• Title/Summary/Keyword: 순환영역

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A Study on the CAI Combustion Characteristics and Stratified Combustion to Extend the Operating Region Using Direct Injection Gasoline Engine (직접분사식 가솔린 엔진을 이용한 CAI 연소특성 및 운전영역 확대를 위한 성층 연소 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Hee;Choi, Young-Jong;Lim, Kyoung-Bin;Lee, Ki-Hyung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2006
  • Controlled Auto Ignition(CAI) combustion has great potential in achieving significant increase in engine efficiency, while simultaneously reducing exhaust emissions. The process itself involves the auto ignition and subsequent simultaneous combustion of a premixed charge. In this study, NVO(Negative Valve Overlap) system was applied to a CAI engine in order to use residual gas. The fuel was injected directly to the cylinder under the high temperature condition resulting from heating the intake port to initiate CAI combustion. This paper introduced the valve timing strategy and experimental set-up. From this study, the effect of engine speed and valve timing on CAI combustion and exhaust emissions was clarified. In addition, stratified charge method was used to extend CAI operating region.

Analysis of long-term climate variability by extending hydrologic time series (수문 시계열 확장을 통한 장기 기후 변동성 분석)

  • Kim, Taereem;Kim, Hanbeen;Jung, Younghun;Heo, Jun-Haeng
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.308-308
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    • 2019
  • 지구상 해양, 대기 및 대륙 상호간의 연속적인 물의 거동을 나타내는 물의 순환의 주요 과정 중 하나인 유량 자료는 경년부터 수십년간의 다양한 기상학적 변동성을 내포하며 해당 지역의 수문기상학적 특성을 반영한다. 이러한 기상학적 변동성 중에서 비교적 긴 시간 주기를 나타내는 저주파 진동은 전지구적 기후변화의 장기적 영향을 나타내며 해수면 상승, 홍수 또는 가뭄과 같은 극한 수문사상을 나타내는 매우 주요한 지표로 활용되고 있지만 관측된 수문 시계열의 짧은 자료길이로 인하여 통계적 분석의 신뢰성에 한계를 보여왔다. 따라서 과거 수문 시계열의 확장으로 인하여 부재의 영역으로 남아있던 자료 기간의 한계가 보완되면 보다 정확하고 신뢰도 있는 분석이 가능할 것이다. 나무나이테를 활용한 고기후 복원 등의 연구가 증가하고 있지만 공학 분야에서 이를 실제로 활용한 연구는 아직 미비하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 과거 기후의 정보를 바탕으로 복원된 수문 시계열을 활용하여 수문 시계열에 내재된 장기 기후 변동성을 통계적으로 분석하기 위한 문헌들을 조사하고, 장기적인 시간 흐름에 내재된 잠재적인 경향 및 변동성을 통계적 분석을 파악하고자 한다. 이를 위해 주어진 수문 시계열에 내재된 저주파 신호을 추출하기 위한 경험적 모드분해법을 활용하여 수문 자료에 내재된 장기 변동성을 추출하였으며, 산업화 이전부터 연장된 수문 시계열의 공학적 활용성을 분석하고자 한다.

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A Numerical Study of the Flow Characteristics and Starting Pressure of a Center Body Diffuser According to the Center Body Position and Cone Angle (Center Body 위치와 Cone 각도에 따른 Center Body Diffuser의 유동특성 및 시동에 대한 수치적 연구)

  • Lee, Sung Hun;Park, Jin;Kim, Hong Jip
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2019
  • In this study, flow characteristics and the starting pressure of a center body diffuser (CBD) were analyzed at various center body (CB) positions and cone angles. According to the CB position, the location of oblique shock moved to the front from behind the CB cone with an increase in the flow momentum. Additionally, when a strong oblique shock occurred, the direction of supersonic flow was affected and induced to diffuser wall. As a function of different cone angles for the oblique shock, the starting pressure of the CBD was significantly affected.

Thrust performance at the various pintle shapes and positions (핀틀 형상 및 위치에 따른 추력 성능)

  • Kim, Joung-Keun;Lee, Ji-Hyung;Jang, Hong-Been
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 2008
  • The effect of pintle shapes and position to the thrust performance of Solid Rocket Motor was studied by experimental-aided Computational Fluid Dynamic(CFD). Among the turbulent models for RANS in Fluent, Spalart-Allmaras model was better agreement with the nozzle wall pressure distribution attained by cold-flow test than other models. When nozzle throat area was decreased, magnitude of thrust was increased. The bigger pintle size was, the more thrust of pintle tip pressure was obtained. Meanwhile the more thrust of nozzle and chamber pressure decreased. Hence, total thrust of big pintle was less than a small pintle under same throat area condition.

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Numerical study on flow characteristics of a variable thrust side jet thruster with a rectangular nozzle (사각 노즐이 적용된 가변 추력용 측추력기의 유동특성에 관한 수치해석)

  • Kim, Li-Na;Sung, Hong-Gye;Jeon, Young-Jin;Cho, Seung-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.110-116
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    • 2012
  • To analyze flow characteristics and performance of the side jet thruster with 4 shutters and rectangular nozzles, a 3-D simulation has been implemented. Numerical calculations for three rotation anlgles of the shutter, have been conducted. Internal recirculation in a chamber and asymmetric flow structure in a nozzle were observed. In addition, the more shutter rotated, the more asymmetries of flow increased, and this phenomena resulted in thrust bias. The degrees of thrust bias and thrust performance with the rotation angles of the shutter were predicted and comparisons with theoretical thrust were made.

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Numerical Study on the Flow Characteristics of a Side Jet Thruster Having Variable Thrust with a Rectangular Nozzle (사각 노즐이 적용된 가변 추력용 측추력기의 유동특성에 관한 수치해석)

  • Kim, Lina;Sung, Hong-Gye;Jeon, Young-Jin;Cho, Seunghwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2013
  • To analyze flow characteristics of the side jet thruster with 4 shutters and rectangular nozzles, a 3-D simulation has been implemented. Numerical calculations for two rotation angles of the shutter, have been conducted. Internal recirculation in a chamber and asymmetric flow structure in a nozzle were observed. In addition, the more shutter rotated, the more asymmetries of flow increased, and this phenomena resulted in thrust bias. The degrees of thrust bias and thrust performance with the rotation angles of the shutter were predicted and compared with theoretical thrust.

Numerical Study on an E-D Nozzle Characteristics with Various Pintle Inflection Angles (핀틀 변곡 각도에 따른 E-D 노즐 특성에 대한 전산수치해석 연구)

  • Park, Sanghyeon;Moon, Taeseok;Huh, Hwanil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2018
  • In this study, a numerical study was conducted to characterize the E-D nozzle which changes according to the nozzle pressure ratios. Three different numerical analysis models were designed by changing the pintle inflection angles. When the nozzle pressure ratio is low, the outside air flows into the E-D nozzle to form an open flow field. As the nozzle pressure ratio increases, the flow transition occurs to become the closed flow field where the recirculation region is isolated inside the nozzle. Also, the highest thrust coefficient was obtained in the analytical model with high pintle inflection angle at all nozzle pressure ratios.

Climate and geomorphic internal variabilities (기후 변화 및 침식 현상에서의 내적변동성)

  • Kim, Jongho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.39-39
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    • 2016
  • 기후 변화의 수자원 영향 평가에서 전지구모형이 갖는 불확실성이나 이산화탄소 배출 등의 시나리오별 불확실성에 대해서는 많은 연구가 진행되어져 왔으나, 외부의 변화가 아닌 지구 시스템상의 내부 변화에 대한 자연적인 변동성에 대해서는 상대적으로 연구가 미흡한 상태이다. 대표적인 내적 변동성의 예시로 엘리뇨 또는 라니뇨 현상을 들 수 있으며, 일정 영역 해수의 온도 변화에 따른 순환정도가 전세계적으로 큰 영향 (태풍, 가뭄, 홍수 등)을 주는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 유역에서의 침식 및 퇴적 현상에서도 기후변화에서와 비슷한 내적변동성의 영향이 관찰되어지나, 과거의 대부분의 연구는 외적변동성의 영향에만 집중되어 왔다. 가장 빈번하게 발생하는 예로, 토양 표면의 미묘한 변화 (aggregation, dispersion, shielding, crusting 등)때문에 같은 양의 강우 또는 유출이 발생하는 경우라도 같은 양의 침식량이 발생하지 않는 현상을 들 수 있다. 여기에서 다루어지는 침식량의 '다름'은 같은 지역에서라도 적게는 수십배에서 크게는 수백배까지 예측량이 다를 수 있음을 뜻한다. 이러한 다름이 그동안 수자원/지질학을 연구하는 학자 및 실무자로 하여금 수치모델을 적용하고 예측하는 것을 어렵게 했던 원인이 되었다. 본 연구에서는 기후 변화가 가져올 수자원의 영향 평가를 수행할 것이다. 관심있는 기후변화 변수로서 기온 및 강수량을 시간단위로 상세화할 것이며, 변화한 기후의 영향을 평가할 수자원의 현상으로는 증발산, 토양수분량, 유출량, 하천에서의 수심 및 첨두량, 침식량 등을 고려할 것이다. 물리현상을 모의하기 위해, 유역기반의 수리, 수문, 침식 및 퇴적 현상을 동시에 계산할 수 있는 통합모델을 개발하였고 적용하였다. 여기에서 얻은 결과로부터 내적 변동성이 수자원 현상에 미치는 불확실성을 확률통계적인 기법을 이용하여 정량화할 수 있을 것이다.

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Product Recommendation Using Survey And Skin Type (피부 상태 문진을 활용한 개인화 맞춤형 화장품 추천에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hakgwon;Lim, Young-Hwan;Lin, Bin
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.435-439
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    • 2022
  • Many of the industry was changed because of the pandemic of covid 19. It combined with the tendency of modern people to pursue convenience. The industry of Cosmetics also changed business channel from offline to online. Before, people can not get suggestions after they complete the survey. This paper research how to suggest some cosmetics products with their skin type and skin data. We will develop Beauty Concierge system that can get suggestion after the survey. It's will make people attend activity and can make more benefit to the people.

Prediction of Isothermal and Reacting Flows in Widely-Spaced Coaxial Jet, Diffusion-Flame Combustor (큰 지름비를 가지는 동축제트 확산화염 연소기내의 등온 및 연소 유동장의 예측)

  • O, Gun-Seop;An, Guk-Yeong;Kim, Yong-Mo;Lee, Chang-Sik
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.2386-2396
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    • 1996
  • A numerical simulation has been performed for isothermal and reacting flows in an exisymmetric, bluff-body research combustor. The present formulation is based on the density-weighted averaged Navier-Stokes equations together with a k-epsilon. turbulence model and a modified eddy-breakup combustion model. The PISO algorithm is employed for solution of thel Navier-Stokes system. Comparison between measurements and predictions are made for a centerline axial velocities, location of stagnation points, strength of recirculation zone, and temperature profile. Even though the numerical simulation gives acceptable agreement with experimental data in many respects, the present model is defictient in predicting the recoveryt rate of a central near-wake region, the non-isotropic turbulence effects, and variation of turbulent Schmidt number. Several possible explanations for these discrepancies have been discussed.