• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시간적 연관성

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Concentration Distribution of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Ambient Air of an Industrial Shipbuilding Complex : A Case Study (조선소 밀집지역의 휘발성유기화합물 농도분포 특성에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Myoung-Eun;Park, Eun-Ok;Chung, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.380-386
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the spatial and temporal distribution of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in an industrial shipbuilding complex was monitored, and the local characteristics estimated. The major VOC component measured at all of the sampling sites were almost the same as those found at an indoor painting facility, indicating that painting works conducted in the shipyards were a significant source of VOCs in the vicinity of shipbuilding areas. The main parameters affecting the VOCs distribution were the distance between the sampling site and painting work place, and the intensity of the painting works. A quite broad range of VOC concentrations were observed in all of the sampling sites, depending on the intensity of painting works in nearby areas suppressing the typical seasonal and temporal variation trends in VOCs observed in urban areas.

Influence of Midsole Hardness on Vertical Ground Reaction force and Heel Strike Angle during Men's and Women's Running (남녀 주행 시 수직 지면반력 및 착지 각도에 미치는 신발 중저 경도의 영향)

  • Lee, Yong-Ku;Kim, Yoon-Hyuk
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.379-386
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    • 2009
  • During running, the human body experiences repeated impact force between the foot and the ground. The impact force is highly associated with injury of the lower extremity, comfort and running performance. Therefore, shoemakers have developed shoes with various midsole properties to prevent the injury of lower extremity, improve the comfort and enhance the running performance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of midsole hardness on vertical ground force and heel strike angle during men's and women's running. Five male and five female expert runners consented to participate in the study and ran at a constant speed with three different pairs of shoes with soft, medium and hard midsole respectively. In conclusion, regardless of gender, there was ill significant difference among three shoes in maximum vertical ground reaction force, impact force peak and stance time. However, the loading time decreased and the loading rate increased as the midsole became harder. Female subjects showed more sensitive reaction with respect to the midsole hardness, while male subjects showed subtle difference. The authors expect to apply this results for providing a guideline for utilizing proper midsole hardness of gender-specific shoe.

Development of Power Demand Forecasting Algorithm Using GMDH (GMDH를 이용한 전력 수요 예측 알고리즘 개발)

  • Lee, Dong-Chul;Hong, Yeon-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.360-365
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, GMDH(Croup Method of Data Handling) algorithm which is proved to be more excellent in efficiency and accuracy of practical use of data is applied to electric power demand forecasting. As a result, it became much easier to make a choice of input data and make an exact prediction based on a lot of data. Also, we considered both economy factors(GDP, export, import, number of employee, number of economically active population and consumption of oil) and climate factors(average temperature) when forecasting. We assumed target forecast period from first quarter 1999 to first quarter 2001, and suggested more accurate forecasting method of electric power demand by using 3-step computer simulation processes(first process for selecting optimum input period, second for analyzing time relation of input data and forecast value, and third for optimizing input data) for improvement of forecast precision. The proposed method can get 0.96 percent of mean error rate at target forecast period.

Content and Trajectory Retrievals of Moving Objects in Video Databases (비디오 데이타베이스에서 이동 객체의 내용 및 궤적 검색)

  • 복경수;유재수
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.219-231
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    • 2004
  • Recently, together with increasing use of multimedia data, many works on moving objects in video databases have been made. Moving objects change visual features and spatial positions with the lapse of time in video data. And they arc related to the other objects or events. In this paper, we propose a new modeling and various query types of moving objects for content based retrieval in video databases. The proposed modeling represents visual features, moving trajectories and semantic contents related to objects. Therefore, it allows to process various query types. And we propose various query operators for the retrieval types. To show the superiority of our modoling, we implement the retrieval systems and compare it with the existing methods in terms of the supporting query types. The proposed method supports various query types and improves the efficiency of the query processing over the existing methods.

Relationship between Music Cognitive Skills and Academic Skills (음악의 인지기술과 학습 기술과의 관계)

  • Chong, Hyun Ju
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2006
  • Melody is defined as adding spatial dimension to the rhythm which is temporal concept. Being able to understand melodic pattern and to reproduce the pattern also requires cognitive skills. Since 1980, there has been much research on the relationship between academic skills and music cognitive skills, and how to transfer the skills learned in music work to the academic learning. The study purported to examine various research outcomes dealing with the correlational and causal relationships between musical and academic skills. The two dominating theories explaining the connection between two skills ares are "neural theory" and "near transfer theory." The theories focus mainly on the transference of spatial and temporal reasoning which are reinforced in the musical learning. The study reviewed the existing meta-analysis studies, which provided evidence for positive correlation between academic and musical skills, and significance of musical learning in academic skills. The study further examined specific skills area that musical learning is correlated, such as mathematics and reading. The research stated that among many mathematical concepts, proportional topics have the strongest correlation with musical skills. Also with reading, temporal processing also has strong relationship with auditory skills and motor skills, and further affect language and literacy ability. The study suggest that skills learned in the musical work can be transferred to other areas of learning and structured music activities may be every efficient for children for facilitating academic concepts.

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Cognitive Impairment in the Patients with Mildly Active Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (경증 전신성 홍반성 루프스 환자의 인지기능장애)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Lee, Chul;Lee, Chang-Uk;Paik, In-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 1997
  • This study was designed to determine whether cognitive impairment was evident in patients with SLE. Also, it aimed to examine the association of cognitive impairment with other clinical variables. The subjects consisted of 20 patients with mildly active SLE and 20 healthy controls. Methods : A total of 20 SLE patients and 20 normal controls completed a computerized neuropsychological test battery using Vienna Test System. These included Cognitrone test, Continuous attention test, Corsi block tapping test, Standard progressive matrices. Also, neuro-behavioral cognitive status examination was done. The symptom severity of depression was measured with Beck Depression Inventory, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, and current medications were documented. Disease activity was rated using the SLE diasease activity index (SLEDAI). Results : SLE patients had poorer performance than normal controls on the tests of Cognitrone, attention, nonverbal IQ and memory, independent of age, education, disease activity, steroid use and depression status. Conclusion : Cognitive dysfunction was not uncommon in ambulatory SLE patients as measured by standardized neuropsychological tests. It seemed to occur independently of various clinical variables. These findings would suggest that cognitive dysfunction in SLE may be explained by reflecting subclinical central nervous system(CNS) involvement, rather than coexisting psychological distress due to chronic illness or side effect of medication.

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The Aesthetic Experience in the Landscape of Memory (기억의 경관에서 미적 경험)

  • Son, Eun-Shin;Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to interpret the current landscape design of the place and landscape of memory, such as post-industrial parks and memorials that have an old, aging appearance from an aesthetic perspective. The objects of the study are large parks and open spaces that have collective memories for visitors. Visitors' aesthetic experience from these places and landscapes of memory could be explained by aesthetic concepts such as the sublime, nostalgia, and melancholy. Because these aesthetic concepts are associated with past traumas, visitors may be affected morbidly. However, due to the capability of the media to form an aesthetic experience when visitors visit a given place and landscape, visitors can autonomously adjust the distance to the place of memory and gain an aesthetic experience. The aesthetic experiences through the sublime, nostalgia, and melancholy are based on temporality and irreversibility. Temporality here refers to a characteristic of memory, and time in the place and landscape of memory and is based on the irreversibility of time, as time cannot go back. Both the place memory and the memory that is recalled from the combination with visitor's past memories and knowledge are two major factors involved in the construction of the aesthetic experience in the place and landscape of memory. The results of the present study are meaningful in that this study presents a framework for a better understanding and use of both the place memory and appreciators' memory in the design process of a place and landscape of memory and also criticizes a materialistic approach that fails to take into account the visitors' memories.

A Study on the 'fragmentation' trend of modern film montage (현대영화 몽타주의 '파편화(fragmentation)' 경향 연구)

  • LEE, Jiyoung
    • Trans-
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    • v.3
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    • pp.29-53
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    • 2017
  • The film scholar Vincent Amiel divides into three types of montage through his book The Aesthetics of Montage ; Montage narratif, Montage discursif, and Montage decorrespondances. These three categories are the concept that encompasses the aesthetic class to which most movies belong. Early films pursued the essential and basic functions of editing, which tend to be modified in the direction of enhancing the director's goals over time. In this way, "Expressive Montage" is one of most important concepts of montage, not as a 'methodology' that combines narrative but as a 'purpose'. In the montage stage, the expressive montage work is done through three steps of decision. The process of 'combining' to combine the selected films in a certain order, after the process of 'selection' which selects only necessary parts of the rush film, and 'connection' to determine the scene connection considering the duration of the shot. The connection is the final stage of the montage. There are exceptions, of course. When fiction films of classical narratives use close-ups, or when using models or objects of neutered animals, the film induces the tendency of a "montage decorrespondances" rather than a "montage narratif" or "montage discursif". This study attempts to analyze the tendency of montage of works with 'uncertain connection' through 'collage' used by close-ups and montage decorrespondances as 'fragmentation tendency of modern films'. The fragmentation of the montage in contemporary film breaks the continuous and structural nature of the film, and confuses the narration structure that is visible on the surface of the film. The tendency of the fragmentation of the montage, which started from this close-up, seems to give an answer to the extensibility of the modern image.

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A Study for Pedestrian's Safety: Relating to TPB (무단횡단을 하는 보행자의 안전을 위한 연구: TPB를 중심으로)

  • Chang, Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.180-194
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    • 2015
  • On roads vehicles are the bossy, while pedestrians are the frangible. The current paper has a purpose for contributing to pedestrian's safety. First, it studies the association between demographic parameters and TPB(Theory of Planned Behavior)'s variables(pedestrian's attitude toward crossing behavior in roads, personal norm, etc.) and his/her crossing intention, perceived risk while crossing, and the experience of past traffic accidents. Its sample comes from a specific population(college students). Further, the present study endeavors to explain the portion of human cognitive failure/error, impulsiveness, time perspective, and probabilistic/math-logical judgment ability in pedestrian's riky crossings on roads. Research results found that TPB variables and such a few human characteristics have some significant association with the risky crossing intention on the road. Considering the human psychological portion in pedestrian accidents would help us prevent the accidents and reduce unhappiness of the accidents and, further, economic loss and insurance expenditure related with the accidents.

Locality as ontological 'Between' in Modern and Postmodern Discourse (근대와 탈근대 담론에서 존재론적 '사이'로서의 로컬리티)

  • Yi, Sae-seong
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.126
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    • pp.235-261
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to cast light upon the urgent problem philosophically the reason why local or locality can not help being raised as the problem of ontological 'between' in human life, in the post modern discourse trying to surmount the general modern system in modern times and it. Therefore, it is necessary that we should inspect the quality of human life, raising a basic question about the existence of human among many questions raised in the process of the discussion of modern and post modern(2). In addition, in the process, we should look into closely what relations local or locality has with the quality of human life, because only in the local, human can be the subject who is making meaning the time and the places, being tangled with the trace of various texture and wrinkles from life. Also, it is here, in the local that subjects can identify to live together through the intersubjective network(3). When these conditions are met, local or locality will emerge as the possibility of locality humanities, as ontological 'between' in human life, where true humane and social life is possible(4).