• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식재 구조

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Distributional Characteristics and Population Substantiality of Viola mirabilis L.; Rear edge Population in Korea (한국이 후방가장자리 개체군인 넓은잎제비꽃(Viola mirabilis L.)의 분포특성과 지속가능성)

  • Chae, Hyun-Hee;Kim, Young-Chul;An, Won-Gyeong;Kwak, Myoung-Hai;Nam, Gi-Heum;Lee, Kyu-Song
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.422-439
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    • 2019
  • The rear edge population is considered to have low genetic diversity and high risk of extinction according to a highly isolated distribution. However, the rear edge population is observed to have persisted for an extended period despite the low genetic diversity. As such, it is necessary to understand the ecological process involved in the persistence of the population. Viola mirabilis L. in Korea is considered the rear edge population from the perspective of the worldwide distribution. We surveyed the distribution range of V. mirabilis, which shows the isolated distribution in the central area of Korea, to find out the factors of its persistence. Next, we investigated and accessed the vegetational pattern of habitats, soil environment, phenology, self-compatibility, population structure, and extinction risk factors observed in the distribution area. V. mirabilis was distributed in the understory of the deciduous forest, planted forest of the deciduous conifer and deciduous broad-leaved trees, shrubland, and grassland in the limestone area. We also observed the re-establishment of seedlings in the population, and most of them showed a stable population structure. For chasmogamous flowers, the visit by pollinators has a significantly positive relationship with the production of fruits. However, we found that the production of the cleistogamous flowers was more numerous in all studied populations and that only the cleistogamous flowers were produced despite a more substantial plant size in some populations. The plant size was more related to the production of the cleistogamous flowers than that of the chasmogamous flowers. Accordingly, the cleistogamous flowers significantly contributed to seedling recruitment in the population. We found that the production of the chasmogamous flowers and the cleistogamous flowers did not have a correlation with the factors of the soil analysis except for phosphoric acid. V. mirabilis showed the self-incompatibility characteristics most likely due to the production capability of the cleistogamous flowers. Potential extinction risk factors observed in the distribution area was included the development of limestone mine, the expansion of agricultural fields, and the construction of houses. Although V. mirabilis showed an isolated distribution in the limestone area in the Korean peninsula, it showed a diverse distribution in a wide habitat environment ranging from the grassland to the understory of the trees with relatively low canopy closure rate. Moreover, we concluded that the persistence of the population was possible if we can maintain the current state of multiple populations and stable population structure.

Fundamental Economic Feasibility Analysis on the Transition of Production Structure for a Forest Village in LAO PDR (라오스 산촌마을의 생산구조전환을 위한 투자 경제성 기초 분석)

  • Lee, Bohwe;Kim, Sebin;Lee, Joon-Woo;Rhee, Hakjun;Lee, Sangjin;Lee, Joong-goo;Baek, Woongi;Park, Bum-Jin;Koo, Seungmo
    • The Journal of the Korean Institute of Forest Recreation
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes the economic feasibility on the transition of production structure to increase income for a local forest village in Laos PDR. The study area was the Nongboua village in Sangthong district where the primary product is rice from rice paddy. Possible strategies were considered to increase the villagers' revenue, and Noni (Morinda citrifolia) was production in the short-term. We assumed that the project period was for 20 years for the analysis, and a total of 1,100 Noni tree was planted in 1 ha by $3m{\times}3m$ spacing. This study classified basic scenario one, scenario two, scenario three by the survival rate and purchase pirce of Noni. Generally Noni grows well. However, the seedlings' average survival rate (= production volume) was set up conservatively in this study to consider potential risks such as no production experience of Noni and tree disease. The scenario one assumed that the survival rate of Noni seedlings was 50% for 0-1 years, 60% for 0-2 years, and 70% for 3-20 years; the scenario two, 10% less, i.e., 40%, 50%, and 60%; and the scenario three, 10% less, i.e., 40%, 50%, 60% and purchase price 10% less, i.e., $0.29 to $0.26, respectively. Our analysis showed that all 3 scenarios resulted in economically-feasible IRR (internal rate of return) of 24.81%, 19.02%, and 16.30% of with a discounting rate of 10%. The B/C (benefit/cost) ratio for a unit area (1ha) was also analyzed for the three scenarios with a discounting rate of 10%, resutling in the B/C ratio of 1.71, 1.47, and 1.31. The study results showed that the Nongboua village would have a good opportunity to improve its low-income structure through planting and managing alternative crops such as Noni. Also the results can be used as useful decision-making information at a preliminary analysis level for planning other government and public investment projects for the Nonboua village.

A Study of Visualization and Analysis Method about Plants Social Network Used for Planting Design - Focusing on Forest Vegetation Area in Busan Metropolitan City - (식재설계에 활용 가능한 식물사회네트워크 시각화 및 분석 방법에 관한 연구 - 부산광역시 산림식생지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Cheol;Choi, Song-Hyun;Cho, Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.259-270
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    • 2020
  • Plants Social Network (PSN) was first used in recent studies to incorporate the plant sociology methods for the understanding of plant society with the social network analysis methods that have recently attracted attention in the social science and visualize and analyze a PSN. The process of construction and analysis on PSN proceeds in the order of setting up the survey area, investigating the appearance plants species on plots of 100㎡, analyzing the interspecific association, building the sociogram, and analyzing the network structure and centrality. This study established a PSN by investigating the appearance species after installing 708 plots to include various dominant vegetational physiognomies in Busan Metropolitan City, where coastal and inland vegetation could be observed simultaneously. The survey found a total of 195 species, including 42 species of evergreen, 151 species of deciduous trees, and 2 species of semi-evergreen trees. The interspecies binding analysis was performed with the focus on the total number of species. It showed the number of friendly species in the order of Eurya japonica (47 species), Trachelospermum asiaticum (46 species), Linder glauca (44 species), Sorbus alnifolia (44 species), and Ligustrum japonicum (41 species). Based on it, we generated a sociogram using Gephi 0.9.2 program. The sociogram was divided into groups that appeared mostly on the coast and those that did not, reflecting the geographical distribution characteristics of forest vegetation in Busan. The analysis of the network structured showed 1,709 links and an average of 17.5 species having interspecies binding with a species. The density was 0.09, the diameter was 5, and the average path distance was 2.268. We concluded that various PSNs should be established in the future for precise comparative analysis of network characteristics in the social science field. In the PSN of Busan Metropolitan City, Eurya japonica, Linder glauca, Ligustrum japonicum, and Trachelospermum asiaticum showed high centrality.

Rootzone Profile, Trickle Irrigation System and Turfgrass Species for Roof Turf Garden (옥상녹화에 적합한 지반, 점적 관수 및 잔디 선정)

  • 이재필;한인송;주영규;윤원종;정종일;장진혁;김두환
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to find out suitable rootzone profile, irrigation system, and turfgrass species for roof turf garden. Treatments of profile with soil amendment were Mixture I: Perlite(PL)60%+Vermiculite(VC)20%+Peatmoss(PM)20%, Mixture II: PL60%+VC 10%+PM20%+Sand(SD)10%, Mixture III: PL60%+VC20%+PM20% and Mixture IV: PL60%+VC10%+PM20%+SD10%+Styrofoam 5cm as a drain layer. To test trickle irrigation for roof garden, intervals of main pipe spacing(50cm, 100cm) and drop hole distance(15, 20, 30, 50 and 100cm)were treated, To select most suitable turfgrass species or mixture, Bermudagrass 'Konwoo', Zoysiagrass 'Konhee' and cool-season grass(Kentucky Bluegrass 80% + Perennial Ryegrass 20%, Tall Fescue 30% + KB50% + PR 20%)were tested. In particle size analysis, the soil amendments Perlite and vermiculite showed very even distribution, however, peatmoss contained mostly coarse particles with fiber over $\Phi$ 4.75mm. Under field moisture condition, vermiculite and peatmoss showed 350% water holding capacity, on the other hand, sand or Perlite showed 115% and 166%, respectively. Total weight of soil profile was 139.2kg/$m^2$ with Styrofoam drain layer without sand, which showed most lightest among treatments. Turf quality also resulted positve with Styrofoam drain layer installation. On trickle irrigation system, the proper interval of main drain pipe spacing and drop hole distance were 50cm and 50cm, respectively, In irrigation frequency, once per a day for 15 minute irrigation with 2 1/hr showed the best results on turf quality. Among turfgrass species or cool season grass mixture, warm season turfgrass fine leaf type zoysiagrass 'Konhee' and Bermudagrass 'Konwoo' showed very acceptable result on all over the treatments of rootzone and irrigation system. To apply cool season grasses for the roof garden, advanced researches may be needed to establish the proper soil amendment, rootzone profile, and irrigation system, Application of Bermudagrass 'Konwoo' for roof turf garden also needs successive tests to overcome winter injuries.

Effects of Salinity Level and Irrigation Rate on Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) Growth and Salt Accumulation in Sand Growing Media Established Over the Reclaimed Saline Soil (염해지 토양을 기반으로 조성된 모래 지반구조에서 관수용수의 량 및 염농도에 따른 토양내 염류 집적과 켄터키 블루그래스의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Rahayu, Rahayu;Yang, Geun-Mo;Choi, Joon-Soo
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain information on rates and salinity levels of irrigation for growth of Kentucky bluegrass by minimizing the hazard of salt accumulation in the sand based growing medium. Root zone profile consists of 20 cm sand based top soil, 20 cm of coarse sand as layer to interrupt capillary rise and 10 cm of reclaimed paddy soil as a base of the root zone profile. Topsoil was a mixture of dredged sand and peat with a ratio of 95%: 5% by volume. The columns were soaked into 5 cm depth saline water reservoir with salinity level of 3-5 $dSm^{-1}$. Salinity levels of irrigation water were 0, 2 and 3 $dSm^{-1}$. Irrigation rates were 3.8, 5.7 and 7.6 mm $day^{-1}$ which were equivalent to 70%, 100% and 130% of average ET (evapotranspiration) rate of Kentucky bluegrass, and irrigation interval was 3 days. Salt accumulation was due to irrigated water and moved up water from shallow water base. At the end of second year, the accumulation of salt in the rootzone showed ECc of3.86, 4.7 and 5.1 $dSm^{-1}$, and SAR of 19.2, 23.9 and 27.5 when the salinities were 0, 2 and 3 dS $m^{-1}$, respectively. Irrigation rates of 100% and 130% of ET rate with saline water did not decrease ECe and SAR in growing media. The growth of KEG was influenced by irrigation rate in the $1^{st}$ year, however, salinity level was more critical in the $2^{nd}$ year. Compared to non-saline water, saline water of 2 and 3 dS $m^{-1}$ resulted in decreased visual quality by 3.2% and 16.5%, by 6.4% and 39.3% in clipping weight, and by 5.5% and 5.0% in root mass, respectively.

Effects of Several Amendment Materials on Salt Accumulation and Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) Growth in Sand Growing Media Established Over the Reclaimed Saline Soil (염해지 토양을 기반으로 조성된 모래 지반구조에서 토양개량제 종류에 따른 토양내 염류 집적과 켄터키 블루그래스(Poa pratensis L.)의 생육)

  • Rahayu, Rahayu;Yang, Geun-Mo;Choi, Joon-Soo
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.208-216
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to find soil-amendment materials those support the growth of Kentucky bluegrass and reduce salt accumulation at the sand based growing media in saline conditions. Rootzone profile in columns consisted of 20 cm of top soil, 20 cm coarse sand as capillary rise interruption layer and 10 cm reclaimed paddy soil as the base of the profile. Top soils were mixtures of dredged sand (DS) and amendment with compositions of 90% sand + 10% peat moss (SP), 80% sand + 10% soil + 10% bottom ash (SSoBa), 80% sand + 20% soil (SSo), 90% sand + 5% peat + 5% zeolite (SPZ), and 80% sand + 20% bottom ash (SBa). The top soil mixtures of DS and amendments were treated with and without gypsum (Gp). The columns were soaked into 5 cm depth saline water reservoir with the salinity level of $3-5dSm^{-1}$. Irrigation of $2dSm^{-1}$ saline water with rate of $5.7mm\;day^{-1}$ was applied by 3 day interval. Application of zeolite decreased SAR, application of gypsum decreased ECe of the sand amended by peat + zeolite and decreased the SAR of sand amended by bottom ash. The SP and SSoGp resulted in higher clipping dry weight of Kentucky bluegrass. The SSoGp and SPZGp showed longer root lengths. The SP and SBaGp showed higher visual quality. Addition of gypsum to soil and bottom ash treatments resulted in the increased shoot growth, whereas additional gypsum to the treatments of peat, soil and zeolite increased the root growth of Kentucky bluegrass.

Forest Vegetation and Soil Environment on Mt. Paekun (백운산의 삼림식생과 토양환경)

  • 이호준;배병호;정흥락;전영문;홍문표
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 1999
  • The relationship between floristic composition and soil environmental conditions was investigated in the forest vegetation of Mt. Paekun. The forest vegetation unit of Mt. Paekun was divided into six plant communities by Zurich-Montpellier method, such as Quercus mongelica community (Typical subcommunity, Rhododendron schlippenbaohii subcommunity), Q. variabilis community, Fraxinus rhynchophylla community, Pinus densiflora community, Larix Eeptolepis community and Pinus koraiensis community. Q. mongolica community group was distributed at the altitude over 500 meter, Q. variabilis and P. densiflora communities appeared on the southwestern slope at the altitudes of 600 ~ 700 m and 290 ~ 700 m. However, L. leptolepis and P. koraiensis plantation were distributed at lower altitude, on hillside or around homestead. The DBH class distribution of dominant species in each community showed that Q. mongolica had 10.9 individuals/a at 6~10 cm class, Q. variabilis 2.5 individuals/a at 11~15 cm class, P. densiflora 1.8 individuals/a at 26~30 cm class, F. rhynchophylla 3.3 individuals/a at 2~5 cm class, and L. leptolepis 5.9 individuals/a at 11~ 15 cm class. Q. mongolica and Q. variabilis communities showed a stable bell-shaped pattern of distribution. The contents of organic matters and soil water, and cation exchange capacity of the soil increased, and the pH decreased as the altitude gets higher increased altitude at the each communities. The contents of the soil water and organic matters of the forest soil collected in Q. mongolica community were in the 17.81% to 51.20% and 5.51% to 14.90%, respectively. These tendency is similar to the contents of N, P and K, but those of Ca, Mg, and CEC was lower than in other communities. Cation exchange capacity was suspected to be correlated to the pH. The hypothetical successional sere of the forest vegetation of Mt. Paekun is as follows: Pinus densiflora community longrightarrowQ. variabilis community longrightarrowQ. mongolica community.

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Outdoor Landscape Design Proposal for a Resort using the Baekje Traditional Garden as a Theme (백제정원을 주제로 한 리조트 외부 공간 계획)

  • Kim, Yun-Geum;Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Kim, Young-Mo;Chin, Yang-Kyo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2011
  • This study concerns the Baekje Traditional Garden, one of the open spaces in the Lotte Resort in the Baekje Historical Reappearance Complex, which is part of the comprehensive plan for specific areas in the Baekje cultural area. The Baekje Traditional Garden has historic value, and its excellent garden style influenced the ancient Japanese gardens. This study dealt with three issues: (1) The context in which Lotte Buyeo Resort accepted the Baekje Traditional Garden, particularly the background and process of such; (2) The original form of the Baekje Traditional Garden; and (3) How the Baekje Traditional Garden should be represented in the open space of the resort. Representation is accomplished in two ways: using the structure of the original garden and in the borrowing of elements. For representation using the structure of the original garden, Imrugak was used as the main entrance space, and Wolsunjung was represented from the Ganbuklee remains. In the rear garden are wave watercourses and other garden facilities of the Wanggungri site in Iksan. Borrowing of elements, on the other hand, was accomplished in the plant plan and detailed development. In addition, mountaintops (three mountains and five mountain summits), a clean stream between mountains, and a pine forest are visualized in the garden. This is the representative landscape of the Taoist hermit world that appeared in the Baekje Gilt Bronze Incense Burner and Landscape pattern. The significance of this study is twofold. First, the Baekje Traditional Garden is a fresh trail because there has been no previous research concerning it. Second, while past research concerning traditional spaces focused on the results of representation, this study focused on the process of representation. This means that this research work tried to extend the study concerning the representation of traditional spaces from the conceptual to the practical approach. This study, however, also has its limitations. The authenticity of the representation suggested in this study may be questioned later because efforts have been made to preserve the original Baekje Traditional Garden. In addition, this study should seek a balance between authenticity on one hand and amusement and diversity of experience on the other, because the site is a resort.

Vegetation Structure and Growth Characteristics of Cryptomeria japonica(Thunb. ex L.f.) D.Don Plantations in the Southern Region of Korea (남부권역 삼나무조림지의 식생구조와 생장특성에 관한연구)

  • Park, Joon hyung;Lee, Kwang Soo;Ju, Nam Gyu;Kang, Young Je;Ryu, Suk Bong;Yoo, Byung Oh;Park, Yong Bae;kim, Hyung Ho;Jung, Su Young
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to establish the optimum forest management plan for the Cryptomeria japonica plantations in southern inland and Jeju island in Korea. Sixty seven circular sample plots of 0.04ha were established and we surveyed vegetation structure and growth characteristics from three layers(upper, middle, and lower). As a result of cluster analysis obtained by importance values of each tree species, the community type of C. japonica stands were classified into C. japonica group(C1) and C. japonica-C obtusa group. C. obtusa community were also sbudivided into P. thunbergii-Q. serrata group(C2) and Q. serrata-C obtusa group(C3). In tree layers importance value(IV) of C. japonica were 97.2% in C1, 80.7% in C2, and 47.6% in C3 and in sub-tree layers IV were 8.9% in C1, 15.2% in C2, and 5.7% in C3. Especially in C3 there are bamboo species (Smilacina japonica var. lutecarpa and Pseudosasa japonica) it is necessary for us to control them. In shrub layers C. japonica were found in C1(9.2%) and C2(7.0%), but except for C3. In tree layer species diversity indices of each community ranged from the lowest 0.059 in C1 to the highest 0.548 in C3. Dominance ranged from 0.958 in C1 to 0.393 in C3 which may caused by interspecific competition. Current annual increment of diameter growth ranged from 7.01mm/yr to 8.04mm/yr. As a result of our study we recommend the application of proper thinning and pruning for C1 and C2.

Vegetation Characteristics in Cheongwansan Provincial Park (천관산도립공원의 식생 특성)

  • Ji-Woo Kang;Hyun-Mi Kang
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to understand the vegetation characteristics of Cheongwansan Provincial Park through the analysis of the plant community structure and to build data necessary for the continuous management and protection of Cheongwansan Provincial Park. The TWINSPAN and DCS analyses of the plant community structure of 63 survey districts in Cheongwansan Provincial Park identified eight colonies, including Cryptomeria japonica Community (I), Chamaecyparis obtusa-Pinus densiflora Commuity (II), P. rigida-P. densiflora Community (III), mixed coniferous and broad-leaved Community (IV), P. densiflora Community (V), deciduous broad-leaved such as Quercus spp. Community (VI), Q. mongolica-P. densiflora Community (VII) and P. thunbergii Community (VIII). The colonies can be grouped into afforestation communities (I, II, and III) dominated by C. obtusa, C. japonica, and P. rigida and natural forest communities (IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII) dominated by native species. Although Cheongwansan Provincial Park is a provincial park area that can represent natural ecosystems and landscapes, the rate of artificial forests is higher than that of other provincial parks. Most of the artificial forest communities are expected to maintain their current state, but since native species such as Machilus thunbergii, Neolitsea sericea, and deciduous broad-leaved, which are warm-temperate trees introduced through surrounding natural forests, appear in the lower layer, it is determined that it is possible to induce succession to natural forests suitable for climatic characteristics through management, and monitoring for continuous management is also necessary. Deciduous broad-leaved such as Quercus spp. Copete with P. densiflora in most natural forest communities. The vegetation series in the warm-temperate region of Korea appears to be in the early stages, and it is believed that the succession to Q. serrata or Q. mongolica, which appears next to coniferous in the series, is in progress. However, M. thunbergii and N. sericea, which appear in the middle stage of the succession in the warm-temperate region, have started to appear, and since Jangheung-gun belongs to the warm-temperate region considering the climate characteristics, the eventual succession to the warm-temperate forests dominated by evergreen broad-leaved is also expected. In this study, we built vegetation data from Cheongwansan Provincial Park, which lacks research on vegetation. However, since vegetation research in Cheongwansan Provincial Park is still insufficient, it is believed that further research should be continuously conducted to establish forest vegetation data and observe vegetation changes.