• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식세포

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Improved Recombinant ,$\beta$-Galactosidase Production Using Medium Additives at AcNPV Infection of Insect Cells in Batch and Continuous Two-Stage Bioreactors (회분식과 연속식 2단계 생물반응기에서 AcNPV의 곤충세포에의 감염시 배지 첨가물을 이용한 재조합 $\beta$-Galactosidase 생산의 증진)

  • 김지선;이기웅
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.294-298
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    • 1994
  • The medium additives such as CaCl2, glucose, fructose, glutamine, glutamate and lipids were examined to enhance recombinant ${\beta}$-galactosldase(${\beta}$-gal) production in batch and continuous two-stage bioreactor systems. The presence of each medium additive such as CaCl2, fructose, glutamate, cholesterol and tocopherol at AcNPV infection of Sf 21 cells had an effect on improved ${\beta}$-gal production. The recombinant ${\beta}$-gal production using the infection media supplemented with a mixture of 30mM $CaCl_2$, 2.2mM fructose, 4.1mM glutamate and 0.34mM cholesterol was increased by about 40%.

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제3세대 백금착체 항암제 신약개발 4. Mutagenicity study of SKI 2053R

  • 하광원;장성재;오혜영;정해관;허옥순;손수정;한의식;김노경
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1993.04a
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    • pp.162-162
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    • 1993
  • 제 3세대 platinum complex인 SKI 2053R에 의한 Salmonella typhimurium의 복귀변이빈도, CHL세포(Chinese Hamster Lung)에 대한 염색체이상 유발율 및 ddY계 마우스에서의 골수분화세포에 대한 염색체이상유발로 기인한 소핵의 빈도수를 관찰하여 SKI 2053R의 유전독성을 평가하였다. Salmonella typhimurium를 이용한 복귀돌연변이시험에서 SKI 2053R은 매우 경미한 정도의 돌연변이 유발성을 가지는 것으로 판단되며, 균주 특이적 돌연변이 유발성으로 보아 염기쌍치환형의 돌연변이를 유발하는 것으로 사료되며 포유류배양세포를 이용한 염색체이상실험에서 대사 활성 부재 및 존재하의 모든 시험 농도에서 10% 이상의 염색체이상을 가진 세포가 관찰되었으며 염색체 상의 종류로는 염색분체형 교환 (cse)이 가장 많이 관찰되었다. 설치류를 이용한 소헥시험에서는 ddY계 마우스 골수세포의 분화과정에서 염색체이상을 유발하며, 다염성적혈구의 정염성적혈구에 대한 출현비율이 감소하는 결과로 볼때 방추체기능의 저해를 일으키는 것으로 판단된다. 그러므로 본 시험조건데 있어서 SKI 2053R은 소핵을 유발하는 물질로 결론지었다.

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Morphology and Histochemical Characteristics of the Alimentary Tract in Surfperch, Ditrema temmincki (망상어, Ditrema temmincki 소화관(消化管)의 형태(形態).조직화학적(組織化學的) 특징(特徵))

  • Lee, Jung-Sick;Chin, Pyung
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.140-149
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    • 1995
  • Morphology and histochemical characteristics of the alimentary tract in surfperch, Ditrema temmincki were investigated by histological observation. The relative length of gut(RLG) in surfperch, that is the postpharyngeal portion of the alimentary tract, is about 0.89 to standard length. The absence of a stomach, which is the part of expantion of the alimentary tract between esophageal end and the entrance of the bile duct into the intestine, was observed. The alimentary tract is divided into the esophagus, esophageal-intestine part, anterior intestine, mid intestine, posterior intestine, intestinorectum part, rectum, rectal-anus part, and anus by morphology and histochemical features. Morphology of mucosal folds is the most complexity in the rectum and the tunica muscularis of the esophagus and anus is more advanced than those of other parts. The epithelial layers of mucosal folds consist of columnar epithelium except for cuboidal cells of the anterior part of the esophagus. The goblet cells and polysaccharide absorptive cells were observed in the alimentary tract. Nutritive polysaccharide is mainly absorbed by the absorptive cells in the posterior intestine of the surfperch.

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Controlled Fed-Batch Cultivation of Escherichia coli Mutant for L-Tryptophan Production (대장균 변이주의 조절식 유가배양법에 의한 L-트립토판 생산)

  • Lee, In-Young;Kim, Myung-Kuk;Kho, Yung-Hee;Kwak, Moo-Young;Lee, Hosull;Lee, Sun-Bok
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.450-456
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    • 1988
  • For optimal production of L-tryptophan using a regulatory mutant of Escherichia coli the relationship between product formation and acid production was investigated. Experimental results showed that the production level of L-tryptophan was lowered as the specific acid production rate increased. In order to reduce the amount of acid produced during the fermentation, a controlled fed-batch fermentation was employed. In this fed-batch process, the feed rate of the nutrient feed medium was controlled in relation to the oxygen level in the culture and thus the growth of the cells was regulated in such n way that the oxygen demand of the culture could not exceed the oxygen sup-ply. When E. coli cells were cultivated in a controlled fed-batch mode of tormentor operation, the specific acid production rate was significantly reduced and L-tryptophan production was increased as much as five times that obtained in a conventional fed-batch fermentation.

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Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphate and Cell Immobilization on Taxol Production from Cell Cultures of Taxus cuspidata (주목 (Taxus cuspidata) 세포배양에서 질소원, 인산, 세포고정화가 Taxol 생산에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jong-Hwa;Chung, In-Sik
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.308-312
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    • 1995
  • The effects of nitrogen, phosphate in modified B5 medium and cell immobilization on cell growth and taxol production were investigated using cell cultures of Taxus cuspidata. The ratio of nitrate to ammonium was found to be an important parameter. The ratio of 1 increased taxol production 10-fold, compared to the original ratio of 20 in modified B5 medium. Reducing phosphate concentration inhibited cell growth, but increased taxol production noticeably. Immobilized cells produced a taxol concentration of ${\sim}120\;g/l$

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Ultrastructure and Histochemistry on the Integumentary System of the Stone Flounder, Kareius bicoloratus (Teleostei: Pleuronectidae) (돌가자미 (Kareius bicoloratus) 피부계의 미세구조 및 조직화학)

  • Lee, Jung-Sick;Jin, Young-Guk
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.325-331
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    • 2001
  • Integumentary structures of the stone flounder, Karefus bicoloratus were examined by means of the light and transmission electron microscopy. Stratified epidermal layer consists of supporting cells, unicellular glands and granular cells. The epidermal layer could be classified into superficial, intermediated and basal layer by morphology and structure of the supporting cells . The cytoplasm of supporting cells is divided into cortex and medullar part. In the cortex microfilaments are well developed. Mucous cells of unicellular gland were observed in the superficial and intermediated layer of the epidermis. The mucous materials were identified as glycoprotein of neutral and carboxylated mucosubstance by histochemical methods. Club cell has well developed smooth endoplasmic reticula and Golgi complex in the cytoplasm. Granular cells were observed in the intermediated and basal layer, and the cytoplasm is occupied with membrane-bounded granules of electron dense. Three types of pigment cells could be distinguished with electron density of cytoplasmic inclusions. Nerve myelins were observed near the pigment cells.

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