• Title/Summary/Keyword: 스트레스 인지

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Influences of Student's Major Satisfaction on Job-seeking Stress - Focusing on Differences of IPP Experienced, Nonexperienced Groups - (대학생의 전공만족도가 취업스트레스에 미치는 영향 - IPP형 장기현장실습 경험 유무 집단 간 차이를 중심으로 -)

  • Chung, Byoung-gyu
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2020
  • This study empirical analysed how student's major satisfaction affected job-seeking stress. It also analysed the mean differences of major satisfaction and job-seeking stress between two groups(IPP experienced, non-experienced groups). 200 data were collected from the field survey questionnaires administered to a quota sample of university students who had IPP experience or non-experience. For hypothesis testing, the IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0 was used. As a result of empirical research analysis, first, it was found that major satisfaction had a negative effect on job-seeking stress. Among major satisfaction sub categories, subject satisfaction had negative effects on cognitive and physical stress, and relationship satisfaction also had negative effects on cognitive and physical stress. On the other hand, general satisfaction had a negative effect only on emotional stress. Second, there was a significant difference between major satisfaction and job-seeking stress. Major satisfaction of IPP experience group was high, and the job-seeking stress was low. Third, in the group of students who practiced IPP, subject satisfaction had a negative effect on emotional and physical stress, whereas subject satisfaction in the group of students who did not practice IPP had no significant effect on job-seekingt stress. In the case of relationship satisfaction, only non-practice groups had a negative effect on cognitive stress and physical stress. In the case of general satisfaction, only the IPP group showed negative effects on emotional stress. The results of this study supported the preceding studies that major satisfaction had an effect on job-seeking stress, and the study was meaningful in that it confirmed that there were differences between the IPP experienced, non-experienced groups. Based on this results, academic and practical implications were suggested.

The Effect of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Program on Stress, Self-esteem and Depression of Nursing Students (마음챙김기반 인지치료(MBCT) 프로그램이 간호대학생의 스트레스, 자아존중감 및 우울에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Yun Sook;Kim, Myung Ah
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.210-222
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy(MBCT) program on stress, self-esteem and depression of nursing college students. Thirty-eight students were enrolled by convenience sampling in this study and allocated to control (n=20) and experimental group (n=18). In the intervention group, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy program was applied over 8 sessions, while the control group received material of MBCT program. The data were analyzed using the Independent t- test, Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. There was significant difference in stress and depression between the groups, but the self-esteem did not show any significant effect. The results showed that MBCT program is effective to regulate stress and depression of nursing college students and a further study is needed to explore the effect of MBCT program on stress and depression of nursing college students.

The Effect of Emotional Expressive Ambivalence on Interpersonal Stress :The Mediating Effect of Social Support and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategy (직장인의 정서표현 양가성이 대인관계 스트레스에 미치는 영향:사회적 지지와 인지적 정서조절전략의 매개효과)

  • Lee, Hyun-Joo;Chung, Eun-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.558-576
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of the research was to verify the mediating effect of social support and cognitive emotional regulation strategy when office worker's emotional expressive ambivalence influences on interpersonal stress. A survey was conducted with 422 office workers from August to September of 2018. SPSS, AMOS and Mplus were used for descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, verification of structural equation modeling and mediated effect. There was a partial mediating effect in emotional expressive ambivalence of self-defense model, a complete mediating effect in relational emotional expressive ambivalence model. In both self-defense and relational emotional expressive ambivalence model, double mediation effect of passing through support and cognitive emotional regulation strategy in the relationship between emotional expressive ambivalence and interpersonal stress was significant. This study sought ways to reduce interpersonal stress by increasing the level of perception of social support and using adaptive cognitive emotional control strategies for office workers.

An Analysis of Middle School Students' Academic procrastination on Their Academic Achievement (중학생의 학업적 꾸물거림과 학업성취도에 관한 실증적 인과관계 분석)

  • LEE, Shin-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to examine the effects of academic procrastination in middle school students on their academic achievement. It also analyzed the influences of stress level recognized by middle school students on their academic achievement. First, it examined theoretical and preceding studies and assumed that sub-factors of academic procrastination in middle school students such as behavioral, cognitive and emotional factors affected their academic achievement. It was assumed that the middle school students' stress had the direct mediating effects on their academic achievement. As a result of the research, it was found that sub-factors of academic procrastination in middle school students such as behavioral, cognitive and emotional factors had partially direct influence on their stress and academic achievement. It was shown that the analysis of mediating effects from middle school students' stress had no influence on the academic achievement. This study presented policy suggestions of academic achievement in middle school students as an alternative based on the research results.

A Study on the Factors Influencing Stress, Sadness and Despair of Body Image Distortion Adolescents (신체인지 왜곡 청소년의 스트레스, 슬픔과 절망감 영향 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Myoungjin;Kim, Sun Ae
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.377-385
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to identify the factors associated with distorted body image in adolescents according to sex. The data obtained from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey (2019). The subjects included 9,635 adolescents who perceived their body type as overweight, despite having a normal body mass index. The main finding indicated that high levels of fast food consumption were associated with significantly higher feelings of stress, sadness, and despair in both males and females. In addition, both males and females experienced elevated levels of stress, sadness, and despair when they perceived that they were not sufficiently physically active. The results of this study can be used for the development of interventions for adolescents with distorted body image.

Critical Analysis of Conceptual Model of Touch (신체 접촉 모형의 비평 분석)

  • Kim, Eun-Joo
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.395-402
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    • 1997
  • 인지능력 손상으로 인해 치매환자의 정상 언어 사용은 점차 감소되고 좌절감과 스트레스는 상승된다. 신체접촉은 비언어적 의사소통의 한 형태로서 치매환자를 지지하고 스트레스 상황에서 겪는 불안을 완화한다. Hollinger와 Buschmann은 1993년 신체 접촉 모형을 개발하였으며, 그 모형을 적용하여 신체접촉 인지도와 우울과의 관계와 신체 접촉의 우울증감소 효과를 정상 노인과 우울증 노인을 대상으로 연구했다. 그러나, 모형을 치매환자 연구에 적용시켜 검토한 연구는 언다. 본 연구의 목적은 신체 접촉 모형을 비평 분석하는 것이다. 또한, 분석을 기초로 하여 모형을 치매 환자 연구에 적용하도록 변형시켰다. 치매 환자의 인지, 언어 능력은 손상되었지만, 환경에 반응하는 감정과 접촉 감각은 유지되고 있다는 것은 신체 접촉 모형을 치매환자에게 적용할 때 반드시 고려해야 할 점이다. 개인의 문화 차이는 신체 접촉에 대한 인지와 반응에 영향을 준다. 따라서, 연구대상자 선택시 대상자가 신체 접촉을 긍정적으로 받아들이고 있는지를 확인해야 할 것이다. 대상자는 인지 능력 손상으로 면담이나 질문지에 적당히 반응할 수 없으므로 연구시 관찰 방법의 이용을 제언한다.

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Cognitive behavior intervention for critical incident stress management in fire fighters in Korea (소방공무원의 위기상황 스트레스 관리를 위한 인지행동 개입과 대책)

  • Lee, Eun-Jung;Kim, Jee-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of the study is to investigate the predisposing factors of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in fire fighters in Korea and to suggest the program development and solution to the critical incident stress management (CISM) in the future. PTSD is characterized by invasion, withdrawal, negative change of cognition and mood, and hypersensitivity. Trauma memory includes explicit memory and implicit memory. The explicit memory is conscious, cognitive, and descriptive and is controlled by hippocampus. The data of explicit memory have inhibitive and narrative language structure. The implicit memory is inconscious, emotional, and remembered by the body. The implicit memory is controlled by amygdala and has inexpressive language structure. The deletion of implicit memory is the key point to trauma treatment. Critical incident stress management (CISM) is the approach for the solution of PTSD. In conclusion, the essential goal of CISM is the psychological cessation of PTSD. This study tried to suggest the education program development of PTSD.

A Study on Mental Health Assessment and Mental Wellbeing Management System (멘탈헬스 측정 및 멘탈웰빙 관리시스템 기술개발 동향)

  • Kim, M.J.;Park, K.H.;Kim, J.S.;Kim, H.S.;Kwon, O.C.;Yoon, D.S.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.32-41
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    • 2021
  • As the COVID-19 crisis continues, working environments and lifestyles have been changed unexpectedly, therefore the importance of mental health in the working environments has been highlighted. When the workers' mental health deteriorates, there will be personal losses but also human resources losses caused productivity decrements of the company or the organization. Many researchers have been tried to solve these issues with the help of ICT technologies such as wearable devices. Most wearable healthcare devices have been designed to detect the physiological status of users and collect the physical activities of users, and their applications are gradually expanding. Those devices may be good candidates to prevent loss of human resources from working environments especially under the COVID-19 situation by continuously monitoring mental health status in connection with mobile devices and managing the mental health on their own by combining mental well-being with support solutions. In this paper, the development trend of mental health measurement and mental well-being support technologies is analyzed, and development prospects are examined.

해상교통관제사의 직무스트레스 분석에 관한 연구 - 한국인 직무스트레스 측정도구를 이용하여-

  • Kim, Yu-Sun;Park, Yeong-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.107-109
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    • 2013
  • 해상교통관제 업무는 선박사고 발생 위험에 대한 부담감 및 교대근무 등 불규칙한 근무형태로 인해 스트레스가 많은 직종이다. 특히나 관제 업무는 고도의 주의와 예측능력을 요구하는 업무로 이를 저해하는 인적요인 분석 및 관리 필요성이 절실한 분야지만 관제사의 직무스트레스에 관한 연구가 전무한 실정이다. 관제사의 스트레스로 인한 피로증상은 관제업무수행에 필요한 인지능력이나 의사결정 능력을 저하시킬 수 있고 이로 인해 업무수행에 차질을 빚을 경우 안전사고로 이어질 수 있는 위험이 존재한다. 그러므로 안전과 직결된 관제사의 스트레스는 과학적으로 연구되어야 하며 제도적 마련과 더불어 체계적 관리가 필요할 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 한국인 직무스트레스 측정도구를 이용하여 관제사의 직무 스트레스 수준을 파악하고 직무스트레스 관리의 필요성에 대하여 제고해보고자 한다.

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An Impact of Empathy on the Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention - Focused on the Mediating Effect of Job Stress - (조직구성원의 공감이 직무만족과 이직의도에 미치는 영향 - 직무스트레스의 매개효과 -)

  • Choi, Su-Heyong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.229-250
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    • 2016
  • This research was conducted to examine the effects of cognitive and emotional empathy amongst employees, and its contribution to the enhancement of the effectiveness of an organization. Further, 'job stress' was used as the moderating value. For this purpose, examination procedures were based on theoretical ground drawn from previous research papers, and an appropriate hypothesis established. Statistical methods were also employed to obtain empirical evidence. This study consisted of four variables. The independent variable is categorised into the factors of cognitive and emotional empathy. Job stress as the moderating value as well as job satisfaction and turnover intention as members of the dependent variable. A survey was carried out targeting employees of numerous firms working in teams, and a total of 324 samples were collected and processed by the software package SPSS 21 for windows as a means to verify the set study model and hypothesis. The results of the study are as follows: The two factor of cognitive and emotional empathy did not present with any significant effects. However, cognitive empathy in relation to job stress was found to inflict negative effects. The study also found the two factors to play a significant role in asserting positive effects on an individual's level of satisfaction on his/her job. While the study further explained that cognitive understanding had the tendency to impose negative effects on the turnover intention, emotional empathy did not demonstrate significant effects. Job related stress negatively effects the level of satisfaction of an individual's given task or a job and positive relation with turnover intention. It was confirmed that job stress had a degree of intermediary role upon other factors such as empathy, job satisfaction and turnover intention. The results of the study purported that empathy can raise the level of an individual's job satisfaction and kerb turnover intention. In order to accomplish depreciated levels of job related stress, it is vital that firms consistently input fervent endeavours to be subserved. It must be able to create an environment wherein employees may enjoy the improved structure of the company to empathies with each other. These transitions would allow firms to achieve maximum efficiency and improvements on the effectiveness of an organization.

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