• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시간 패턴

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Estimation of K-factor according to Road Type and Economic Evaluation on National Highway (일반국도의 도로 유형별 설계시간계수 산정 및 경제성 평가)

  • Kim, Tae-woon;Oh, Ju-sam
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.582-590
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    • 2015
  • Road type classification and K-factors are important role when design of number of lane. In this study not only classifies road type and estimating of K-factor but also economic evaluation tries for feasibility verification. Road type analysis results, time of day traffic volume variation, weekend-factor and vacation-factor are large in recreation roads. Weekday traffic volume and weekend traffic volume are similar patterns in provincial roads. AADT is high and time of day traffic volume variation is small in urban roads. In this study compares with economic analysis that designing of number of lane between KHCM's K-factor and this study K-factor. Economic analysis results, designed roads by this study's K-factor reduce cost about 4,708 hundred million won. So this study's K-factor is economical on provincial 4 lane roads.

Design of a Temporal Association Rule Mining System in Temporal Databases (시간지원 데에터베이스에서의 시간 연관규칙 탐사 시스템의 설계)

  • 이강태;정동원;류근호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10b
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    • pp.229-231
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    • 1998
  • 시간지원 데이터베이스내에는 다양한 유형의 시간 정보가 내포되어 있다. 이 논문은 다양한 시간 정보를 기반으로 하는 시간 연관규칙 탐사에 관한연구이다. 기존의 연관규칙 탐사에 관한 연구는 현실세계에 존재하는 사건을 탐사 대상으로 하면서도 시간 개념을 지니지 않은 형태의 데이터 집합을 대상으로 하고 있다. 그리고 단순히 단일 시점의 트랜잭션 시간마을 고려하여 순차패턴을 추출해내는 연구가 진행되었다. 이러한 연구는 시간 데이터의 시간 간격 특성과 시간 위상 특성을 간과하게 된다. 또한 시간 종속적인 데이터에 관한 정보의 탐사 시에는 한계점을 지니게 된다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 시간 간격과 시간 위상을 지니는 시간지원 데이터베이스로부터 추출될 수 있는 시간 정보 유형을 제시하고 이에 기반한 다양한 유형의 연관규칙을 제시한다. 또한 시간 연관규칙을 정의하고 이를 탐사하는 과정을 설명하며 궁극적으로 시간지원 데이터베이스에서의 시간 연관규칙 탐사 시스템을 소개한다.

Web Page Recommendation Using Percentage Of The Time In The Cluster (클러스터의 점유시간을 이용한 웹 페이지 추천 기법)

  • 신형섭;이충세
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2002.10e
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    • pp.130-132
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    • 2002
  • 기존의 여러 동적 추천 시스템에서는 웹 페이지들 사이의 유사도와 로그 파일 안에들어 있는 사용자들의 패턴을 이용하였기 때문에 연관된 페이지 뿐 아니라 단순히 순차적으로 연결되는 문서를 추천 페이지로 제공할 수 있었다. 본 논문에서는 기존의 방식에 각 페이지가 점유하는 시간의 분석을 더하려 한다. Data를 여러 분야로 나눌 수 있는 전자상거래의 특성을 이용하여 개개의 클러스터로 분류된 사이트들의 로그파일을 분석하여 점유시간의 크기와 무의미하게 보내어 지는 시간을 가중치를 주어 구별해내는 결과를 바탕으로 사용자가 주로 방문하는 연관성이 높다고 판단되는 웹 페이지를 추천하는 방법을 제안한다.

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Auditory impulse by Relaxed on Heart rate Pattern Guidance (청각 자극에 의한 안정화된 심박 패턴 유도)

  • Kim, Jea-Kyung;Park, Min-Ho;Jang, Gye-Sun;Jeong, Chan-Soon;Ko, Il-Ju
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.158-162
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    • 2008
  • Heart rate has many effect by environment factor and body factor and mind factor. Experimental testing decide to make relaxed condition. so It want to get correct data peoples different time and condition in the day so medical mans think relaxed to low Heart rate. but normal heart different from peoples and time. there was noting standard. so Heart rate is really hard to relaxed heart rate. Heart rate pattern must have long time analysis for good result. if you get relaxed heart rate so you don't need long-time analysis. Relaxed heart pattern used for guidance of auditory impulse public got concentration and solve to stress. it chose MC Square and mozart music. Two kind of auditory impulse analysis to make a relaxed Heart rate and relaxed pattern. way of analysis is HRV and minute of heart bit rate. result It have find Guidance to Relaxed Heart rate.

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Optimal Determination of the Fabrication Parameters in Focused Ion Beam for Milling Gold Nano Hole Array (금 나노홀 어레이 제작을 위한 집속 이온빔의 공정 최적화)

  • Cho, Eun Byurl;Kwon, Hee Min;Lee, Hee Sun;Yeo, Jong-Souk
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.262-269
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    • 2013
  • Though focused ion beam (FIB) is one of the candidates to fabricate the nanoscale patterns, precision milling of nanoscale structures is not straightforward. Thus this poses challenges for novice FIB users. Optimal determination in FIB parameters is a crucial step to fabricate a desired nanoscale pattern. There are two main FIB parameters to consider, beam current (beam size) and dose (beam duration) for optimizing the milling condition. After fixing the dose, the proper beam current can be chosen considering both total milling time and resolution of the pattern. Then, using the chosen beam current, the metal nano hole structure can be perforated to the required depth by varying the dose. In this experiment, we found the adequate condition of $0.1nC/{\mu}m^2$ dose at 1 pA Ga ion beam current for 100 nm thickness perforation. With this condition, we perforated the periodic square array of elliptical nano holes.

A 3D measurement system based on a double frequency method using Fourier transform profilometry (FTP를 이용한 이중 파장법에 의한 3차원 형상 측정)

  • Koo, Ja-myoung;Cho, Tai-hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1485-1492
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes a double frequency method using FTP(Fourier Transform Profilometry) in fringe projection techniques for 3D measurement systems. In fringe projection techniques, fringe pattern images are projected and captured, and then object is measured by analysing phase. PMP(Phase Measuring Profilometry) for analysing phase provides high-resolution and is robust to object's reflection and background intensities. However, the measurement range is narrow due to 2π ambiguity. In order to overcome this problem, a double frequency method is often used. This method can widen the range of measurement while maintaining the high-resolution, but the measurement time is taken about twice due to grab 2 times number of images. The proposed double frequency method using FTP requires an additional image for resolving 2π ambiguity. The proposed method effectively reduces the measurement time while maintaining the same accuracy.

Improving Prefetching Effects by Exploiting Reference Patterns (참조패턴을 이용한 선반입의 개선)

  • Lee, Hyo-Jeong;Doh, In-Hwan;Noh, Sam-H.
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.226-230
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    • 2008
  • Prefetching is one of widely used techniques to improve performance of I/O. But it has been reported that prefetching can bring adverse result on some reference pattern. This paper proposes a prefet-ching frame that can be adopted on existing prefetching techniques simply. The frame called IPRP (Improving Prefetching Effects by Exploiting Reference Patterns) and detects reference patterns online and control pre-fetching upon the characteristics of the detected pattern. In our experiment, we adopted IPRP on Linux read-ahead prefetching. IPRP could prevent adverse result clearly when Linux read-ahead prefetching increases total execution time about $40%{\sim}70%$. When Linux read-ahead prefetching could bring some benefit, IPRP with read- ahead performed similar or slightly better benefit on execution time. With this result we could see our IPRP can complement and improve legacy prefetching techniques efficiently.

Job Scheduling Method Considering the Utilization Patterns of Mobile Devices in Mobile Grid (모바일그리드에서 모바일장치의 이용패턴을 고려한 작업 스케줄링 기법)

  • Song, Sung-Jin;Jung, Soon-Young;Yu, Heon-Chang
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2008
  • In recent years, wireless networks have been widely deployed and the use of mobile devices has been popularized. As a result, mobile devices are increasingly considered as a resource of the Grid However, there are some problems such as unstable wireless communication and disconnection of mobile devices caused by movement in Mobile Grid Therefore, a scheduling method allocating jobs to the mobile devices should progressively deal with this problem The existing scheduling methods in Mobile Grid have mainly focused on the connection time of mobile devices. The connection time of mobile devices shows typically a regular pattern according to a user's living environments such as vacation/class in school, weekday/weekend in work, and so on. In this paper, we analyze statistics information for the utilization patterns of mobile devices and propose global and local scheduling methods for Mobile Grid, based on the analyzed utilization patterns.

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A Study on the Print Design Development Utilizing Tie-Dyeing Technique -Using CAD- (홀치기 염색기법을 활용한 날염 디자인 개발에 관한연구 -CAD를 이용하여-)

  • Seo, Myung-Hee;Yang, Suk-Hyang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.1694-1700
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구는 염색 과정 중에 발생하는 수질오염을 줄이고 또한 홀치기 염색기법에 의해 제작된 패턴을 모티브로 하여 수작업에서 얻지 못한 다색 의 사용을 가능케 함으로써 새로운 느낌 의 홀치기 문양 표현과 3D 모델링을 통하여 텍스타일디자인이 상품화 되었을 때의 효과를 CAD를 이용하여 살펴보고자 한 것이다. 연구방법으로는 가장 일반적인 실로 묶기, 전통적인 손바느질 느낌이 나는 시침질, 현대적 느낌이 강한 깡통에 의한 묶기와 기하학적 효과가 나는 접기 등의 홀치기염색 기법으로 수작업 한 다음 CAD를 이용하였다 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 홀치기염색기법에 의해 제작된 패턴을 모티브로 하여 수작업에서 얻지 못하는 다색사용가능성이 주메뉴의 색정리, 색4전개, 색 바꾸기를 사용함으로써 가능하였다 둘째, 다양한 색을 얻기 위해서 홀치기염색의 수작업에서는 상당한 시간과 노력을 필요로 하지 만 CAD를 사용함으로써 이러한 작업 이 몇 가지 메뉴의 사용으로 짧은 시간 내에 쉽게 이루어질 수 있었다. 셋째, CAD를 통한 홀치기 염색패턴의 새로운 이미지 효과를 얻기 위해 Solarize와 Intensity Direct, Effect/Emboss를 사용함으로써 다양한 질감과 새로운 이 미지 의 홀치기염색패턴을 얻을 수 있었다. 넷째, 위의 작업 과정을 통하여 수작업에서 발생 하는 수질오염을 줄일 수 있었다. 다섯째, 이상에서 얻어진 염색패턴을 3D모델링을 통하여 상품의 제작과정과 소비자에게 착용되었을 때의 효과를 미리 볼 수 있음으로 인해서 생산자의 실패율을 줄여줄 수 있을 것으로 본다 여섯째, CAD를 이용한 이러한 일련의 과정들이 텍스타일산업 분야에 충분히 기여 할 수 있을 것으로 기대 된다.

Discovery of Behavior Sequence Pattern using Mining in Smart Home (스마트 홈에서 마이닝을 이용한 행동 순차 패턴 발견)

  • Chung, Kyung-Yong;Kim, Jong-Hun;Kang, Un-Gu;Rim, Kee-Wook;Lee, Jung-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2008
  • With the development of ubiquitous computing and the construction of infrastructure for one-to-one personalized services, the importance of context-aware services based on user's situation and environment is being spotlighted. The smart home technology connects real space and virtual space, and converts situations in reality into information in a virtual space, and provides user-oriented intelligent services using this information. In this paper, we proposed the discovery of the behavior sequence pattern using the mining in the smart home. We discovered the behavior sequence pattern by using mining to add time variation to the association rule between locations that occur in location transactions. We can predict the path or behavior of user according to the recognized time sequence and provide services accordingly. To evaluate the performance of behavior consequence pattern using mining, we conducted sample t-tests so as to verify usefulness. This evaluation found that the difference of satisfaction by service was statistically meaningful, and showed high satisfaction.