• 제목/요약/키워드: 스트레스 인지

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Strategies for Coping with Stress -Cognitive-behavioral Approaches- (스트레스 대응전략 -인지행동적 접근-)

  • Koh, Kyung-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 1995
  • Cognitive-behavioral approach can be clinically applied to coping with stress, because cognitions are playing a central mediating role in the occurances of stress and stress reactions. In other words, cognitive distortions can be associated with causing and/or maintaining psychopathology. The goal of cognitive-behavioral approach is to help the patients identify and alter cognitive distortions and maladaptive assumptions. This approach is aimed not at curing but rather at helping the patients to develop better coping strategies to deal with their life and work. The cognitive-behavioral techniques often used in this approach include problem solving, hypothesis-testing, self-monitoring, cognitive challenges, generating alternatives to automatic cognitive distortions, self-instruction, attribution and reattribution, and techniques to control or suppress thoughts. This approach is considered to be helpful for treatment and prevention of psychiatric disorders including psychosomatic disorders, in which stress can greatly affect their onset and course.

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Effects of Pregnant Women's Pregnancy Stress and Self-Esteem on Their Depression (임부의 우울에 임신 스트레스, 자아존중감이 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Ran Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.469-477
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    • 2021
  • This purpose of this study was to survey pregnancy stress, self-esteem and depression in pregnant women and to identify factors influencing depression. Data were collected 154 pregnant women. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, t-test, Scheffe's test, Stepwise Regression Analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient. There was statistically significant difference in pregnancy stress on variable such as planned pregnancy. There were statistically significant difference in self-esteem on variables such as religion, occupation, gestational age. There was statistically significant difference in depression on variables such as planned pregnancy. Pregnancy stress was positively correlated with depression. depression was negatively correlated with self-esteem. Self-esteem was negatively correlated with pregnancy stress. Factor influencing depression were self-esteem, planned pregnancy, pregnancy stress, which explained 30.2%. Findings provide useful information for further studies in antenatal care of pregnant women. Therefore, to promote emotional support of pregnant women, it is necessary to standardized antenatal education program.

The effects of stress perception due to COVID-19 and category coherence on category-based inductive generalization (코로나-19로 인한 스트레스 지각과 범주 응집성이 범주기반 귀납적 일반화에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Guk-Hee;Doh, Eun Yeong
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.135-154
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to confirm that the property generalization to social categories with low coherence is stronger when stress due to COVID-19 is perceived as high, compared to when stress is perceived as low. To this end, this study selected categories with high coherence(nun, soldier, flight attendant) and categories with low coherence(wedding planner, interpreter, florist), and recruited 336 participants to perform a category-based inductive generalization task(inferring how many properties repeatedly observed by some category members would appear across all category members), and measured their perceived COVID-19 stress. As a result, this study showed that when the cohesion of social categories is high, the effect of property generalization is stronger than when it is low, and the effect of property generalization is stronger in those who perceive stress due to Corona 19 higher than those who perceive it as low. In addition, this study confirmed that people who perceive COVID-19 stress strongly tend to generalize strongly to properties that are repeatedly observed in the low coherence category. This study is important in that it shows that there is a cognitive mechanism that is at the root of the phenomenon that stereotypes and prejudices deepen and discriminatory behaviors increase after the outbreak of COVID-19, such as COVID-19 stress and the resulting increase in attribute generalization tendency.

Structural Equation Model for the Subjective Happiness of Adolescents : Focused on Perceived Stress, Activities and Practices (청소년의 주관적 행복감 구조모형 : 스트레스 인지와 의도적 활동중심으로)

  • Wi, Ok-Youn;Lee, Ji-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.585-596
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    • 2016
  • This study was designed to examine the relationships among the levels of perceived stress, dietary behaviors, physical exercise, drinking, smoking, and relief from fatigue through sleep which affect the subjective happiness in adolescents. Based on the study findings, this paper proposes the basic data required for offering practical solutions to improve the subjective happiness of adolescents. IBM SPSS 20 and AMOS 23 were used to conduct frequency and descriptive analyses, in conjunction with Pearson's correlation coefficients, the AMOS bootstrapping method and phantom variables, for the raw data obtained from the 9,599 participants included in the 11th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey. Those factors having a direct effect on the subjective happiness of the adolescents were the level of perceived stress, relief from fatigue through sleep, physical exercise, dietary behavior and smoking. Perceived stress had an indirect effect on subjective happiness, and the analysis of the indirect effect and significance level of multiple mediators by means of phantom variables showed that, as well as perceived stress, relief from fatigue through sleep, physical exercise, dietary behaviors, and smoking also had indirect effects on subjective happiness. Consequently, a multidisciplinary approach is needed to optimize the subjective happiness in adolescents and financial support for environmental improvements is particularly necessary.

Effects of Ego Resilience, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies on Mental Health of Nursing Students (간호대학생의 자아탄력성, 인지적 정서조절전략, 학업스트레스가 정신건강에 미치는 영향)

  • Byun, Eun Kyung;Yang, Hyun Joo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to investigate ego resilience, cognitive emotion regulation strategies, academic stress on mental health of nursing students and provide data to increase mental health for nursing students based on the results. This research involved 299 nursing students in B city. The analyzed by the t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, multiple regression using SPSS/WIN 22.0. In results of the study, the average of mental health was 3.77±.98. Mental health were positively correlated with ego resilience (r=.450, p<.001), cognitive emotion regulation strategies (r=.408, p<.001), and was negatively correlated with academic stress (r=-.469, p<.001). Regression analysis showed 38.4% of variance in nursing student's the mental health can by experience of dating with age (β=-.171, p=.001), adjustment to college life (β=.223, p<.001), ego resilience (β=.203, p<.001), cognitive emotion regulation strategies (β=.179, p=.001), academic stress (β=-.193, p=.001). The fallow-up survey about various factors influencing nursing student's the mental health increasing program developing are required.

Analysis of Influencing Factors on Subjective Health Status by Life Cycle (KNHANES VII-3) (생애주기별 대상의 주관적 건강상태에 미치는 영향 요인 분석 (KNHANES VII-3))

  • Hae-Ryoung, Park;Hong-young, Jang
    • Journal of Advanced Technology Convergence
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the influencing factors of subjective health status among the subjects of the 7th year 3 (2018) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and to help provide programs for improving subjective health status in the future. Data from the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(2018) were used. Variables were age, gender, age, subjective health status, subjective body shape recognition, weight change over the past year, usual stress level, walking days per week, and strength training days per week. The higher the number of walking days per week, the lower the usual stress perception level. As the number of strength training days per week increased, the level of stress perception was lower (p<.001). The subjects' subjective health status was found to have a negative effect on their usual stress perception (β=-.759), subjective body shape (β=.111), age (β=.421), and number of days walking per week. (β=.968). Based on this study, it is intended to provide basic data for preparing programs to help improve stress perception and subjective health status in the future.

Direct and indirect effects of social support on young children's behavior problems and cognitive development in single-mother families with low income (미국 저소득 미혼모가구의 사회적 지지가 아동의 문제행동과 인지능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Pyun, Ho-Soon;Choi, Jeong-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Child Welfare
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    • no.36
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    • pp.133-163
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this study is to examine the relationships between social support and child behavior problems and cognitive development in low income female-headed families. Informed by the stress-coping theory, family process model, and theoretical perspectives related to social support, this study estimates both direct and indirect effects of social support on child behavior problems and cognitive development. In particular, we focus on how the relationship between child outcomes and social support is mediated by mothers' parenting stress. The first three waves of longitudinal data from a subsample of 1,315 single and non-cohabiting low-income mothers in the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study were utilized in this study. Results suggest that social support is directly associated with child behavior problems and also indirectly associated with child behavior problems mediated by mothers' parenting stress. Social support did not have a direct effect on children's cognitive development but rather had an indirect effect, which was mediated by mothers' parenting stress. The policy and practice implications of these findings are discussed.

Explaining Variance in Children's Recall of a Stressful Experience: Influence of Cognitive and Emotional Individual Differences (스트레스적 경험에 대한 아동 기억의 신뢰성과 인지 및 정서적 개인차 특성들과의 관계)

  • Seungjin Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.343-365
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    • 2013
  • This study examined the effects of various individual differences on children's memory of a stressful experience. The participants for the current study were children (N=85) aged 4-9 years those who experienced a naturally occurring stressful experience from a dental procedure. There was overall negative relation between the level of stress and children's memory performance. However, more interestingly, the results of this study provided some further evidence that several cognitive (i.e., receptive language ability and working memory capacity) and emotional (i.e., children's general anxiety condition, children's self-report of pain and anxiety about the event) individual difference factors were associated with variations in children's remembering across ages. The results suggest that the relation between stress and children's memory might be impacted in part by children's various individual characteristics. Furthermore, the findings are discussed in the applied context that based on the results clinical and legal professionals can tailor interviews to best meet children's needs and capabilities, and create developmentally and individually sensitive guidelines for interviewing children in the legal system.

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A Study of the Relationship between Perceived Stress, Self Respect & Stress Response in High School Students (인문계 남녀고등학생의 스트레스 인지, 자아존중감, 스트레스 반응간의 관계 연구)

  • Suk, Min-Hyun;Park, Jeoung-Weon
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.556-565
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived stress. self respect & stress response of high school students to provide the basic data for nursing intervention programs in order to manage stress in students. The subject of this study was 279 students (male; 179. female; 100) in high school. Seoul. Korea. during the period from July. 2000. The instruments for this study was a stress management scale developed by Park Young Ae(l996), a self respect scale by Coopersmith (1967) and a physical. emotional response scale to stress by Ro, Jae Hak(1991). The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test. Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of analysis were as follows: 1) Total perceived stress between males & females didn't show a significant difference but subgroups of stress, 'parent' & 'friend' showed significant differences. Male students were experienced in 'parent' stress than females and female students were more experienced in 'friend' stress than males. 2) A significant negative correlation was revealed between perceived stress & self respect. 3) A significant positive correlation was revealed between self respect & stress response. The result of this study lead us to the suggestion that for high school students. the development of stress management methods for improving self respect should be expanded.

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Nurses' Perceived Organizational Culture, Verbal Abuse and Job Stress (간호사가 인지하는 조직문화 유형과 언어폭력, 직무스트레스)

  • Lee, Yoon-Shin;Park, Sung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.292-304
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigates the relationship among nurses' organizational culture, verbal abuse by doctor and nurse, job stress. A survey using a structured questionnaire was conducted with 235 nurses of 4 hospitals. Collected data were analyzed with mean, standard deviation, t-test, correlation analysis, stepwise multiple regression. This study reported the culture is different depending on the hospitals. And relation-oriented culture had a significant positive correlation to verbal abuse by doctor and nurse and innovation for verbal abuse by doctor. Respectively showing explanatory power job stress score serving as the major predictor variable for relation-oriented culture and verbal abuse by nurse 6.5%. The results of this study suggest that type of organizational culture should be regarded as important factors of job stress and verbal abuse. The results imply that hospital administrators should pay attention to the organizational culture to decrease their job stress through effective communication programs.