• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수적층

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Study on the Manufacturing techniques & Conservation of Iron Pot from Cheonmachong Ancient Tomb (천마총 출토 철부(鐵釜)의 제작기법 및 보존처리)

  • Lee, Seung Ryul;Shin, Yong Bi;Jung, Won Seob
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.263-275
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    • 2014
  • It's shown how to proceed the study on Manufacturing techniques & Conservation to the Iron Pot from Cheonmachong Ancient Tomb(the 155th Tomb in Hwangnam-dong). In order to investigate manufacturing techniques of the Iron Pot, some parts of the relic were gathered. After mounting, polishing and etching on the relic, analyzing the metal microstructure was conducted. Also it's conducted a SEM-EDS analysis on the nonmetallic inclusion. White iron structure was observed in the metallurgical structure inspection, SEM-EDS analysis. It seems to be dried slowly at room temperature after casting, doesn't look as particular heat treatment to improve brittleness. It is estimated that it's as the handle seam side were verified about 3cm inch wide, 1.5 thick in center of body, so 2 separate half-completed products was cast with width-type mould. The manufacturing techniques Using white cast iron structure, width-type mould are observable to the Iron Pot excavated from Sikrichong Ancient Tomb & Hwangnamdaechong grand Ancient Tomb around those were constructed the same time. It's able to recognize that it's almost identical manufacturing techniques at that time. Conservation is generically following those are survey of pretreatment, foreign material removal, stabilization, restoration and color matching in the order. cleaning & drying were added to the process as occasion demands. The strengthening treatment were difficult with artifact's volume, low concentration Paraloid NAD-10 solution was spread two or three times with a brush, surface hardening also came up with 15wt% Paraloid NAD-10 solution after the conservation was complete. There were connection & restoration for the restoration to the damage after modeling forms that it's similar to damaged parts by using the Fiber Reinforced Plastic resins(POLYCOAT FH-245, mold laminated type). Throughout this research, capitalizing on accumulations of measurements about the production technique of Iron Pot in the time of the fifth and 6th centuries is no less important than the Iron artifact's conservation for a better study in the future.

Development of pallet-scale modified atmosphere packaging for 'Tabor' tomatoes (토마토 'Tabor' 품종의 파렛트 단위 MAP 적용 연구)

  • Park, Jong Woo;Kim, Jinse;Park, Seok Ho;Choi, Dong Soo;Choi, Seung Ryul;Kim, Yong Hoon;Lee, Soo Jang;Park, Chun Wan;Lee, Jung Soo
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.614-622
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of modified-atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality change of "Tabor" tomatoes during long-term exportation periods. Hydroponics tomatoes were harvested at the turning stage, sorted, and box packed and then packaged in nylon film with a pallet. The packaged pallet was filled with a gas composition (5% $O_2$, 1% $CO_2$, and 94% $N_2$) and stored at $10^{\circ}C$ for three weeks. The quality changes in weight loss, firmness, color, acidity, soluble solids, and microorganism growth were measured every 7 day interval. During the initial storage, the pallet-scale MAP showed slightly higher weight loss and firmness changes when compared to the conventional pallet. The total color change (${\Delta}E$) during ripening was delayed 10% under MAP storage. Acidity, soluble solids and phenolic compound contents decreased with increases in storage time regardless of the storage method; however, the quality changes of tomatoes were delayed in the MAP pallet. Furthermore, the decay rate of the pallet-scale MAP stored for 14 days was less than that of the conventional pallet, and the number of microorganisms was approximately 30% lower in the pallet-scale MAP, showing a positive effect on marketability. These results suggested that the pallet-scale MAP of tomatoes could ensure higher quality and longer storage periods than conventional pallet storage.

Sedimentary facies and micropaleontological study of tidal sediments off the Mankyung-Dongjin River estuary, west coast of Korea. (한국 서해 만경강-동진강 하구역 및 연안역 조간대 퇴적층의 퇴적상과 미고생물학 적 연구)

  • 이영길;박용안
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 1995
  • The sedimentary environments and biostratigrapy of the tidal sediments off the Mankyung-Dongjin River estuary were studied based on sedimentary facies and diatom assemblage analysis. Sediment facies from the five vibracores are mainly clay, silt, and sand facies. The clay and silty sediment facies are more dominant than the sandy facies, and contain diatom frustules. The frequency of the diatom frustules are rate to common, but not found in sandy sediment facies. Bigeneric structures such as burrow and non-bigeneric primary sedimentary structures such as laminated sand and mud or silt and mud couplets, flaser bedding, ripple-cross lamination are found in several stratigraphic levels of the sedimentary sequences. A total of 219 species and varieties, belonging to 61 genera has been identified in the present study. Among them, paralia sulcata is the most abundant species about 30 to 50% of the total diatom frustules. Another predominant species are Cyclotella striata. Thalassionema nitzschioides. Actinoptychus undulatus. Delphineis surirella, Raphoneis amphiceros. Most of the diatoms occurred in this study area are marine, marine-brackish water, and brackish water species, and are benthic and tychopelagic or meroplanktonic species. Also, most of the species are coastal to littoral and littoral to inner neritic species. The occurrences of freshwater species, about 1 to 5% is higher than that of the Namyang Bay tidal sediments. The ecological properties of the diatoms occurred in the study area and primary sedimentary structure such as flaser bedding ripple cross bedding indicate that the deposits are formed under coastal or littoral to subeditorial environments such as tidal zone which was subjected to the influenced of stream water and was more strongly influenced by temperate to warm water than cold water. The sedimentary environments have not been changed distinctively during the time of deposition. The vertical distribution pattern of diatoms in the study area is studied by Q-mode cluster Analysis using spss/pc+ (ver.4.0). The results show that the three cores (GE-3, GE-11, GE-12) are divided into two diatom assemblages, respectively. Biostratigraphic correlation using the data of Q-mode Cluster Analysis are attempt in this study.

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Marginal and internal fit of interim crowns fabricated with 3D printing and milling method (3D 프린팅 및 밀링 방법으로 제작된 임시 보철물 적합도 비교 분석)

  • Son, Young-Tak;Son, KeunBaDa;Lee, Kyu-Bok
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.254-261
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the marginal and internal fit of interim crowns fabricated by two different manufacturing method (subtractive manufacturing technology and additive manufacturing technology). Materials and Methods: Forty study models were fabricated with plasters by making an impression of a master model of the maxillary right first molar for ceramic crown. On each study model, interim crowns (n = 40) were fabricated using three types of 3D printers (Meg-printer 2; Megagen, Zenith U; Dentis, and Zenith D; Dentis) and one type milling machine (imes-icore 450i; imes-icore GmbH). The internal of the interim crowns were filled with silicon and fitted to the study model. Internal scan data was obtained using an intraoral scanner. The fit of interim crowns were evaluated in the margin, absolute margin, axial, cusp, and occlusal area by using the superimposition of 3D scan data (Geomagic control X; 3D Systems). The Kruskal-wallis test, Mann-Whitney U test and Bonferroni correction method were used to compare the results among groups (α = 0.05). Results: There was no significant difference in the absolute marginal discrepancy of the temporary crown manufactured by three 3D printers and one milling machine (P = 0.812). There was a significant difference between the milling machine and the 3D printer in the axial and occlusal area (P < 0.001). The temporary crown with the milling machine showed smaller axial gap and higher occlusal gap than 3D printer. Conclusion: Since the marginal fit of the temporary crown produced by three types of 3D printers were all with in clinically acceptable range (< 120 ㎛), it can be sufficiently used for the fabrication of the temporary crown.

Voltammetric Sensor Incorporated with Conductive Polymer, Tyrosinase, and Ionic Liquid Electrolyte for Bisphenol F (전도성고분자, 티로시나아제 효소 및 이온성 액체 전해질을 융합한 전압전류법 기반의 비스페놀F 검출 센서)

  • Sung Eun Ji;Sang Hyuk Lee;Hye Jin Lee
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.258-263
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    • 2023
  • In this study, conductive polymers and the enzyme tyrosinase (Tyr) were deposited on the surface of a screen printed carbon electrode (SPCE), which can be fabricated as a disposable sensor chip, and applied to the detection of bisphenol F (BPF), an endocrine disruptor with proven links to male diseases and thyroid disorders, using electrochemical methods. On the surface of the SPCE working electrode, which was negatively charged by oxygen plasma treatment, a positively charged conductive polymer, poly(diallyldimethyl ammonium chloride) (PDDA), a negatively charged polymer compound, poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS), and another layer of PDDA were layered by electrostatic attraction in the order of PDDA, PSS, and finally PDDA. Then, a layer of Tyr, which was negatively charged due to pH adjustment to 7.0, was added to create a PDDA-PSS-PDDA-Tyr sensor for BPF. When the electrode sensor is exposed to a BPF solution, which is the substrate and target analyte, 4,4'-methylenebis(cyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-dione) is generated by an oxidation reaction with the Tyr enzyme on the electrode surface. The reduction process of the product at 0.1 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) generating 4,4'-methylenebis(benzene-1,2-diol) was measured using cyclic and differential pulse voltammetries, resulting in a change in the peak current with respect to the concentration of BPF. In addition, we compared the detection performance of BPF using an ionic liquid electrolyte as an alternative to phosphate-buffered saline, which has been used in many previous sensing studies. Furthermore, the selectivity of bisphenol S, which acts as an interfering substance with a similar structure to BPF, was investigated. Finally, we demonstrated the practical applicability of the sensor by applying it to analyze the concentration of BPF in real samples prepared in the laboratory.

The Morphology, Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Red-Yellow Soils in Korea (우리나라 전토양(田土壤)의 특성(特性) (저구릉(低丘陵), 산록(山麓) 및 대지(臺地)에 분포(分布)된 적황색토(赤黃色土)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Shin, Yong Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.35-52
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    • 1973
  • Red Yellow Soils occur very commonly in Korea and constitute the important upland soils of the country which are either presently being cultivated or are suitable for reclaiming and cultivating. These soils are distributed on rolling, moutain foot slopes, and terraces in the southern and western parts of the central districts of Korea, and are derived from granite, granite gneiss, old alluvium and locally from limestone and shale. This report is a summary of the morphology, physical and chemical characteristics of Red Yellow Soils. The data obtained from detailed soil surveys since 1964 are summarized as follows. 1. Red-Yellows Soils have an A, Bt, C profile. The A horizon is dark colored coarse loamy or fine loamy with the thin layer of organic matter. The B horizon is dominantly strong brown, reddish brown or yellowish red, clayey or fine loamy with clay cutans on the soil peds. The C horizon varies with parent materials, and is coarser texture and has a less developed structure than the Bt horizon. Soil depth, varied with relief and parent materials, is predominantly around 100cm. 2. In the physical characteristics, the clay content of surface soil is 18 to 35 percent, and of subsoil is 30 to 90 percent nearly two times higher than the surface soil. Bulk density is 1.2 to 1.3 in the surface soil and 1.3 to 1.5 in the subsoil. The range of 3-phase is mostly narrow with 45 to 50 percent in solid phase, 30 to 45 percent in liquid one, and 5 to 25 percent in gaseous state in the surface soil; and 50 to 60 solid, 35 to 45 percent liquid and less than 15 percent gaseous in the subsoil. Available soil moisture capacity ranges from 10 to 23 percent in the surface soil, and 5 to 16 percent in the subsoil. 3. Chemically, soil reaction is neutral to alkaline in soils derived from limestone or old fluviomarine deposits, and acid to strong acid in other ones. The organic matter content of surface soil varying considerably with vegetation, erosion and cultivation, ranges from 1.0 to 5.0 percent. The cation exchange capacity is 5 to 40 me/100gr soil and closely related to the content of organic matter, clay and silt. Base saturation is low, on the whole, due to the leaching of extractable cations, but is high in soils derived from limestone with high content of lime and magnesium. 4. Most of these soils mainly contain halloysite (a part of kaolin minerals), vermiculite (weathered mica), and illite, including small amount of chlorite, gibbsite, hematite, quartz and feldspar. 5. Characteristically they are similar to Red Yellow Podzolic Soils and a part of Reddish Brown Lateritic Soils of the United States, and Red Yellow Soils of Japan. According to USDA 7th Approximation, they can be classified as Udu Its or Udalfs, and in FAO classification system to Acrisols, Luvisols, and Nitosols.

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