study of the Oak (Quercus spp.) Forests on Mts. Kaya, Bisul, Unmun and Kaji in Southern Kyongpook Province (경상북도 남부 가야산, 비슬산, 운문산, 가지산 일대 참나무림의 식물사회학적 연구)

  • Song, Jong-Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2001
  • The present study was undertaken to classify and describe the oak (Quercus spp). forests on Mts. Kaya, Bisul, Unmun and Kaji in southern Kyongpook Province, Korea by using a reciprocal averaging method (RA ordination) and the methodology of the ZM school of phytosociology. A temporary vegetation table was prepared by the RA ordination. The diagnostic species of the Quercus forests derived from the ordination were compared with the characteristic and differential species of the existing phytosociological vegetation units of the other mountainous areas of Korea. As a result, the forest vegetation was classified into the next vegetation units: Fagetea crenatae Miyawaki et al. 1968; Acero-Quercetalia mongolicae Song 1988; Rhododendro-Qurcion mongolicae Song 1988, 1. Stephanandra incisa-Quercus mongolica community 1-1 Sasa borealis subcommunity, 1-2 Disporum smilacinum subcommunity; Lespedezo-Quercion serratae Takeda et al. 1994, 2. Spodiopogon sibiricus-Quercus serrata community. The Rhododendro-Qurcion mongolicae and the Lespedezo-Quercion serratae correspond to the cool-temperate forests of the northern type and the southen type (Honda 1922), respectively, in the Korean Peninsula. Also some phytosociological problems in Korea were discussed here in detail from the floristic viewpoint in the present study.

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