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과학자(科學者)의 정보생산(情報生産) 계속성(繼續性)과 정보유통(情報流通)(2)

  • Garvey, W.D.
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.131-134
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    • 1973
  • 본고(本稿)시리이즈의 제1보(第一報)에서 우리는 물리(物理), 사회과학(社會科學) 및 공학분야(工學分野)의 12,442명(名)의 과학자(科學者)와 기술자(技術者)에 대한 정보교환활동(情報交換活動)의 78례(例)에 있어서 일반과정(一般過程)과 몇 가지 결과(結果)를 기술(記述)한 바 있다. 4년반(年半) 이상(以上)의 기간(其間)($1966{\sim}1971$)에서 수행(遂行)된 이 연구(硏究)는 현재(現在)의 과학지식(科學知識)의 집성체(集成體)로 과학자(科學者)들이 연구(硏究)를 시작(始作)한 때부터 기록상(記錄上)으로 연구결과(硏究結果)가 취합(聚合)될 때까지 각종(各種) 정형(定形), 비정형(非定形) 매체(媒體)를 통한 유통정보(流通情報)의 전파(傳播)와 동화(同化)에 대한 포괄적(包括的)인 도식(圖式)으로 표시(表示)할 수 있도록 설정(設定)하고 또 시행(施行)되었다. 2보(二報), 3보(三報), 4보(四報)에서는 데이터 뱅크에 수집(蒐集) 및 축적(蓄積)된 데이터의 일반적(一般的)인 기술(記述)을 적시(摘示)하였다. (1) 과학(科學)과 기술(技術)의 정보유통(情報流通)에 있어서 국가적(國家的) 회합(會合)의 역할(役割)(Garvey; 4보(報)) 국가적(國家的) 회합(會合)은 투고(投稿)와 이로 인한 잡지중(雜誌中) 게재간(揭載間)의 상대적(相對的)인 오랜 기간(期間)동안 이러한 연구(硏究)가 공개매체(公開媒體)로 인하여 일시적(一時的)이나마 게재여부(揭載如否)의 불명료성(不明瞭性)을 초래(招來)하기 전(前)에 과학연구(科學硏究)의 초기전파(初期傳播)를 위하여 먼저 행한 주요(主要) 사례(事例)와 마지막의 비정형매체(非定形媒體)의 양자(兩者)를 항상 조직화(組織化)하여 주는 전체적(全體的)인 유통과정(流通過程)에 있어서 명확(明確)하고도 중요(重要)한 기능(機能)을 갖는다는 것을 알 수 있었다. (2) 잡지(雜誌)에 게재(揭載)된 정보(情報)의 생산(生産)과 관련(關聯)되는 정보(情報)의 전파과정(傳播過程)(Garvey; 1보(報)). 이 연구(硏究)를 위해서 우리는 정보유통과정(情報流通過程)을 따라 많은 노력(努力)을 하였는데, 여기서 유통과정(流通過程)의 인상적(印象的)인 면목(面目)은 특별(特別)히 연구(硏究)로부터의 정보(情報)는 잡지(雜誌)에 게재(揭載)되기까지 진정으로는 공개적(公開的)이 못된다는 것과 이러한 사실(事實)은 선진연구(先進硏究)가 자주 시대(時代)에 뒤떨어지게 된다는 것을 발견할 수 있었다. 경험(經驗)이 많은 정보(情報)의 수요자(需要者)는 이러한 폐물화(廢物化)에 매우 민감(敏感)하며 자기(自己) 연구(硏究)에 당면한, 진행중(進行中)이거나 최근(最近) 완성(完成)된 연구(硏究)에 대하여 정보(情報)를 얻기 위한 모든 수단(手段)을 발견(發見)코자 하였다. 예를 들어, 이들은 잡지(雜誌)에 보문(報文)을 발표(發表)하기 전(前)에 발생(發生)하는 정보전파과정(情報傳播過程)을 통하여 유루(遺漏)될지도 모르는 정보(情報)를 얻기 위하여 한 잡지(雜誌)나 2차자료(二次資料) 또는 전형적(典型的)으로 이용(利用)되는 다른 잡지류중(雜誌類中)에서 당해정보(當該情報)가 발견(發見)되기를 기다리지 않는다는 것이다. (3) "정보생산 과학자(情報生産 科學者)"에 의한 정보전파(情報傳播)의 계속성(繼續性)(이 연구(硏究) 시리이즈의 결과(結果)는 본고(本稿)의 주내용(主內容)으로 되어 있다.) 1968/1969년(年)부터 1970/1971년(年)의 이년기간(二年期間)동안 보문(報文)을 낸 과학자(科學者)(1968/1969년(年) 잡지중(雜誌中)에 "질이 높은" 보문(報文)을 발표(發表)한)의 약 2/3는 1968/1969의 보문(報文)과 동일(同一)한 대상영역(對象領域)의 연구(硏究)를 계속(繼續) 수행(遂行)하였다. 그래서 우리는 본연구(本硏究)에 오른 대부분(大部分)의 저자(著者)가 정상적(正常的)인 과학(科學), 즉 연구수행중(硏究遂行中) 의문(疑問)에 대한 완전(完全)한 해답(解答)을 얻게 되는 가장 중요(重要)한 추구(追求)로서 Kuhn(제5보(第5報))에 의하여 기술(技術)된 방법(방법)으로 과학(연구)(科學(硏究))을 실행(實行)하였음을 알았다. 최근(最近)에 연구(硏究)를 마치고 그 결과(結果)를 보문(報文)으로서 발표(發表)한 이들 과학자(科學者)들은 다음 단계(段階)로 해야 할 사항(事項)에 대하여 선행(先行)된 동일견해(同一見解)를 가진 다른 연구자(硏究자)들의 연구(硏究)와 대상(對象)에 밀접(密接)하게 관련(關聯)되고 있다. 이 계속성(繼續性)의 효과(效果)에 대한 지표(指標)는 보문(報文)과 동일(同一)한 영역(領域)에서 연구(硏究)를 계속(繼續)한 저자(著者)들의 약 3/4은 선행(先行) 보문(報文)에 기술(技術)된 연구결과(硏究結果)에서 직접적(直接的)으로 새로운 연구(硏究)가 유도(誘導)되었음을 보고(報告)한 사항(事項)에 반영(反映)되어 있다. 그렇지만 우리들의 데이터는 다음 영역(領域)으로 기대(期待)하지 않은 전환(轉換)을 일으킬 수도 있음을 보여주고 있다. 동일(同一) 대상(對象)에서 연구(硏究)를 속행(續行)하였던 저자(著者)들의 1/5 이상(以上)은 뒤에 새로운 영역(領域)으로 연구(硏究)를 전환(轉換)하였고 또한 이 영역(領域)에서 연구(硏究)를 계속(繼續)하였다. 연구영역(硏究領域)의 이러한 변화(變化)는 연구자(硏究者)의 일반(一般) 정보유통(情報流通) 패턴에 크게 변화(變化)를 보이지는 않는다. 즉 새로운 지적(知的) 문제(問題)에 대한 변화(變化)에서 야기(惹起)되는 패턴에 있어서 저자(著者)들은 오래된 문제(問題)의 방법(方法)과 기술(技術)을 새로운 문제(問題)로 맞추려 한다. 과학사(科學史)의 최근(最近) 해석(解釋)(Hanson: 6보(報))에서 예기(豫期)되었던 바와 같이 정상적(正常的)인 과학(科學)의 계속성(繼續性)은 항상 절대적(絶對的)이 아니며 "과학지식(科學知識)"의 첫발자욱은 예전 연구영역(硏究領域)의 대상(對象)에 관계(關係)없이 나타나는 다른 영역(領域)으로 내딛게 될지도 모른다. 우리들의 연구(硏究)에서 저자(著者)의 1/3은 동일(同一) 영역(領域)의 대상(對象)에서 속계적(續繼的)인 연구(硏究)를 수행(遂行)치 않고 새로운 영역(領域)으로 옮아갔다. 우리는 이와 같은 데이터를 (a) 저자(著者)가 각개과학자(各個科學者)의 활동(活動)을 통하여 집중적(集中的)인 과학적(科學的) 노력(努力)을 시험(試驗)할 때 각자(各自)의 연구(硏究)에 대한 많은 양(量)의 계속성(繼續性)이 어떤 진보중(進步中)의 과학분야(科學分野)에서도 나타난다는 것과 (b) 이 계속성(繼續性)은 과학(科學)에 대한 집중적(集中的) 진보(進步)의 필요적(必要的) 특질(特質)이라는 것을 의미한다. 또한 우리는 이 계속성(繼續性)과 관련(關聯)되는 유통문제(流通問題)라는 새로운 대상영역(對象領域)으로 전환(轉換)할 때 연구(硏究)의 각단계(各段階)의 진보(進步)와 새로운 목적(目的)으로 전환시(轉換時) 양자(兩者)가 다 필요(必要)로 하는 각개(各個) 과학자(科學者)의 정보수요(情報需要)를 위한 시간(時間) 소비(消費)라는 것을 탐지(探知)할 수 있다. 이러한 관찰(觀察)은 정보(情報)의 선택제공(選擇提供)시스팀이 현재(現在) 필요(必要)로 하는 정보(情報)의 만족(滿足)을 위하여는 효과적(效果的)으로 매우 융통성(融通性)을 띠어야 한다는 것을 암시(暗示)하는 것이다. 본고(本稿)의 시리이즈에 기술(記述)된 전정보유통(全情報流通) 과정(過程)의 재검토(再檢討) 결과(結果)는 과학자(科學者)들이 항상 그들의 요구(要求)를 조화(調和)시키는 신축성(伸縮性)있는 유통체제(流通體制)를 발전(發展)시켜 왔다는 것을 시사(示唆)해 주고 있다. 이 시스팀은 정보전파(情報傳播) 사항(事項)을 중심(中心)으로 이루어 지며 또한 이 사항(事項)의 대부분(大部分)의 참여자(參與者)는 자기자신(自己自身)이 과학정보(科學情報) 전파자(傳播者)라는 기본적(基本的)인 정보전파체제(情報傳播體制)인 것이다. 그러나 이 과정(過程)의 유통행위(流通行爲)에서 살펴본 바와 같이 우리는 대부분(大部分)의 정보전파자(情報傳播者)가 역시 정보(情報)의 동화자(同化者)-다시 말해서 과학정보(科學情報)의 생산자(生産者)는 정보(情報)의 이용자(利用者)라는 것을 알 수 있다. 이 연구(硏究)에서 전형적(典型的)인 과학자((科學者)는 과학정보(科學情報)의 생산(生産)이나 전파(傳播)의 양자(兩者)에 연속적(連續的)으로 관계(關係)하고 있음을 보았다. 만일(萬一) 연구자(硏究者)가 한 편(編)의 연구(硏究)를 완료(完了)한다면 이 연구자(硏究者)는 다음에 무엇을 할 것이냐 하는 관념(觀念)을 갖게 되고 따라서 "완료(完了)된" 연구(硏究)에 관한 정보(情報)를 이용(利用)하여 동시(同時)에 새로운 일을 시작(始作)하게 된다. 예를 들어, 한 과학자(科學者)가 동일(同一) 영역(領域)의 다른 동료연구자(同僚硏究者)에게 완전(完全)하며 이의(異議)에 방어(防禦)할 수 있는 보고서(報告書)를 제공(提供)할 수 있는 단계(段階)에 도달(到達)하였다면 우리는 이 과학자(科學者)가 정보유통과정(情報流通過程)에서 많은 역할(役割)을 해낼 수 있다는 것을 알 것이다. 즉 이 과학자(科學者)는 다른 과학자(科學者)들에게 최신(最新)의 과학적(科學的) 결과(結果)를 제공(提供)할 때 하나의 과학정보(科學情報) 전파자(傳播者)가 되며, 이 연구(硏究)의 의의(意義)와 타당성(妥當性)에 관한 논평(論評)이나 비평(批評)을 동료(同僚)로부터 구(求)하는 관점(觀點)에서 보면 이 과학자(科學者)는 하나의 정보탐색자(情報探索者)가 된다. 또한 장래(將來)의 이용(利用)을 위하여 증정(贈呈)이나 동화(同化)한 이 정보(情報)로부터 피이드백을 받아 드렸을 때의 범주(範疇)에서 보면 (잡지(雜誌)에 투고(投稿)하기 위하여 원고(原稿)를 작성(作成)하는 경우에 있어서와 같이) 과학자(科學者)는 하나의 정보이용자(情報利用者)가 되고 이러한 모든 가능성(可能性)에서 정보생산자(情報生産者)는 다음 정보생산(情報生産)에 이미 들어가 있다고 볼 수 있다(저자(著者)들의 2/3는 보문(報文)이 게재(揭載)되기 전(前)에 이미 새로운 연구(硏究)를 시작(始作)하였다). 과학자(科學者)가 자기연구(自己硏究)를 마치고 예비보고서(豫備報告書)를 만든 후(後) 자기연구(自己硏究)에 관한 정보(情報)의 전파(傳播)를 계속하게 되는데 이와 관계(關係)되는 일반적(一般的)인 패턴을 보면 소수(少數)의 동료(同僚)그룹에 출석(出席)하는 경우 (예로 지역집담회)(地域集談會))와 대중(大衆) 앞에서 행(行)하는 경우(예로 국가적 회합(國家的 會合)) 등이 있다. 그러는 동안에 다양성(多樣性) 있는 성문보고서(成文報告書)가 이루어진다. 그러나 과학자(科學者)들이 자기연구(自己硏究)를 위한 주정보전파목표(主情報傳播目標)는 과학잡지중(科學雜誌中)에 게재(揭載)되는 보문(報文)이라는 것이 명확(明確)한 사실(事實)인 것이다. 이러한 목표(目標)에 도달(到達)할 때까지의 각(各) 정보전파단계(情報傳播段階)에서 과학자(科學者)들은 목표달성(目標達成)을 위하여 청중(聽衆), 자기동화(自己同化)된 정보(情報) 및 이미 이용(利用)된 정보(情報)로부터 피이드백을 탐색(探索)하게 된다. 우리가 본고(本稿)의 시리이즈중(中)에 표현(表現)하려 했던 바와 같이 이러한 활동(活動)은 조사수임자(調査受任者)의 의견(意見)이 원고(原稿)에 반영(反映)되고 또 그 원고(原稿)가 잡지게재(雜誌揭載)를 위해 수리(受理)될 때까지 계속적(繼續的)으로 정보(情報)를 탐색(探索)하는 과학자(科學者)나 기타(其他)사람들에게 효과적(效果的)이었다. 원고(原稿)가 수리(受理)되면 그 원고(原稿)의 저자(著者)들은 그 보문(報文)의 주내용(主內容)에 대하여 적극적(積極的)인 정보전파자(情報傳播者)로서의 역할(役割)을 종종 중지(中止)하는 일이 있는데 이때에는 저자(著者)들의 역할(役割)이 변화(變化)하는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 즉 이 저자(著者)들은 일시적(一時的)이긴 하나 새로운 일을 착수(着手)하기 위하여 정보(情報)의 동화자(同化者)를 찾게 된다. 또한 전(前)에 행한 일에 대한 의견(意見)이나 비평(批評)이 새로운 일에 영향(影響)을 끼치게 된다. 동시(同時)에 새로운 과학정보생산(科學情報生産) 과정(過程)에 들어가게 되고 현재(現在) 진행중(進行中)이거나 최근(最近) 완료(完了)한 연구(硏究)에 대한 정보(情報)를 항상 찾게 된다. 활발(活潑)한 연구(硏究)를 하는 과학자(科學者)들에게는, 동화자(同化者)로서의 역할(役割)과 전파자(傳播者)로서의 역할(役割)을 분리(分離)시킨다는 것은 실제적(實際的)은 못된다. 즉 후자(後者)를 완성(完成)하기 위해서는 전자(前者)를 이용(利用)하게 된다는 것이다. 과학자(科學者)들은 한 단계(段階)에서 한 전파자(傳播者)로서의 역할(役割)이 뚜렷하나 다른 단계(段階)에서는 정보교환(情報交換)이 기본적(基本的)으로 정보동화(情報同化)에 직결(直結)되고 있는 것이다. 정보전파자(情報傳播者)와 정보동화자간(情報同化者間)의 상호관계(相互關係)(또는 정보생산자(情報生産者)와 정보이용자간(情報利用者間))는 과학(科學)에 있어서 하나의 필수양상(必修樣相)이다. 과학(科學)의 유통구조(流通構造)가 전파자(傳播者)(이용자(利用者)로서의 역할(役割)보다는)의 필요성(必要性)에서 볼 때 복잡(複雜)하고 다이나믹한 시스팀으로 구성(構成)된다는 사실(事實)은 과학(科學)의 발전과정(發展過程)에서 필연적(必然的)으로 나타난다. 이와 같은 사실(事實)은 과학정보(科學情報)의 전파요원(傳播要員)이 국가적 회합(國家的 會合)에서 자기연구(自己硏究)에 대한 정보(情報)의 전파기회(傳播機會)를 거절(拒絶)하고 따라서 전파정보(電波情報)를 판단(判斷)하고 선별(選別)하는 것을 감소(減少)시키며 결과적(結果的)으로 잡지(雜誌)나 단행본(單行本)에서 비평(批評)을 하고 추고(推敲)하는 것이 배제(排除)될 때는 유형적(有形的) 과학(科學)은 급속(急速)히 비과학성(非科學性)을 띠게 된다는 것을 Lysenko의 생애(生涯)에 대한 Medvedev의 기술중(記述中)[7]에 지적(指摘)한 것과 관계(關係)되고 있다.

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Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Soil CO2 Fluxes and Concentrations after Artificial CO2 Release (인위적 CO2 누출에 따른 토양 CO2 플럭스와 농도의 시공간적 모니터링)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jun;Han, Seung Hyun;Kim, Seongjun;Yun, Hyeon Min;Jun, Seong-Chun;Son, Yowhan
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2017
  • CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) is a technical process to capture $CO_2$ from industrial and energy-based sources, to transfer and sequestrate impressed $CO_2$ in geological formations, oceans, or mineral carbonates. However, potential $CO_2$ leakage exists and causes environmental problems. Thus, this study was conducted to analyze the spatial and temporal variations of $CO_2$ fluxes and concentrations after artificial $CO_2$ release. The Environmental Impact Evaluation Test Facility (EIT) was built in Eumseong, Korea in 2015. Approximately 34kg $CO_2$ /day/zone were injected at Zones 2, 3, and 4 among the total of 5 zones from October 26 to 30, 2015. $CO_2$ fluxes were measured every 30 minutes at the surface at 0m, 1.5m, 2.5m, and 10m from the $CO_2$ releasing well using LI-8100A until November 13, 2015, and $CO_2$ concentrations were measured once a day at 15cm, 30cm, and 60cm depths at every 0m, 1.5m, 2.5m, 5m, and 10m from the well using GA5000 until November 28, 2015. $CO_2$ flux at 0m from the well started increasing on the fifth day after $CO_2$ release started, and continued to increase until November 13 even though the artificial $CO_2$ release stopped. $CO_2$ fluxes measured at 2.5m, 5.0m, and 10m from the well were not significantly different with each other. On the other hand, soil $CO_2$ concentration was shown as 38.4% at 60cm depth at 0m from the well in Zone 3 on the next day after $CO_2$ release started. Soil $CO_2$ was horizontally spreaded overtime, and detected up to 5m away from the well in all zones until $CO_2$ release stopped. Also, soil $CO_2$ concentrations at 30cm and 60cm depths at 0m from the well were measured similarly as $50.6{\pm}25.4%$ and $55.3{\pm}25.6%$, respectively, followed by 30cm depth ($31.3{\pm}17.2%$) which was significantly lower than those measured at the other depths on the final day of $CO_2$ release period. Soil $CO_2$ concentrations at all depths in all zones were gradually decreased for about 1 month after $CO_2$ release stopped, but still higher than those of the first day after $CO_2$ release stared. In conclusion, the closer the distance from the well and the deeper the depth, the higher $CO_2$ fluxes and concentrations occurred. Also, long-term monitoring should be required because the leaked $CO_2$ gas can remains in the soil for a long time even if the leakage stopped.

Immunogenicity and Safety of a Haemophilus influenzae Type b Polysaccharide-Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate Vaccine (PRP-T: HiberixTM) in Korean Infants (우리나라 영아에서 PRP-T(HiberixTM)백신의 면역원성 및 안전성에 대한 연구)

  • Chung, Eun Hee;Kim, Yae Jean;Kim, Yun Kyung;Kim, Dong Ho;Seo, Jeong Wan;Lee, Hoan Jong
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : Four kinds of Haemophilus influenzae type b protein conjugate vaccines, PRPD, PRP-T, PRP-OMP and PRP-CRM197, have been developed, and PRP-T vaccines are currently produced by two manufacturer, $ActHib^{(R)}$ by Aventis and $Hiberix^{TM}$ by GlaxoSmith-Kline Biologicals. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of $Hiberix^{TM}$ in Korean infants. Methods : Seventy-three healthy infants(43 male infants) were recruited for this study after parental informed consent was obtained. Each infant was vaccinated at 2, 4 and 6 months of age with the study vaccine. At each visit, infants were also immunized with DTaP, trivalent oral polio vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine when indicated. The serum anti-PRP antibody was measured at prevaccination, 2 month later after the 2nd dose, and 1 month later after the 3rd dose by the ELISA method. The local and systemic adverse reactions of vaccination were monitored for 3 consecutive days after each immunization. Immunogenicity of vaccine was evaluated in infants who received all the scheduled immunization and the adverse reactions were evaluated for infants who received at least one dose of the study vaccine. Results : Among seventy three infants, enrolled in this study; sixty three(37 male infants) completed all the scheduled immunizations. The geometric mean titer(GMT) of anti-PRP antibodies at prevaccination was 0.17 ${\mu}g/mL$(95% confidence interval[CI]; 0.13~0.22). The GMT of anti-PRP antibodies increased to 4.14 ${\mu}g/mL$(95% CI; 2.65~6.48) at 2 month later after the 2nd dose of PRP-T and 14.65 ${\mu}g/mL$(95% CI; 10.83~19.81) at 1 month later after the 3rd dose. Anti-PRP antibody ${\geq}0.15$ ${\mu}g/mL$, was observed in 98.4%(95% CI; 91.8~100) after 2 doses and 100%(95% CI; 100~100) after 3 doses. Anti-PRP antibody ${\geq}1.0$ ${\mu}g/mL$, was obtained in 77.8%(95% CI; 67.5~88.0) after 2 doses, and 98.4%(95% CI; 95.3~100) after 3 doses. Most of the adverse reaction after vaccination were mild. Irritability, the most common systemic reaction, was observed in 45.5%, followed by drowsiness(30.5%), poor feeding(26.7%) and fever(5.6%). Among the local reactions tenderness was observed in 7.9%, redness(${\geq}5$ mm) in 2.8% and swelling(${\geq}5$ mm) in 1.8%. Conclusion : The PRP-T vaccine used in this study was highly immunogenic and safe in Korean young infants. The finding that high GMT and high frequency of infants with a protective titer achieved after 2 doses is consistent with the previous studies which were done with a PRP-T vaccine of other manufacturer. This study suggests that the immunization schedule of PRP-T vaccine for Korean infants may need re-evaluation.

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Detoxification of PSP and relationship between PSP toxicity and Protogonyaulax sp. (마비성패류독의 제독방법 및 패류독성과 원인플랑크톤과의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • CHANG Dong-Suck;SHIN Il-Shik;KIM Ji-Hoe;PYUN Jae-hueung;CHOE Wi-Kung
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the detoxifying effect on PSP-infested sea mussel, Mytilus edulis, by heating treatment and correlation between the PSP toxicity and the environmental conditions of shellfish culture area such as temperature, pH, salinity, density of Protogonyaulax sp. and concentration of inorganic nutrients such as $NH_4-N,\;NO_3-N,\;NO_2-N\;and\;PO_4-P$. This experiment was carried out at $Suj\u{o}ng$ in Masan, Yangdo in Jindong, $Hach\u{o}ng\;in\;K\u{o}jedo\;and\;Gamch\u{o}n$ bay in Pusan from February to June in $1987\~1989$. It was observed that the detection ratio and toxicity of PSP in sea mussel were different by the year even same collected area. The PSP was often detected when the temperature of sea water about $8.0\~14.0^{\circ}C$. Sometimes the PSP fox of sea mussel was closely related to density of Protogonyaulax sp. at $Gamch\u{o}n$ bay in Pusan from March to April in 1989, but no relationship was observed except above duration during the study period. The concentration of inorganic nutrients effects on the growth of Protogonyaulax sp., then effects of $NO_3-N$ was the strongest among them. When the PSP-infested sea mussel homogenate was heated at various temperature, the PSP toxicity was not changed significantly at below $70^{\circ}C$ for 60 min. but it was proper-tionaly decreased as the heating temperature was increased. For example, when the sea mussel homogenate was heated at $100^{\circ}C,\;121^{\circ}C$ for 10 min., the toxicity was decreased about $67\%\;and\;90\%$, respectively. On the other hand, when shellstock sea mussel contained PSP of $150{\mu}g/100g$ was boiled at $100^{\circ}C$ for 30 min. with tap water, the toxicity was not detected by mouse assay, but that of PSP of $5400{\mu}g/100g$ was reduced to $57{\mu}g/100g$ even after boiling for 120 min.

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Methods for Integration of Documents using Hierarchical Structure based on the Formal Concept Analysis (FCA 기반 계층적 구조를 이용한 문서 통합 기법)

  • Kim, Tae-Hwan;Jeon, Ho-Cheol;Choi, Joong-Min
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2011
  • The World Wide Web is a very large distributed digital information space. From its origins in 1991, the web has grown to encompass diverse information resources as personal home pasges, online digital libraries and virtual museums. Some estimates suggest that the web currently includes over 500 billion pages in the deep web. The ability to search and retrieve information from the web efficiently and effectively is an enabling technology for realizing its full potential. With powerful workstations and parallel processing technology, efficiency is not a bottleneck. In fact, some existing search tools sift through gigabyte.syze precompiled web indexes in a fraction of a second. But retrieval effectiveness is a different matter. Current search tools retrieve too many documents, of which only a small fraction are relevant to the user query. Furthermore, the most relevant documents do not nessarily appear at the top of the query output order. Also, current search tools can not retrieve the documents related with retrieved document from gigantic amount of documents. The most important problem for lots of current searching systems is to increase the quality of search. It means to provide related documents or decrease the number of unrelated documents as low as possible in the results of search. For this problem, CiteSeer proposed the ACI (Autonomous Citation Indexing) of the articles on the World Wide Web. A "citation index" indexes the links between articles that researchers make when they cite other articles. Citation indexes are very useful for a number of purposes, including literature search and analysis of the academic literature. For details of this work, references contained in academic articles are used to give credit to previous work in the literature and provide a link between the "citing" and "cited" articles. A citation index indexes the citations that an article makes, linking the articleswith the cited works. Citation indexes were originally designed mainly for information retrieval. The citation links allow navigating the literature in unique ways. Papers can be located independent of language, and words in thetitle, keywords or document. A citation index allows navigation backward in time (the list of cited articles) and forwardin time (which subsequent articles cite the current article?) But CiteSeer can not indexes the links between articles that researchers doesn't make. Because it indexes the links between articles that only researchers make when they cite other articles. Also, CiteSeer is not easy to scalability. Because CiteSeer can not indexes the links between articles that researchers doesn't make. All these problems make us orient for designing more effective search system. This paper shows a method that extracts subject and predicate per each sentence in documents. A document will be changed into the tabular form that extracted predicate checked value of possible subject and object. We make a hierarchical graph of a document using the table and then integrate graphs of documents. The graph of entire documents calculates the area of document as compared with integrated documents. We mark relation among the documents as compared with the area of documents. Also it proposes a method for structural integration of documents that retrieves documents from the graph. It makes that the user can find information easier. We compared the performance of the proposed approaches with lucene search engine using the formulas for ranking. As a result, the F.measure is about 60% and it is better as about 15%.

Retrograde Autologous Priming: Is It Really Effective in Reducing Red Blood Cell Transfusions during Extracorporeal Circulation? (역행성 자가혈액 충전법: 체외순환 중 동종적혈구 수혈량을 줄일 수 있는가?)

  • Lim, Cheong;Son, Kuk-Hui;Park, Kay-Hyun;Jheon, Sang-Hoon;Sung, Sook-Whan
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.473-479
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    • 2009
  • Background: Retrograde autologous priming (RAP) is known to be useful in decreasing the need of transfusions in cardiac surgery because it prevents excessive hemodilution due to the crystalloid priming of cardiopulmonary bypass circuit. However, there are also negative side effects in terms of blood conservation. We analyzed the intraoperative blood-conserving effect of RAP and also investigated the efficacy of autotransfusion and ultrafiltration as a supplemental method for RAP. Material and Method: From January 2005 to December 2007, 117 patients who underwent isolated coronary artery bypass operations using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) were enrolled. Mean age was 63.9$\pm$9.1 years (range 36$\sim$83 years) and 34 patients were female. There were 62 patients in the RAP group and 55 patients in he control group. Intraoperative autotransfusion was performed via the arterial line. RAP was done just before initiating CPB using retrograde drainage of the crystalloid priming solution. Both conventional (CUF) and modified (MUF) ultrafiltrations were done during and after CPB, respectively. The transfusion threshold was less than 20% in hematocrit. Result: Autotransfusions were done in 79 patients (67.5%) and the average amount was 142.5$\pm$65.4 mL (range 30$\sim$320 mL). Homologous red blood cell (RBC) transfusion was done in 47 patients (40.2%) and mean amount of transfused RBC was 404.3$\pm$222.6 mL. Risk factors for transfusions were body surface area (OR 0.01, 95% CI 0.00 $\sim$ 0.63, p=0.030) and cardiopulmonary bypass time (OR 1.04, 95% CI 1.01 $\sim$ 1.08, p=0.019). RAP was not effective in terms of the rate of transfusion (34.5% vs 45.2%, p=0.24). However, the amount of transfused RBC was significantly decreased (526.3$\pm$242.3ml vs 321.4$\pm$166.3 mL, p=0.001). Autotransfusion and ultrafiltration revealed additive and cumulative effects decreasing transfusion amount (one; 600.0$\pm$231.0 mL, two; 533.3$\pm$264.6 mL, three; 346.7$\pm$176.7 mL, four; 300.0$\pm$146.1 mL, p=0.002). Conclusion: Even though RAP did not appear to be effective in terms of the number of patients receiving intraoperative RBC transfusions, it could conserve blood in terms of the amount transfused and with the additive effects of autotransfusion and ultrafiltration. If we want to maximize the blood conserving effect of RAP, more aggressive control will be necessary - such as high threshold of transfusion trigger or strict regulation of crystalloid infusion, and so forth.

Evaluation of the Perception and Satisfaction of Working and Internship Abroad -By Undergraduates Studying in Culinary and Foodservice Departments- (해외 취업 및 인턴쉽에 대한 인식과 만족도에 관한 연구 -조리 및 외식관련 전공자를 대상으로-)

  • Choi, Young-Hee;Kim, Il-Soon;Kim, Soo-Yeun
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the perception and satisfaction of undergraduates majoring in culinary arts and food service with working and internship abroad. The responses of the participants to 10 questions regarding perception and 13 questions regarding the importance and satisfaction with working and internship abroad were measured on a 5 point Likert scale. The primary results were as follows : 1) The subjects were composed of 50.9% male and 49.1% female students, of which 42.1% were employed and 57.9% experienced an internship abroad. 2) Most students went abroad to gain experience with respect to various foreign cultures in response to recommendations by the western cuisine department. 3) The items "I wish to conduct my affairs continuously"(M=4.21) and "I have good relationships with my colleagues at work"(M=4.11) received the highest points from male and female respondents, respectively. 4) Male students considered "cooperation among divisions"(M=4.11), "language skills"(M=4.38), and "kitchen environment"(M=4.34) to be very important. However, female students believed that "language skills"(M=4.36),"social relationships"(M=4.21), and "wage income"(M=4.18) were most important. Furthermore, male students were most satisfied with "company size" (M=4.28), "kitchen environment"(M=4.21), and "business hours"(M=4.10), while female students were most satisfied with "kitchen environment","incentive"(M=4.14) and "social relationships"(M=4.11).

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Purification and Characterization of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Channa argus (가물치(Channa argus) 젖산탈수소효소 동위효소들의 정제 및 특성)

  • Park, Eun-Mi;Yum, Jung-Joo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.260-268
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    • 2010
  • The lactate dehydrogenase (EC, LDH) isozymes in tissues from Channa argus were purified and characterized by biochemical, immunochemical and kinetic methods. The activity of LDH in skeletal muscle was the highest at 380.4 units and those in heart, eye and brain tissues were 13.4, 3,5 and 5.4 units, respectively. Citrate synthase (EC, CS) activity in heart tissue was the highest at 20.7 units. LDH/CS in skeletal muscle, heart, eye and brain tissues were 172.9, 0.6, 0.32 and 0.47. Protein concentration in skeletal muscle tissue was 14.7 mg/g and specific activities of LDH in skeletal muscle, heart, eye and brain tissues were 25.88, 0.79, 0.31 and 1.38 units/mg, respectively. Therefore, skeletal muscle tissue was anaerobic and heart tissue was aerobic. The LDH isozymes in tissues were identified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoprecipitation and Western blot with antiserum against $A_4$, $B_4$, and eye-specific $C_4$. LDH $A_4$, $A_3B$, $A_2B_2$. $AB_3$ and $B_4$ isozymes were detected in every tissue, $C_4$, $AC_3$, $A_2C_2$ and $A_3C$ were detected in eye tissue, and $A_3C$ was found in brain tissue. LDH $A_4$, $A_3B$, $A_2B_2$, $AB_3$, $B_4$, eye-specific $C_4$ isozymes were purified by affinity chromatography and Preparative PAGE Cells. The LDH $A_4$ isozyme was purified in the fraction from elution with $NAD^+$ containing buffer of affinity chromatography. Eye-specific $C_4$ isozyme was eluted right after $A_4$, after which $B_4$ isozyme was eluted with plain buffer. As a result, one part of molecular structures in $A_4$, $B_4$ and eye-specific $C_4$ were similar, but were different from each other in $B_4$ and $C_4$. Therefore the subunit A may be conservative in evolution, and the evolution of subunit B seems to be faster than that of subunit A. The activity of LDH $A_4$, $A_2B_2$, $B_4$, and eye-specific $C_4$ isozymes remained at 39.98, 21.28, 19.67 and 16.87% as a result of the inhibition by 10 mM of pyruvate, so the degree of inhibition was very high. The $Km^{PYR}$ values were 0.17, 0.27 and 0.133 mM in $A_4$, $B_4$ and eye-specific $C_4$ isozymes, respectively. The optimum pH of LDH $A_4$, $B_4$, eye-specific $C_4$, $A_2B_2$, $A_3B$, and $AB_3$ were pH 6.5, pH 8.5, pH 5.5, pH 6.0-6.5, pH 5.0 and pH 7.5. The $A_4$ and heterotetramer isozymes stabilized a broad range of pH. Especially, LDH activities in skeletal muscle tissue were high, resulting in a high degree of muscle activity.LDH metabolism in eye tissue seems to be converted faster from pyruvate to lactate by eye-specific $C_4$ isozyme as eye-specific $C_4$ have the highest affinity for pyruvate, and right after the conversion, oxidation of lactate was induced by $A_4$ isozyme. It was found that expression of Ldh-C, affinity to substrate and reaction time of $C_4$ isozyme were different according to the ecological environmental and feeding capturing patterns.

Clinical Analysis of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections by Influenza Virus in Children (인플루엔자 바이러스에 의한 소아 급성 호흡기 감염증의 유행 및 임상 양상)

  • Kwon, Min Kyoung;Kim, Mi Ran;Park, Eun Young;Lee, Kon Hee;Yoon, Hae Sun;Kim, Kwang Nam;Lee, Kyu Man
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.12
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    • pp.1519-1527
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : Although influenza virus is one of the most important causes of acute respiratory tract infections(ARTIs) in children, virus isolation is not popular and there are only a few clinical studies on influenza in Korea. We evaluated the epidemiologic and clinical features of ARTIs by influenza virus in children. Methods : From February 1995 to August 2001, nasopharyngeal aspirations were obtained and cultured for the isolation of influenza virus in children admitted with ARTIs. The medical records of patients with influenza virus infection were reviewed retrospectively. Results : Respiratory viruses were isolated in 997(22.0%) out of 4,533 patients examined, and influenza virus was isolated in 164 cases(3.6%). Influenza virus was isolated year after year mainly from December to April of next year. The ratio of male and female was 1.9 : 1 with a median age of 15 months. The most common clinical diagnosis of influenza virus infection was pneumonia, and fever and cough developed in most patients. There was no difference between influenza A and B infection in clinical diagnoses and symptoms. All patients recovered without receiving antiviral treatment except for one patient diagnosed with pneumonia who had underlying disease of Down syndrome with ventricular septal defect. Conclusion : ARTIs caused by influenza virus developed every winter and spring during the period of study. Because fatal complication can develop in the high risk group, prevention, early diagnosis and proper management of influenza should be emphasized.

The Signal Transduction Mechanisms on the Intestinal Mucosa of Rat Following Irradiation (방사선조사후 백서소장점막에서 발생하는 신호전달체계에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo Jeong Hyun;Kim Sung Sook;Lee Kyung Ja;Rhee Chung Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.79-95
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : Phospholipase C(PLC) isozymes play significant roles in signal transduction mechanism. $PLC-\gamma$ 1 is one of the key regulatory enzymes in signal transduction for cellular proliferation and differentiation. Ras oncoprotein, EGFR, and PKC are also known to be involved in cell growth. The exact mechanisms of these signal transduction following irradiation, however, were not clearly documented Thus, this study was Planned to determine the biological significance of PLC, ras oncoprotein, EGFR, and PKC in damage and regeneration of rat intestinal mucosa following irradiation. Material and Method : Sixty Sprague-Dawley rats were irradiated to entire body with a single dose of 8Gy. The rats were divided into S groups according to the sacrifice days after irradiation. The expression of PLC, ras oncoprotein, EGFR and PKC in each group were examined by the immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry. The histopathologic findings were observed using H&I stain, and the mitoses for the evidence of regeneration were counted using the light microscopy & PCNA kit. The Phosphoinositide(PI) hydrolyzing activity assay was also done for the indirect evaluation of $PLC-\gamma$ 1 activity. Results: In the immunohistochemistry , the expression of $PLC-{\beta}$ was negative for all grøups. The expression of $PLC-{\gamma}1$ was highest in the group III followed by group II in the proliferative zone of mucosa. The expression of $PKC-{\delta}1$ was strongly positive in group 1 followed by group II in the damaged surface epithelium. The above findings were also confirttled in the immunoblotting study. In the immunoblotting study, the expressions of $PLC-{\beta}$, $PLC-{\gamma}1$, and $PKC-{\delta}1$ were the same as the results of immunohis-tochemistry. The expression of ras oncoprctein was weakly positive in groups II, III and IV. The of EGFR was the highest in the group II, III, follwed by group IV and the expression of PKC was weakly positive in the group II and III. Conclusion: $PLC-{\gamma}1$ mediated signal transduction including ras oncoprotein, EGFR, and PKC play a significant role in mucosal regeneration after irradiation. $PLC-{\delta}1$ mediated signal transduction might have an important role in mucosal damage after irradiation. Further studies will be necessary to confirm the signal transduction mediating the $PKC-{\delta}1$.

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