• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시설경비조직

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Action Plan of Security Service against a Fire case in a Tall Building Event (경호행사시 초고층건물 화재 대응방안)

  • Son, Kyung-Hwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.39
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    • pp.37-61
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    • 2014
  • Nowadays the world is threatened because of terrors that take aim at Soft-Targets available and easy to access to the people rather than more secured Hard-Targets. The inspection department of the Presidential Security Service develops and acts a perfect safety plan wherever the President stays so that it is possible to get immediate actions for various contingencies. Some events, in which the President take part, could be held in a lower or higher store in a tall building. Additional to the routine work at this case it is to emphasize on a plan of fire precaution to check the spot and respond to a real fire situation, so that the damage could be minimized. First, the agents of the President Security Service should possess basic knowledge concerning to the fire accidents and be trained on their manuals, even in a busy events plan. An organization, whatever it is, could be improved in that it tries to develop not only the personal abilities, but also education programs of the organization continually. And enhanced abilities of the members lead to the driving force for the advance. The knowledge of fire accident should be able to adapt to the real situation. Second, related to the event, it should be cooperated with the relevant departments, so that it is possible to conduct and control the system. It is urgently required to know that the security event could not be done perfectly with only one part or department. Third, from the time of recognizing of the event it is necessary for the fire department to get an action plan with fire fighting measures, evacuation measures based of the instructions given by the Security Service. Fourth, on the knowledge of the action plan of the fire department the Security Service should inspect the safety activities of the spot and establish the practical operation plan through the fire fighting and evacuation plan. Fifth, the Security Service should share final informations and plan of fire fighting in a high-rise building with the other relevant departments. If not, it could cause a great confusion that could lead to a great damage.

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A Study on the Role and Implications of PFI Prisons in Japan (일본 PFI교도소에 있어서의 Private Security의 역할과 시사점)

  • An, Sung-Hun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.34
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    • pp.185-207
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    • 2013
  • Nowadays, national criminal policy focuses on "specialization", "advancement", and "choice and concentration" to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public peace services. Consequently, the space that a nation manages diminishes and there appears vacant space of security. For that reason, in most developed countries including South Korea, there has been a significant expansion in the size and role of Private Security(PS). From this point of view, the Japanese government has adopted the PFI(Private Finance Initiative) system in private prisons. These cases clearly show the role and significance of "PS". By applying know-how of the private sector, these PFI prisons make efficient use of installation by the united efforts of government and people. Criteria such as solution for risk baring, regional coexistence, preservation of public security, response management and operating skills are considered important particularly in Kitsuregawa and Harima prisons. Thus, this study examines the implications and applicability for the expansion of PS in South Korea.

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A Study Security Measures for Protection of VIP in the G20 Summit (G20 정상회의 시 주(主)행사장에서의 VIP 안전대책 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sun-Ki;Lee, Choong-Soo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.24
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    • pp.91-123
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    • 2010
  • The threat factors available for occurrence given G20 Summit Meeting are expected leader terrorism, hostage terrorism, bomb terrorism, public facilities terrorism, and aircraft terrorism. As for the threat groups, which are expected in Korea, the North Korea, Islam extremist group, and the group such as NGO organization of being opposed to international meeting are regarded as having possibility of causing hazard. Thus, the purpose of this study is to suggest VIP Security-measure plans in the main site in preparation for G20 Summit Meeting. Accordingly, each country in the world is adopting 'the principle of Triple Ring' in common. Thus, it elicited a coping plan by 1st line(inner ring) 2nd line(middle ring) 3rd line(outer ring) based on this principle, and proposed even an opinion together that will need to be reflected in light of policy for the VIP security measures. In conclusion, as for the VIP Security-measure plans in the main site in preparation for G20 Summit Meeting, In the inner ring(safety sector), first, an intercepting measure needs to be devised for a spot of getting into and out of vehicles given the Straight Street. Second, the Walking Formation needs to be reinforced boldly in the exposed area. In the middle ring(security sector), first, the control plan needs to be devised by considering particularity of the main site. Second, there is necessity for adopting the efficient security badge operation plan that is included RFID function within security badge. In the outer ring(aid protective sector), first, there is necessity of preparing for several VIP terrorisms, of collecting information and intelligence, and of reinforcing the information collection system against terrorism under the cooperation with the overseas information agency. Second, the urgent measure training in time of emergency needs to be carried out toward security agent event manpower. Third, to maintain the certain pace in VIP motorcade, the efficient traffic control system needs to be operated. Finally, as for what will need to be reflected in light of policy for VIP security measures, first, there is necessity for allowing VIP residence to be efficiently dispersed to be distributed and controlled. Second, there is necessity for allowing impure element to misjudge or attack to be failed by utilizing diverse deception operations. Third, according to the reorganization in North Korea's Organization of the South Directed Operations, the powerful 'military-support measure' needs to be driven from this G20 Summit Meeting. For this, the necessity was proposed for further reinforcing the front back defense posture under the supervision of the Ministry of National Defense and for positively coping even with detecting and removing poison in preparation for CBR (chemical, biological, and radio-logical) terrorism.

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Counter-terrorism Safety Measures in Public Facilities (다중이용시설의 대테러 안전대책)

  • Kim, Du-Hyun;Ahn, Kwang-Ho
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.22
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    • pp.37-64
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    • 2010
  • Since the September 11, 2001, the motives and objectives of terrorism that have been targeted at hard targets such as key national facilities have now shifted towards soft targets such as subways, department stores, and tourist hotels; the attacks on these soft targets are steadily increasing. Simultaneous, unconventional, and indiscriminate terrorist attacks on civilians has also increased. In November, 2010, nearly forty states of the G20 and B20 (Business 20) will join in international summits to be hosted in Seoul. This coming July, an additional 350 troops will be deployed to Afghanistan for the sustainment of public security. Such events are sensitive topics, and there is the possibility of terrorist movement. Korea has successfully hosted various international events such as the APEC and ASEM Summits, and the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup. The experiences from these events must be applied to ensure the safety of public facilities against the dangers of terrorism. First, counter-terrorism center must be established for the long-term, above the General Officer level to ensure the safety and efficiency of multilateral, international summits, as well as promoting policies and legislation aimed at preventing terrorism. Second, a terrorist threat management system must be secured and safety measures must be emphasized. Third, a fundamental structure must be established for the prevention of terrorism on public facilities, as well as legal and government action against the new threat of IED. Fourth, the police and fire fighting networks' must have a firm rapid response posture on the scene of an attack. Fifth, the state of mentality on the recognition of terrorist threats must be changed and restructured by promoting to and educating the population. Sixth, prevention measures must be established via research and academia. Seventh, for the guarantee of security in public facilities, safety management should employ cutting edge technology such as the 3D SICS and further develop and apply such technology. All methods and resources must be fully utilized for the establishment and strengthening terrorism prevention measures.

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A Study on Institutional Foundation on the Korea Counter-Terrorism System (한국 테러대응 시스템의 제도적 구축방안)

  • Kwon, Jeong-Hoon
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.25
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    • pp.27-61
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    • 2010
  • This study looks at plans for the efficient functions of the current terror response system in Korea. The results are derived from by comparing and analyzing American, British, German, Japanese, and Korean terror response systems. It focuses especially on addressing some problems with Korea's terror response system and how to operate it effectively. The study will systematically compare and analyze each nation's terror countermeasure studying organizational, functional, and legal aspects as standards. This study shows that there is not an exclusive terror response center in Korea compared with other nations such as America, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan. Also it is difficult to expect effective and vigorous operations due to weak cooperation across the relevant organizations. The presidential directive of the state's anti-terrorism action guidelines is legally ineffective. This means that on legal grounds, it is difficult to take actions to prevent the terrorism. Therefore, keys to counteracting terrorism derived from this study are summarized below. In the first place, an integrated terror response system should be set up for expansion of information sharing which leads to emergence effect. In the second place, the superior legislative systems should be made for the cleardefinition and extent of what the terror is, rigid enforcement of investigation, immigration, and keeping an eye on the funds raised by terrorists and tracking down the terrorists, the plan for eco-terrorism. In the third place, to augment security of vital facilities and peoples' awareness of terrorism safety should be emphasized and a cooperative system between civil and government organizations need to be built. In the fourth place, system for crisis management must be provided in an effort to maximize management system of terrorism and unify a decentralized emergency countermeasures effectively.

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A Study on Streamlining the Legal Framework for the Efficient Management of Protection and Security of the Government Complexes (정부청사의 효율적 방호·보안관리를 위한 법령체계 정비방안에 대한 소고)

  • Shin, Hyeong-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 2019
  • The executive authority of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security on the 'management of security of the government complexes' is not sufficiently secured only with the organization law, the Government Organization Act. It is needed to establish an administrative actions law, an individual law that sets detailed contents and limitations of the executive authority to be stipulated. The current regulation, Regulation on the Management of the Government Complexes which is a Presidential Decree, is a legal decree that lacks a legal basis. The decree does not match with the current constitutional framework and raises the issue of its legality. The regulation may have the characteristics as a public property management law so far as it stipulates such matters as supply and maintenance management for the complexes, acquisition and disposition of complexes, facilities management of complexes, etc. However, the regulation includes high authority actions by an administrative organization, such as facilities security and order maintenance including restriction and control of access. This makes the regulation have the characteristics of a public property policy act as well. To supplement the legal framework for this situation, it is needed to level up some of the provisions relating to protection and security management to the level of an act as they stipulate high authority actions by an administrative organization. Other matters in the Regulation on the Management of the Government Complexes such as provisions relating to supply and allocation of complexes, etc. may be maintained as they are. In addition, the protection officers (general service official) does not own legal authority and have limitations on securing the capability to deal with the situations on implementing the on-site protection duty. Therefore, it is needed for the protection officers to secure protection duty-related authority by stipulating in a law. The main contents of the law on the protection and security of the government complexes may be those matters providing reservations on the implementations of laws. These may include the limitation of rights of and charging obligations on the people such as restricting the actions of personnel in the complex, rights and obligations of protection personnels relating to their duties, use of weapons, training of protection personnel, penal provisions, etc. These legal reservations should be included in an individual act.

The Plans for Core Personnel Management to Prevent Industrial Technology Leakage (산업기술 유출방지를 위한 핵심인력 관리방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Soon-Seok;Shin, Jae-Chul
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.25
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    • pp.109-130
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    • 2010
  • As many countries in the world including the Republic of Korea have used all their national resources in the accelerating economic information warfare, illegal leakage of industrial technologies and information has increased rapidly. The costs required for damage prevention from 2007 to 2008 are estimated at approximately KRW 180 trillion which is expected to increase gradually in future. Because the tricks of leaking key technologies are also getting increasingly systematized, sophisticated and bigger, e.g., simple theft at the individual level or the conspiracy of all the staff taking part in the research activities, we should pay special attention to technology security in addition to technology development. While there are several factors affecting such the brain drain, they usually include personal, social, political and cultural factors, for instance, very heavy educational expenditure of children compared to relatively low pay, the speedy labor market circulation for experienced personnel, or political restrictions on researches. In this context, as part of efforts made to prevent the outflow of core personnel, individual companies and research institutes should establish systematically appropriate core personnel management systems for their own organizational or business goals and principles which are intented to ensure to give better treatment and benefit to core personnel and to exercise closer supervision over them. Furthermore, the conventional personnel management system should be radically and flexibly improved in the manner of encouraging the core personnel returning to the organization to combine their external experiences with practices, instead of penalizing them. At the same time, it is necessary to train and educate core personnel through mutual collaboration and in-house training facilities as well as external academic programs operated jointly at the level of the industry. Finally, as the issues concerning the outflow of core personnel are not just problems of relevant companies and other advanced countries have devoted their best efforts to secure their own key technologies at the national level, it is urgent for the industry and the competent authorities to cooperate closely.

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Government position, failure causes over 9.11 terror, Iraq war (9.11 테러와 이라크전에 미친 정보의 역할, 실패원인)

  • Baek, Jong-Kap;Park, Jun-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.13
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    • pp.207-234
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    • 2007
  • This study examines the roles of government and reasons of defeat on 9.11 terror, iraq war between 2001 and 2003. The administration functions critical role of national security. And punctual, accurate information supply capability helps policymaker's decision-making. Hence, information of punctuality and accuracy should be given to policymakers. And without two above written factors, it will result in failing. Information concoction on policymaker's pressure, biased informant, inaccurate information and lack of assembly means under the extensive organization and technologized spying means, Fail to keep information objectivity, leads to information failure. In the context of a series of facts, we shall cover the position of government and reasons of calamities. Two incidents deem as information failure by national security service, but concoction of Iraqi mass destruction weaponry is believed as bush administration's deception on account of political gains. For fully functional government role, governing body should reinforce all aspects of gathering, analyzing, and making use of information more objectively in the first place. In particular, information concoction involving policymakers post massive stumbling block to organized outcome. The thesis presents a prospective view of government position under the U.S. secret agent over 9.11 terror and Iraq war.

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Role of Police for Enhancement of Elderly Safety (노인안전 강화를 위한 경찰의 역할)

  • Cha, Min-Kyu;Kwack, Dae-Gyung
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.41
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    • pp.387-408
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    • 2014
  • South Korea already became an aging society, and is now in the process of becoming an aged society. With increasing elderly population, elderly safety issues such as traffic accidents and elderly suicides are becoming important problems. Elderly victimization are increasing, and elderly safety accident is also becoming an imporotant social problem. The police is doing various activities for elderly safety. The police is conducting programs for the elderly, such as a prevention program for fraud against elderly, and safety checks and traffic safety education for preventing elderly traffic accidents. Also, there's a program of providing regular visits for a lone elderly, expansion of CCTV network and fingerprint registration to prevent elderlies with Alzheimer's disease going missing. However, these programs are not done on a national scale, but rather limited to local police stations. The purpose of this study is to seek police roles for enhancing elderly safety, due to lack of police activity in this area. Recommendation for police roles in enhancing elderly safety is to first conduct routine crackdowns on fraud against elderly and also conduct education programs for preventing fraud. Also, crimes such as elderly abuse is lead by elderly protection agencies, but considering elderly abuse is a crime, the police should take a leading role. Also, to prevent elderly suicide, meticulous management of elderlies with high suicide risk is necessary, and elderly protection areas should be designated to prevent traffic accidents. Also, elderlies should be induced to turn in their driver's license. To conduct these matters of elderly safety, an organization exclusively charged with elderly safety is necessary. Elderly safety is a broad concept, and since police alone cannot handle the task of ensuring elderly safety, the police should take on a leading role in cooperative efforts with various institutions of the government, non-profit organizations and the community to establish a social saftey net for elderly safety.

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Aspect of the chief of state guard EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) protection system for the consideration (국가원수 경호적 측면에서의 EMP(Electro Magnetic Pulse) 방호 시스템에 대한 고찰)

  • Jung, Joo-Sub
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.41
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    • pp.37-66
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, with the development of computers and electronics, electronics and communication technology in a growing and each part is dependent on the cross-referencing makes all electronic equipment is obsolete due to direct or indirect damage EMP. Korea and the impending standoff North Korea has a considerable level of technologies related to the EMP, EMP weapons you already have or in a few years, the development of EMP weapons will complete. North Korea launched a long-range missile and conducted a nuclear test on several occasions immediately after, when I saw the high-altitude nuclear blackmail has been strengthening the outright offensive nuclear EMP attacks at any time and practical significance for the EMP will need offensive skills would improve. At this point you can predict the damage situation of Korea's security reality that satisfy the need, more than anything else to build a protective system of the EMP. The scale of the damage that unforeseen but significant military damage and socio-economic damage and fatalities when I looked into the situation which started out as a satellite communications systems and equipment to attack military and security systems and transportation, finance, national emergency system, such as the damage elsewhere. In General, there is no direct casualties reported, but EMP medical devices that rely on lethal damage to people who can show up. In addition, the State power system failure due to a power supply interruption would not have thought the damage would bring State highly dependent on domestic power generation of nuclear plants is a serious nuclear power plant accident in the event of a blackout phenomenon can lead to the plant's internal problems should see a forecast. First of all, a special expert Committee of the EMP, the demand for protective facilities and equipment and conduct an investigation, he takes fits into your budget is under strict criteria by configuring the contractors should be sifting through. He then created the Agency for verification of performance EMP protection after you have verified the performance of maintenance, maintenance, safety and security management, design and construction company organized and systematic process Guard facilities or secret communications equipment and perfect for the EMP, such as protective equipment maneuver system should take.

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